an open heart,
are a service to us all. But I also believe we've lost our balance a
little, and it would be good to have some more appreciation and warmth
amidst the other stuff.
So I will do my bit by appreciating Austin. Thanks for making the page :-)
Sue Gardner
Executive Dire
Report to the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees
Covering: June 2009
Prepared by:Sue Gardner, Executive Director, Wikimedia Foundation
Prepared for: Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees
1. Finalization and approval of the 2009-10 Annual
Sorry for top-posting, Brian. (I'm walking home, am on my Blackberry.)
I don't feel super-comfortable posting on behalf of the staff, but I think it's
fair to say that some of the staff are a little afraid to engage on
foundation-l --- it can be intimidating, especially for new people. I think t
you for this. One question:
> 2009/9/9 Sue Gardner :
>> Jennifer worked with Sue, Erik Moeller and Veronique to review and
>> evaluate proposals submitted through the Chapters Funding Request
>> process. Twenty-six of thirty proposals received were approved.
>> Recip
> foundation-l mailing list
> Unsubscribe:
Sue Gardner
Executive Director
Wikimedia Foundation
415 839 6885 office
415 816 9967 cell
Imagine a
2009/9/16 Thomas Dalton :
> 2009/9/17 Daniel Phelps :
>> We look forward to the future in our new location and hope that we get
>> a chance to have you all visit us. We will do our best to post photos
>> as we settle in so that people can imagine us all in our new setting.
> This sounds very exc
t will happen next. I know you'll
understand that some information will be confidential, but I'll be
happy to tell you whatever I can.
I want to thank Jennifer for her contributions to Wikimedia during her
time with us, and for her professionalism. Please join me in wishing
her a
ll find or create an answer for you.
--Original Message--
From: Thomas Dalton
Subject: Re: [Foundation-l] Announcement: Jennifer Riggs leaves Wikimedia
he office today meeting with the Mozilla
lawyers, but he'll take a look at this when he gets back. Don't
worry: we will do whatever's necessary to support you :-)
Sue Gardner
Executive Director
Wikimedia Foundation
415 839 6885 office
415 816 9967 cell
Imagine a world in which ever
d then see
> that we are not dangerous anarchist teenagers or raving idealists, but
> sensible, responsible folks.
> --
> | Site collaboratif sur la non-violence
> | Alternatives sur le Net
> | B
at helps. And -- Board members should please speak up here
also, especially if there are nuances to their understanding that
differ from mine or Eugene's.
Sue Gardner
Executive Director
Wikimedia Foundation
415 839 6885 office
415 816 9967 cell
Imagine a world in which
2009/9/23 Jussi-Ville Heiskanen :
> Sue Gardner wrote:
> .
> Let me just say as a board election candidate who in the final
> tally didn't get the nod from the voters, that I personally think
> your grasp of what is relevant and vital to the eventual full
Prepared by: Sue Gardner, Executive Director, Wikimedia Foundation
Prepared for: Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees
1. Hiring concluded for the Strategic Planning Project
2. New fiscal year begins
3. First Wikipedia Academy in the United States
2009/9/28 Brion Vibber :
> I'd like to share some exciting news with you all... After four awesome
> years working for the Wikimedia Foundation full-time, next month I'm
> going to be starting a new position at StatusNet, leading development on
> the open-source microblogging system which powers id
Greg, I really don't want to reply to the specifics of this conversation --
Brion and Erik and others are much more deeply involved, and therefore better
situated to respond.
But I will say this: I know some people have speculated, or asked, if the
Wikimedia Foundation is deliberately holding u
Report to the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees
Covering: August 2009
Prepared by: Sue Gardner, Executive Director, Wikimedia Foundation
Prepared for: Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees
* Engagement of recruiters to fill new positions and vacancies: Chief
Yes, correct Delphine. There's only the one :-)
--Original Message--
From: Delphine Ménard
Subject: Re: [Foundation-l] How to make a
I agree with you, David.
The usability work is a necessary precondition to bringing in new editors. It's
essential for us to remove obvious, simple usability barriers that are impeding
people who want to help.
But it's not the whole story, and I suspect that social barriers to
participation wi
o bono work helping recruit
Danese, as well as Advisory Board member Roger McNamee for introducing
Wikimedia to Walker. Their help is much appreciated.
Sue Gardner
Executive Director, Wikimedia Foundation
Sue Gardner
Executive Director
Wikimedia Foundation
415 839 6885 office
Imagine a worl
evenues. Having said that, I look
forward to Google and Wikimedia continuing to do good work together.
The press release is below. It will go out tomorrow morning , but you
don't need to keep this news confidential. Feel free to tell your
friends :-)
Sue Gardner
Wikimedia Founda
) with inquiries, nominations and/or CVs. Or
you can ask me questions here.
Sue Gardner
Executive Director
Wikimedia Foundation
415 839 6885 office
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in
the sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality
e time he's been
with us, and I look forward to his continued contributions. Please
join me in welcoming and congratulating him.
Sue Gardner
Executive Director
Wikimedia Foundation
415 839 6885 office
415 816 9967 cell
Imagine a world in which every single human being
"Federico Leva (Nemo)"
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 22:10:23
To: Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Foundation-l] [Announcement] Philippe Beaudette becomes Head
of Reader Relations
Sue Gardner, 14/04/2010 08:11:
> His
> first focus will be to work with Wikimedia voluntee
(Sorry for top-posting: Blackberry.)
I just want to add a brief note supporting what William's saying. Yes -- it
definitely takes more time to respond to angry or hostile-seeming mails. Trust
gets impaired, and so the respondent spends time trying to figure out whether
the person's really ang
I said something to someone in the office today, that I think might be worth
sharing here. It's just an observation from my past life as a journalist, but
it feels germane.
In newsrooms, it is very very common for experienced senior editors to be curt
and gruff --- in general, but particularly
I think it's fairly likely there will be some kind
of statement or statements at the end of that. I'm expecting that
over the next few weeks, we all will be paying attention to the
conversations on Commons and elsewhere, including here.
Sue Gardner
Executive Dire
service to everyone involved :-)
Let me know if I'm missing anything important.
Sue Gardner
Executive Director
Wikimedia Foundation
415 839 6885 office
Imagine a world in which every single human being ca
ive issues ?
>> 6: Is there a possibility of creating a separate "namespace" that we could
>> potentially use for our own labels ?
>> I hope that you can help me answer these questions, so that we may continue
>> our community debate with more informed
Yeah, Pryzkuta, I know there are lots of debates happening everywhere; that's a
good thing --- obviously talking about all this stuff is good, and people
should use whatever mechanisms work for them. All the discussions are good, and
everybody is bringing useful stuff to the table.
Re Jimmy, my
Yeah. I don't remember exactly what Ting said, and even if I did, I wouldn't
comment on it. But FWIW to your point, Ting's not in a chapters-selected seat;
Ting was elected by the Wikimedia community.
--Original Message--
From: David Gerard
To: Sue Gardner GMail
ain next year ;-)
> foundation-l mailing list
> Unsubscribe:
Sue Gardner
Executive Director
Wikimedia Foundation
415 839 6885 office
415 816 9967 cell
Hi folks,
Forwarding from the announce list, since it does not yet auto-forward :-)
-- Forwarded message --
From: Sue Gardner
Date: 2 June 2010 19:08
Subject: Announcing new Chief Global Development Officer and new Chief
Community Officer
To: wikimediaannounc
On 2 June 2010 19:35, James Alexander wrote:
> Sending this separately so it isn't in the hiring announcement thread :) Per
> Ignore All Rules (which I guess doesn't really exist here so I'm ignoring
> it's absence to) I went ahead and subscribed foundation-l to
> WikimediaAnnouncements-l . So ass
On 9 June 2010 10:33, Filip Maljkovic wrote:
> It is my pleasure to introduce our new member and Chief of Office of
> Wikimedia Serbia, Juliana Da Costa José.
Congratulations Juliana, and Wikimedia Serbia!
Is Juliana the woman I met in Berlin a few years ago, who was then a
board member of Wikim
fa people, to hear if this'd be
useful for them for 2011.
Sue Gardner
Executive Director
Wikimedia Foundation
415 839 6885 office
415 816 9967 cell
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in
the sum of all knowled
one have a good attribution for first use of that quote? (I'm
using it in a presentation and want to attribute if I can.)
Sue Gardner
Executive Director
Wikimedia Foundation
415 839 6885 office
415 816 9967 cell
Imagine a world in which every single human being can fre
I _try_ to create a monthly report, but we do fall behind. Nobody at the
Foundation is happy about that, but they are a pain to produce. We'll probably
try to figure out a better, easier way to do it, this year.
(And hello Oliver, and welcome to foundation-l!)
Just to be clear, I have no idea
Cc: Sue Gardner GMail
Subject: Re: [Foundation-l] Money, politics and corruption
Sent: 14 Jul 2010 18:20
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 6:00 PM, Federico Leva (Nemo)
> Anyone? Looks like it applies only to employees.
Sorry -- is there a question outstanding? I know Nathan posted some questions
about the annual plan (which I think Veronique'll answer, and if she she
doesn't I will). If there was something else, I think it slipped right past me.
--Original Message--
From: Thomas Dalton
Hi Florence,
I know Veronique plans to respond to your note, but I have two seconds
right now, so I will add a quick comment below.
On 23 July 2010 11:18, Florence Devouard wrote:
> 2) You are maybe aware that some chapter members (deeply) regret that
> chapters are not listed as revenu sources
Alec, thanks for making that post. I know people have had these discussions for
a long time (I've read lots of them), but I really appreciate you writing a
long explanation of what you think.
The "no censorship" people don't tend to want to lay out their full position --
because they already ha
Sorry to top-post.
Google and Flickr actually handle this quite differently though, I think,
Andreas. Going from memory -- I think that Google defaults to a "moderate"
setting, but allows users to easily switch to an unfiltered setting. As long as
they allow cookies, users don't need to be reg
I've been posting quite a bit today, so I think I'll stop for a while. (I'd
hate to trigger the limits ;-)
But Alec, thanks for _your_ note, and don't worry about expressing skepticism
(even if it was mostly hyperbole to make a point). Vigilance is healthy :-)
-Original Messag
On 4 August 2010 01:37, Ilario Valdelli wrote:
> The Italian project w...@home supported by Italian chapter and the
> Wikinotizie has organized an interview some months ago with Mr.Umberto
> Eco who is a philosopher and literary critic known outside Italy for
> the novel "The Name of the Rose".
em may offer useful insights.
Yes -- that's a really interesting thread Nikola -- lots about
deletionism and notability. Thanks for posting it.
Sue Gardner
Executive Director
Wikimedia Foundation
415 839 6885 office
415 816 9967 cell
Imagine a world in which every single human being
of Service <> - Additional
Internal-l mailing list
On 16 February 2012 12:32, David Gerard wrote:
> On 16 February 2012 11:27, John Du Hart wrote:
>> Is this really something to get upset over? It's not as if he was calling
>> you stupid, he simply misspelled your name (shortened it, really).
> People's own names are extremely important to
On 16 February 2012 17:04, Thomas Dalton wrote:
> On Feb 16, 2012 3:47 PM, "Thomas Morton"
> Wikimedians often call me Thomas because that's what I have gmail set to
> call me and they know me mostly from emails. While I don't mind at all, it
> sounds (or looks) strange to me every time.
On 1 March 2012 18:27, Béria Lima wrote:
> Hello people,
> So after receive authorization from all candidates, the list of candidates
> + statements are in meta, and you can find it here: http'://
> Until 14 March is time f
Hi Pine,
I made that part of the deck and yes, you're interpreting it correctly. I
put green checkmarks to indicate where something was (more-or-less) on
track, where progress was about where it was supposed to be midway through
the year. That's the basis on which the Visual Editor got a green che
Hey folks,
I sent the note below to the staff and board a few hours ago: sharing
now with everyone :-)
-- Forwarded message --
From: Sue Gardner
Date: 20 March 2012 19:17
Subject: Announcement: New editor engagement experiments team!
To: Staff All
Hey folks,
On 22 June 2011 18:24, Alec Conroy wrote:
> I tend to think any time we can be seen standing next to the the
> Librarians, we come off looking good. The most we can associate those
> two-- ALA, WMF; ALA, WMF; The more we do that, the more outsiders
> will "get" us as a legitimate social insti
On 23 June 2011 05:05, Joseph Seddon wrote:
> I honestly that Matt's appointment was a fantastic thing. He is someone with
> a lot of knowledge and I wouldn't have battered a eyelid if his appointment
> had been made at any other time.
> At the end of the day, things have moved on without incide
On 23 June 2011 13:59, Dan Rosenthal wrote:
> On Jun 23, 2011, at 4:09 PM, Sue Gardner wrote:
>> It seems to me like you're characterizing Matt-joining-the-board as
>> problematic, while at the same time saying Matt himself is a good
>> board member. That se
On 24 June 2011 10:22, wrote:
> There is only one thing I think wrong with the consensus narrative above. The
> description "Matt added so much value it was worth the risk". More accurately
> it would read "Matt added so much value it was worth the *cost*".
Thank you, Brigitte -- I think you'
Yeah, Alec wrote me just before he left. I hope he doesn't mind me saying
this here: he told me he was scrambling his Wikimedia and GMail passwords,
and that he won't be back. (He did say he's going to continue to donate,
which is great; he just won't be active on-wiki.)
I have mixed feelings abou
Hi folks,
I don't know if anyone has made a post-Wikimania thread yet thanking our
hosts --- if so, I'm sorry to duplicate, but I've missed it.
It was such an amazing Wikimania! I want to say thanks to everyone who
helped make it happen --- the site selection jury, the Israeli chapter, the
(Also, I am testing the reply auto-forward to foundation-l, which has
never yet worked for me the way I understood it wanted to work.
Historically, I've made several unsuccessful attempts to reply to
announce-l, which only you have seen, because you are its moderator.
So worst case sce
e id: 09TELAVIV982
> Origin: Embassy Tel Aviv
> Time: Mon, 4 May 2009 10:30 UTC
> Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
> (...)
> Ha'aretz reported that Sue Gardner, Wikipedia's leading editor, who
I did recently make some significant improvements to the article abo
sment, either at Berkman or maybe MIT.
Sue Gardner
Executive Director
Wikimedia Foundation
415 839 6885 office
415 816 9967 cell
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in
the sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!
to support and protect editors against really very egregious
Sue Gardner
Executive Director
Wikimedia Foundation
415 839 6885 office
415 816 9967 cell
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in
the sum of all knowledge. Help us mak
On 10 September 2011 01:40, David Gerard wrote:
> On 10 September 2011 09:34, Yann Forget wrote:
>> 2011/9/10 Philippe Beaudette :
>>> I do not yet have a full feed that meets our needs for analysis beyond
>>> what's already done.
>> We should have started by this before organizing a "referen
On 12 September 2011 18:15, geni wrote:
> On 12 September 2011 23:45, Samuel Klein wrote:
>> Now: what do we need to do to make Wikinews better and more useful?
>> What are the costs and technical or other work involved?
> Very little. Mostly wikinews is misstargeted. Yet another website
> rewr
ome analysis of the
results -- there are some questions we are hoping to get answered
around language breakdown. And I am currently reading lots and lots of
write-in comments.
If I had to guess, I would image there will be a statement within
about two weeks. But that's not a commitment, just an est
On 21 September 2011 11:10, Tobias Oelgarte
> Am 21.09.2011 19:36, schrieb Kanzlei:
>> Am 21.09.2011 um 19:04 schrieb Tobias
>> Oelgarte:
>>> Don't you think that we would have thousands of complaints a day if your
>>> words would be true at all? Just have a look at the article [[hentai
On 21 September 2011 12:37, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
> * Sue Gardner wrote:
>>> Yes we put the "vulva" on the main page and it got quite some attention.
>>> We wanted it this way to test out the reaction of the readers and to
>>> start a discussion about i
and the
conversations work better when we engage each other with that in mind.
Sue Gardner
Executive Director
Wikimedia Foundation
415 839 6885 office
415 816 9967 cell
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in
the sum of all knowledge. Help u
tions to the UK Board -- this
is an important day for Wikimedia UK :-)
Sue Gardner
Executive Director
Wikimedia Foundation
415 839 6885 office
415 816 9967 cell
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in
the sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a
or commenters
pre-posting: I'm sure most people don't notice the comments policy.
But thanks, WereSpielChequers --- I saw your note on my talkpage :-)
Sue Gardner
Executive Director
Wikimedia Foundation
415 839 6885 office
415 816 9967 cell
Imagine a world in which every
he Italians, the Indians, the Jamaicans, and so forth-- has
influenced what Canada is, and how it understands itself.
That's what I'm used to, as a Canadian -- it's normal for me to listen
to minorities and find ways to incorporate their perspectives into
The Wikimedia Foundation first heard about this a few hours ago: we don't
have a lot of details yet. Jay is gathering information and working on a
statement now.
It seems obvious though that the proposed law would hurt freedom of
expression in Italy, and therefore it's entirely reasonable for the
27;s acceptable
for everyone.
Sue Gardner
Executive Director
Wikimedia Foundation
415 839 6885 office
415 816 9967 cell
Imagine a world in which every single human being c
On 9 October 2011 09:31, Thomas Dalton wrote:
> On 9 October 2011 17:19, Sue Gardner wrote:
>> Nobody wants civil war.
> I'm sure they don't actively want one, but it seems the board do
> consider one an acceptable cost.
It may seem that way, but it'
Board is
sincere. It is taking seriously the German community, and the others
who have thoughtfully opposed the filter.
The right thing to do now is to accept the olive branch, and work with
the Wikimedia Foundation to figure out a good solution. You want to
train the Wikimedia Foundation that li
Oh. I can speak to this, at least a little. The Wikimedia Foundation has a
policy of publishing our grant applications when the grantmaking institution
is okay with it. We don't do a lot of grant applications, and of the ones we
do, I am guesstimating that two-thirds of the grantmakers have said it
It's Lisa Gruwell, MZ. Last I heard, she has been waiting to hear back
from a couple of foundations about recent agreements.
Sue Gardner
Executive Director
Wikimedia Foundation
415 839 6885 office
415 816 9967 cell
Imagine a world in which every single human being can f
the cure for it (real clarity, lots of rules) would be
worse than the disease.
Sue Gardner
Executive Director
Wikimedia Foundation
415 839 6885 office
415 816 9967 cell
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in
the sum of all know
Tinu Cherian, thank you so much for writing this gorgeous, thoughtful
e-mail. I agree with every word you wrote, and I am grateful that you did
One of the things I like best about Wikimedia is that anyone can become a
leader. You become a leader by acting like one: by being compassionate and
The campaign for this year is officially launched! Congratulations to
everyone working on it, and fingers crossed for its success.
-- Forwarded message --
From: "Sue Gardner"
Date: Nov 15, 2011 2:30 PM
Subject: Thank you from the Wikimedia Foundation
There was a brief outage due to that page, Nathan, a few days ago.
(Because of Brandon Harris's AMA on Reddit.)
The intent is to get the page back up, but I don't know when. I'd
guess it might take a week or so, but that's just a guess.
Sue Gardner
readsheet. The spreadsheet data
belongs to four different groups -- WM France, WM Deutschland and WM
UK, as well as the Wikimedia Foundation. If the French, Germans and
British are okay publishing the URL, the Wikimedia Foundation
obviously is totally fine with it :-)
Sue Gardner
On 7 January 2012 07:47, James Heilman wrote:
> Hey John. Not sure we why at WMC should be interested? Can you explain
> further...
> James Heilman
> Wikimedia Canada
I'm not John, but it's because of the copyright provisions.
If Canada signs onto the Trans Pacific Partnership, it would need t
On 22 January 2012 08:30, Kim Bruning wrote:
> Wikimedia foundation hires lobbyists on sopa, pipa
> Interesting. Any details?
I thought we had already discussed this here, but maybe it was only
discussed on the SOPA pages on-
Just adding to what Phoebe said (and sorry to top-post): my recommendations
are not finalized and have not been submitted formally to the Board. I
don't intend to submit them as-is: they will be shaped by the discussion
that's been happening thus far, by my own evolving views, and by input from
2009/1/23 Thomas Dalton :
> 2009/1/24 Anthony :
>> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 6:13 PM, Delphine Ménard wrote:
My reply isn't specific to what Thomas wrote; this is a general
comment on this thread. I've been reading it with a lot of interest,
and there are a couple of things I'd like to add to what'
(I'm on my Blackberry which makes it hard to comment inline - please bear with
Marc Riddell wrote:
> on 2/5/09 10:45 AM, Andrew Whitworth at wrote:
>> The foundation is not likely to be able to do anything, even if it is
>> willing (which I doubt). It makes some se
ics about major
donors and major donor prospects. (As you know, we don't reveal
individually identifying information about donors/prospects.)
Everything else is intact from the original.
Report to the Board: India Trip
Prepared by: Sue Gardner, Executive Director
Prepared for: Wikimed
Report to the Board: Davos
Prepared by: Sue Gardner, Executive Director
Prepared for: Wikimedia Board of Trustees
Date: February 3, 2009
Background & Context
Every year, Jimmy is invited to Davos in his individual capacity as a
Young Global Leader, and the Wikimedia Foundation receives
2009/2/17 Thomas Dalton :
> Yes, yes, that's all very interesting, but how was the skiing? ;)
Davos was actually hilariously gruelling: it started with breakfasts
at 7.30 and ran past midnight every day. Any spare time I had, I
spent commiserating with other newbies, and trading survival tips :-)
Hi folks,
I've been increasingly concerned lately about Wikimedia's coverage of living
people, both within biographies of living people (BLPs) on Wikipedia, and in
coverage of living people in non-BLP text. I've asked the board to put this
issue on the agenda for the April meeting in Berlin, and
There is lots I want to reply to here; this mail is just a start...
2009/3/2 Thomas Dalton
>From what I can tell, a lot of subjects of BLPs that have problems
> with their articles don't complain at all. The accounts I've heard
> (or, at least, my interpretation thereof) of Wikimedians being
> a
2009/3/2 philippe
> On Mar 2, 2009, at 2:38 PM, Joe Szilagyi wrote:
> > If OTRS is understaffed, then there's an easy fix to that too. Make a
> > separate queue that this specifically will go to, have less stringent
> > requirements in place for that, and have the form be explicit that
> >
2009/3/2 P. Birken
> My experiences are mostly on de-WP. Problems with BLP are coming in
> frequently now, roughly once a week even people with lawyers.We have a
> highly motivated Support-Team that is able to handle the cases coming
> in via OTRS at an acceptable speed and with good success. T
2009/3/2 philippe
> On Mar 2, 2009, at 5:48 PM, private musings wrote:
> > basically there's a sensible three stage plan to follow to help drive
> > quality and minimise 'BLP' harm;
> >
> > 1) Semi-protext all 'BLP' material
> > 2) Allow an 'opt-out' for some subjects (eg. non public figure
2009/3/3 Michael Snow
> But someone making a request is a sign that the article really needs a
> hard look, and quite possibly should be removed for not meeting our
> standards. So the reversed presumption of "default to delete, unless
> consensus to keep" is a good idea for living subjects. I wo
2009/3/4 Dominic
> Sue Gardner wrote:
> > I am just clarifying - "default to delete unless consensus to keep" would
> be
> > a change from current state, right?
> In terms of policy, "default to delete" is the current state for BLPs.
> To be mo
2009/3/4 Nathan
> On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 5:41 PM, Nathan wrote:
> > As far as granting significant weight to the wishes of a subject? Subject
> > request has consistently been rejected as a basis for deleting an
> article,
> > and many comments in the deletion discussions I've read have even
Hi folks,
This is just a quick interim update on the BLP issue I raised here last week.
First, thanks to everyone who has contributed to the discussion thus
far. We all know that foundation-l isn't necessarily reflective of
general Wikimedia opinion, and that many experiences and skills are
2009/3/8 Nathan :
> On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 5:12 PM, Sue Gardner wrote:
>> 1) There is a big unresolved question around whether, if
>> marginally-notable people ask to have their articles deleted, that
>> request should be granted. My sense -both from th
Hi folks,
The last Report to the Board that I published here was the October
one, published December 13. I owe you November, December, January and
First, I'd like to sincerely apologize for the delay. There's no
justification for it, just a number of factors coincided to make me
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