Re: [Foundation-l] WMF seeking to sub-lease office space?

2009-09-05 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/5 Thomas Dalton : > The Foundation has been sufficiently transparent. The reasons for > leasing office space from Wikia were explained in detail when that > deal was done (I think Sue [could have been someone else from WMF] > explained it on this mailing list after people [probably me] drew

Re: [Foundation-l] WMF seeking to sub-lease office space?

2009-09-06 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/6 geni : > If you want to get seriously formal there are signpost or signpost > like publications in 19 languages on wikipedia which means that > informing them is likely to result in significantly wider information > distribution among the wikimedia than "wikizine". Wikizine does pretty

Re: [Foundation-l] WMF seeking to sub-lease office space?

2009-09-06 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/6 Anthony : > I just have to say that I think it is utter and complete nonsense for anyone > to ever accuse the Wikimedia Foundation in any serious way of being the kind > of organization that tries to hush things up. Too many people attribute to malice what is completely explained by fuc

Re: [Foundation-l] WMF seeking to sub-lease office space?

2009-09-06 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/6 Anthony : > On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 8:06 AM, David Gerard wrote: >> Too many people attribute to malice what is completely explained by >> fuckups. > Perhaps you should rethink this analysis.  You might be attributing > accusations of the latter for accusations of

Re: [Foundation-l] CommonsForce

2009-09-07 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/7 Klaus Graf : > I applaud fighting against Copyfraud but will it make sense to educate > e.g. the UK National Portrait Gallery? The Hydra Copyfraud has too > many heads. There are times when it's prudent to let these things rest in a state of quantum uncertainty, e.g. when dealing with a

Re: [Foundation-l] WMF seeking to sub-lease office space?

2009-09-07 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/7 Bod Notbod : > I wonder what motivates this kind of thread. Do those who regularly > seek to pick out any inconsistency or "failure" to communicate > actually /like/ Wikipedia, or do they have some grudge against the > whole enterprise? That would describe the person who started this th

Re: [Foundation-l] Proposal: Commons Force

2009-09-07 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/7 Sage Ross : > On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 3:34 PM, Geoffrey Plourde wrote: >> The Commons Force proposal represents a clear and present danger, both for >> whoever hosts it and participates in it. It is not for a third party to >> intervene in a contract between two people and only two peopl

Re: [Foundation-l] Proposal: Commons Force

2009-09-07 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/7 Bod Notbod : > That's a very fair comment. > Is it possible to keep my proposal intact and address those issues? Indeed. Just note on CC-by and CC-by-sa that they also make it eligible for Wikipedia. Offer a tickbox for asking Wikipedia reviewers to check your image, putting up a list

Re: [Foundation-l] WMF seeking to sub-lease office space?

2009-09-08 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/7 Bod Notbod : > On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 2:42 PM, David Gerard wrote: >> That would describe the person who started this thread, who has stated >> elsewhere that anything whatsoever he does on any WMF site is only for >> the purpose of trolling. > Was that the form

Re: [Foundation-l] Use of moderation

2009-09-09 Thread David Gerard
that the forum promptly had 10x the traffic! The point is: it has been done and can be done. And that way, those of us (e.g. me) who hate forums and don't want yet another web page to go to can have it all happen in in our email. So I heartily suggest we go to a forum with a fidelitous email

Re: [Foundation-l] Do we have a complete set of WMF projects?

2009-09-09 Thread David Gerard
As Erik points out, at a certain point we have to actually write new code to support new ideas. Else "projects we could do at Wikimedia" becomes "projects we can do with a wiki engine." e.g. OpenStreetMap would have been a natural for WMF, but it would have required a whole new software infrastruc

Re: [Foundation-l] Do we have a complete set of WMF projects?

2009-09-10 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/10 Brion Vibber : > IMO we need to do that for the projects we already have before we take > on new obligations! Oh yesss. > We still have very poor software support for: > * Commons -- We need a sane upload and post-upload workflow (eg review > and deletion), and a clean system for han

Re: [Foundation-l] Report to the Board of Trustees June 2009

2009-09-11 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/11 Waldir Pimenta : > We would love to receive advice on how we can make the chapter work (well) > with people so spread across the country (almost all the involved people > live in different cities), and since much of the money WMF has was > volunteer-contributed, we will take into account

[Foundation-l] Charities get external video annotation on YouTube

2009-09-11 Thread David Gerard So, any videos we can do this with? - d. ___ foundation-l mailing list Unsubscribe:

Re: [Foundation-l] Use of moderation

2009-09-13 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/13 Austin Hair : > I've personally met some of the most prolific posters to Foundation-l, > and not one I can think of is the type to dominate a conversation in > person. *cough* I am, but consciously try to moderate it. A bit. > I'm encouraged by how the discussion's progressed thus fa

[Foundation-l] Towards written sign languages

2009-09-15 Thread David Gerard Not quite there yet, but interesting and promising. - d. ___ foundation-l mailing list Unsubscribe:

Re: [Foundation-l] Expert board members - a suggestion

2009-09-17 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/15 Domas Mituzas : > This is entirely off-topic, and could be continued in wikitech-l, if > you're really eager to tell how you modify compressed files "in > place". ;-) You can decode bzipped files an arbitrary block at a time (which makes reader apps surprisingly viable on devices with

Re: [Foundation-l] Fundraising Promotion and Job Opening

2009-09-17 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/17 Michael Peel : > This doesn't seem quite right to me. "average" donors may financially > be worth less in each donation, but remember that there's a lot more > of them, and they're more likely to give repeat donations. Also, > there's more to "worth" than just financial, e.g. in good wil

[Foundation-l] It's not article count, it's editors

2009-09-21 Thread David Gerard
From Erik Zachte: Hmm. Anyone want to change the front page of accordingly?  ;-) - d. ___ foundation-l mailing list Unsubscribe: h

Re: [Foundation-l] [WikiEN-l] Wikimedian image restorations exploited on eBay

2009-09-22 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/22 Durova : > When this thread began I hoped more people would comb the collection in > search of copyleft license violations.  We have been losing FP volunteers > over license violation problems. That's a large statement, and it needs substantiation to convince. Please list the examples

Re: [Foundation-l] [WikiEN-l] Wikimedian image restorations exploited on eBay

2009-09-22 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/22 Durova : > No David, I have already stated that the best thing to do at this point is > step back and examine the differing assumptions that made this thread > nonproductive.  My previous attempts to clarify matters with specific > examples led to accusations that I had taken the thread

[Foundation-l] GPL enforced in France - by third-party user

2009-09-23 Thread David Gerard Not only was the GPL upheld in court, the case was brought by a third-party user, not the copyright holder. This augurs well for the strength of other copylefts. (But about that moral rights clause ...) - d.

Re: [Foundation-l] Use of moderation

2009-09-24 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/24 Jonathan Kallay : > It seems to me that a new Wikipedia-inspired project could help address > the many civility/noise problems of mailing lists, web forums, etc. A > Thoughts? Feature suggestions for LiquidThreads? That's the Wiki-ish forum solution that one day is hoped to be in usab

Re: [Foundation-l] a heads-up on Wikimedia France's adventures with the French cultural authorities

2009-09-25 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/25 Teofilo : > I disagree. I think the priority is to have the full resolution > pictures of Public Domain works. Because this is what the French > copyright law is saying. There is no need to negociate anything. There > is no need to change a single word from the current French copyright >

Re: [Foundation-l] Report to the Board July 2009

2009-09-26 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/26 Samuel Klein : >> Mike Godwin completed a first draft of the revised trademark policy. > - Nice.  Does this mean we are closer to a world in which awesome > Wikimedia swag is easy to come by... and not through cafepress? [ > sorry, CP! :) ] The chapters still can't do such things loca

Re: [Foundation-l] a heads-up on Wikimedia France's adventures with the Frenc...

2009-09-28 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/28 : >  From the earlier poster Teofilo: >    I disagree. I think the priority is to have the full >    resolution pictures of Public Domain works. > That seems to be a demand to have the highest resolution copies possible. That sets it out as a goal, not a demand. But getting back to t

Re: [Foundation-l] Announce: Brion moving to StatusNet

2009-09-28 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/28 Mohamed Magdy : > This really sucks. Hey, we'll all live, and he's alive and well :-) I'm now sending the job opening around my SF contacts ... - d. ___ foundation-l mailing list Unsubscribe: https://lists

Re: [Foundation-l] a heads-up on Wikimedia France's adventures with the Frenc...

2009-09-30 Thread David Gerard
2009/9/30 : > David Gerard wrote: >> But getting back to the case in question - we're talking about the >> sort of museum that's actually a government sub-department. Thus, >> public domain images that the taxpayer has *already paid for*. I see >> nothing w

Re: [Foundation-l] "Wikipedia" localization

2009-10-04 Thread David Gerard
2009/10/4 Geoffrey Plourde : > The issue I see is that if a computer doesn't have japanese character > support, ja-wp would be hard to navigate. o_0 If a computer doesn't have Japanese character support, the user is extremely unlikely to get much use out of ja:wp anyway. - d. ___

Re: [Foundation-l] Charity Navigator rates WMF

2009-10-10 Thread David Gerard
2009/10/10 Samuel Klein : > The ratio of overhead to other expenses isn't always a great meter > stick, as Erik mentions.  Nevertheless, one extraordinary aspect of > Wikipedia and siblings is how high the efficiency of its core project > work is by that measure: 100 billion views / 100 million ed

Re: [Foundation-l] Charity Navigator rates WMF

2009-10-10 Thread David Gerard
2009/10/10 Anthony : > On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 7:41 PM, Samuel Klein wrote: >> In my experience, high-school teachers were 90/10 anti Wikipedia 3 >> years ago, and are slightly in favor of it today.  This sort of thing >> would be a fascinating survey to run year after year. > I don't know.  My e

[Foundation-l] Commercial open content and not quite getting it

2009-10-13 Thread David Gerard is a new "open data" site. Here's a line from the TOS: "You may not sell, resell, redistribute, sublicense, or transfer all or any portion of the services or data provided to you through Factual API calls." Yeah, that's open content all right. (fail.) Is there anything we can or shou

[Foundation-l] Fwd: [SharedKnowing] WatchKnow launches!

2009-10-20 Thread David Gerard
This is actually a fantastically cool idea. - d. -- Forwarded message -- From: Larry Sanger Date: 2009/10/19 Subject: [SharedKnowing] WatchKnow launches! To: Dear all, I'm delighted to announce that WatchKnow (

Re: [Foundation-l] Fwd: [SharedKnowing] WatchKnow launches!

2009-10-21 Thread David Gerard
2009/10/20 Bod Notbod : > On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 6:24 PM, Jiri Hofman wrote: >> Not free, not own content, not interested. >> Categorizing content of internet has been repeatedly unsuccessful. Why it >> should be successful now? > It's embedded. It's video! Y'know, it moves and makes sounds. T

Re: [Foundation-l] Wikipedia meets git

2009-10-21 Thread David Gerard
2009/10/21 : > most people are working on very small subsets of the data. Very few > people will want to have all the data, think about getting all the > versions from all the git repos, it would be the same. > My idea is for smaller chapters who want to get started

Re: [Foundation-l] (no subject)

2009-10-27 Thread David Gerard
2009/10/27 Mike.lifeguard : > You are a long way from proving your point, but I would encourage you to > make that request on the talk page of the CheckUser policy page on > English Wikipedia so it can be pointed out that while there is a public > request process, most requests are made in private

[Foundation-l] Sue Gardner nominated for HuffPost media game-changer of the year

2009-10-29 Thread David Gerard
Nominated for having successfully taken the organisation to the next level of professionalism and the influence that gives us. (Do of course click through the others.) - d. _

[Foundation-l] How to make a puzzle globe

2009-11-01 Thread David Gerard - d. ___ foundation-l mailing list Unsubscribe:

Re: [Foundation-l] Wikinews has not failed

2009-11-05 Thread David Gerard
2009/11/5 : > By failing I mean that it never achieved any sort of siginificant presence. >  When Wikinews was started it was, imho, to shunt news off the main project > into its own space. In your opinion? i.e., not necessarily in anyone else's. > Better to re-focus attention on those projec

Re: [Foundation-l] Wikinews has not failed

2009-11-05 Thread David Gerard
2009/11/5 Andrew Gray : > We did astonishingly, staggeringly, unbelievably, improbably well with > Wikipedia. Failing to replicate that is to be expected; it's unlikely > we could deliberately manage such a success without a shedload of good > luck. "It's got a wiki in it" isn't a magic spell, aft

Re: [Foundation-l] Wikinews has not failed

2009-11-05 Thread David Gerard
2009/11/5 David Gerard : > 2009/11/5 Andrew Gray : >> We did astonishingly, staggeringly, unbelievably, improbably well with >> Wikipedia. Failing to replicate that is to be expected; it's unlikely >> we could deliberately manage such a success without a shedload of good

Re: [Foundation-l] The state of Foundation-l (again) was: Recent firing?

2009-11-08 Thread David Gerard
This thread should be an illustrative example in . - d. ___ foundation-l mailing list Unsubscribe:

Re: [Foundation-l] the use of foundation-l

2009-11-08 Thread David Gerard
2009/11/8 : > The reason I asked for no personal attacks is because the above, by you, > sounds very much like : "You are the problem.  You are a problem." Actually, you are the problem. Your posts to foundation-l of late have pretty much entirely been self-aggrandising noise and the meta-issue

Re: [Foundation-l] Foundation-l open for business, with changes

2009-11-14 Thread David Gerard
2009/11/14 Ryan Lomonaco : > After reviewing the comments of foundation-l participants over the last few > days, we've come up with a few changes that we hope will ultimately improve > the tenor and scope of discussions. *wild applause* (29 posts to go ...) - d. _

Re: [Foundation-l] Building The Great Monument of Bureaucracy

2009-11-22 Thread David Gerard
2009/11/22 Judson Dunn : > And in defense of the bureaucratic morons, you might be surprised the > number of super positive generous people that want their work on > Wikipedia that are completely unwilling to allow 3rd parties to use > their work. I don't personally make people say "The Great Sent

Re: [Foundation-l] Building The Great Monument of Bureaucracy

2009-11-22 Thread David Gerard
2009/11/22 Geoffrey Plourde : > I see a lot of well meaning people responding here, but maybe its time to go > back to the basics. No non free pictures, period. No more bureaucracy plus > cost savings on not having to run the permissions systems. I submit that you aren't reading the messages s

Re: [Foundation-l] Building The Great Monument of Bureaucracy

2009-11-22 Thread David Gerard
2009/11/22 Milos Rancic : > Keep in mind that this is not about non-free content, this is not > about a possibility that professor didn't understand all consequences > of his approval; this is just about The Form. The Bureaucracy. Note, > also, that this cooperation exists for four years. I don't

Re: [Foundation-l] Wikimedia and Environment

2009-12-12 Thread David Gerard
2009/12/12 Geoffrey Plourde : > The only reason the servers and internet access produce CO2 emissions is > because of the defective and antiquated energy production systems we use > across the world. As we move towards more efficient and "cleaner" means of > energy production, the carbon footpr

Re: [Foundation-l] Wikimedia and Environment

2009-12-12 Thread David Gerard
2009/12/12 masti : > W dniu 12.12.2009 22:36, David Gerard pisze: >> Iceland! Geothermal energy! > but we need to cool not to heat our servers :) I think they've got some of that there too ;-) - d. ___ foundation-l mailing

Re: [Foundation-l] Wikimedia and Environment

2009-12-13 Thread David Gerard
2009/12/13 Teofilo : > But the best is to use no energy at all : see the OLPC project in > Afghanistan (A computer with pedals, like the sewing machines of our > great-great-great-grand-mothers) (1) > (1) > That'

Re: [Foundation-l] advertising craigslist

2009-12-15 Thread David Gerard
2009/12/15 Mark Williamson : > If that's true, I am even more against this... what does that say about us? Didn't we have this discussion around Virgin Unite? Craig Newmark's on the WMF advisory board. Cra

Re: [Foundation-l] Wikimedia and Environment

2009-12-15 Thread David Gerard
2009/12/15 Tim Starling : > Aryeh Gregor wrote: >> In contrast, by emitting >> carbon dioxide, you're contributing to an effect that won't be a big >> deal for at least a few more decades. > It's a big deal already, and by the time it becomes an even bigger > deal, it will be too late to act. The

Re: [Foundation-l] My new blog and foundation-l

2009-12-15 Thread David Gerard
2009/12/15 Steven Walling : > Have you added your new blog to Open Wiki Blog Planet and the Wikimedia > aggregator? The en:wp arbcom have started messing with the Open Wiki Blog Planet, on the pretext that if the control page is on en:wp then they must own it. Suggest moving control page to Meta

Re: [Foundation-l] My new blog and foundation-l

2009-12-15 Thread David Gerard
2009/12/15 Thomas Dalton : > 2009/12/15 Steven Walling : >> Have you added your new blog to Open Wiki Blog Planet and the Wikimedia >> aggregator? > I've asked for it to be added to Planet Wikimedia. I've never heard of > the other one. Control page: http://en.

Re: [Foundation-l] some attention regarding our ad placement

2009-12-15 Thread David Gerard
2009/12/15 Judson Dunn : > > Ah, well. :) Hey, free publicity! *cough* - d. ___ foundation-l mailing list Unsubscribe: https://lis

Re: [Foundation-l] advertising craigslist

2009-12-17 Thread David Gerard
2009/12/17 Mark Williamson : > This is great publicity for Craigslist and it would be silly to measure the > impact by the number of pageviews for our own page on Craigslist. I think > the point Geni was trying to make is that it has indeed raised some interest > in Craigslist, rather than just he

Re: [Foundation-l] advertising craigslist

2009-12-17 Thread David Gerard
2009/12/17 Thomas Dalton : > I agree with Bod - most people I know will have heard of Craigslist, > but I don't know anyone that has used it. We know about it because it > is mentioned quite often on TV imported from the US. However, despite > everyone having heard of Craigslist, it seems Britons

[Foundation-l] Boing Boing applauds!

2010-01-08 Thread David Gerard - d. ___ foundation-l mailing list Unsubscribe:

Re: [Foundation-l] Boing Boing applauds!

2010-01-08 Thread David Gerard
2010/1/8 William Pietri : > On 01/08/2010 09:02 AM, David Gerard wrote: >> > And the poster, who is a Boing Boing guest editor, is one of our own, an > English Wikipedia contributor since 2004: >

Re: [Foundation-l] Wikimedia crosses 10Gbit/sec

2010-01-11 Thread David Gerard
2010/1/11 Domas Mituzas : >> . This >> peak rate was achieved while serving roughly 91,725 requests per >> second. > I don't think this is good number - as there were around 9000 > requests-a-second handled by a separate server (That is not included in > request stats). > Also the increase in b

Re: [Foundation-l] video presentation on explicit images on WMF projects

2010-01-14 Thread David Gerard
2010/1/14 David Goodman : > As for the link, showing these in greatly enlarged  versions, without > the context of the articles in which they are used, is setting up a > strong bias. We've never engaged in that use of the material, nor > would we. If people want to take our material out of our enc

Re: [Foundation-l] video presentation on explicit images on WMF projects

2010-01-18 Thread David Gerard
2010/1/19 Mike Godwin : > Keep in mind, though, that PM is constantly asking for Foundation > intervention with regard to the images that he is so consistently reviewing > and concerned about. Why PM wants Foundation intervention rather than > community consensus is unclear to me -- It's because

[Foundation-l] Give a man a fish and make it illegal to teach fishing

2010-01-23 Thread David Gerard Michael Geist on how excessive copyright and ACTA-like treaties will directly affect the process of sharing and education, i.e. what we do. - d. ___ foundation-l mailing list U

Re: [Foundation-l] [Announcement] Danese Cooper joins Wikimedia as CTO

2010-01-29 Thread David Gerard
On 28 January 2010 20:16, Sue Gardner wrote: > I'm delighted to announce that the Wikimedia Foundation's new Chief > Technical Officer is Danese Cooper, an experienced technology manager > and open-source evangelist. Danese will start with Wikimedia on > February 4, 2010. Holy crap. Win! Mike

[Foundation-l] Glyn Moody on BLW

2010-02-01 Thread David Gerard I've added some background on what we do (ask nicely, take things slowly) and why. Others welcome, particularly as I've only done minimal GLAM liaison myself :-) - d. __

Re: [Foundation-l] Glyn Moody on BLW

2010-02-01 Thread David Gerard
On 1 February 2010 13:40, David Gerard wrote: > > I've added some background on what we do (ask nicely, take things > slowly) and why. Others welcome, particularly as I've only done >

Re: [Foundation-l] Mediawiki to C++ , here we go

2010-02-02 Thread David Gerard
On 3 February 2010 00:15, Domas Mituzas wrote: > Do note that this is translation of dynamic language code, it doesn't > make it as efficient as code written for native compilation. OTOH, given that wikitext is defined as "what the parser does", it's the only current realistic prospect for some

Re: [Foundation-l] Great news! Google gives Wikimedia USD 2 million

2010-02-17 Thread David Gerard
On 17 February 2010 14:44, Domas Mituzas wrote: >> The question is, how do we thank the company that has everything? > We can thank them by providing better content to everyone. That is both what > they and us want. Indeed. Note, by the way, I believe we've previously received money from Micr

[Foundation-l] Fwd: [Wikipedia-l] Please HELP save Wikipedia history ! (urgent)

2010-02-19 Thread David Gerard
-- Forwarded message -- From: Florence Devouard Date: 19 February 2010 21:19 Subject: [Wikipedia-l] Please HELP save Wikipedia history ! (urgent) To: An editor on META is having the crazy idea of tagging all historical logo propositions made during

[Foundation-l] semi-OT: LibriVox needs money

2010-02-27 Thread David Gerard
Not WMF-related, but a project I think many here would find sympathy with: They do public-domain audio recordings of public-domain books. The audio files are hosted by, but the rest runs on a server of their own. They need $20k

Re: [Foundation-l] Werner Icking Music Archive may be closing

2010-02-28 Thread David Gerard
On 28 February 2010 12:42, wrote: > The Werner Icking Music Archive has announced it's no longer capable of > coping with the large amount of visitors to the site. They are > considering hosting the content somewhere else. > This archive contains much sheet music of public doma

Re: [Foundation-l] Sue Gardner, Erik Möller , Will iam Pietri: Where is FlaggedRevisions?

2010-03-01 Thread David Gerard
On 1 March 2010 06:51, William Pietri wrote: > And in the future people want to know about something, just drop me a > note off list and say, "Hey, William! I was wondering about X, and I'd > bet other people are too." I'm entirely happy to keep people apprised on > pretty much anything, but I do

Re: [Foundation-l] Werner Icking Music Archive may be closing

2010-03-01 Thread David Gerard
On 1 March 2010 12:52, Andrew Gray wrote: > Judging from (an older version of?) the website, it's a general > non-commercial license on all submissions: > ::: The archive contains "free" sheet music, free for non-commercial usage. > This > ::: means that you may download the files and print pape

Re: [Foundation-l] [Announcement] Extension of user experience work

2010-03-02 Thread David Gerard
On 2 March 2010 09:19, Naoko Komura wrote: > The Stanton usability project is in the final phase, but we are still > developing one of the most complicated features we worked so far,     > collapsing and form-based templates.  We are faced with a lot of challenges, > but we hope to be able to s

Re: [Foundation-l] Building up the reserves

2010-03-02 Thread David Gerard
On 2 March 2010 04:37, Gregory Kohs wrote: >  Do you think donors think this is an important mission, to > build up the savings account? Yes. Getting out of living hand-to-mouth and building an actual ongoing reserve has been an express goal over the past few years. - d.

Re: [Foundation-l] Texas Instruments signing key controversy

2010-03-03 Thread David Gerard
On 3 March 2010 10:38, Chad wrote: > By looking on the other sites that seem to be posting it. I don't see > how posting their signing keys helps anyone trying to learn about > the company. > This sounds like a new case of "we want to post it because they don't > want it posted" It's not the so

Re: [Foundation-l] Texas Instruments signing key controversy

2010-03-03 Thread David Gerard
On 3 March 2010 12:28, Gregory Maxwell wrote: > Wikipedia is not a dumping ground for your copyfight.  There is plenty > of reason to exclude this material regardless of the copyright/legal > concerns,  and plenty of other people hosting it elsewhere.  Doubly > true where the material is promoted

Re: [Foundation-l] FlaggedRevisions status (March 2010)

2010-03-04 Thread David Gerard
On 4 March 2010 17:20, MZMcBride wrote: > Also, David Gerard made a suggestion about weekly updates that concretely > list the progress that's being made with regard to FlaggedRevs development. William has mentioned there are software checkins, etc. in progress. Even a list of tho

Re: [Foundation-l] Internet nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

2010-03-10 Thread David Gerard
On 10 March 2010 23:40, Brian J Mingus wrote: > On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 4:31 PM, Thomas Dalton wrote: >> >> We're the biggest non-profit website in the world. That sounds like >> argument for us to get the prize money to me. > The Internet is def

Re: [Foundation-l] Changes in Language committee practice: ancient and constructed languages

2010-03-13 Thread David Gerard
On 13 March 2010 19:12, Ray Saintonge wrote: > For minor languages sustainable activity is often the very good work of > one extremely dedicated individual with no-one else making any > significant contribution. I thought the definition of "sustainable activity" included at least five reasonabl

Re: [Foundation-l] Wikiversity

2010-03-19 Thread David Gerard
On 19/03/2010, Erik Moeller wrote: > It's heartbreaking to see how a small project can be disrupted by a > tiny number of well-known problem users, and IMO a strong argument for > using more global blocking processes. Small projects often think they > need to give people "fresh start" opportuniti

Re: [Foundation-l] Jimbo's authority (on "global bans")

2010-03-25 Thread David Gerard
On 25 March 2010 21:33, George Herbert wrote: > On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 2:31 PM, Benjamin Lees wrote: >> There is now: * >>* > Putting up a page on a wi

Re: [Foundation-l] Fwd: Wikipedia e-mail

2010-03-28 Thread David Gerard
On 28 March 2010 19:44, Nicholas Moreau wrote: > Has anyone else got this weird message, a pseudo-phishing attack? Everyone. They tried this last year on the inactive admins, now they appear to be trying it on everyone. MAKE >> ACCOUNTS >> FAST - d. _

Re: [Foundation-l] Swedish Wikipedians removes Wikimedia logos

2010-03-29 Thread David Gerard
On 29 March 2010 22:42, George Herbert wrote: > This seems to me to be an extremely strange and unusual interpretation > of the Foundation's policy on copyrighted images.  I am not aware of > anyone else having brought this up on other Wikis. There are occasional attempts to remove Wikimedia im

Re: [Foundation-l] Copyrighted maps and Derived works

2010-04-01 Thread David Gerard
On 1 April 2010 14:58, Alison M. Wheeler wrote: > 2. Taking an image from a satellite or aeroplane image requires no > copyrightable skill: Camera points down, takes images at fixed focus at > regular time intervals. Images are published. Minor detail - although this is a valid point philosop

Re: [Foundation-l] open letter by Wikiversity users to the WMF Board of Trustees

2010-04-04 Thread David Gerard
On 4 April 2010 13:56, Gerard Meijssen wrote: > As far as I am concerned, there have been a few persons who manifested > themselves as not taking no for an answer, who were blocked on several > projects, who moved to Wikiversity and continued their campaign they were > blocked for from Wikiversit

Re: [Foundation-l] open letter by Wikiversity users to the WMF Board of Trustees

2010-04-04 Thread David Gerard
On 4 April 2010 17:15, H wrote: > Get your facts straight.  Private Musing was not globally blocked and > Jimbo Wales did block him out of process and Jimbo Wales did wheel-war > with the local custodians;  the allegations of Jimbo Wales had > involved a project in which even seasoned Wikipedians

[Foundation-l] Petition to shut down Wikiversity

2010-04-05 Thread David Gerard
FYI: - d. ___ foundation-l mailing list Unsubscribe:

[Foundation-l] Productive output of English Wikiversity

2010-04-06 Thread David Gerard
On 6 April 2010 22:16, Yaroslav M. Blanter wrote: > And actually his contribution to English Wikiversity is impressive: More > than a half of his edits over there are related to this open letter, and > only one edit (typo corrected) is a contribution to the Wikiversity core > activities. Perhap

[Foundation-l] Fwd: Help building "List of things that need to be free"

2010-04-09 Thread David Gerard
FYI. I know a few people on this list have been pursuing these ideas assiduously. - d. -- Forwarded message -- From: Kristofer Bjornson Date: 9 April 2010 12:19 Subject: [Foundation-l] Help building "List of things that need to be free" To:, founda

Re: [Foundation-l] Help building "List of things that need to be free"

2010-04-09 Thread David Gerard
On 9 April 2010 12:21, David Gerard wrote: > FYI. I know a few people on this list have been pursuing these ideas > assiduously. > oops, meant that for wikimediauk-l, sorry! - d. ___ foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Heads up: Wikipedia on Facebook

2010-04-19 Thread David Gerard
On 19 April 2010 21:08, Rui Correia wrote: > I would go with "Contribute to this article - click edit" button that takes > you back to the Wikipedia, where new editors can edit to their hearts' > content without the ads getting into the way of the knowledge project. Yep. But having the content

Re: [Foundation-l] Vandalize wikipedia day on facebook

2010-05-03 Thread David Gerard
On 3 May 2010 21:16, Kul Takanao Wadhwa wrote: > As I was contacting the FB product team this morning (PST time) I > noticed that it was already taken down through the normal channels. > Thanks to everyone for finding and reporting this. I think it's worth noting that such things are as the buz

Re: [Foundation-l] Vandalize wikipedia day on facebook

2010-05-03 Thread David Gerard
On 3 May 2010 21:37, masti wrote: > There are also two groups: > Vandalize Wikipedia >!/group.php?gid=108626792509959&ref=ts > and > I Vandalize Wikipedia >!/group.php?gid=2210946918&ref=ts I'd suggest don't get all fussed an

[Foundation-l] How to make unstoppable petty complaint a feature?

2010-05-05 Thread David Gerard
[This was a passing comment I made on wikien-l, but it's a reasonably serious topic for consideration in how the wikisphere works.] No matter how much work is put into flagged revisions on en:wp, it is 100% certain that it will be greeted with deafening whinging. This is not a reason not to make

Re: [Foundation-l] How to make unstoppable petty complaint a feature?

2010-05-05 Thread David Gerard
On 5 May 2010 17:13, William Pietri wrote: > And > perhaps the complaining can be even put to use; is there some way to get > people to complain about bad complaints? Up/down rating feature on complaints. Bugzilla has votes for this purpose. But many web boards work quite well on all users bein

Re: [Foundation-l] How to make unstoppable petty complaint a feature?

2010-05-05 Thread David Gerard
On 5 May 2010 17:13, William Pietri wrote: > Thanks for bringing this up, David. I must point out I'm not at all talking about just flagged revisions - I mean the perpetual complaints, petty and significant (and one often resembling the other) that happen in the wake of many changes or suggeste

Re: [Foundation-l] MMORPG and Wikimedia

2010-05-07 Thread David Gerard
On 7 May 2010 16:08, teun spaans wrote: > this statement surprises me. > Why was the foundation involved in the localization of Freecol, a game with > little or no historic information (compared with other historic games such > as europa universalis)? translatewiki is not a WMF project, but it

Re: [Foundation-l] Jimbo's Sexual Image Deletions

2010-05-08 Thread David Gerard
On 8 May 2010 11:17, Ting Chen wrote: > it depends. Please point to me what you mean so that I can give you my > opinion on the cases. They've been named in this thread repeatedly. - d. ___ foundation-l mailing list

Re: [Foundation-l] Board members positions toward Jimmy's last action

2010-05-08 Thread David Gerard
On 8 May 2010 17:29, phoebe ayers wrote: > Well, we as a community don't require such individual statements about > any other issue; I realize this may be a personal dealbreaker for you > but it doesn't seem like the single most important issue of our day. > I'd much rather hear what individual b

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