Re: [Foundation-l] Texts deleted on French Wikisource

2010-06-03 Thread Ryan Kaldari
olved only bogus threats, not a legally binding takedown notice. Ryan Kaldari ___ foundation-l mailing list Unsubscribe:

Re: [Foundation-l] Texts deleted on French Wikisource

2010-06-04 Thread Ryan Kaldari
e non-liable) host and as legal council for one of the parties. John's suggestion is good advice - seek legal council from among the community. In the meantime, I'll try to put together a quick guide for filing counter-notices with the Foundation when I get some fr

Re: [Foundation-l] Texts deleted on French Wikisource

2010-06-07 Thread Ryan Kaldari
I've added a new section on DMCA compliance to both the and meta Office actions pages: Please feel free to augment with additional info. Ryan Ka

Re: [Foundation-l] Texts deleted on French Wikisource

2010-06-07 Thread Ryan Kaldari
Corrected. Ryan Kaldari On 6/7/10 12:02 PM, geni wrote: > On 7 June 2010 19:21, Ryan Kaldari wrote: > >> I've added a new section on DMCA compliance to both the and meta >> Office actions pages: >> &g

Re: [Foundation-l] encouraging women's participation

2010-06-17 Thread Ryan Kaldari
ing out to more women directly. It would be great if the Foundation's new public policy initiative could do outreach to some Women's Studies programs or if we could promote Wikipedia to women's tech groups like IBM Women in Technology or the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technol

Re: [Foundation-l] encouraging women's participation

2010-06-18 Thread Ryan Kaldari
ly "The Bell Curve". Anyway, I don't want to drag this thread into a debate on scientific -isms. I just wanted to remind everyone that there are real steps that can be taken to address the gender imbalance problem, regardless of any real or perceived gender differences. Ryan Kald

Re: [Foundation-l] ASCAP comes out against "copyleft"

2010-06-25 Thread Ryan Kaldari
Exactly how does Creative Commons steal music lyrics? I'm not following you. Ryan Kaldari On 6/25/10 3:42 PM, Jeffrey Peters wrote: > Dear David, > > I'm going to donate to their cause. > > Music lyrics, just like poems and novels, should not be stolen and published &g

Re: [Foundation-l] ASCAP comes out against "copyleft"

2010-06-25 Thread Ryan Kaldari
the money so that Warner Brothers could be properly paid and wouldn't have to resort to begging for change on the street corner. Ryan Kaldari On 6/25/10 4:18 PM, wrote: > In a message dated 6/25/2010 3:55:20 PM Pacific Daylight Time, > 17pet...@cardinalmail.cua

Re: [Foundation-l] ASCAP comes out against "copyleft"

2010-07-13 Thread Ryan Kaldari
Here's Lessig's response to the ASCAP smear campaign: Ryan Kaldari ___ foundation-l mailing list Unsubscr

Re: [Foundation-l] Boycott in a...@wiki

2010-07-16 Thread Ryan Kaldari
discussion concerning it could be had at the TfD page. Would nominating it for deletion be a good idea or a bad idea? Are there any alternatives that make sense in this situation? Ryan Kaldari On 7/16/10 8:41 AM, Austin Hair wrote: > On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 3:44 PM, Gerard Meijssen >

Re: [Foundation-l] Discussion Questions forPotentially-Objectionable Content

2010-07-22 Thread Ryan Kaldari
nerally do not provide adequate context for such images." Ryan Kaldari On 7/22/10 1:57 PM, Seth Finkelstein wrote: >> R M Harris >> .. but the time has come, I think, to actively begin a discussion >> within the communities about some of the questions which I've >>

Re: [Foundation-l] Discussion Questions forPotentially-Objectionable Content

2010-07-22 Thread Ryan Kaldari
don't work and encourage less > cluefulness, not more cluefulness. > I'm not saying "don't be stupid". I'm suggesting some specific (but flexible) guidelines we can point to for those editors who have demonstrated a lack of cluefulness. Ryan Kaldari _

Re: [Foundation-l] Discussion Questions for Potentially-Objectionable Content

2010-07-23 Thread Ryan Kaldari
On 7/23/10 3:52 PM, George Herbert wrote: > Meta-question - > > Is there in fact sufficient evidence that this is a topic that the > Foundation must, or should, engage in actively at this time? That seems to be one of the questions that Robert Harris is trying to answer.

Re: [Foundation-l] Discussion Questions for Potentially-Objectionable Content

2010-07-26 Thread Ryan Kaldari
(if implemented correctly) is actually a good thing for those of us who want to keep Wikipedia uncensored. By letting people adapt Wikipedia to their own particular uses, they don't have to impose their POV on the rest of us. Ryan Kaldari ___ found

Re: [Foundation-l] Discussion Questions for Potentially-Objectionable Content

2010-07-26 Thread Ryan Kaldari
ring technology. I think we're pretty far away from the edge of the "slippery slope", but if that changes, I'll be right there with you defending the integrity of the project. Ryan Kaldari On 7/26/10 12:39 PM, David Gerard wrote: > On 26 July 2010 20:08, Ryan Kaldari wrot

Re: [Foundation-l] Discussion Questions for Potentially-Objectionable Content

2010-07-26 Thread Ryan Kaldari
I should make the disclaimer that all of my opinions expressed on this list are as a community member rather than a WMF employee. I have no official involvement in the current study or any decision making power thereof. I just code donation banners :) Ryan Kaldari On 7/26/10 2:14 PM, Ryan

Re: [Foundation-l] Banner ads in sitenotice

2010-08-02 Thread Ryan Kaldari
Apparently long-time Wikimedia contributors are also far more sensitive to Foundation imposition of /less/ visual clutter as well, judging by the reaction to the Vector rollout. Perhaps we could just say that long-term Wikimedia contributors are just more sensitive ;) Ryan Kaldari On 8/2/10 5

Re: [Foundation-l] Vice President?

2012-02-01 Thread Ryan Kaldari
itles are kind of silly, but whatever. Ryan Kaldari On 1/31/12 8:17 PM, MZMcBride wrote: Hi. Erik took on the temporary title "VP of Engineering and Product Development" after Danese left.[1] Just recently it was codified on wmfwiki.[2] I don't really think much of job titles an

Re: [Foundation-l] Author "Wikimedia Foundation" at Barnes&Nobles shop on Nook

2012-03-06 Thread Ryan Kaldari
I've notified the WMF legal department. Ryan Kaldari On Mar 6, 2012, at 8:49 AM, "Federico Leva (Nemo)" wrote: > John Vandenberg, 06/03/2012 10:23: >> The problem isnt that they are providing ebooks, but >> >> 1. they are "By Wikimedia Foundatio

Re: [Foundation-l] Global ban - poetlister?

2011-06-10 Thread Ryan Kaldari
hat are clearly problematic. Especially since in many of these cases, the most damning information is sensitive and cannot be shared publicly. Ryan Kaldari ___ foundation-l mailing list Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikime

Re: [Foundation-l] Amicus Brief Filed in Golan v. Holder: Fighting for the Public Domain

2011-06-23 Thread Ryan Kaldari
of Henrik Gronvold, the writings of Leon Trotsky, etc. Ryan Kaldari ___ foundation-l mailing list Unsubscribe:

Re: [Foundation-l] Amicus Brief Filed in Golan v. Holder: Fighting for the Public Domain

2011-06-23 Thread Ryan Kaldari
. Obviously we have a lot of work to do to reform U.S. copyright law (rule of the shorter term, freedom of panorama, etc.), but it would be nice if we don't actually shrink our public domain in the meantime. Ryan Kaldari On 6/23/11 12:02 PM, geni wrote: > On 23 June 2011 19:38, David Gerar

Re: [Foundation-l] Amicus Brief Filed in Golan v. Holder: Fighting for the Public Domain

2011-06-23 Thread Ryan Kaldari
It's based on the template transclusion count here: Ryan Kaldari On 6/23/11 1:01 PM, teun spaans wrote: > The number of 3 million surpises me. Common hosts about 10 million item

Re: [Foundation-l] Amicus Brief Filed in Golan v. Holder: Fighting for the Public Domain

2011-06-24 Thread Ryan Kaldari
can be recopyrighted, it puts a chilling effect on reuse. 4. By setting the precedent that public domain works can be recopyrighted, it is likely that more works will be recopyrighted in the future, and the public will be further robbed of our shared culture (and legal property). Ryan Kaldari

Re: [Foundation-l] Greg Kohs and Peter Damian

2011-07-25 Thread Ryan Kaldari
y of which were outright false). Does this sound like: 1. someone who wants to contribute to a constructive dialog 2. someone with an axe to grind I'll give you 3 guesses, no 2. [1] Rya

Re: [Foundation-l] Oral Citations project: People are Knowledge

2011-07-27 Thread Ryan Kaldari
Regardless, Elizabeth/Anon/whothis is clearly trolling the list and being disruptive. I would like to request moderation of his/her comments. Ryan Kaldari On 7/27/11 2:45 PM, Nathan wrote: > On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 5:34 PM, M. Williamson wrote: >> Nathan, I think that Raul Gutierr

Re: [Foundation-l] Oral Citations project: People are Knowledge

2011-07-27 Thread Ryan Kaldari
Unless you go by the name Elizabeth or whothis, I don't believe I mentioned you in my email. Apologies if there was any confusion. My request is specifically regarding the email address, and no one else. Ryan Kaldari On 7/27/11 4:18 PM, Raul Gutierrez wrote: > D

Re: [Foundation-l] Oral Citations project: People are Knowledge

2011-07-27 Thread Ryan Kaldari
So if I post nothing but emails about "the cabal" and random insults to people trying to have legitimate discussions, it's cool as long as I end my emails with a serious sentence??? Ryan Kaldari On 7/27/11 4:53 PM, M. Williamson wrote: > Yes, Elizabeth is clearly not a tro

Re: [Foundation-l] Oral Citations project: People are Knowledge

2011-07-28 Thread Ryan Kaldari
Ha, sorry I missed the joke! I had no idea what emesis referred to. Ryan Kaldari On 7/28/11 7:41 AM, M. Williamson wrote: > Ryan, perhaps you missed the intention of my e-mail. The sentence about > "emesis" was also clearly not serious. &g

Re: [Foundation-l] copyright issues

2011-08-17 Thread Ryan Kaldari
Can you guys please take this discussion off-list? Thanks. Ryan Kaldari On 8/17/11 9:55 AM, Wjhonson wrote: > Robin there are no laws (in the US) about plagiarism, that's what I'm saying. > None. Zero. They don't exist. > Why? Because plagiarism does not de facto create

Re: [Foundation-l] Astonished by the so-called principle of least astonishment

2011-08-17 Thread Ryan Kaldari
fact that the category "People using vacuum cleaners" on Commons at one time included nothing but photos of nude women using vacuum cleaners. Technically, it was correct categorization, but it was certainly astonishing. Ryan Kaldari On 8/17/11 7:45 AM, Nathan wrote: > On Wed, Aug 17

Re: [Foundation-l] [Wmfall] Fwd: Very sad news

2011-09-08 Thread Ryan Kaldari
His article is pretty lackluster: and the other language versions don't look any better. Anyone want to help improve them? Ryan Kaldari On 9/8/11 1:10 PM, Asaf Bartov wrote: > > -- Forwarded message -- > From

Re: [Foundation-l] 86% of german users disagree with the introduction of the personal image filter

2011-09-16 Thread Ryan Kaldari
Since when is the German Wikipedia under the domain of German jurisdiction? The German Wikipedia is an international project hosted in the United States. Am I missing something here? Ryan Kaldari On 9/16/11 3:48 AM, Tobias Oelgarte wrote: > That is an legal issue. We do that to comply with

Re: [Foundation-l] Dead Sea Scrolls

2011-09-27 Thread Ryan Kaldari
nalysis of the Notion of Originality in Copyright Law". /Journal of the Copyright Society of the U.S.A./ *49*: 949--981. Ryan Kaldari On 9/26/11 3:39 PM, Anthony wrote: > On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 4:43 PM, Ray Saintonge wrote: >> On 09/26/11 12:27 PM, emijrp wrote: >>> I

Re: [Foundation-l] Dead Sea Scrolls

2011-09-27 Thread Ryan Kaldari
Wow, it looks like I may be wrong. Very good news from Australia! Thanks for the link. Ryan Kaldari On 9/27/11 11:57 AM, Stephen Bain wrote: > On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 4:35 AM, Ryan Kaldari wrote: >> (Australia, however, is still decidedly sweat >> based). > Well, we recen

Re: [Foundation-l] Blog from Sue about censorship, editorial judgement, and image filters

2011-09-29 Thread Ryan Kaldari
-formed and > that they should therefore be ignored. Well, when every thoughtful comment you have on a topic is met with nothing more than chants of "WP:NOTCENSORED!", the tone argument seems quite valid. Ryan Kaldari ___ foundat

Re: [Foundation-l] Blog from Sue about censorship, editorial judgement, and image filters

2011-09-29 Thread Ryan Kaldari
ting controversial content in appropriate contexts. Thus I am routinely accused of supporting censorship (despite the fact that I founded WikiProject Wikipedians Against Censorship!). Ryan Kaldari On 9/29/11 4:34 PM, David Gerard wrote: > On 30 September 2011 00:28, Ryan Kaldari wrote: > &g

Re: [Foundation-l] Dead Sea Scrolls

2011-10-03 Thread Ryan Kaldari
copyright holders of such a transcription. Ryan Kaldari 1. Tempska, Urzula (2002). "'Originality' After the Dead Sea Scrolls Decision: Implications for the American Law of Copyright". /Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review/ *6* (1): 132. 2. Elkin-Koren, Niva (20

Re: [Foundation-l] Dead Sea Scrolls

2011-10-03 Thread Ryan Kaldari
On 10/3/11 4:36 PM, John Vandenberg wrote: > On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 5:34 AM, Ryan Kaldari wrote: >> I think we are fairly safe hosting the images of the original fragments, >> even by Israeli law. Israel does not recognize "sweat of the brow" and >> requires a m

Re: [Foundation-l] Dead Sea Scrolls

2011-10-04 Thread Ryan Kaldari
t maintain a good relationship with the Israeli museum, it may not be a good idea to mass upload them to Commons. Ryan Kaldari ___ foundation-l mailing list Unsubscribe:

Re: [Foundation-l] Blackout at Italian Wikipedia

2011-10-04 Thread Ryan Kaldari
The WMF isn't allowed to lobby for or against legislation, per our 501c3 non-profit status in the US. This is not necessarily true for chapters though, and definitely not true for the communities. Ryan Kaldari On 10/4/11 4:33 PM, Thomas Goldammer wrote: > 2011/10/5 John Vandenberg: &g

Re: [Foundation-l] On certain shallow, American-centered, foolish software initiatives backed by WMF

2011-10-28 Thread Ryan Kaldari
I just built WikiLove to make giving barnstars easier. The WFM didn't invent giving barnstars, that tradition was created by the community. Since it's been going on for quite a few years, I think your complaint is a bit late. Ryan Kaldari On 10/28/11 3:00 PM, Teofilo wrote: > The

Re: [Foundation-l] On certain shallow, American-centered, foolish software initiatives backed by WMF

2011-10-28 Thread Ryan Kaldari
r those of you who hate pink hearts, just add the following to your vector.css: #ca-wikilove.icon a{ background-image: url("/w/extensions/WikiLove/modules/ext.wikiLove/images/heart-icons-black.png"); } (or turn WikiLove off in your user prefs). Cheers, Ryan Kaldari On 10/28/11 3:27

Re: [Foundation-l] Show community consensus for Wikilove

2011-10-31 Thread Ryan Kaldari
imple questions or comments). Ryan Kaldari On 10/31/11 6:54 AM, Nathan wrote: > I see Brandon replied to this thread several times; did anyone notice > if the question in the OP (if community consensus is required for > implementation, where was it demonstrated for en.wp

Re: [Foundation-l] "Vital Articles" underperforming?

2011-12-04 Thread Ryan Kaldari
Wow, this thread went from interesting to pointless bickering in record time. Ryan Kaldari On 12/4/11 11:47 AM, Alasdair wrote: > You can see all my contributions to en.wikipedia at > or get an overview at > http://tools

Re: [Foundation-l] "Terms of use" : Anglo-saxon copyright law and Anglo-saxon lawyers : a disgrace for Continental Europeans

2011-12-12 Thread Ryan Kaldari
for those licenses. I don't see anything about how we're supposed to belittle and disgrace Europeans, but maybe I missed that part :) Ryan Kaldari On 12/12/11 8:14 AM, Teofilo wrote: > Le 11 décembre 2011 19:02, MZMcBride a écrit : >> Hi. >> >> The "Terms of use&

Re: [Foundation-l] "Terms of use" : Anglo-saxon copyright law and Anglo-saxon lawyers : a disgrace for Continental Europeans

2011-12-12 Thread Ryan Kaldari
I forgot humiliate. Sorry. Ryan Kaldari On 12/12/11 8:14 AM, Teofilo wrote: > Le 11 décembre 2011 19:02, MZMcBride a écrit : >> Hi. >> >> The "Terms of use" rewrite is starting to wind down. The current draft is >> here:<

Re: [Foundation-l] "Terms of use" : Anglo-saxon copyright law and Anglo-saxon lawyers : a disgrace for Continental Europeans

2011-12-12 Thread Ryan Kaldari
That's the whole point of free licenses—you're giving up some of your rights to your work. This doesn't have anything to do with European vs. American copyright law. I checked the wording in the existing terms of service and it's exactly the same. Ryan Kaldari On 12/1

Re: [Foundation-l] "Terms of use" : Anglo-saxon copyright law and Anglo-saxon lawyers : a disgrace for Continental Europeans

2011-12-12 Thread Ryan Kaldari
I suppose we could add a disclaimer saying that the Terms of Use do not affect the editor's moral rights, although this would be a bit redundant since the CC-BY-SA license already states this. Ryan Kaldari On 12/12/11 12:42 PM, Maggie Dennis wrote: > On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 11:14 AM,

Re: [Foundation-l] "Terms of use" : Anglo-saxon copyright law and Anglo-saxon lawyers : a disgrace for Continental Europeans

2011-12-13 Thread Ryan Kaldari
tantly, rather than carving out exceptions for various cases and having inconsistencies between what we require on paper and what we actually expect from reusers. Ryan Kaldari ___ foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] "Terms of use" : Anglo-saxon copyright law and Anglo-saxon lawyers : a disgrace for Continental Europeans

2011-12-13 Thread Ryan Kaldari
of attribution are acceptable for satisfying moral rights? Ryan Kaldari ___ foundation-l mailing list Unsubscribe:

Re: [Foundation-l] "Terms of use" : Anglo-saxon copyright law and Anglo-saxon lawyers : a disgrace for Continental Europeans

2011-12-13 Thread Ryan Kaldari
by moral rights. I imagine the reasoning behind this is that such works entail a minimum degree of creative "authorship" and are often published without attribution. If I'm mistaken in this conclusion, please let me know. Ryan Kaldari On 12/13/11 7:56 PM, Jussi-Ville Heiskanen wr

Re: [Foundation-l] "Terms of use" : Anglo-saxon copyright law and Anglo-saxon lawyers : a disgrace for Continental Europeans

2011-12-14 Thread Ryan Kaldari
ersonally think it makes more sense to stick with the unported CC-BY-SA license for now. The idea of having a ported Terms of Use, however, might be more doable, but I'd like to hear the legal team's opinion on this as they probably have a much better idea of what that would entail (and if

Re: [Foundation-l] How SOPA will hurt the free web and Wikipedia

2011-12-14 Thread Ryan Kaldari
ther, less-dramatic approaches in the meantime. Ryan Kaldari On 12/14/11 4:06 PM, Kim Bruning wrote: > On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 11:57:51PM +, Fae wrote: >> On 14 December 2011 22:42, Kim Bruning wrote: >> >> No. My opinion was on the straw man as stated, not for some later

Re: [Foundation-l] External free image repositories

2011-12-16 Thread Ryan Kaldari
user tracking. * Stability - If a 3rd party service goes down, we have no control over getting it fixed in a timely manner. This is one of the reason we don't use ReCaptcha for our login captcha. Ryan Kaldari On 12/16/11 1:57 PM, Strainu wrote: > Hi, > > Has the foundation eve

Re: [Foundation-l] Blink tag jokes are now obsolete.

2012-01-03 Thread Ryan Kaldari Start at the bottom. Ryan Kaldari On 1/3/12 4:44 PM, Theo10011 wrote: > On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 9:45 PM, Thomas Daltonwrote: > >> On 3 January 2012 22:36, Theo10011 wrote: >>> WMF started the email campaign last year f

Re: [Foundation-l] Fwd: Wikipedia is considering going dark to protest SOPA and PIPA

2012-01-13 Thread Ryan Kaldari
galleries that disagree with our PD-Art policy, I think that disagreement is an exception rather than the rule when it comes to copyright issues. Ryan Kaldari On 1/13/12 8:24 AM, Dominic McDevitt-Parks wrote: > On 13 January 2012 09:45, Liam Wyatt wrote: > >> On 13 January 2012 14

Re: [Foundation-l] FW: [Wikitech-l] proposed tech conference anti-harassment policy

2012-01-21 Thread Ryan Kaldari
opriate.[1] It is certainly possible to discuss technical issues surrounding Commons without using porny presentations.[2] 1. 2. Ryan Kaldari _

[Foundation-l] status of the licensing update

2009-02-18 Thread Ryan Kaldari
as to what the hold-up is. I hope this email doesn't come across as critical or confrontational. I'm simply trying to bridge the communication gap between the Foundation and the community on this important issue. Thanks for your attention. Ryan Kaldari ___

Re: [Foundation-l] status of the licensing update

2009-02-19 Thread Ryan Kaldari
hat license allowing combining of history lines into a single line listing > all significant authors, in the case of an MMORPG (or whatever it is the FSF > has chosen for the codeword for Wikipedia). See above. Ryan Kaldari ___ foundation-l mail

[Foundation-l] How will we handle the license migration for images/media?

2009-02-27 Thread Ryan Kaldari
It's my understanding from the relicensing FAQ that we will be dual licensing GFDL images in addition to text. It seems this will present a unique problem, however, since images and media files are licensed individually by the uploader rather than bulk licensed like Wikipedia text. How would the re

Re: [Foundation-l] Attribution survey, first results

2009-03-04 Thread Ryan Kaldari
way, this survey would be a pretty poor way to attempt it. Ryan Kaldari On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Nathan wrote: > As a non-statistician (and, from this list, you'd think there are lots of > professional statisticians participating...), can one of the experts explain > the p

Re: [Foundation-l] Proposed revised attribution language

2009-03-11 Thread Ryan Kaldari
> "either by, at your choice, including" "at your choice" is unnecessarily verbose. The sentence has the same meaning without the extra clause. Ryan Kaldari ___ foundation-l mailing list foundation-l@lists.wikimedia

Re: [Foundation-l] Considerations for museums and archives to gain their cooperation

2009-03-30 Thread Ryan Kaldari
/Commons:When_to_use_the_PD-Art_tag#The_position_of_the_WMF Ryan Kaldari > I'm still puzzled on what is the right thing to do with > > > > which was deleted twice and then reuploaded. > > When a museum claims to own copyright

Re: [Foundation-l] Considerations for museums and archives to gain their cooperation

2009-03-30 Thread Ryan Kaldari
re on the English Wikipedia... > Thanks, >      GerardM > > 2009/3/30 Ryan Kaldari > >> If a museum or archive asserts copyright on a PD work or art, we >> ignore such claims. The WMF has stated they are willing to go to court >> to defend the public domain s

Re: [Foundation-l] Encarta is dead

2009-03-31 Thread Ryan Kaldari
Maybe we could use that $20,000 that Philip Greenspun donated back in 2007 to purchase the Encarta illustrations (since it doesn't appear that that money is ever going to be used otherwise). Ryan Kaldari On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 10:15 AM, Domas Mituzas wrote: >> Tomorrow i

Re: [Foundation-l] Fwd: Should WMF opt out of Phorm?

2009-04-01 Thread Ryan Kaldari
At this point I would suggest that we go ahead and block access to Wikipedia from the UK entirely. Wikipedia isn't compatible with their censorship, libel, copyright, or privacy policies. Ryan Kaldari On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 9:33 AM, David Gerard wrote: >

Re: [Foundation-l] Fwd: Should WMF opt out of Phorm?

2009-04-01 Thread Ryan Kaldari
On a serious note, however, I would say HELL YES. Ryan Kaldari On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Ryan Kaldari wrote: > At this point I would suggest that we go ahead and block access to > Wikipedia from the UK entirely. Wikipedia isn't compatible with their > censorship, libel,

Re: [Foundation-l] Fwd: Should WMF opt out of Phorm?

2009-04-01 Thread Ryan Kaldari
Yes, but how many of them let you opt out? If we could opt out of the Great Firewall of China, I imagine we would :) Ryan Kaldari On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 3:58 PM, geni wrote: > 2009/4/1 David Gerard : >>

Re: [Foundation-l] Court: Congress can't put public domain back into copyright

2009-04-07 Thread Ryan Kaldari
ct of New York, for example. Granted, several federal courts have followed that ruling since then. Ryan Kaldari On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 11:33 PM, Ray Saintonge wrote: > Dan Rosenthal wrote: >> The 10th circuit (or the US District Court for Colorado, which >> actually made the decisio

Re: [Foundation-l] A proposal of partnership between Wikimedia Foundation and Internet Archive

2010-08-31 Thread Ryan Kaldari
Internet Archive. Anyone with access to the databases should be able to do this fairly easily. Rather than trying to engineer a complicated system that will take a year to implement, why not take this simple approach that will take care of 90+% of the problem? Ryan Kaldari

Re: [Foundation-l] Call for a moratorium on all new software developments

2010-09-09 Thread Ryan Kaldari
n the License Update Committee (which was mainly comprised of community members, not Foundation employees). Ryan Kaldari On 9/8/10 10:19 PM, Teofilo wrote: > 2010/9/7, Teofilo: > >> 2010/9/7, Tim Starling: >> >> >>> Presumably this conspiracy would have to e

Re: [Foundation-l] Call for a moratorium on all new software developments

2010-09-09 Thread Ryan Kaldari
Sorry, I meant every audio recording of an article, not every sound file :) Ryan Kaldari On 9/9/10 10:23 AM, Ryan Kaldari wrote: > So you're saying that the community is complicit in the agenda against > itself? I guess we should just go back to the days when you had to > reco

Re: [Foundation-l] Has Wikipedia changed since 2005?

2010-09-14 Thread Ryan Kaldari
I thought you were awarding the post a score of 0 :) Ryan Kaldari On 9/14/10 3:05 PM, Nathan wrote: > That was awkward! > > Meant to be: > > On a day in 2005, my hair was too long and not well kept. > > On a day in 2010, it was again too long and not well kept. > > Ob

Re: [Foundation-l] Project Creator: thekohser

2010-10-15 Thread Ryan Kaldari
Good thing he included a non-disclosure clause on his very public job posting :P Ryan Kaldari On 10/15/10 4:17 PM, Fred Bauder wrote: > At > > > "Status: Open >

Re: [Foundation-l] Free culture?

2010-10-18 Thread Ryan Kaldari
Funny how Peter's blog complaining about moderation is itself moderated by Peter. Ryan Kaldari On 10/18/10 9:37 AM, Fred Bauder wrote: > Peter Damian, it turns out has a blog, "Beyond Necessity" and has > commented on our banning and moderating activities: > > http:/

Re: [Foundation-l] Free culture?

2010-10-18 Thread Ryan Kaldari
uncritical discussion of WMF 50% sharp criticism Ryan Kaldari On 10/18/10 11:56 AM, Fred Bauder wrote: >> Funny how Peter's blog complaining about moderation is itself moderated >> by Peter. >> >> Ryan Kaldari >> > That is not significant. The kind of stuf

Re: [Foundation-l] Page views

2010-10-18 Thread Ryan Kaldari
This may be related to the deployment of the new CentralNotice banner loader. An RT ticket has been opened to investigate. If so, we may need to filter those requests from the page view stats. Ryan Kaldari On 10/18/10 6:16 PM, Erik Zachte wrote: > For those of you who want to follow t

Re: [Foundation-l] Free culture?

2010-10-19 Thread Ryan Kaldari
te on a budget of $1.6 million including salaries for several IT developers". (The current hosting cost is $2 million, not including salaries.) Anyway, this probably constitutes feeding the trolls, so -1 for me. Ryan Kaldari On 10/19/10 11:06 AM, Mike Dupont wrote: > On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 7:5

Re: [Foundation-l] Proposal for new project

2010-10-20 Thread Ryan Kaldari
In the U.S. that would be "home electronics". Ryan Kaldari On 10/20/10 11:40 AM, Leonardo Oña wrote: > Ok, thanks you. > Te Category Electrodomestics include: Microwaves, radios, TV, PC, etc. > > 2010/10/20 > > >> In a message dated 10/20/2010 11:30:49 AM

Re: [Foundation-l] Greg Kohs and Peter Damian

2010-10-20 Thread Ryan Kaldari
I thought it was 3 or 5 out of nine (depending on your definition of community). Ryan Kaldari On 10/20/10 3:44 PM, Geoffrey Plourde wrote: > Can you explain your statement more? Since only one or three seats are > selected > by the community out of nine(depending on your defi

Re: [Foundation-l] Paid editing, was Re: Ban and moderate

2010-10-22 Thread Ryan Kaldari
rly has an axe to grind and intends to grind it. We don't have to facilitate that. Ryan Kaldari On 10/22/10 2:04 PM, Fred Bauder wrote: > Yes, but he is relentless when not prodded. Unless we chose to open up > Wikipedia to paid editing of the sort he does he will probably contin

Re: [Foundation-l] Page views

2010-10-22 Thread Ryan Kaldari
The CentralNotice pages/js use client-side caching, so not ever page view will actually spawn a new request to the squid servers. Ryan Kaldari On 10/22/10 4:00 PM, Michael Peel wrote: > On 22 Oct 2010, at 02:02, Erik Zachte wrote: > > >> A quick update on our inflated

Re: [Foundation-l] Evil Book

2010-11-01 Thread Ryan Kaldari
publishers so that we can start asking for some royalties (or else sue them for not giving us proper credit). Ryan Kaldari On 10/31/10 9:41 AM, Fred Bauder wrote: > There is a book review of a 98 page book supposedly about Ukita > Kōkichi (who apparently prematurely invented the hang

Re: [Foundation-l] Evil Book

2010-11-01 Thread Ryan Kaldari
more of the search results (which is already true in some obscure cases). Perhaps Wikipedia will inadvertently cause the demise of Amazon and the rebirth of local bookstores. Ryan Kaldari On 11/1/10 1:09 PM, Ryan Kaldari wrote: > It is actually becoming somewhat difficult to search for

Re: [Foundation-l] PediaPress

2010-11-13 Thread Ryan Kaldari
What's the URL for Robert's service? I would love to try it out. If the service isn't mature yet, is there a code repository somewhere? Ryan Kaldari On 11/13/10 10:00 AM, David Gerard wrote: > On 13 November 2010 17:53, Magnus Manske wrote: > > >> I'm all

Re: [Foundation-l] PediaPress

2010-11-13 Thread Ryan Kaldari
cision (especially considering how skeptical they've been of the PediaPress partnership). Ryan Kaldari ___ foundation-l mailing list Unsubscribe:

Re: [Foundation-l] PediaPress

2010-11-15 Thread Ryan Kaldari
gt; Do you have any evidence that PediaPress offered the Foundation money up front for consideration as a partner? If so, how much money did they give? This is a very serious accusation that requires some evidence in my opinion, especially as it is contradicted by what Erik says

Re: [Foundation-l] PediaPress

2010-11-15 Thread Ryan Kaldari
her of my questions, I'll assume you have no evidence for these aspersions. Ryan Kaldari On 11/15/10 4:55 PM, Robert S. Horning wrote: > On 11/15/2010 12:10 PM, Ryan Kaldari wrote: > >> On 11/13/10 3:26 PM, Robert S. Horning wrote: >> >> >>> The differ

Re: [Foundation-l] PediaPress

2010-11-15 Thread Ryan Kaldari
imply that the Foundation's favor can be bought and sold (without any evidence to that effect), I don't see why we should just accept that. I agree there are more important points to discuss, so I'm dropping the issue, but I still reserve the right to question any spurious accusations i

Re: [Foundation-l] A question for American Wikimedians

2010-11-17 Thread Ryan Kaldari
] [2] Ryan Kaldari On 11/17/10 2:18 PM, Strainu wrote: > 2010/11/17: > >> In a message dated 11/17/2010 1:23:04 PM Pacific Standard Time, >> writes: >> >> >&

Re: [Foundation-l] Corporate Social Responsibility

2010-11-19 Thread Ryan Kaldari
basic expectations of privacy in order to work at the WMF would likely scare away most potential employees, especially since WMF employees work at below market rates. Ryan Kaldari On 11/19/10 3:37 PM, Noein wrote: > -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- > Hash: SHA1 > > On 19/11/2010 1

Re: [Foundation-l] Corporate Social Responsibility

2010-11-22 Thread Ryan Kaldari
proprietary cultural bias" has gone seriously haywire :) Ryan Kaldari On 11/20/10 4:16 AM, Fred Bauder wrote: >> -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- >> Hash: SHA1 >> >> On 19/11/2010 21:31, Risker wrote: >> >>> The last one is for the fiscal yea

Re: [Foundation-l] Friendliness (was: Missing Wikipedians: An Essay)

2011-02-25 Thread Ryan Kaldari
mp;dim2=CommunityHQ>. * Be a pro. Find out if you're really as good as you think you are. Check out the Top Contributors Hall of Fame <>. We're glad you're part of t

Re: [Foundation-l] Friendliness

2011-02-25 Thread Ryan Kaldari
Yes, the larger wikis need to become WikiProject-centric. First step in doing this would be to create a WikiProject namespace. Second step would be to make WikiProject article tagging/assessment part of the software instead of template-based. Ryan Kaldari On 2/25/11 3:11 PM, John Vandenberg

Re: [Foundation-l] keeping localization in mind

2011-03-23 Thread Ryan Kaldari
x27;. You say that you aren't suggesting that people not link to English Wikipedia, but then what is the point of your argument? Are you suggesting that we pre-translate every linked article into all 269 languages and then protect them all as well? Obviou

Re: [Foundation-l] keeping localization in mind

2011-03-23 Thread Ryan Kaldari
n the extension for Meta (other than the Bugzilla bug)? Are there any blocking issues that would prevent this from being feasible? I'm also interested in improving the translation system for CentralNotice, so maybe the Translation extension could help. Ryan Kaldari On 3/23/11 10:53

Re: [Foundation-l] Message to community about community decline

2011-03-28 Thread Ryan Kaldari
om places like Brazil and Mozambique instead of just the United States and Texas. Now that I think about it, I believe it would actually be a pretty awesome website. Too bad we'll never let that happen. Ryan Kaldari ___ foundation-l mailing list fo

Re: [Foundation-l] [Fwd: Re: Do WMF want]

2011-05-09 Thread Ryan Kaldari
Actually, what we should be doing is asking Afilias for one of the reserved 1-letter domains: Twitter has, so why not? Ryan Kaldari On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 3:57 PM, Platonides wrote: > Just create your own tld ;) > > > > ___

Re: [Foundation-l] Fwd: Copyright problems of images from India

2011-05-10 Thread Ryan Kaldari
might get deleted. Welcome to the insanity of U.S. copyright laws and treaties! Ryan Kaldari On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 1:26 PM, Tomasz Ganicz wrote: > 2011/5/10 FT2 : > > Why would the creator's citizenship, or the place of its creation, be > > decisive? The works of an Indian

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