Hi Scott,
Scott Ullrich wrote on Thu, May 09, 2002 at 05:41:24PM -0400:
> Are you using a fairly recent version of 4.5? I have mad much better luck
> with maxusers 0?
It's recent enough to allow to set it to 0, but I did not try
it. I've talked to Mike Silbersack about this a while ago, and
Hi Nick,
Nick Rogness wrote on Thu, May 09, 2002 at 05:28:13PM -0500:
> The problem you are having is not an alias problem but a routing
> one. Packets come in to your alias on the proper interface but
> when the reply packet gets sent it uses the default route which
Emmanuel Duros already left INRIA.
(So, there may be some old links from our pages, sorry.)
Now, he is working at UDcast.
Namely, this company is selling/providing UDLR functions.
If you are interested in their services, you may want to mail to
Hitoshi Asaeda
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Hi all,
I guess I've found a solution. I'll post it here:
Nick Rogness wrote on Thu, May 09, 2002 at 05:28:13PM -0500:
> The best way to handle this is with ipfw fwd. Basically you
> forward packets trying to leave the default gateway with the
> aliased address of a diffe
Well thanks to Archie, I had mpd connecting me to my works 2500 quite
successfully. 'Had' being the operative word :-)
Unfortunately, the 2500 recently had some configuration changes.
Specifically related to the MTU settings. This fixed some other clients,
but broke me :-(
Symptoms, the connect
On Fri, 10 May 2002, Justin Hawkins wrote:
> Well thanks to Archie, I had mpd connecting me to my works 2500 quite
> successfully. 'Had' being the operative word :-)
In the way that only a cry for help on a large mailing list can do, I
found the problem myself.
It seems that lowering the MTU
> Anyway, now I have a legitimate question, how can I setup mpd
> to change the MTU on the ng0 interface when it brings it up?
I do this via mpd's "set iface up-script", using a manually chosen MTU.
I'd be nice if mpd would do this automatically, based on the MTU of the
underlying interface and
Wilson Teles Marcolin
Compubras Telecom
(45) 572-5000
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Lars Eggert writes:
> > Anyway, now I have a legitimate question, how can I setup mpd
> > to change the MTU on the ng0 interface when it brings it up?
> I do this via mpd's "set iface up-script", using a manually chosen MTU.
> I'd be nice if mpd would do this automatically, based on the MTU