Hi. Axel.

>>>>> "Axel" == Axel Kielhorn <org-m...@axelkielhorn.de> writes:


    >> #+LaTeX_Header: \newenvironment<>{problock}[1]{%

    Axel> The =problock= environment takes 1 argument, but you supply none.

Thanks. That part would have been very difficult to realize for a

    Axel> You can supply an argument #+begin_problock @@latex:{Probloc}@@

Tested. And works.

    Axel> This will be ignored for non-LaTeX exporters.
    Axel> But even here you have to block environments, the outer environment 
generated by =***
    Axel> Pros= and the inner problock environment.

    Axel> You can get rid of the outer block environment by removing
    Axel>    :BEAMER_env: block

The other option could be pasing empty as parameter.

Thanks for the help.

Best Regards

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