Re: [Evolution] compile my own --- in addition to: Authentication Issues with Exchange Web Services

2015-06-09 Thread Pete Biggs
> > Note that Xubuntu 14.04 Evolution packages are pretty old, even > > ancient (3.10 if I understand right). Even Vivid 15.04 has very old > > packages. So I compile my own from time to time. Alternatively, if you > > upgrade to Vivid 15.04, you can use Fabien Tassin PPA here: > > https://launchp

Re: [Evolution] evolution Adressbuch does not synch with google Contacts: does not exist

2015-06-10 Thread Pete Biggs
Doesn't anyone search archives or lurk on a list for a while before posting things anymore??? On Wed, 2015-06-10 at 10:40 +0200, Christoph Fischer wrote: > Bug in Evolution 3.12.11 Just because something has changed, it doesn't make it a bug, > OpenSuse 13.2 x86_64 > Linux 3.16.7-21 > > > h

Re: [Evolution] Authentication Issues with Exchange Web Services

2015-06-11 Thread Pete Biggs
> Yeah, but we are already at 3.17.2 stable as far as I can see from > git and we may see 3.18 in some weeks I guess. Why are they stuck at > 3.16? The even number versions are the stable releases, odd numbers are development versions and really shouldn't be used in anger. You certainly won't

Re: [Evolution] Authentication Issues with Exchange Web Services

2015-06-11 Thread Pete Biggs
On Thu, 2015-06-11 at 11:08 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote: > On Thu, 2015-06-11 at 09:39 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote: > > The even number versions are the stable releases, odd numbers are > > development versions and really shouldn't be used in anger. > > Thank you for the

Re: [Evolution] evolution Adressbuch does not synch with google Contacts: does not exist

2015-06-11 Thread Pete Biggs
On Wed, 2015-06-10 at 13:00 +0200, Christoph Fischer wrote: > None of the wise seniors mentioned, that GOA is not accessable from > KDE. In what way is it not accessible from KDE? Did you even say that you were using KDE? > > I had been spending hours searching for Solutions before I dared, as

[Evolution] WebKit editor undo problems

2015-06-11 Thread Pete Biggs
2 ad3 vim4. Viderer5 evertitur6 referrentur7 vel9 id9, ei0 unum1 nulla2 voluptua3 cum4. on replying I get: On Thu, 2015-06-11 at 17:39 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote: > Lorem1 ipsum2 dolor3 sit4 amet5, vix6 ut7 congue8 inermis9, no0 quot1 > porro2 accommodare3 mel4. Sea5 id6 ni

Re: [Evolution] WebKit editor undo problems

2015-06-11 Thread Pete Biggs
> Hi, > well, despite it may sound silly, it's not a bug in Evolution, neither > in WebKitGTK, directly. It's something with the font size, some sizes > report wrong positions and break the undo in evolution in this way. I > do not know how much it is relevant for the original Pete's issue.

Re: [Evolution] WebKit editor undo problems

2015-06-12 Thread Pete Biggs
> I did the same test on the same version of Evo and am not seeing the > problem. The Ctrl-Z removes the f, then the e, then the d etc. as it > should. > > (BTW I use KDE, not Gnome, on Fedora 22). > It looks like it's because of a specific size of font - which just happens to be the default for

Re: [Evolution] WebKit editor undo problems

2015-06-12 Thread Pete Biggs
On Sat, 2015-06-13 at 00:41 +0200, Dario Lesca wrote: > Il giorno ven, 12/06/2015 alle 12.08 +0100, Pete Biggs ha scritto: > > It looks like it's because of a specific size of font - which just > > happens to be the default for Gnome. Changing from the default > > 11pt

Re: [Evolution] Places where Evolution stores its data

2015-06-14 Thread Pete Biggs
> ^^ and that is exactly what it does when being > closed. It seems to walk through the complete server hierarchy an do > something like: My Evolution (3.16.3) doesn't do this. P. ___ evolution-list mailing list evolution-list@gnome

Re: [Evolution] large attachment causing send problems

2015-06-16 Thread Pete Biggs
On Mon, 2015-06-15 at 10:17 -0500, Barry Pelham wrote: > Good day, I have a large attachment (54Mb) which appears to be causing a > send problem. The smtp server resets. This also seems to be blocking > further sends. I would like to delete that problematic outbound mail > from the cache, but do

Re: [Evolution] 3.16.3: Failed to refresh folder "INBOX",

2015-06-23 Thread Pete Biggs
> > Connect to an IMAP server, retrieve email. Move IMAP server to another > address, change DNS record, attempt to retrieve email again. Evolution > indefinitely keeps trying previous IP address, displaying an error > "Connection timed out". > Yes, sounds reasonable to me - in my experience an

Re: [Evolution] 3.16.3: Failed to refresh folder "INBOX",

2015-06-24 Thread Pete Biggs
On Tue, 2015-06-23 at 17:53 -0600, Zan Lynx wrote: > On 06/23/2015 02:24 AM, Pete Biggs wrote: > > Don't get confused by using utilities such as nslookup - they > > perform > > the DNS queries themselves so by-pass the cache. > > Only if you tell them to do so. By

Re: [Evolution] 3.16.3: Failed to refresh folder "INBOX",

2015-06-24 Thread Pete Biggs
On Wed, 2015-06-24 at 16:59 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote: > On Wed, 2015-06-24 at 10:38 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote: > > > command-line ping, dig, or host command returns the new IP for a > > DNS > > > name, Evolution should be using that as well. [[I wish they

Re: [Evolution] Google Contacts stopped working 3.10.4

2015-06-25 Thread Pete Biggs
> Working fine up to a few days ago when trying to access the google > contacts address book Evolution is throwing this up: > > This address book cannot be opened. This either means that an incorrect > URI was entered, or the server is unreachable. > > Detailed error message: Unable to connect

Re: [Evolution] Google Contacts stopped working 3.10.4

2015-06-25 Thread Pete Biggs
On Thu, 2015-06-25 at 16:15 +0200, Wolf Drechsel wrote: > Am Donnerstag, den 25.06.2015, 09:53 +0100 schrieb Jon Parker: > > Hello list, > > > > Using 3.10.4 on Ubuntu LTS 12.04. > > I could get at least to 3.12.11 by: > > > Maybe that helps. > For this particular issue no, it doesn't help.

Re: [Evolution] Google Contacts stopped working 3.10.4

2015-06-25 Thread Pete Biggs
Please don't top post. On Thu, 2015-06-25 at 15:31 +0100, Jon Parker wrote: > I'm not having any luck with GOA (showing as 'contacts'). When I > start it up it offers two choices - "online account" or "local > address book " What do you mean by "it" that you start up? Neither of those two cho

Re: [Evolution] Google Contacts stopped working 3.10.4

2015-06-26 Thread Pete Biggs
> > I am assuming (maybe incorrectly?) that by GOA you mean Gnome Online > Accounts - which appears on my Ubuntu desktop as a globe with some keys > in front of it? WHen I start that program I am prompted to select my > primary contacts account and given a choice of either LOCAL ADDRESS BOOK > or

Re: [Evolution] Google Contacts stopped working 3.10.4

2015-06-27 Thread Pete Biggs
> I solved the problem. > > After trying many distributions of Linux I'm moving to Manjaro. > I think, personally, that that is the correct sort of solution. I'm not Ubuntu bashing (although I can if people want :-) ), but the strength of Linux is that there are many, many solutions out there i

Re: [Evolution] Mails lost with Evolution 3.10.4 on Mint Cinnamon

2015-06-30 Thread Pete Biggs
> My main frustration with Evolution is that there is no "command line" to > work from.It's all from the GUI, which is fine ...when everything > works Evolution is a GUI mail client. It's part of Gnome, which is a GUI desktop environment. But it still has a "command line". > i.e. in > prac

Re: [Evolution] Configure problem

2015-07-06 Thread Pete Biggs
> Requested 'camel-1.2 >= 3.16.3' but version of camel is 3.10.4 > Requested 'libebook-1.2 >= 3.16.3' but version of libebook is 3.10.4 > No package 'libecal-1.2' found > Requested 'libedataserver-1.2 >= 3.16.3' but version of libedataserver > is 3.10.4 > No package 'libedataserverui-1.2' found >

Re: [Evolution] Configuration problem -- perhaps some instructions would help

2015-07-06 Thread Pete Biggs
On Mon, 2015-07-06 at 08:53 -0400, John Lauterbach wrote: > Perhaps I am oversimplifying things, but it appears that the > developers of Evolution are working far ahead of those who compile > the program for use with various Linux distributions. No, not at all. You just happen to use a distro t

Re: [Evolution] Configuration problem -- perhaps some instructions would help

2015-07-07 Thread Pete Biggs
> > I'm one of those people that hated Unity when it came out; hence the > jump to Mint. I still go back and try it now and then, but I still can't > get on with it. Regarding Gnome 3 ... It looks like I'll have to sit > back and wait for Ubuntu to embrace Gnome 3 properly and see where it > goes

Re: [Evolution] Configuration problem -- perhaps some instructions would help

2015-07-07 Thread Pete Biggs
> > > Again, the information I need is how to take the files you can > download for 3.16.3 and make a working program. If someone would > point me in the right direction, I am willing to give it a try. > All I can do is to re-iterate what I said in reply to another message in this thread:

Re: [Evolution] handling of the labels of mail

2015-07-08 Thread Pete Biggs
> > 1. Is it possible to have a keyboard shortcut to mark a message >with a label like "personal", "todo", "Important"? There was a feature request (probably in bugzilla) to provide a method of editing keyboard shortcuts - I don't think anything has ever happened about it. I seem to remember

Re: [Evolution] Evolution migration from Computer to Notebok

2015-07-10 Thread Pete Biggs
Don't reply to a previous thread and just change the subject line - your message will be threaded with the previous topic. > I have: > Evolution 3.10.4 on my notebook with Linux Mint 17.1 rebecca > Evolution on my computer with Debian 8 Jessie > Rebecca and Jessie are based on Debian. That means

Re: [Evolution] Evolution migration from Computer to Notebok

2015-07-10 Thread Pete Biggs
> I didn't follow this thread, but I once linked pop account mails from > one install to another. This worked without issues while using > different versions on both installs. > > $ ls -hAl /mnt/u1.precise/home/spinymouse/.local/share/evolution/ > drwx-- Dec 23 2011 addressbook > -rw-rw-r--

Re: [Evolution] Evolution migration from Computer to Notebok

2015-07-10 Thread Pete Biggs
> hoping not to bother those dealing with the previous topic, I have taken > account of using "syncevolution". I haven't used it yet, so that I don't > have any experience so far. > How are your experiences with it ? I tried it many years ago when syncing with a PDA, it was flaky and corrupted th

Re: [Evolution] Evolution migration from Computer to Notebok

2015-07-11 Thread Pete Biggs
> I use POP mail because: > I keep all mail that has me very, very often helped and at the end of > the year I make a backup. I have an archive of all mail sent to me for the last 10 years ... > No IMAP profile has enough space for a year-backup. Really? How much mail do you get a year? > I m

Re: [Evolution] Evolution migration from Computer to Notebok

2015-07-11 Thread Pete Biggs
> Unless you're running an SMTP server on your own machine, to which > everyone who ever sends you email connects *directly* (from their own > machine, not using a webmail system, and of course using an encrypted > channel), then your mail is going through multiple intermediaries, any > one of whi

Re: [Evolution] Is there to get an unread mail indicator next to each account name?

2015-07-11 Thread Pete Biggs
> > Every email client I > > have used other than Evolution always showed the number of unread > > messages on the same line as the account name so you can see if > > that > > account had anything for you to read. > > Is there some way to make evolution do this? A plug-in perhaps? > > I am puzzl

Re: [Evolution] Evolution migration from Computer to Notebok

2015-07-11 Thread Pete Biggs
> > STOP! I do not want political diskussion, I want solutions. What political discussions? You were the one who started ranting about Google and the NSA. All we are trying to point out to you is where you are, err, misguided about some things: i.e. if you care about privacy, then avoiding a si

Re: [Evolution] Evolution migration from Computer to Notebok

2015-07-12 Thread Pete Biggs
On Sun, 2015-07-12 at 10:52 +0200, wrote: > Hi at all > Hi Pete > > Thank you it is enough, after I wrote two lines. > The two lines read. > > STOP! I do not want political diskussion, I want solutions. Well, We are trying to give you a solution to your problem, but you are so

Re: [Evolution] Is there to get an unread mail indicator next to each account name?

2015-07-14 Thread Pete Biggs
> > TheBat! - Not so well known but feature rich and solidly built > (Windows). Does show unread message count when all you can see is the > account name. Can't comment - commercial Windows email client. > > ThunderBird - Migrating over to this opensource alternative to TheBat! > Not nearl

Re: [Evolution] 3.16.3 on Ubuntu 15.10

2015-07-14 Thread Pete Biggs
> Could you please ask for building recent Evolution versions for ubuntu > 14.04 as well? - My argument would be, that it doesnt make much sense to > declare a OS version as "long term support" - and then not to provide > updates for really crucial software. > There's a difference between update

Re: [Evolution] Is there to get an unread mail indicator next to each account name?

2015-07-14 Thread Pete Biggs
> > TheBat! - Not so well known but feature rich and solidly built > (Windows). Does show unread message count when all you can see is the > account name. > If you like TheBat! so much, you might like to know that it works under Wine on Linux. P. _

Re: [Evolution] Why does not copy & paste work in separate monitor setup?

2015-07-14 Thread Pete Biggs
> Well, I did not include those information because it does not seem to > matter... Things like cut and paste are dealt with at some levels by the Window manager and at others by the underlying X11 and sometimes by the application. So yes, it is important to know what desktop you're running. >

Re: [Evolution] Why does not copy & paste work in separate monitor setup?

2015-07-15 Thread Pete Biggs
On Wed, 2015-07-15 at 12:48 +0200, Bjørn T Johansen wrote: > On 15.07.2015 12:18, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote: > > On Wed, 2015-07-15 at 10:45 +0200, Bjørn T Johansen wrote: > > > > Finally, can I just check that you are running two separate X > > > servers > > > > on the two monitors and not just sp

Re: [Evolution] Why does not copy & paste work in separate monitor setup?

2015-07-16 Thread Pete Biggs
> > OK, so you are running a single X server controlling two screens > > (multiple X servers would be called :0.0, :1.0, etc.). These > > distinctions are subtle but important. > > Aaah, did not know that... I guess that multiple X servers come into > play with two graphics cards then? Yes, al

Re: [Evolution] Why does not copy & paste work in separate monitor setup?

2015-07-16 Thread Pete Biggs
> Yes, I know it's not the "normal" way but it's the way I have always > done it... :) I am a developer and I run my IDE on one desktop on > display 2 and my web browser on a different desktop on the same display, > databaseadmin app on yet a different desktop, etc... > At the same time, I have

Re: [Evolution] Smileys from Outlook?

2015-07-17 Thread Pete Biggs
> > > > I don't know, just do it. > > Ok then... :) I will see if I can find that font and try... > On Fedora it's wine-wingdings-fonts-system. P. ___ evolution-list mailing list To change your list options or unsubscribe, v

Re: [Evolution] Smileys from Outlook?

2015-07-17 Thread Pete Biggs
On Fri, 2015-07-17 at 12:16 +0200, Bjørn T Johansen wrote: > On Fri, 17 Jul 2015 10:54:41 +0100 > Pete Biggs wrote: > > > > > > > > > > > I don't know, just do it. > > > > > > Ok then... :) I will see if I can find that font

Re: [Evolution] Smileys from Outlook?

2015-07-17 Thread Pete Biggs
> > If you are viewing the text version of the page, then it really is a > > 'J' that is in there! > > Quite certain that I am not looking at the text version.. Actually don't bother with the Wingdings font - that version contains hardly any Wingding characters, and certainly not the J/smiley c

Re: [Evolution] R: Evolution

2015-07-18 Thread Pete Biggs
> > One big problem was that after I've restored saved data evolution crashed, > I've restarted it many times, but it crashed every time 10s after startp, > probably when it tries to access the mail boxes, OK. What you need to do is to find out whether it's Evolution, your configuration, or Z

Re: [Evolution] A note, an appeal

2015-07-18 Thread Pete Biggs
> I'm using Chromixium; the latest version of Evolution is 10.4.x. > Very old. No one at Debian (I guess) is keeping this updated, so > we're stuck with older versions. And since Google deprecated their > address book access, there's no way I can see to sync Google contacts > with Evolution

Re: [Evolution] Ubuntu 15.10 Gnome and Evolution

2015-07-20 Thread Pete Biggs
On Mon, 2015-07-20 at 09:42 -0400, John Lauterbach wrote: > Over the weekend, I was able to get the i386 version of Ubuntu 15.10 > Gnome to install on a hp-compaq dx2200 minitower (2007 vintage). > This distribution came with Evolution 3.12.11 already installed. > Gnome version is 3.16.2. I r

Re: [Evolution] Time Zone curiosities with EWS

2015-08-12 Thread Pete Biggs
> > I tried with an Exchange 2013 server, and the OWA is quite confusing. > I created an all-day event in the Evolution, then watched it in OWA > and it spent two days, instead of only one, but clicking the event it > properly said that it's an All Day event for the one particular date. > I chang

Re: [Evolution] Time Zone curiosities with EWS

2015-08-12 Thread Pete Biggs
> I filled bug [2] for a reference. > Bye, > Milan > > [2] I see I was a bit slow with my reply P. ___ evolution-list mailing list To change your list opti

Re: [Evolution] edit keyboard shortcuts

2015-08-18 Thread Pete Biggs
> > I'd need to edit keyboard shortcuts - happily I found F6 to jump > between the 3 sections of the main window, but F6 is not very handy > for me, so I need to modify it. > > Google hits are mostly outdated and not helpful. And the (German) > manual gives info about shortcuts, but not how

Re: [Evolution] [OT] edit keyboard shortcuts

2015-08-18 Thread Pete Biggs
On Tue, 2015-08-18 at 11:50 +0200, Andre Klapper wrote: > On Tue, 2015-08-18 at 10:32 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote: > > > > > > I'd need to edit keyboard shortcuts - happily I found F6 to jump > > > between the 3 sections of the main window, but F6 is not very >

Re: [Evolution] Evolution and Gmail not playing

2015-08-24 Thread Pete Biggs
On Mon, 2015-08-24 at 19:56 +1000, Alex McConnell wrote: > Ever since installing Ubuntu 15.04 I have had a combination of > problems with Evolution Means nothing - please use Evolution version numbers, not distro version numbers. > > Evolution seems to stall part through a pop download from Gmai

Re: [Evolution] trouble

2015-09-02 Thread Pete Biggs
On Tue, 2015-09-01 at 18:13 -0400, chris wrote: > all the folders ie sent, incoming, etc have disappeared from my > evolution mail . tHE PROGRAM SHOWS IT IS PROCESSING THE INFO BUT > nothing can be seen.. > HELP > Click the little triangle to the left of the "On This Computer" (or the account n

Re: [Evolution] evolution processes never die

2015-09-08 Thread Pete Biggs
On Tue, 2015-09-08 at 13:00 +, Joakim Tjernlund wrote: > If I exit evolution I get a few leftover processes: > ps uaxwww| grep evolution > jocke10108 0.1 0.3 1328424 38384 ? SLl 14:55 0:00 > /usr/libexec/evolution-source-registry > jocke10130 0.1 0.3 1059372 45888 ?

Re: [Evolution] Backing up Evolution Data

2015-09-08 Thread Pete Biggs
> > If the Evolution developers are reading this I'd like to point out > (again) that expecting people to remember and use an obscure, > application-specific backup feature is unrealistic. I hardly think that a menu item labelled "Backup Evolution Data ..." under "File" is obscure, nor is it nec

Re: [Evolution] Backing up Evolution Data

2015-09-09 Thread Pete Biggs
> Not all of us are on servers. Also, my laptop (where mail evo with > my business-related e-mail) is on 24/7 except when going through > airport security, etc. The same for my two desktops. I cannot > afford to loose what I have on the evo on my laptop. If you are doing periodic backups of y

Re: [Evolution] Backing up Evolution Data

2015-09-09 Thread Pete Biggs
> > Evolution conforms to Gnome standards, because it's a Gnome > > application. Firefox/Thunderbird aren't Gnome applications - if they > > were they should store their data according to Gnome guidelines. > > Ok, then? Look, I'm not saying one way or the other is correct. They are different.

Re: [Evolution] Frustrated!

2015-09-11 Thread Pete Biggs
Please, please, please will people say what Evolution version they are using. On Thu, 2015-09-10 at 09:03 -0700, Jeffrey Needle wrote: > Hi. I have tried Evolution, several versions. I know the older > versions won't sync my google contacts. Google has changed something, > and it's all gone

Re: [Evolution] How to stop evolution messing with the text of messages

2015-09-11 Thread Pete Biggs
You will need to give the version of Evolution that you are using because that determines what composer is being used. > I wasn't able to find any option to turn off this annoying behaviour: > > I am composing a plain-text message and type the following text, minus the > quotes: > > 'http(s):

Re: [Evolution] Missing Calendar Items

2015-09-12 Thread Pete Biggs
On Fri, 2015-09-11 at 23:55 +, Emilio Recio wrote: > So when I login to the web client (OWA) on microsoft's site, I see many > meetings in my calendar. However, after installing Evolution 3.16.5 on > my laptop, these meetings are not being shown. Some show up, but others > (mostly all) do not.

Re: [Evolution] Query Evolution's Calendar Data storage location

2015-09-12 Thread Pete Biggs
> > I need any method to query Evolution data. There's a whole API for accessing Evolution data - you need to look for info on "evolution-data-server" - for 3.16 you'll find info here To be honest this sort of question is probably more suited for the Evo

Re: [Evolution] Backing up Evolution Data

2015-09-14 Thread Pete Biggs
> Hoping not to go too far OT, but what's the advantage over rsync in this > context ? > Because it does versioning. See (which is what rsnapshot is based on) P. ___ evolution-list mailing list evol

Re: [Evolution] Missing Calendar Items

2015-09-14 Thread Pete Biggs
On Mon, 2015-09-14 at 12:50 +0200, Milan Crha wrote: > On Sat, 2015-09-12 at 13:42 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote: > > I find that sometimes it takes a while for ALL entries in the EWS > > calendar to eventually show up in a newly configured calendar - no > > matter how many refreshe

Re: [Evolution] Issues With Evolution

2015-09-16 Thread Pete Biggs
> > My biggest issue is still the missing in-line HTML image. the only thing the > recipient gets is > > [cid:1442352806.30984.4.camel@myPCName] > > and then the image is attached in a format that no one can read. It's a PNG file. And it all works fine for me - the sequence I have just used

Re: [Evolution] Issues With Evolution

2015-09-17 Thread Pete Biggs
On Wed, 2015-09-16 at 17:31 -0700, PeteK wrote: > Here is the output that I tried to post earlier via direct email from > evolution. I'll copy/paste that reply since it wasn't attached to my > registered account. All of these emails are plain text without any form of HTML part. There is no way tha

Re: [Evolution] Issues With Evolution

2015-09-17 Thread Pete Biggs
On Thu, 2015-09-17 at 06:48 -0700, PeteK wrote: > Thanks for the help Pete! How do I get your email address to send you > over the email directly? > It's at the top of every message I send to the mailing list! What you see in nabble is a manipulated archive of this list - you really should subsc

Re: [Evolution] koi8-r as default encoding in from/to headers

2015-09-18 Thread Pete Biggs
> > I have problem... > > When i use Russian names in from/to header like "ППП " they > autoconverted to koi8-r encoding like "koi8-r =?koi8-r[encoded > name]". I don't know why. I set utf-8 as default encoding > everywhere. So all outgoing mail have correct header "Content-Type". > > How i can

Re: [Evolution] koi8-r as default encoding in from/to headers

2015-09-18 Thread Pete Biggs
[[Please don't send HTML mail to the list]] > > But utf-8 can be converted to 7bit MIME too. Btw Mozilla uses utf8 in > headers by default(or can be set in settings, don't remember). I just > want to set "headers encoding" and understand why so old and > insufficiently encoding is used by defau

Re: [Evolution] koi8-r as default encoding in from/to headers

2015-09-19 Thread Pete Biggs
On Fri, 2015-09-18 at 21:05 +0300, Vitaly Vlasov wrote: > Right now i have > LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8 and > LC_* (except LC_ALL and LC_MESSAGES) = ru_RU.UTF-8 It should be ru_RU.utf8 (without the hyphen) But actually I don't think that makes any difference. Try running evolution under a locale something

Re: [Evolution] Some messages do not display correctly in 3.16.5

2015-09-22 Thread Pete Biggs
On Mon, 2015-09-21 at 16:57 -0700, Graham wrote: > I just found if the message is moved to a different folder that I can > now read the email with evolution and when I reply it works as > expected. > Do you see any error messages? Try running Evolution from the command line to see if any errors

Re: [Evolution] Cannot read some folders

2015-09-22 Thread Pete Biggs
> > I can look in that folder using a different mail reader, so I can put > things in the search pane that I know are in the message, sender, > recipient, subject, etc. For example, search for "sender contains" with > "@" finds every message -- except in this one folder. > > Clearing the search

Re: [Evolution] Win32 Build Status

2015-09-25 Thread Pete Biggs
> I've seen some patches being pushed for Win32 support. Where have you seen those? > Would there be > any "status page showing where we are in having a functioning Win32 > build? I looked around but could not find anything recent nor any > downloadable executable. > Evolution for Windows *u

Re: [Evolution] Mailing lists and disposable email addresses

2015-09-25 Thread Pete Biggs
> > The problem is, when sending to that list, I’d like to set the proper > Reply-To header or to even change the `From` to contain the disposable > address as otherwise the mailing list software would for example > moderate or even reject it. > > Is there a way to achieve that in Evolution, wit

Re: [Evolution] Win32 Build Status

2015-09-29 Thread Pete Biggs
> the current status is "it builds and can read IMAPx account content", > but it still needs some real testing, like I'm pretty sure that local > maildir structure will simply fail due to the file naming. > I'm sorry if this sounds negative and slightly cynical, but a Windows build of Evolution

Re: [Evolution] mails retrieved through davmail disappear

2015-10-06 Thread Pete Biggs
> I'm using Evolution 3.16 to access work email through davmail (because > I have to), with IMAP/CaldDAV/LDAP. I know this isn't really the question you asked! But I'm quite surprised that you can't use the native Evolution-EWS package to get to the Exchange server (which is what I'm presuming yo

Re: [Evolution] Scratch configuration questions to evolution 3.12.9 Part2

2015-10-10 Thread Pete Biggs
> > Andre thanks for the very good note > You can read and edit evolution's data by using evolution. > > Who can answer competently, complete and detailed these questions? > I thought it was a complete and competent answer - he told you where to find out the file locations and how to read the

Re: [Evolution] Hundreds of copies in Sent/Drafts

2015-10-12 Thread Pete Biggs
> > I have recently upgraded from version 3.16 to 3.18, using the > official package on Arch Linux. Since then (I believe) I can no > longer correctly send or save messages from my IMAP account. Is this IMAP to gmail? How did you provision the account? (Was it via Evolution or Gnome-online-Acco

Re: [Evolution] Scratch configuration questions to evolution 3.12.9 Part2

2015-10-14 Thread Pete Biggs
> Sorry I find apparently never the right words to describe what I would > like. If language is an issue, then try writing in your native language AND English, someone may be able to do a technical translation - just so we get an idea of what you really want, because it is still not making much s

Re: [Evolution] Problem with inbox file in Evolution 2.30.3

2015-11-02 Thread Pete Biggs
First, 2.30.3 is very old - I know it is the default in some of the enterprise systems, but it is no longer supported, so you may not get s full solution. > Hello, we are using evolution in our company, but we have some > problems after about a year of usage: The client saving inbox file at > sta

Re: [Evolution] Sort by sender then by date

2015-11-02 Thread Pete Biggs
You need to always tell us what version of Evolution you are using. > I've spent some time trying to figure this issue out, but haven't had > much luck. It seems evolution is pretty poor at secondary sorting. It > seems impossible to sort my inbox by sender and then by date (i.e > scroll down to

Re: [Evolution] Can evolution show the count of unseen emails?

2015-11-02 Thread Pete Biggs
> > watch also the folder list on the left. The folders with arrived new > > messages since the folder had been visited the last time has a little > > star over it, thus you can easily recognize whether anything new > > arrived or not there. It's meant for such purpose as you request > > > > Is

Re: [Evolution] Can evolution show the count of unseen emails?

2015-11-02 Thread Pete Biggs
> > No, it's been there for a couple of releases I think. The asterisk > > goes away if you visit the folder and comes back when a new message > > arrives. The only thing is that it's not a very obvious change - at > > least with some icon sets. Perhaps there needs to be an option to > > make i

Re: [Evolution] GOA bug in Fedora 23

2015-11-05 Thread Pete Biggs
On Thu, 2015-11-05 at 11:36 +, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote: > Just a heads-up: I can't log into my Gmail accounts on Evo because > GOA is broken in the latest Fedora. Under both KDE and Gnome, the > online-accounts widget blocks the keyboard and generates an X error. > Until this is fixed I won't

Re: [Evolution] GOA bug in Fedora 23

2015-11-05 Thread Pete Biggs
On Thu, 2015-11-05 at 16:41 +, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote: > > On 5 November 2015 at 16:23, Pete Biggs wrote: > > On Thu, 2015-11-05 at 11:36 +, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote: > > > Just a heads-up: I can't log into my Gmail accounts on Evo because >

Re: [Evolution] Problem with inbox file in Evolution 2.30.3

2015-11-05 Thread Pete Biggs
On Thu, 2015-11-05 at 14:45 +0300, Nikitin Artem wrote: > Hello, size of inbox is: Why? Why an image of a text screen? 30k to show 4 lines of text! And HTML mails are frowned on here. > Count of items in inbox is 3376, deleted messages has been purged. So you have an inbox of 4.1Gb and 3300 m

Re: [Evolution] Default sending account when replying

2015-11-05 Thread Pete Biggs
On Thu, 2015-11-05 at 13:21 -0500, a.gnome wrote: > I have tried replying to several email messages with different "To" > addresses, and have tried explicit account override. In all cases > Evolution uses the same sending email address/account. > > I'm using 3.18.1 on Fedora 23 (the problem has e

Re: [Evolution] Default sending account when replying

2015-11-05 Thread Pete Biggs
> > Look in > > > > Edit -> Preferences -> Composer Preferences -> Send Account > > > > is the "Folder override" ticked? > > > > It is not checked. > Check that there are no overrides present in the list of addresses underneath. All I can say is that it works for me - I have an imap base

Re: [Evolution] Corrupt Subject(and more) when saved to mbox

2015-11-06 Thread Pete Biggs
On Fri, 2015-11-06 at 15:21 +, Joakim Tjernlund wrote: > Saved the attached mail with an inline patch as a mbox > and ran dos2unix(as I always do to strip away those pesky CR+NL) > and the patch would not apply. > > The Subject: line has a line feed in it. That's OK - in headers line feeds a

Re: [Evolution] Corrupt Subject(and more) when saved to mbox

2015-11-07 Thread Pete Biggs
> > > The Subject: line has a line feed in it. > > > > That's OK - in headers line feeds are allowed, the next line needs to > > be indented and it's treated as a single line *by mail aware programs*. > > Unfortunately dos2unix doesn't know about anything about mail! > > Then we really need a a

[Evolution] Segfault in evolution 3.18.2

2015-11-25 Thread Pete Biggs
I'm using Evolution 3.18.2 on a newly upgraded Fedora 23.  All packages are up to date.  All (relevant) accounts are IMAP based When moving multiple messages from one (sub)folder to another, the messages are moved, but Evolution freezes and throws a segfault. I can provide back traces, but I'm n

Re: [Evolution] Segfault in evolution 3.18.2

2015-11-25 Thread Pete Biggs
On Wed, 2015-11-25 at 15:30 +0100, Milan Crha wrote: > On Wed, 2015-11-25 at 10:29 +0000, Pete Biggs wrote: > > I'm using Evolution 3.18.2 on a newly upgraded Fedora 23.  All > > packages are up to date.  All (relevant) accounts are IMAP based > > > > When moving

[Evolution] Displaying TIFF images

2015-12-01 Thread Pete Biggs
Evolution 3.18.2 on Fedora 23 For some reason Evolution is not displaying TIFF images in emails.  I can open them with an external viewer so the images themselves are there, but they just don't show either embedded or in-line in the attachment section. There are no errors when running from the c

Re: [Evolution] Displaying TIFF images

2015-12-01 Thread Pete Biggs
On Tue, 2015-12-01 at 16:47 +0100, Milan Crha wrote: > On Tue, 2015-12-01 at 11:57 +0000, Pete Biggs wrote: > > I've searched bugzilla for possibilities, but all the TIFF related > > things are either very old or resolved. (But there again, I don't > > seem t

Re: [Evolution] Need config help on Evolution email client

2015-12-02 Thread Pete Biggs
On Wed, 2015-12-02 at 01:24 -0500, Mark Foley wrote: > I've just installed Evolution 3.10.4 on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS with Cinnamon > desktop. So far I like it, but I'm having some problems. As others have said, it appears that 3.10 on Ubuntu 14.04 is broken in various ways (it's to do with the Ubuntu

[Evolution] Evolution 3.18.x and the delete key

2015-12-02 Thread Pete Biggs
This is something that has been bugging me for the last couple of releases. I have long lists of emails in a folder that I need to go through and delete once I've scanned through the contents. (They are daily log reports from a couple of hundred machines.) I normally go through the list pressing

Re: [Evolution] Displaying TIFF images

2015-12-02 Thread Pete Biggs
On Wed, 2015-12-02 at 12:54 +0100, Milan Crha wrote: > On Tue, 2015-12-01 at 16:01 +0000, Pete Biggs wrote: > > Hmm, OK. Unfortunately it seems that when a Mac user cut and pastes > > an image into an email, it uses TIFF - so the usual method of > > telling > > so

Re: [Evolution] Evolution 3.18.x and the delete key

2015-12-02 Thread Pete Biggs
> > One is about IMAPx doing incorrect unref of a message info, when > messages are moved/copied between folders of the same account, which > leads to use-after-free, which can strike back in various ways. One of > them can be that the view is showing incorrect message (that's a > different issue

Re: [Evolution] Evolution 3.18.x and the delete key

2015-12-02 Thread Pete Biggs
> Once the messages are downloaded, they are always returned from the > local cache. It's in > ~/.cache/evolution/mail//folders/... > You can safely delete the corresponding message in the local cache, > when evolution is running, and then select another message and back the > other, to see it is

Re: [Evolution] Evolution 3.18.x and the delete key

2015-12-02 Thread Pete Biggs
> > I cannot reproduce it, I tried to delete my previous message in this > thread, which moved me to your reply, being done in the same time > (parent of this message). I had both messages downloaded locally > already. What I see is thit: > > a) message is selected, scrolled a bit lower > b) pre

Re: [Evolution] Fwd: Mail in Evolution disappearing - mystery deepens

2015-12-02 Thread Pete Biggs
On Wed, 2015-12-02 at 10:19 -0500, dave boland wrote: > I had an idea a little while ago - search for older messages to see if > they were still there.  I did an advanced search for anything before > 2014.  I kept getting a message saying (essentially) nothing found.  > However in the Unmatched fol

Re: [Evolution] Fwd: Mail in Evolution disappearing - mystery deepens

2015-12-02 Thread Pete Biggs
> > The emails are located in a number of locations, but some are in my > inbox of an old account no longer used, most are in Sent.  The search > reveals that nothing in my current Inbox os older than early September.  Can you access your mail on the server using some other method - such as webm

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