Re: [fpc-pascal] Add API to official documentation search

2019-11-20 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
You said, "but its got bugs and I haven't been able to contact the developer to fix them" What are the bugs you want fixed? ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

[fpc-pascal] modeswitch multihelpers precedence problem

2020-03-09 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
I started adding {$modeswitch multihelpers} to some of my code and noticed a problem. It would seem that the SysUtils unit is defining type helpers for the string type and this led me to discover that multiple type helpers takes precedence over other helpers in a way that is conflicts with other pa

Re: [fpc-pascal] modeswitch multihelpers precedence problem

2020-03-10 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
An issue has been submitted here under the FPC compiler with tags "type helpers". I just want to take a moment and thank you guys for your work and explain for a moment my STRONG support for multiple type helpers. Multiple type helpers have been a big

Re: [fpc-pascal] modeswitch multihelpers precedence problem

2020-03-10 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Stdreamer, you are wrong. The last unit take precedence. Please test to verify. ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re: [fpc-pascal] modeswitch multihelpers precedence problem

2020-03-10 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Marco, now that's some good insight. I believe you are correct. ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re: [fpc-pascal] sizeof TTypeKind?

2020-03-20 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
I think what Ryan is asking about is how to find the size of the variant part of TTypeData as used in the "case TTypeKind of" section. As in: public {$ifdef PROVIDE_ATTR_TABLE} AttributeTable : PAttributeTable; {$endif} case TTypeKind of tkUnKn

Re: [fpc-pascal] FPC 3.2.0 released!

2020-06-21 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Great news and thank you to all the developers! I carefully read through the notes and look forward to using the new array methods and also the management operators. One question to everyone though, what use cases do you see for the IsManagedType intrinsic?

[fpc-pascal] JsonTools Update

2021-07-31 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
An update to JsonTools has been posted to its github page. The escaped double quoted string issue has been fixed and some helpful methods have been added. This page summarizes the changes: ___ fpc-pascal maillist

[fpc-pascal] How To: Use lib curl example

2021-09-27 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
I was having some problems using vanilla sockets and OpenSSL to read a few specific web pages using HTTPS. Normally I don't have any problems using HTTPS, but with a few sites my code was not working. I ending up finding the RTL unit LibCurl in one of the FPC packages and got it working without too

Re: [fpc-pascal] How To: Use lib curl example

2021-09-28 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Michael, You are right, they are very similar. I didn't know of the existence of the example to which you referred. Thank you for pointing that file out. I searched for it just now and took a look. One difference is that my example ignores certificates problems, but this difference is important in

Re: [fpc-pascal] How To: Use lib curl example

2021-09-28 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
For the benefit of others, there are a few problems with the FPC example to note. 1) The callback CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION should return the number of bytes handled. 2) You should check the result of curl_easy_perform to determine if the curl perform operation (HTTP GET) was successful. _

[fpc-pascal] Writing Pascal Physics and Vectors

2021-10-15 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
I've been working on writing Pascal bindings a friendly object orient interface to a few open source projects. I have put together Chipmunk2D, NanoVG, MiniMP3, and SDL2 for rendering nice real time platform independent programs where fast logic can be easily controlled with physics or fast graphics

Re: [fpc-pascal] Writing Pascal Physics and Vectors

2021-10-15 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
> > I have writen my own fairly extensive game engine and this will be > integrated into it sometime soon. My thought was it would be more useful to > create a minimal version first that other people could evaluate and test > more easily. ___ fpc-pascal m

Re: [fpc-pascal] Writing Pascal Physics and Vectors

2021-10-15 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
I often use squares / cubes and such like: X := X * X * X; When I am unsure how much steep of a curve I want. I just add / remove X and run the test to see if the curve looks good. It's just a preference thing and considering the other processing intensive stuff going on, I am sure it doesn't mak

Re: [fpc-pascal] Writing Pascal Physics and Vectors

2021-10-16 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
If you are running x64-86 Linux, would like to get my code you can join my Discord channel at the link below. Windows and Mac users will need to have cmake and the ability to build with it, but they're invited as well. I am making a lot of changes, so I don't want to c

[fpc-pascal] FPC 3.2.2 Build Error on Mac

2021-10-17 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
I am trying to build FPC from 3.3.2 sources on a Mac and am getting errors complaining about two binary files having different sizes. Could someone help me figure out what's going on? Here is a list of what is output is in the terminal after waiting a while for `make all` to complete. Also, fpcupd

[fpc-pascal] Unable to link static lib files on Window

2021-10-25 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
I know I was previously able to link static library files on Windows with FPC, but hadn't used this feature in a while. When I recently tried using static linking I am receiving error messages leaving me to believe something has changed with the compiler. The error messages I receive all relate to

Re: [fpc-pascal] Writing Pascal Physics and Vectors

2021-10-28 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Thanks for the interest Ryan. I am preparing to push my code to a public git repository with a FOSS license. In order to get this out soon it will be broken into a few releases. The first release, which is 100% done but needs accompanying documentation, might be out in a week's time. It includes a

Re: [fpc-pascal] Writing Pascal Physics and Vectors

2021-10-28 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Ah, so that was you who wrote the C wrapper? I saw that a while ago and considered using it, but after looking at and exploring how Chimpmunk2D works, I decided it was smaller, pretty darn good. That and Chipmunk2D is already C, so very little work was needed from me to convert it to work with Pasc

[fpc-pascal] First Version Vector Toolkit in OpenGL

2021-10-31 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
You might have read in my prior message to this group my announcement of a vector graphics and physics library I've been writing for FPC. In this first release, I am taking a stab at designing a new user interface toolkit from scratch based on the vector graphics library rendered purely in OpenGL.

Re: [fpc-pascal] First Version Vector Toolkit in OpenGL

2021-10-31 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
That's a very good question Ryan. The short answer is this library draws everything each frame. It's meant for writing, games, physics simulations, or drawing animated demos. It runs as fast as you let it go, much like a game program. BUT It includes the ability to easily create and manage rende

Re: [fpc-pascal] First Version Vector Toolkit in OpenGL

2021-11-01 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
At the end of another days work on this UI toolkit: I added: hbox, vbox, slider, tooltips, and optimized things a bit. I also added theme color querying, color blending based on opacity, and disabled states for all controls. Stackable windows are now a feature and mo

Re: [fpc-pascal] First Version Vector Toolkit in OpenGL

2021-11-02 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
New themes are defined by this abstract class from which you would inherit and implement. Sliced up bitmaps could be used to create a theme for sure, but I have implemented the themes so far using vector drawing commands exclusively. TTheme = class public { Calculate the actual theme color

Re: [fpc-pascal] First Version Vector Toolkit in OpenGL

2021-11-03 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Tonight I added a third theme based on nothing in particular. I named it graphite. With the completion of this theme, the UI toolkit is feature done for this first release. I am going to work on writing a custom performance graphing widget, create a few more demos, write a bit of documentation, the

Re: [fpc-pascal] First Version Vector Toolkit in OpenGL

2021-11-03 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
@code It's a bit weasely to claim immediate or retain based on how the underlying implementation works. The UI toolkit is drawn using a vector based OpenGL library. The library uses hardware vertex buffers, render buffers, and a hardware stencil buffer (for anti-aliasing) to draw lines and shapes.

Re: [fpc-pascal] First Version Vector Toolkit in OpenGL

2021-11-06 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
@Benjamin That's very nice and impressive. Does it just have that one theme or is it skinnable? I looked at your source it if I understood it correctly, all the theme color information is in a shader. This leads me to think most widgets are rects and that cannot be changed easily. What about drawi

[fpc-pascal] TProcess Running is unreliable on Linux

2021-12-04 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
On Linux using 3.3.1 build of FPC I've found that in many situations the Running property of TProcess is unreliable. Is this a problem with which anyone is familiar? I've searched around and haven't found any discussions related to this problem. In my experience, I've found situations where the Ru

Re: [fpc-pascal] TProcess Running is unreliable on Linux

2021-12-05 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Okay, this is a bit longish but related to my problem. I wrote this remote terminal program which is explained somewhat in the video below. This is where I am having the issue with Running sometimes not correctly reporting the proper value. _

[fpc-pascal] Are there any drawbacks to "reference to"?

2022-06-05 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
As the "reference to" feature was recently added to fpc trunk, I'd like to ask if internally there are any penalties (performance perhaps) or drawbacks to using them in place of the more traditional "procedure" and "procedure of object" types? It's my understanding that for example using this code

Re: [fpc-pascal] Are there any drawbacks to "reference to"?

2022-06-05 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Thanks for that, but is that true for all conditions. I remember reading and tinkering about with Delphi when it first introduced closures. At the time it made sense that the extra cruft and interface were needed to capture local state, but I was under the impression that the interface was only nee

[fpc-pascal] Function References Not Working As Expected

2022-06-05 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Regarding a message with an example project I write earlier, I discovered a bug with function references. See this entry I submitted to the gitlab issue tracker. The summary is that a reference to a method function does not output the c

[fpc-pascal] Here is real time graphics and physics simulation library

2022-07-31 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
I am looking for help adding in a bunch more features to my real time graphics and physics simulation library. Here is a very brief overview with some screenshots and sources. I need help finishing the conversion to SVG based widget theming and my UI designer th

Re: [fpc-pascal] Here is real time graphics and physics simulation library

2022-07-31 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Michael, it's the same logic behind my now 12 year old Bare game system that did the exact same thing. I am creating a small lPascal ibrary that removes a lot of cruft and depends minimally on SDL for creating windows, managing input, handling sound, threads / mutexes. and move most of the core of

Re: [fpc-pascal] Here is real time graphics and physics simulation library

2022-07-31 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Michael, > Since there are many things you do not provide but which are needed > in real-world programs, that makes it de facto useless. This library is intended for fast 2D/3D animated graphics with 2D physics simulations. These can be applied to things like games, kiosks, video playback, and a

Re: [fpc-pascal] Here is real time graphics and physics simulation library

2022-07-31 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Thank you for your opinion. ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

[fpc-pascal] I am offering a $100 reward for linking static libraries

2022-08-21 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
I will pay $100 to the first person that can solve my problem of linking a compiled C static library to a Free Pascal program on Windows. Recently I have been building many C libraries with GCC on Linux and linking them to Free Pascal. These include building C libraries such as "libxmp" for decodi

Re: [fpc-pascal] I am offering a $100 reward for linking static libraries

2022-08-22 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
I never thought about the linker changes to FPC and am probably using the internal one. I know in the past I had been able to compile / link libraries created with MinGW GCC on Windows. Parts of the problem also include determining which other static dependencies to link IN ADDITION to the order of

Re: [fpc-pascal] I am offering a $100 reward for linking static libraries

2022-08-22 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Marco, The missing symbols change depending on the order and which libraries are referenced. But I have tried all sorts of combinations and widdled them down, but I can never get it to compile. I think it might be a problem with the internal linker as Karoly suggested because sometimes I can almos

Re: [fpc-pascal] I am offering a $100 reward for linking static libraries

2022-08-23 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Tony, Thank you for that idea. Unfortunately, I initially tried using this approach several times in various ways without success. Each time I complete the missing functions in a manner as you've described, as the last missing function is provided I always receive an internal linking error message

Re: [fpc-pascal] I am offering a $100 reward for linking static libraries

2022-08-24 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
I thought I should post an update. I've written a utility to extract mingw64 static library exports into a searchable database. This allows me to search for possible missing functions (see the screenshot below) Again though I have run

Re: [fpc-pascal] I am offering a $100 reward for linking static libraries

2022-08-25 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Henry, Thanks for posting that one liner. In my utility, I use nm to dump the contents once but then use a Pascal desktop app to do the grepping and display the output within a TMemo. Your way is faster to implement. ___ fpc-pascal maillist - fpc-pasca

[fpc-pascal] Teaching Kids Using Free Pascal

2022-08-26 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Some of you might not be aware, but I teach small groups of kids ages 8-16 computer programming and digital electronics. When teaching programming I often use Free Pascal and Lazarus, and try to come up with exciting ideas. Over the past few weeks, I've taught my high school kids who have complete

Re: [fpc-pascal] Teaching Kids Using Free Pascal

2022-08-27 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Thomas, Chimpmunk2D is written in C and I compiled it on Windows using three different compilers, each in an attempt to resolve the problem. I used mingw64 gcc with Linux cross compile, Windows Cygwin, and Windows Msys2. All fail for various reasons. Regarding your missing __imp___acrt_iob_func,

[fpc-pascal] Class or Record Helper for Interface?

2022-08-27 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
I just tried to write a type / record /class helper for an interface type and the compiler deosn't seem to allow it. Is this allowed and what is the syntax? Also, are multiple type helpers allowed or were they removed? If they are allowed what is the directive?

Re: [fpc-pascal] Class or Record Helper for Interface?

2022-08-27 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Ah, it seems the problem is even in {$mode delphi} you must use {$modeswitch typehelpers} to define a type helper for an interface. ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Class or Record Helper for Interface?

2022-08-27 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
I'd be all for just eliminating the "class", "record", and "type" helper and adding support for just using "helper" in all modes. type TPointHelper = helper for TPoint end; TCanvasHelper = helper for TCanvas end; TDoubleHelper = helper for Double end; TInterfaceHelper = helper fo

Re: [fpc-pascal] I am offering a $100 reward for linking static libraries

2022-08-31 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
I wanted everyone to know that after two attempts user Okoba on the Lazarus general forums was able to come up with a solution to fix this problem. I created a small demo that simulates objects dropped into an area with pegs rendered on a TForm TCanvas. The solution and demo are inside the project

Re: [fpc-pascal] I am offering a $100 reward for linking static libraries

2022-09-01 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
For those having problems downloading the solution, here is an alternate link: ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

[fpc-pascal] Access Violation When SetLength(DynArray, Value)

2022-09-08 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Is there a known edge case issue connected to setting the length of dynamic arrays? I have a program that simulates a billiards game, and during the rerack balls method of TPoolTable the number of pool balls on the table varies based on the rerack option used. Currently, I am having a problem wher

Re: [fpc-pascal] Access Violation When SetLength(DynArray, Value)

2022-09-08 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Please ignore this post. I fixed the issue. ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Access Violation When SetLength(DynArray, Value)

2022-09-08 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
> curious minds want to know: what was the fix? In a separate part of the pool table initialization, I was precalculating the midpoints and normals for bumper rails. I had carelessly written this code: for I := 0 to Length(Rails) do RailInit(Rails[I], I); ___

[fpc-pascal] Working on a new way to educate people about pascal

2022-12-27 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Hi guys, I had a new idea for an interface design to help people who either are not into programming yet or have only used a language other than Free Pascal. Please see this draft Introduction to Free Pascal web page I posted this morning. My idea is to i

Re: [fpc-pascal] Working on a new way to educate people about pascal

2022-12-27 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Thank you for that tip. I might try that out in a later guide where trying out your own code might be more appropriate. ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Working on a new way to educate people about pascal

2022-12-27 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
"I see there's a timer there.. but what starts it? What happens when it times out? How do I set the amount of time? Why is there even a timer at all? I don't know any of this." James, when you raised these questions are you saying that you don't know, or that someone who doesn't know much if anyth

Re: [fpc-pascal] Working on a new way to educate people about pascal

2022-12-28 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
James, I am really glad you replied. Your story just goes to show that we all can learn a thing or two, even with decades of experience. To help you out, SQL (sometimes called sequel) is short for structured query language and it's the preferred `lingua de franca` for so many relational database

Re: [fpc-pascal] Working on a new way to educate people about pascal

2022-12-28 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
I think most people can quickly figure out that SQL is a programming language that is used to manage data stored in relational databases. It is a relatively easy language to learn and use, especially for people with a basic understanding of programming concepts. It's a widely-used language in the f

Re: [fpc-pascal] Working on a new way to educate people about pascal

2022-12-29 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
@youngman "I'm a database guy with maybe 30 years experience, I'm new to SQL and oh my god is it an over-complicated monster ..." Wait, what? Something doesn't make sense with what you said. You have 30 years of experience writing database programming code AND you are just now beginning to learn

Re: [fpc-pascal] Working on a new way to educate people about pascal

2022-12-29 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
@wols "Apologies for throwing my two-pennorth in as well, but PLEASE QUOTE WHAT YOU'RE REPLYING TO." I am unsure if you are replying to me, but believe I did use quotes along with the names. @richters "I apologize to Anthony and everyone on the list for getting too carried away." There is no n

[fpc-pascal] Programming Pascal using an AI Chatbot

2022-12-31 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
The following page hosts a series of Pascal programming questions I asked an AI chatbot system while testing its abilities. ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Programming Pascal using an AI Chatbot

2022-12-31 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
That's pretty damn amazing. It would be even more amazing if it could read information from the Internet and was accessible from from some API. Imagine being able to ask it to read all the source code from a git repository and convert it into HTML documentation, as you demonstrated. Or perhaps aski

Re: [fpc-pascal] Programming Pascal using an AI Chatbot

2023-01-03 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Dwight, your experiences mirrored mine. In summary, while OpenGPT is obviously imperfect, generally it feels like a revolutionary leap forward of several magnitudes. It ought to be plainly clear that the proverbial toothpaste is now out of the tube and there is no going back. These types of artifi

[fpc-pascal] IDispatch with Variant is not working on Linux. Why?

2023-10-31 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Is there any reason why the late binding of properties and methods through of IDispatch interface with the Variant type is not working on Linux? I am writing a cross platform embeddable JavaScript toolkit for Free Pascal. I wanted to use IDispatch with variants so that the experience with be more

Re: [fpc-pascal] IDispatch with Variant is not working on Linux. Why?

2023-11-01 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Thank you Micahel, I was doing some research last night and found that there are two specific stubs in the System unit that are implemented by the ComObj unit. Specifically, a stub for safe call exception handling and dispatch invoke. I was working with my example and added my own OS agnostic impl

[fpc-pascal] Does the compiler make prodigious use of use ENTER instruction?

2023-12-12 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Iwas reading this article today on the Microsoft website about the mysterious x86 ENTER instruction. The article states that it's primary purpose is to support Pascal and similar compilers to allow for preserving local variables on the stack when using with nested functions. Here is the article:

[fpc-pascal] Adding Javascript to Pascal

2025-02-21 Thread Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal
Greetings all, I am working on a project that needs scripting and I've decided to make use of Fabrice Bellard's awesome QuickJS library. I am considering making it nice to use for the rest of the Free Pascal user community by implementing an interesting way of integrating Javascript that would mak