On Fri, 10 May 2002, Justin Hawkins wrote:

> Well thanks to Archie, I had mpd connecting me to my works 2500 quite
> successfully. 'Had' being the operative word :-)


In the way that only a cry for help on a large mailing list can do, I
found the problem myself.

It seems that lowering the MTU on the ng0 interface DOES help. I forgot to
take NAT out of the equation. There is definately a problem with NAT+VPN,
but for the moment I can deal with accessing the VPN networks from only my
gateway machine.

I actually thought I was bypassing NAT in my web tests. Though the browser
is on a NAT'ted machine, it uses a proxy on the gatway to get access...
must be something to do with the transparent proxying + NAT + VPN :-)

Anyway, now I have a legitimate question, how can I setup mpd to change
the MTU on the ng0 interface when it brings it up?

        - Justin

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