2009/9/22 Durova <nadezhda.dur...@gmail.com>:

> When this thread began I hoped more people would comb the collection in
> search of copyleft license violations.  We have been losing FP volunteers
> over license violation problems.

That's a large statement, and it needs substantiation to convince.
Please list the examples you are thinking of.

>  It doesn't come as too much of a surprise
> to see confusion emerge instead.  But David, to construct a cherry picked
> insult is beneath you.  With your long commitment to free culture, I really
> expected better.

WTF. Remember that I'm one of the few here loudly agreeing with you
about crediting restorers. Steve's questions were entirely reasonable
and I was wondering what your answers to them were myself. Acting as
though I'm some sort of traitor for asking you to substantiate and
reinforce your arguments says nothing good about the quality of your
arguments or the robustness and clarity of your thinking on them.

Are you literally unable to answer the questions? If so, then you will
have no luck getting many people to agree that your concerns are

Steve's original question:

"I still wish you would answer the original question: why are you
angry, what do you think they have done wrong, and how do you think
they were supposed to know that wanted to be credited, based on the
information on the relevant image pages? Or did you really just want
to start an open discussion about the
creativity involved in image restoration?"

You started this thread in two mailing lists, presumably with the
intent of convincing people who didn't realise there was a problem
that there was a problem. Now you're descending to namecalling at the
slightest questioning of your arguments. C'mon, meet us half way here.

- d.

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