> Not all of us are on servers.  Also, my laptop (where mail evo with
> my business-related e-mail) is on 24/7 except when going through
> airport security, etc.  The same for my two desktops.  I cannot
> afford to loose what I have on the evo on my laptop. 

If you are doing periodic backups of your home directory on your
laptop, then that is sufficient to backup your Evolution data.

If your email is important to you, which it obviously is, then you
really need to find some way of working with it that doesn't mean that
your definitive copy is only on your laptop.  I'm not trying to tell
you how you should do things, but it seems to me to be inherently more
risky to rely on a laptop that can be lost, dropped, stolen, etc. never
mind the failure aspect.

>  Yes, one of my business e-mail accounts is IMPAX, but the ISP's
> server does not store sent e-mail.

So tell Evo to store your sent mail in some random IMAP folder on the
ISP - call it something like "From Me" rather than "Sent" or "Sent
Mail" or whatever.

>   Incremental backups are a thing of the past with large capacity 2.5
> inch SSDs.

Really??  My backups are stored on a 5Pb system - I still do
incremental weekly backups as there is no way I want my system spending
hours upon hours backing up the same 4Tb every time.

>   The partition where I keep by evo backups (about 6 GB each still
> has more than 60 GB free space).  They are also backed up on
> SpiderOak.  I do not see the objection to doing what works.

The problem is that I (we?) are not entirely sure that it will always
work or work reliably because you are using a feature for a purpose it
wasn't designed for - and when it doesn't work, it will be Evolution's
fault won't it?


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