Well thanks to Archie, I had mpd connecting me to my works 2500 quite
successfully. 'Had' being the operative word :-)

Unfortunately, the 2500 recently had some configuration changes.
Specifically related to the MTU settings. This fixed some other clients,
but broke me :-(

Symptoms, the connection is initiated and established fine. Some traffic
can pass; web access works, but slowly. All ping's fail, I quickly get:

>From gw.everard.bogus ( Source Quench
>From gw.everard.bogus ( Source Quench
>From gw.everard.bogus ( Source Quench
>From gw.everard.bogus ( Source Quench

for pings.

mpd is telling me:

[vpn] LCP: no reply to 1 echo request(s)
[vpn] LCP: no reply to 2 echo request(s)
[vpn] LCP: no reply to 3 echo request(s)
[vpn] LCP: no reply to 4 echo request(s)
[vpn] LCP: no reply to 5 echo request(s)

I'm positive that some traffic does get through - the web accesses I can
do would be utterly impossible if it were not for a VPN tunnel (blocked by

The link is effectively unusable though.

The cisco config has an MTU of 1524 specified. After I had mpd bring the
tunnel up, I manually changed the MTU on ng0 with:

ifconfig ng0 mtu 1524

Initially I had limited success with this, pings started working, but web
access was worse (non existent). Now I can't even get that.

I've tried lower MTU's, to no visible effect. Part of me thinks that if
MTU were really a problem, a low MTU (like 300) would fix it, but make
performance suck. Perhaps that's not the case. Or perhaps I've
misdiagnosed this problem :-)

I still have my host route to the cicso via my normal default gateway
(because the cisco has an IP on the tunnelled network), and I've upgraded
mpd to version 3.8.

Any ideas?

        - Justin

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