For the mail server, postfix and qmail which is the
Can I do the authentication by ldap in the
Does anyone now some resources about the mail
(postfix, qmail) + Ldap
Fred Zhang
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-q
uname -a
FreeBSD sagan.tpn 4.7-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 4.7-PRERELEASE #0: Tue Sep 10 02:39:30 CST
2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/SAGAN i386
I am not sure if this is an ISP problem or an error in userland ppp or
an error with my config files. However this has only been an issue since
# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2002-09-19 00:44:27 -0700:
> Hi,
> For the mail server, postfix and qmail which is the best?
this question is too vague to yield a sensible answer.
> Can I do the authentication by ldap in the postfix?
> Does anyone now some resources about the mail
Quoth Roman Neuhauser on Thu, Sep 19, 2002 at 10:08:49 +0200
> > For the mail server, postfix and qmail which is the best?
> this question is too vague to yield a sensible answer.
Exim (www.exim.org) is as well a good one. Clear syntax and easy to
understand configuration file.
> > C
At 16:27 2002-09-18 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi all!
> How can I create a bootable CD that has an image of an existing
>custom freeBSD system, such that when I pop the CD into any other machine
>it will boot and install the image on the hard drive? So that I just
check out LiveCD, http://li
On Wed, 18 Sep 2002 22:54, Fernando Gleiser wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Ian Moore wrote:
> > so I'm wondering how to get ncsa (or any other authentication system)
> > running with squid. All the squid documentation just seems to assume that
> > ncsa_auth is available.
> It is in the auth_modul
On Wed, 18 Sep 2002 13:41:49 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roman
Neuhauser) wrote:
>hmmm, i got to http://people.freebsd.org/~jdp/s1g/
>read this page.
>you have a kind of chicken and egg problem: you need to update
>cvsup, but it's too old, and will get kicked from cvsup
On Tue, 17 Sep 2002 23:44:13 +
"Weston M. Price" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to run a few applications, most notably Eclipse 2.0.1 and
> Netscape7 (the FreeBSD port). Each time I try and start an app I get the
> following error
> ELF interpreter /compa
This might seem like a strange question, but maybe someone
has an answer or idea ...
Under certain circumstances, I need to restart a machine's
multi-user mode without manual intervention. In other words,
it should perform a shutdown, killing all processes, but then
(instead of prompting fo
On Thursday 19 September 2002 01:52 am, Kris Kennaway wrote:
| On Wed, Sep 11, 2002 at 06:47:11PM -0400, Adam Bender wrote:
| > I tried to install LaTeX through /usr/ports/print/latex, and it
| > seemed to go OK, but it seems to be missing the package files.
| > When I try to compile with it, i
On Thursday 19 September 2002 01:38 am, Peter Leftwich wrote:
| Tonight I surprised myself by running `find ~/Desktop/folder/ -name
| "*.jpg" -exec mv {} ~/Desktop/folderjpgs/ \;` successfully! My first
| custom find command line ever.
| But there were two issues -- I had to escape the semic
I've got a 4.6 STABLE machine (last cvsup'd about a month or so ago), that
I use for my workstation within a medium size company. We are in the throes
of a "merger", and the corporate people are using this as a n excuse to redo
(read break) many things.
I find myself in a position where I need to
> yes, i can. :) the reason this doesnt work is that a telnet
> connection is not between your host [port 23] and server host
> [port 23]. it is actually between your host [random port number
> between 1024 and 65535] and server host [port 23].
> i hope this cleared it up for you?
Yes, it did,
Or, try "-iname" instead of "-name"
man find
-iname pattern
Like -name, but the match is case insensitive.
Hope that helps,
On Thu, 2002-09-19 at 07:57, Brian T. Schellenberger wrote:
> On Thursday 19 September 2002 01:38 am, Peter Leftwich wrote:
> | Tonigh
I use KDE 3.0.3 and OpenOffice 1.0.1 under FreeBSD Stable, but I
have problem entering in OpenOffice certain latin-2 characters.
I use the KDE keyboard tools to change between the US and
Hungarian keyboard layouts:
If I use latin2-hungarian keyboard layout I got odiare
Peter Leftwich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tonight I surprised myself by running `find ~/Desktop/folder/ -name "*.jpg"
> -exec mv {} ~/Desktop/folderjpgs/ \;` successfully! My first custom find
> command line ever.
> But there were two issues -- I had to escape the semicolon with a "\" -
On Wednesday 18 September 2002 06:52 pm, Bsd Neophyte wrote:
> --- Jim Durham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 'pw' has different arguments based on the first argument. If you say
> > 'pw useradd' then "-M" is not valid. You'll see this if you carefully
> > read the man page.
> i have, this is why
# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2002-09-19 10:06:50 -0400:
> The current man page for 'pw' does not show -m as an arg for 'pw
> useradd'.
it does:
pw [-V etcdir] useradd [name|uid] [-C config] [-q] [-n name] [-u uid]
[-c comment] [-d dir] [-e date] [-p date] [-g group] [-G grouplist]
Hash: SHA1
I know this is off topic however I hope someone can help.
I have a flat file that I need to import into a database. The first field of
the file is a part number which cannot exceed more than 8 characters.
Does anyone know how I can use se
Try these
Use this if part numbers are numeric only.
cat my_flat_file | sed /"^[0-9]\{8\}[^0-9].*$"/d
Use this if part numbres are alpha-numeric, and columns are seperated by
cat my_flat_file | sed /"^[0-9a-zA-Z]\{8\}.*$"/d
These will both simply delete(from view, not from the fil
How about:
grep -E "^\w{9,}," flatfile.txt > morethaneight.txt
- Barry
Barry Byrne, IT Manager,
WBT Systems, Block 2, Harcourt Centre
Harcourt Street, Dublin 2, Ireland
Phone: +353 1 417 0150
Fax:+353 1 478 5544
> -Origi
Case - 147 with 350W Power Supply
Motherboard -AUS A7V266-E-AA
CPU - AMD Athlon XP 1800+
Memory - 256 MB DDR PC2100 Ram
I have an old Pent 300 monitor card.
Should I expect any problems or do monitor factory made computers have
specific cards for mother boards? I have never replaced one and this
> recently I rebooted my box (FreeBSD 4.6-STABLE) and since this reboot, dhcpd
> cannot bind to any interface. I upgraded to FreeBSD 4.7-PRERELEASE then
> rebooted, same thing. The configuration file is ok and untouched for many
> months.
> I use isc-dhcp provided wit
"anak freebsd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> when i did run make installworld i got an error
> >>>Installing everything..
> ...
> ===> include/rpcsvc
> rpcgen -C -h -DWANT_NFS3 /usr/src/include/rpcsvc/sm_inter.x -o sm_inter.h
> rpcgen:No such file or directory
> *** Error code 1
Hi, I've been reading through the implementation code of IPv6 and
specifically ip6_input. I see the following.
IPv6 uses the same protocol switch to process both the protocols (like UDP &
TCP) and also the option headers like Fragmentation.
My question is:
Are these numbers are promised to be ali
On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Charles Pelletier wrote:
> its all a matter of syntax. :) ya forgot a quote.
> ifconfig_rl0_alias0="" netmask
That doesn't do what you think it does. Stick the quote at the _end_ of
the line.
jan grant, ILRT, University of Bristol. http://w
Log shows Bad compressed CRC-16
Add this to your ppp.conf default section
disable pred1 deflate lqr # compression features & line quality
denypred1 deflate lqr # compression features & line quality reporting
-Original Message-
Hi !
Thanks for the help. I think LiveCD should do the job. I will have
to customize it a bit, but I think I can handle that.
Pranav A. Desai
Home :- (937) 294 1381
# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2002-09-19 09:38:33 -0500:
> I have a flat file that I need to import into a database. The first
> field of the file is a part number which cannot exceed more than 8
> characters.
> Does anyone know how I can use sed to count the characters in the
> first field and if th
Hey FreeBSD lovers :-)
I have a 800 series cisco router and it is attached to my FreeBSD 4.6.2 box. I can
telnet right in, but how do I connect to it via /dev/cuaa0 (the com1 port)?
Best regards
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Hi again
No one answered my last mail, so I will try again.
I have FreeBSD 4.6.2 and installed KDE, where I had no problems with
programs like centericq showing xx's and qqq's instead for text-frames
(e.g 0xBA and 0xD1). But now I've installed gnome and there it doesn't
work. I have also set
From: "Fernando Gleiser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> You need a "fair sharing" queueing discipline, something like CBQ. I
> know if you can do that with dummynet. I know for sure ALTQ works great
> this. It supports a bunch of queueing disciplines (CBQ, RED, WFQ and
> others).
I recall seein
> I recall seeing in the man page that DUMMYNET has RED and GRED
> algorithms built in - I don't know any more detail than that though...
It also Has W2FQ+ (or something like that) fair queueing, although I
havn't tried to set it up in a while, last time I used it, it worked
To Unsu
- Original Message -
From: "Rafter Man" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 8:21 AM
Subject: Connecting to a router
> Hey FreeBSD lovers :-)
> I have a 800 series cisco router and it is attached to my FreeBSD
4.6.2 box. I can telnet right in,
Selon Lowell Gilbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > recently I rebooted my box (FreeBSD 4.6-STABLE) and since this reboot,
> dhcpd
> > cannot bind to any interface. I upgraded to FreeBSD 4.7-PRERELEASE then
> > rebooted, same thing. The configuration file is ok and untou
> Selon Lowell Gilbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> > > recently I rebooted my box (FreeBSD 4.6-STABLE) and since this reboot,
> > dhcpd
> > > cannot bind to any interface. I upgraded to FreeBSD 4.7-PRERELEASE then
> > > rebooted, same thin
> SENDMAIL_CFLAGS+= -I/usr/local/include -DSASL
> SENDMAIL_LDFLAGS+= -L/usr/local/lib
> cyrus-sasl is installed. But no /usr/src/contrib/sendmail/src/sasl.h
> Any suggestions?
I also have cyrus-sasl installed, and sasl.h is in
/usr/local/include/sasl. I bel
Greetings! I have FreeBSD 4.6.2-RELEASE running on a rackmount chassis, and
I want to convert it to a headless box, with all console output redirected
to the serial port. I have followed the directions in the FreeBSD handbook
as follows:
In my kernel, I have the flag 0x10 set on serial port 1 to
Of the entries in /usr/share/syscons/keymaps, which is the default
keyboard mapping?
I've done a "kbdcontrol -d > ~/my-mappings" and tried to compare that
to the files within /usr/share/syscons/keymaps, but I'm not finding
any matches.
Dan Langille
I'm looking for a computer job:
- Original Message -
> > I have a 800 series cisco router and it is attached to my FreeBSD
> 4.6.2 box. I can telnet right in, but how do I connect to it via
> /dev/cuaa0 (the com1 port)?
> man tip
Thanks :-)
Best regards
Get your free email from www.linuxmail.org
Hello people... I need a help for us...
I'm trying to configure my video card for VESA_800x600 it doesn`t
obtain success... it show the error messaging after command vidcontrol
-g 100x37 VESA_800x600
vidcontrol: cannot activate raster display: Operation not supported by
my system is a F
On Tuesday, September 17, 2002, at 04:51 AM, Girnet Vladimir wrote:
> We are about to build some new WCCP servers. These servers will be based
> on FreeBSD 4.6.2 with Squid 2.4.7.
> The hardware will be: 2 x PIII 1.3GHz, 1GB RAM, 100GB HDD. Servers must
> serve about 200 requests per second
Matthew Bettinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a flat file that I need to import into a database. The first field of
> the file is a part number which cannot exceed more than 8 characters.
> Does anyone know how I can use sed to count the characters in the first field
> and if t
At 11:50 AM 9.18.2002 -0400, Lowell Gilbert wrote:
>"Jack L. Stone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Am running FreeBSD 4.5-RELEASE
>Updating might help; there are some changes to the ATA code which I
>think *might* be relevant. Don't do that first, though; it could
>certainly compound your pro
These are fixes I found on the web for a couple of
problems I was having. 1. System lockup when I tried
to use cuaa0 and 2. How to use cuaa4 on KPPP dialer.
For the modem lockup when I tried to use cuaa0, I
simply used (as root) /dev/MAKEDEV to create cuaa4,
with which my modem worked perfectly.
> Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 12:39:08 -0400 (EDT)
> From: Jason Borkowsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Greetings! I have FreeBSD 4.6.2-RELEASE running on a rackmount chassis, and
> I want to convert it to a headless box, with all console output redirected
> to the serial por
I'm getting there. It has taken me two weeks to get to this point. I will
never give up! :-)
I still can not install freeBSD with the graphical interface KDE. I get
through the installation process ok and then when I restart, login as root
(or any other acct) and invoke "startx" this is wha
How is your mouse configured in /etc/X11/XF86Config?
Try the sysmouse device, with Protocol set to auto -- I had the same
problem, and these setting fixed it. I am using a Wheel Mouse with no
problems now. the wheel will work once you add the ZAxisMapping
On Thu, 2002-09-
On Thu, Sep 19, 2002 at 01:05:53PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The KDE desktop initializes and displays fine, but the mouse jitters and
> jerks and stays in the upper left hand corner of the screen. It responds
> to input, (when I move the mouse it jerks out of the corner then back in,
I have noticed that there isn't a mini iso for 4.6.2, why?
Will there be one for 4.7? (I really hope so).
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I am attempting to mount a few directories from my Solaris machine(s) to my
FreeBSD workstation. nfsd is clearly running on Solaris and the sharing the
directories is not a problem. When I attempt to mount the directories on
FreeBSD I get the following error:
> Hello,
> I am attempting to mount a few directories from my Solaris machine(s) to my
> FreeBSD workstation. nfsd is clearly running on Solaris and the sharing the
> directories is not a problem. When I attempt to mount the directories on
> FreeBSD I get the following error:
Hash: SHA1
Thanks for the solution.
Informix fun fun ...
On Thursday 19 September 2002 02:40 pm, Oliver Fromme wrote:
> Matthew Bettinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a flat file that I need to import into a database. The first
> > field of
I used portupgrade to update (a working) mplayer on my system
tonight, and now it crashes with the following errors:
MPlayer 0.90pre8-2.95.4 (C) 2000-2002 Arpad Gereoffy (see DOCS)
CPU: Intel Pentium III Katmai/Pentium III Xeon Tanner (Family: 6,
Stepping: 3)
CPUflags: MMX: 1 MMX2:
I am reseaching for a mail system for my company. I would like some
information for my research. Basically, I would need POP3, IMAP, etc support
ans many of the client are windoze based. Thanks in advance.
Michael Pelletier
On Thu, 2002-09-19 at 23:53, Oliver Fromme wrote:
> In general, it is a good idea to try to avoid -exec, because
> it is inefficient. -exec runs the specified command for every
> single file, whilch can be terribly slow if there are a lot of
> files. Better use xargs instead, which will colle
Your best bet would be to search these mailing lists for the following
words (not necessarily in the same search).
that will turn up a lot of information on what other people are
recommending. I myself use uw-imap, but our company is only 7 people so
On Thu, Sep 19, 2002 at 07:05:20PM -0400, Michael Pelletier wrote:
> I am reseaching for a mail system for my company. I would like some
> information for my research. Basically, I would need POP3, IMAP, etc
> support ans many of the client are windoze based. Thanks in advance.
For both IMAP an
root@smacky:~# pkg_info -L mplayer-gtk-|grep codecs.conf
>> (09.19.2002 @ 1541 PST): Stacey Roberts said, in 3.8K: <<
> Hello,
> I used portupgrade to update (a working) mplayer on my system
> tonight, and now it crashes with the following
On Thursday 19 September 2002 07:05 pm, Michael Pelletier appears to
have written:
> I am reseaching for a mail system for my company. I would like some
> information for my research. Basically, I would need POP3, IMAP, etc
> support ans many of the client are windoze based. Thanks in advance.
9/19/2002 6:41:49 PM, Stacey Roberts
> I used portupgrade to update (a working) mplayer on my system
>tonight, and now it crashes with the following errors:
Stacey -
Adam's answered your questions, which gives me the luxury of asking
the following
The problem turned out that I needed to point the
device in preferences to /cdrom. It was /dev/dvd just
like you thought it might be, so I tinkered a few
times and voila! trial and error won the day.
Thanks for the idea and the tip about PIO mode. I'm
new to the whole dvd ripping scene.
--- K
9/18/2002 10:01:53 PM, "S. Salman Ahmed"
>> "DB" == Donald Burr of Borg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>DB> Hello world. I'm about to add a 3rd hard drive to my system.
>DB> Since my motherboard's built in IDE ports are all in use, I will
>DB> need to ad
I have been researching the use of "options SUDIDIR" in the kernel. I have
noted several warnings about the use of this option being a security issue,
but I have as of yet to read or see any explanation as to what kind of
security issue its use represents.
Any assistance in an explanation con
On Thu, 19 Sep 2002, Jud wrote:
J>But before you run out and buy a new card - do you have room for
J>another drive on your current cable(s), or ? If so, you might try hooking
J>up the new drive on the cable to see if it works, and only springing for
J>the new card if it doesn't. Or you might th
On Thursday, 19 September 2002 at 10:13:20 +0259, Aleksey Ovcharenko wrote:
> Hi!
> I have a trouble trying to force my Sony CD-RW work on FreeBSD =)
> ...
> Revision : '2.0b'
> Device seems to be: Generic CD-ROM.
> ^^
> Uh-oh, what is going o
On Fri, Sep 20, 2002 at 09:05:10AM +1000, Duncan Anker wrote:
> >
> > find foo -type f | grep -i '\.jpg$' | xargs -J % mv % bar
> >
> My preferred method also. But ... I can never get that to work if there
> are spaces (or other illegal characters) in the file names.
> And no, I don't usua
From: "Grant Cooper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 11:06 AM
Subject: Upgrade Computer - old vidio card
> Case - 147 with 350W Power Supply
> Motherboard -AUS A7V266-E-AA
> CPU - AMD Athlon XP 1800+
> Memory - 256 MB DDR PC2100 Ram
> I have an ol
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 1:07 PM
Subject: Re: DHCPD doesn't want to bind to any interface
> Selon Lowell Gilbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> > > recently I rebooted my box (FreeBSD 4.6-STABLE) and since this
i have two weird files under my home directory; one is
file named "-bash.gmon" and another one is "xy ds".
how could i remove them? rm just won't work ...
Do you Yahoo!?
New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo!
On Thu, 19 Sep 2002, mingo lu wrote:
> Hi: i have two weird files under my home directory; one is
> file named "-bash.gmon" and another one is "xy ds".
> how could i remove them? rm just won't work ...
> tia
What error does rm give you? Have you tried `rm -i \-bash\.gmon` or `rm -i
xy\ ds`? If
On Thu, 19 Sep 2002, mingo lu wrote:
> thanks. actually i did this before:
Try the command I gave you.
> freebiebsd@ rm -rf `\-bash.gmon`
If you use apostrophes that start at top left and go down to lower right
such as this: `` the text between them is interpreted by your shell as a
command wit
hi, i had ADSL working via a D-Link card to Bell Sympatico just fine. then
my roommate wanted to share the ISP w/ me. so we bought a GMC router. He
had his Linux box working behind the router. but my FreeBSD box stopped
working. what am i missing? your help would certainly be appreciated.
please r
(this might be a dumb question) does freebsd support mulibyte and/or unicode in kernel
would it be possible that freebsd support japanese as natively as japanese version of
ms win98?
would it be possible for freebsd to support unicode while supporting japanese char
coding system f
On Thu, 19 Sep 2002, mingo lu wrote:
> Hi:
> i have two weird files under my home directory; one is
> file named "-bash.gmon" and another one is "xy ds".
> how could i remove them? rm just won't work ...
rm 'xy ds' -bash.gmon
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On Thu, Sep 19, 2002 at 10:24:19PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> hi,
> (this might be a dumb question) does freebsd support mulibyte and/or unicode in
>kernel level?
> would it be possible that freebsd support japanese as natively as japanese version
>of ms win98?
It's pretty easy to
My problem was this:
-for the 10th + snp devices, I had to create it by hand with mknod;
- I had an old version of watch, the one that comes with 4.6-REL does have
the option of specifying the snoop device.
Only weirdness I see is that the tty must be open before executing watch on
it, else there
I tried running `wine GetBot.exe` because it is the best offline browser
and web snake/bot program ever, but for Windows and I got this error:
Did you reconfigure the kernel with "options USER_LDT"?
Is there a command line I can give such as kldload to add this option in?
Peter Leftwich
Last night, I tried to limit my client which I changed 23Kbit/s to
1bit/s (Just experiment), I got some message like below:
-- dummynet: warning, heap 0 is 1531352822 ticks late
-- dummynet: warning, heap 0 is 1531314423 ticks late
-- dummynet: warning, heap 0 is 1531276024 ticks late
When I plug in (or boot with attached) my usb devices arent ever detected. (I
have tried Microsoft Natural Keyboard, and Digital Camera). usbd is enabled
in rc.conf and is in memory when i do a ps. dmesg output below. Any advice
would be greatly appreciated.
uhci0: port 0
Okay, first off here's the error:
acd0: read data overrun 34/0
acd0: MODE_SENSE_BIG command timeout -resetting
ata0: resetting devices .. at0: DMA limited to
UDMA33, non-ATA66 cable or device
Does this mean the problem is with my hard drives and
cd drives? Here's how those are set up. 40 g
Ron Andreasen said:
> Okay, first off here's the error:
> acd0: read data overrun 34/0
> acd0: MODE_SENSE_BIG command timeout -resetting
> ata0: resetting devices .. at0: DMA limited to
> UDMA33, non-ATA66 cable or device
> Does this mean the problem is with my hard drives and
> cd drives?
I'm running 4.4-REL on a bunch of older systems with onboard Adaptec 7870
controllers and recently I've been getting lots of console output from one
of them. I'm pretty sure it means that one of my drives is dying (which
I've suyspected for a while), but I'm just curious as to what the messages
Hi all:
are there any free IDS (intrusion dection system)
packages out there for freebsd? i remember snort was
one but I can't find the code any more, may be
something else out there?
Do you Yahoo!?
New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo
Anyone have a simple example of how to use this function..
I have spent the last couple of evenings trying to get it to work.
Do not refer me to the man page as that is not very helpful.
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of
Hi all,
Old 233mhz Vectra, FBSD v4.5
I'm struggling to get 2 Orinoco Silver .11b cards to run on FBSD v4.5. Each
card is in an ISA adapter.
The box does nat through the wired NIC to the world. (3Com 3C905 card)
One wireless card is set up as the 192.168.10 network, the second being the
On 2002-09-19 19:05, Michael Pelletier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am reseaching for a mail system for my company. I would like some
> information for my research. Basically, I would need POP3, IMAP, etc
> support ans many of the client are windoze based. Thanks in advance.
Since others have r
Could be simple, but how do you add to Gnome 2's "start menu?"
I am tiring of clicking the MainMenu then "Run Program" gaim or freeamp!
Peter Leftwich
President & Founder
Video2Video Services
Box 13692, La Jolla, CA, 92039 USA
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Nevermind - I'm going to keep trying to get httrack to compile
-- Forwarded message --
From: Peter Leftwich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: kldload way to send options into kernel?
can you show your wicontrol scripts? and the output of "ifconfig -a"?
and of "wicontrol -i wi0" and "wicontrol -i wi1".
tell me whether i have this wrong: you have 2 cards in one computer, at
you're trying to get them both to communicate with a card in a laptop
running in host mode?
are either
On Fri, 20 Sep 2002 16:18, Tony wrote:
> Anyone have a simple example of how to use this function..
Hope this helps.
struct hostent *he;
struct sockaddr_in sin;
char *hostname="freebsd.org";
int port=80;
sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
sin.sin_port = htons(port);
sin.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr
gnome2, if you installed the meta-port, comes with a program called
"yelp" which is a comprehensive manual browser, primarily for gnome
docs. if you don't have it, install /usr/ports/x11/yelp.
start it up, click Desktop, the Menus, expand "Customizing Your Menus"
on the left, and choose "To Add a
I'm running 4.7 RC1 and have kdm load at boot. My /etc/ttys file looks like
# Virtual terminals
ttyv1 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 on secure
ttyv2 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 on secure
ttyv3 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25 on secure
ttyv4 "/usr/li
I use :
postfix + procmail - for smtp and filtering
cyrus - for pop and imap
SquirrelMail - for web mail client
and i'm in the process of building an address book based on ldap .
all in the ports
my users use :mutt,outlook express , outlook , eudora , mozilla mail
,sylpheed and evolution .
i like
I've been struggling a few make problems, where the actual behavior
seems to differ from the documentation. It's more than likely that
something just hasn't gotten through my thick skull, so I'm looking
for explanations. For starters:
variable assignment with expansion. make(1):
:= Ass
- Original Message -
From: "Janine C.Buorditez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 8:44 AM
Subject: user.mydomain.com
> how is this created when adding a new user?
> are there any adduser scripts out there doing this automaticly as well as
On Friday 20 September 2002 01:42, Matthew Seaman wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 19, 2002 at 01:05:53PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > The KDE desktop initializes and displays fine, but the mouse jitters and
> > jerks and stays in the upper left hand corner of the screen. It responds
> > to input, (wh
On Friday 20 September 2002 10:11, mingo lu wrote:
> Hi all:
> are there any free IDS (intrusion dection system)
> packages out there for freebsd? i remember snort was
> one but I can't find the code any more, may be
> something else out there?
In the last episode (Sep 19), Weston M. Price said:
> I am attempting to mount a few directories from my Solaris
> machine(s) to my FreeBSD workstation. nfsd is clearly running on
> Solaris and the sharing the directories is not a problem. When I
> attempt to mount the directories on FreeBSD I g
I'm running Postfix and have it configured to send 450 errors if the
IP address of a mail server fails reverse lookup as described at
http://www.muine.org/~hoang/postfix.html. As part of this config, I
have a "override" file that is checked first. When I initially
created the file, I sorted my e
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