Would it be possibe to render agenda in other language than English.
Convert from this:
--8<---cut here---start->8---
10 days-agenda (W32-W33):
Wednesday 7 August 2019
Thursday8 August 2019
Friday 9 August 2019
Saturday 10 August 2019
Hi Thomas.
Thomas> Localised day and month names are taken from your (apparently
Thomas> missing) calendar setup. Make sure that your startup file
Thomas> setq's at least these two variables:
Thomas> - calendar-month-name-array - calendar-day-name-array (starts
Thomas> with $SUNDAY)
Thomas> Als
Hi. Emacs 26.3, org 9.1.9
My bbdb anniversary entries are not being shown on my agenda.
I would like to add warning on emacs startup when bbdb records are not
being showed.
I eval 'org-bbdb-anniversaries' that lead me to
--8<---cut here---start->8---
Hi Nicolas.
Nicolas> Sadly, yes. Like most diary-related stuff, it expects the
Nicolas> `date' variable to be globally bound.
Perhaps something about it on the help?
--8<---cut here---start->8---
(defun org-bbdb-anniversaries ()
"Extract anniversaries from BB
Hi Eli.
> > I am getting (which is not fine):
> Did you report this to the Org developers? If so, and if they said
> this is a core Emacs bug, could you please point us to the relevant
> discussions with Org developers?
I have just done with org-submit-bug-report
Hi Nicolas.
> The correct syntax is
> ** groups
> :CATEGORY: 0.6groups
> :END:
it worked. It also worked on emacs 23.4 with org-mode-version 6.33x
> See (info "(org) Property Syntax")
Thanks. For your help on solving this incompatibility.
I would like to add a
Hi Nicolas.
> > ¿What would have been the way a user should discover this incompatibility
> > or obsolescense of the "#+CATEGORY"?.
> I would suggest that user to read the releases notes, located in
> ORG-NEWS files, in particular the "Incompatible changes" sections.
> This particular change
Hi Nicolas.
> It doesn't look like a bug. The OP may have missed
> `org-agenda-time-grid' variable.
¿What is OP?.
If I do the same on emacs 25.1 I get the expected behaviour. So
something has changed between 25.1 and 26.1. ¿What is the change needed?
for having the same result on both emacs versi
Hi Nicolas.
> > ¿What is OP?.
> Original poster: you.
Thanks for the explanation.
> Emacs 25.1 and 26.1 do not ship the same Org. `org-agenda-time-grid'
> changed between the two releases. You may want to double-check this
> variable.
on 25.1
--8<---cut here---start---
Hi Nicolas.
> > I still think this is a bug. Let me explain You why.
> If you try "M-x org-lint" on your document, you'll discover what is your
> problem. In short, your usage of CATEGORY keyword is not possible
> anymore. It's a global keyword, like any other keyword.
I have tried org-lint
I am trying to do a simple request letter. This is the content of the
--8<---cut here---start->8---
#+OPTIONS: date:nil author:nil timestamp:nil e:nil creator:nil toc:nil num:nil
Me John Doe with ID number request to install me
pdfauthor={Andrés Ramírez},
pdfcreator={Emacs 28.1 (Org mode 9.5.2)},
Me John Doe with ID number request to install me the water servic
Hi. Juan.
My comments below.
> "Juan" == Juan Manuel Macías writes:
Juan> section is not indented. This is what is happening :):
That is good to know.
Juan> section no indent - indent -- indent --
Juan> is enough that you add this:
Hi. Juan.
It ended this way:
--8<---cut here---start->8---
#+OPTIONS: date:nil author:nil timestamp:nil e:nil creator:nil toc:nil num:nil
#+LaTeX_Header: \parindent=0em\parskip=\bigskipamount
Me John Doe with ID number request to install
Hi. Juan. Mi comments below.
Juan> ID: #+end_signature
Adding that part:
--8<---cut here---start->8---
#+OPTIONS: date:nil author:nil timestamp:nil e:nil creator:nil toc:nil num:nil
#+LaTeX_Header: \parindent=0em\parskip=\bigskipam
I am adapting this example:
--8<---cut here---start->8---
--8<---cut here---end--->8---
This is my file:
--8<---cut here
Hi. Axel.
> "Axel" == Axel Kielhorn writes:
>> #+LaTeX_Header: \newenvironment<>{problock}[1]{%
Axel> The =problock= environment takes 1 argument, but you supply none.
Thanks. That part would have been very difficult to realize for a
Axel> You can suppl
Hi Ihor.
> "Ihor" == Ihor Radchenko writes:
Ihor> Axel Kielhorn writes:
>> #+begin_problock Pros @@latex:{Probloc}@@ - New. - Other Pro. -
Additional Pro.
>> #+end_problock
Ihor> Also, there is #+attr_latex:
Ihor> #+attr_latex: :options {Problock} #+begin_problock #+
Hi Bastien. Thanks for fixing this.
> "Bastien" == Bastien writes:
Bastien> Can you instrument the `org-babel-read' function?
I have done. But It has not failed with 27.1.
Bastien> You can do this with C-h f org-babel-read RET and then C-u C-M-x
on the function's
org-agenda-list generation time takes too much time compared with the
same setup with emacs27.
This is org-agenda-list output from 28. (takes aproximately 4m21s)
--8<---cut here---start->8---
10 days-agenda (W35-W37):
Sunday 4 September 2022
Hi. Ihor.
> "Ihor" == Ihor Radchenko writes:
Ihor> The slowdown is possible as a side-effect of some bugfixes. However,
the newest
Ihor> development version of Org should not have these performance issues.
I have just tried 9.6. org-agenda-list generation time was 1m20s. M
Hi. Ihor.
> "Ihor" == Ihor Radchenko writes:
Ihor> Now, can you execute the following and let me know if the performance
is back to
Ihor> satisfactory?
I have tested your suggested changes.
emacs28 with bundled org have recovered and it is a little bit quicker
Hi. Ihor
> "Ihor" == Ihor Radchenko writes:
Ihor> Can you: 1. Load your agenda 2. Start 'cpu+mem profiler 3. Rebuild
the agenda 4. Share the
Ihor> obtained 'cpu _and_ 'mem reports
I found an issue.
--8<---cut here---start->8---
Hi. Ihor.
> "Ihor" == Ihor Radchenko writes:
Ihor> Makes sense. If you want to squeeze maximum out of Emacs startup and
do not update
Ihor> frequently, you may look into
Hi. Ihor.
> "Ihor" == Ihor Radchenko writes:
Ihor> cpu+mem report should generate two reports: one for cpu time and one
for memory. I meant
Ihor> you to save both (there are two buffers). Sorry for not being clear.
The two files on an archive
Best Regards
Hi. Ihor.
> "Ihor" == Ihor Radchenko writes:
Ihor> Thanks!
Ihor> Something appears to be off:
Ihor> 767 8% - org-diary-sexp-entry 407 4% + eval
Ihor> I added caching of `org-diary-sexp-entry' results in
Hi. Ihor.
> "Ihor" == Ihor Radchenko writes:
Ihor> Now, I see what went wrong. Just pushed a patch that should reduce
the time taken by
Ihor> `org-diary-sexp-entry' during rebuild.
Ihor> Can you update and try the profiling again?
Ihor> (If this
Hi. Ihor.
> "Ihor" == Ihor Radchenko writes:
Ihor> You appear to have a large number of diary-style timestamps. This is
not common. Normal
Ihor> timestamps are generally much faster because we can construct a
matching regexp based on
Ihor> current agenda date instead of
Hi. Eric.
My comments below.
> "Fraga," == Fraga, Eric writes:
Fraga,> This would be simply be something along these lines:
--8<---cut here---start->8---
* retiro espiritual {collaborator.family}
<2022-08-01 Mon 09:00-11:00>
Hi. Ihor.
> "Ihor" == Ihor Radchenko writes:
Ihor> What about
--8<---cut here---start->8---
:CATEGORY: da.santi
<2022-10-01 Sat>
--8<---cut here---end--->8---
The only missi
Hi. Ihor.
> "Ihor" == Ihor Radchenko writes:
--8<---cut here---start->8---
** PE etiro.espiritual {collaborator.family} :DAVID:
:CATEGORY: da.santi
<2022-09-24 Sat 9:00-11:00>
--8<---cut here---end-
Hi. Ihor.
> "Ihor" == Ihor Radchenko writes:
Ihor> Not at all. You can as well do
--8<---cut here---start->8---
* PE
:CATEGORY: da.santi
** <2022-09-24 Sat 9:00-11:00> etiro.espiritual {collaborator.family} :DAVID:
** <2022-
I have this file:
--8<---cut here---start->8---
* labels table
** work on this file then move the output to the required buffers
#+name: source-in-table
Hi. Greg.
> "Greg" == Greg Minshall writes:
Greg> Andrés, this is maybe more of an e-lisp question, or, at least,
here's more of an e-lisp
Greg> answer. if you have the useful =s= package [1] installed, then will
using =s-join= give
Greg> you what you want?
Yest that
proper sintax for the japanese characters to
appear in the output?.
Best Regards
Andrés Ramírez
#+LATEX_COMPILER: lualatex
#+LaTeX_Header: \usepackage[AUTO]{polyglossia}
#+LaTeX_Header: \usepackage{fontspec}
#+LaTeX_Header: \setmainfont{FreeSerif}
* Español
* English
* French
Ceci c'est en Français
* Japanese
--8<---cut here
--8<---cut here---end--->8---
Best Regards
Andrés Ramírez
gt; following solution should work:
I have tried the snippet. But It shows just Japanese and the other
paragraphs are not present on the PDF.
Best Regards
Andrés Ramírez
Hi. Stefan.
> "Stefan" == Stefan Nobis writes:
Stefan> That's quite strange. I just re-tested with emacs -Q (Emacs 28.2
with integrated Org
Stefan> 9.5.5). It generates the following tex file:
Stefan> Maybe there are some other configurations on the Emacs or LaT
Wednesday 3 March 2021
bbdb: [[bbdb:Pedro ][Pedro 61st custom anniversary]]
Thursday4 March 2021
Friday 5 March 2021
--8<---cut here-------end--->8---
Andrés Ramírez
Hi. Eric.
> "Eric" == Eric S Fraga writes:
Eric> How do you get these to appear? Or is the "could" a wish?
This is my setup:
--8<---cut here---start->8---
(setq org-agenda-files (directory-files "~/docs/org/deft/" t ".*agenda\.org$"))
on landscape on the content should enlarge to cover the full-page.
Any ideas?
Andrés Ramírez
Hi (Como estas). Juan.
> "Juan" == Juan Manuel Macías writes:
Juan> #+ATTR_LaTeX: :float sideways :environment tabularx :width
I have tried it (with M-x org-export-dispatch).
This is the result:
, [ ]
| http://0x0.st/-Kgb.pdf
It is centered.
Also I g
43 matches
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