Tinu Cherian, thank you so much for writing this gorgeous, thoughtful
e-mail. I agree with every word you wrote, and I am grateful that you did

One of the things I like best about Wikimedia is that anyone can become a
leader. You become a leader by acting like one: by being compassionate and
good, by reminding us of why we're all here, and calling upon us all to be
our best, wisest, most generous selves. That's what you've done here, and I
think it's really lovely.

While I was reading your e-mail, it reminded me of a famous mail that Brion
sent to this same list, back on Christmas Eve of 2006. It was before I
joined the projects, but lots of people told me about it, and eventually I
looked it up in our archives. It's here:
http://web.archiveorange.com/archive/v/FH5EqJVBMHtX4RawfKZY -- we used to
call it the eggnog e-mail. It was essentially doing the same thing that you
did in your mail just now: asking us all, despite our disagreements, to
remember that what we're doing here in the Wikimedia projects is awesome,
and that we should remember that we love each other.

You've written the new eggnog e-mail. Thank you!


On Nov 15, 2011 10:02 AM, "CherianTinu Abraham" <tinucher...@gmail.com>

> I am not going the respond inline, as it may confuse many a readers like
> me. I will also try to answer below various questions/comments from
> multiple mails/ people. Some of my comments may be general and not directed
> to anyone in particular.
> I didn't mean to offend anyone, whether he is a chapter member or not. I
> reserve my right to free opinion just like anyone does. I didn't either
> intend to undermine the great works of anyone. I am aware that "whipping
> foundation label" is very cool these days, but I am not for it. I may have
> disagreements of some of the "foundation way" or "chapter way" , but I
> express my concerns on issues only.
> The reason that I had mentioned that the formation of trust was announced
> in earlier co-ordination meetings was that whosoever had concerns earlier
> could have raised it even then. The fact that Sunil Abraham was made as one
> of the trustees was indeed not mentioned in the meetings, all i meant was I
> think he is well eligible for his contributions as a trustee for the WIPT.
> Does every chapter share every minute things of its proceedings with the
> foundation or the community?
> I am not here to say whether hiring Hisham or any foundation staff is right
> to wrong. AFAIK, the foundation encouraged/s community members to apply for
> various positions and I could point to you a lots of examples where active
> community members have been hired. Everywhere possible, whenever eligible
> and qualified candidates from the community are available, they have been
> hired, AFAIK. If I choose to work on a volunteer basis on part time, it is
> my own wish... And if I want work on full time for the movement, without
> worrying about my daily bread, it is also my wish. The choice is strictly
> personal. So is it cool if some people joins the foundation and not when
> some other people ? We, Wikipedians, claim to be open & welcoming and vow
> to not bite the new comers, but in reality we form cabals and resists
> anyone new who comes to the movement, ...hah, ... they are all outsiders !
> "Oh I can whip everyone personally, but don't you dare to touch me"
> attitude is also not productive. I am tired of seeing foundation-l used for
> personal grudges and attacks. I am tired seeing sock puppet accounts been
> made to just launch personal attacks on individuals on the mailing
> lists/forums. It is not just one time, but many a times.
> So finally it all boils down to funding and money, right ? Who gets the
> bigger share and who gets the smaller share? Is that all we care about ? Is
> that why we are all in the movement? I would have been much personally much
> richer, if I  ( like many others) had put my energy, time and concentration
> elsewhere than putting on a movement that is very close to my/our hearts.
> Our family and friends would have much appreciated if we had spend time
> more with them, instead. But that is my/our choice and I am happy about it.
> We are just doing it because we are just passionate about it.
> Regards
> Tinu Cherian
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