2009/9/22 Durova <nadezhda.dur...@gmail.com>:

> No David, I have already stated that the best thing to do at this point is
> step back and examine the differing assumptions that made this thread
> nonproductive.  My previous attempts to clarify matters with specific
> examples led to accusations that I had taken the thread off topic.  I will
> not go down that path again in this discussion.  Particularly not when the
> audience is as hostile as you have been.  That way lieth the flame war.

Unfortunately, you will not convince people who don't already agree
with you that there's any problem if you resort to namecalling, as you
did, and claiming "hostility" when people don't agree with you or
claim "personal attacks" when they ask you to clarify the bits that
don't make sense. So I hope you won't do that again, since I do think
you had a point in there somewhere.

- d.

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