Eric S Fraga writes:
> it's the output of "M-x org-version RET" as opposed to the value of
> org-version.
They both deliver the same result "7.01trans" for me, that's why I'm
+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+
Wavetables for the Terratec KO
Nick Dokos writes:
> E.g. if you git pull into one place and then install the .el files
> somewhere else, the .git subdirectory will not be found.
Thanks for the explanation, I do indeed have the source in one place and
then just proceed to "make install" into my site-lisp directory. I'll
I've investigated further and defvaralias doesn't silence the warnings,
but "with-no-warnings" does.
lisp/org-agenda.el |3 ++-
lisp/org.el|7 ---
2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lisp/org-agenda.el b/lisp/org-agenda.el
index 32c65db..9f94fa6
I've decided to keep my standard load-path. Instead I just put
(setq load-path (cons (expand-file-name "~/lisp/org-mode/user-lisp") load-path))
(setq load-path (cdr load-path))
in the scratch buffer and execute one line or the other whenever I want
to switch and then do a C-c C-x ! in an org-buff
Dan Davison writes:
> I can see that this would be particularly natural for
> matlab/octave in which (aIui) function definitions require specifying
> the name of the variable whose value is to be returned.
I can't say I fully understand what's going on and possibly I'm off my
rocker; but it seems
Achim Gratz writes:
> : {%s};ans{size(ans,1)}
That would have been too easy... if whitespace is in the wrong place,
Octave tries to parse the code block as a multi-dimensional structure
and falls onto it's own sword. Sigh.
+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb An
Hi Eric,
your commit 88b8b839 raises the following warnings during compile on
EMACS 23.1:
In org-babel-demarcate-block:
ob.el:1157:27:Warning: `previous-line' used from Lisp code
That command is designed for interactive use only
ob.el:1155:78:Warning: reference to free variable `stars'
David Maus writes:
> Okay, I've pushed a change to master that adds two functions
> `org-wl-open-nntp' and `org-gnus-open-nntp' to open nntp: links with
> WL or Gnus, respectively.
Thanks, that looks good. Gnus still doesn't do anything and silently
ignores the link, but I'm almost certain that
Fix confirmed.
+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+
DIY Stuff:
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
David Maus writes:
> Did you register the link type?
> [[nntp://][Usenet 1]]
This one doesn't (just like my example links). If I add a trailing "/"
to the link it starts working as expected. The link without the
trailing slash does start GNUS if not
Juri Artamonov writes:
> I would love to update but I have emacsW32 installed and don't know
> how to update orgmode inside of it.
In a nutshell, you don't. You put the new version of org-mode into the
site-lisp directory where EMACS is installed and EMACS will use the new
version because it loo
David Maus writes:
> Achim Gratz wrote:
>>The function org-link-escape escapes the '+' in file+sys and file+emacs
>>link types and creates some problems for export by doing so. Only the
>>path component of a link URI should be escaped, but not the type part.
David Maus writes:
> Thanks for clarification. It should be fixed now in master.
You only wish... it doesn't escape the link type now, but adds a
colon on each call of C-c C-l:
[[file+emacs:~/org/][My Notes]]
[[file+emacs::~/org/][My Notes]]
David Maus writes:
> Ooops, fixed now.
+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+
Samples for the Waldorf Blofeld:
Emacs-orgmode mailin
Dan Davison writes:
> I think that the documentation concerning installation should be made
> more user-friendly. My impression is that the Org manual makes all this
> sound much harder than it needs to be, and I suspect that this is an
> entry-barrier for new Org users. For example, the first th
Dan Davison writes:
> OK, so we're agreed. But your points below don't seem to describe a less
> technical route. Could you describe the less technical version of the
> instructions for the method that you are advocating?
Installing is something technical and I'm a tech-head, so you're asking
Matthew Leifer writes:
Thank you, but let me add a few remarks.
> 2. Run the program you have just downloaded (you need to be connected
> to the internet when you do this). You'll be prompted for a few
> configuration options. In most cases, the defaults will be fine.
If you can't conne
John Hendy writes:
> Can you check your CLASSPATH environment variable? Mine is (not sure
> if it's correct, but it works...):
> .;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\ext\
Unset this variable and try again. The default CLASSPATH is simply ".",
but you don't need to set the environment var
"Eric Schulte" writes:
> I would think that it only makes sense to have one Org-mode package in
> ELPA, namely the bleeding edge git version of Org-mode.
I disagree and my vote is still on 'maint', i.e. what a user would be
most likely to install if he was visiting Master changes
Markus Heller writes:
> The root of all evil is *NOT* org-mode, but rather the fact that my OS
> (windoze XP) insists on finding an outdated Java version (1.4). I have
> installed the Java 1.6 runtime environment, and as far as I can tell, all
> my environment variables contain only pointers to t
Markus Heller writes:
> I removed the old Java version from %PATH%, and now java -version gives
> the correct version (1.6.0_21).
> But when I try to run the same ditaa code from within org-mode using
> babel, I get error messages:
Sure, you've only changed the %PATH% in the cmd window, a
"Eric Schulte" writes:
> Thanks for the suggestions, I've just implemented them.
This likely relates to commit eb0068e9, which raises this warning
In org-babel-demarcate-block:
ob.el:1141:49:Warning: reference to free variable `org-babel-load-languages'
during byte-compile.
"Eric Schulte" writes:
> Fixed, Thanks -- Eric
+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+
Factory and User Sound Singles for Waldorf Blofeld:
"Eric Schulte" writes:
> I've re-enabled this functionality, I believe the problems should be
> fixed, from the commit message...
Byte compile warns:
In org-babel-temp-file:
ob.el:1792:36:Warning: reference to free variable
In addition, byte-compiling produce
"Eric Schulte" writes:
> Fixed the byte-compilation warning, thanks for the catch.
> Thanks for the debugging information, it's great to finally have enough
> context to address this issue. I've just pushed up what I hope is a fix
> for this.
Glad to be of service -- I can confirm both fix
I seem to have hit a snag with tables: I didn't find a way to quote any
of the special characters that are recognized to make formulas. Tabbing
through such cells will create a malformed #+TBLFM: line at the end of
the table. I can clean this up no problem, but on export the "formulas"
Carsten Dominik writes:
> The best way to deal with this is:
> * Table Test
> |-+--|
> | unrelated 1 | ~>=~ |
> | Test1 | ~=~ |
Ah, thank you -- I've settled for *bold* instead since that is a bit
more pleasing in the HTML output. Now that I export the f
Now that I've started exporting some org files (to HTML mostly), I run
into some limitations here and there. I've worked around most of them,
but have not been able to do anything about this (other than editing the
resulting HTML):
I have some tables where I used (without thinking much about it)
Łukasz Stelmach writes:
> But what if I like the information it puts there? Especially the
> timestamp? there is the :timestamp option but honestly I couldn't figure
> out how to use it. I puts some HTML with in it
> and that's all.
I don't know what was the intention, but I recognize those part
Matthew Leifer writes:
> I don't know if you are aware, but there is a utility called texi2dvi
> that figures out how many times LaTeX, bibtex, etc. need to be run and
> automatically runs them the correct number of times for you.
You know, I've been using LaTeX for so long, but it never oc
Commit 59ba4125 lisp/org-latex.el raises warning during byte-compile:
In org-export-as-pdf:
org-latex.el:882:28:Warning: assignment to free variable `errors'
org-latex.el:882:47:Warning: reference to free variable `errors'
+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromed
[repost -- sorry if this turns out a duplicate]
Sébastien Vauban
> Everything is fine... but the item 4: 19 minutes get converted to 0.00
> hour... Why!?
Because you told it to: remove ";%.2f::@5$3=0.00" from the formula and
live a happier life.
+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAV
Hi Eric,
Eric S Fraga writes:
> | /usr/bin/texi2dvi: Processing /home/ucecesf/.../file.tex ...
> | egrep: Invalid range end
> | /usr/bin/texi2dvi: cannot read .//home/ucecesf/.../file.tex, skipping.
Something somewhere tries to make a local path from an absolute one by
prepending "./", which fai
Carsten Dominik writes:
> (setq org-table-formula-evaluate-inline nil)
> might do this - I am not completely sure
Unfortunately it doesn't. For starters I seem to need to set this
globally (tried to make it buffer-local, but that didn't work). I can
then tab through the table without
Eric S Fraga writes:
> I think I will do so. The thing is that the check is very much for
> DOS file names so I don't actually care what that part of the regex is
> doing!
Since texi2dvi is not fixing a locale this is clearly a bug that you
should report. It should use character classes instead
I'm pretty sure that this behaviour of egrep has been introduced with
GNU grep version 2.6 (which says it fixed some long-standing bugs with
regards to locale handling and character classes if you care to read the
release notes). Unfortunately, as we see here, fixing bugs in one place
often uncove
Nick Dokos writes:
> There is a thread in the bugs-texinfo mailing list on the egrep
> problem in texi2dvi:
They came to the same conclusion... :-)
+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blof
Nick Dokos writes:
> I also found out to my surprise from the previously posted bug-texinfo
> thread, that the ASCII characters between 'Z' and 'a' are (or were) legal
> drive letters, but the assumption is that nobody would be so foolish as
> to use them any more, so not checking for them is OK.
Bernt Hansen writes:
> The justification for this was at the start of a new month you need to
> enter the year to go back to a date a week or two ago in the agenda
> which seemed inconvenient.
Fair enough, but at the end of the year you certainly wouldn't expect to
jump back almost a year by the
Carsten Dominik writes:
> I am looking for a way out which will allow pdf compilation of Org
> work out of the box, and still allow texi2dvi to be used where possible.
All is well as long as GNU grep is not at version 2.6 or later, so maybe
check for that first. Even for later versions it likely
This commit produces a warning from the byte compiler on Emacs 23.1:
In org-babel-expand-body:python:
ob-python.el:60:29:Warning: reference to free variable
Wrote /home/gratz/lisp/org-mode/lisp/ob-python.elc
+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQ
Suvayu Ali writes:
> I use "GNU Emacs (2010-10-15)" on Fedora 13. To install
> org-mode, I overwrite the default emacs org directory,
> $EMACS_INSTALL_PATH/share/emacs/24.0.50/lisp/org
Don't do this, the next time you install a newer package from your
distribution all your changes go
Moreover, here's the commit message for that change:
--8<---cut here---start->8---
commit 668e28f4d050b80686937c4b7b8617f16d887ba0
Author: Carsten Dominik
Date: Fri Sep 25 08:03:23 2009 +0100
Bind and to the org-specific commands
Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Achim Gratz
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 23:19:34 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] org-clock.el: fix regex to recognize indented clock tables
* #BEGIN: and #END: were expected only at the first column in some places.
* #BEGIN: and #END: were erroneously recognized inside normal lines
Carsten Dominik writes:
> after 7 years of responsibility for Org-mode, it is time for
> me to let go and step down as the maintainer of Org-mode.
Thanks for everything and "may the text be with you"!
I've always been impressed by how fast, yet smooth org-mode has
developed in the past two o
of the warnings, but please check
carefully - I don't really know if that macro definition does what I
think it should do...
>From 23fa9dab05cfb34a1aa676273435188807d7c0aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Achim Gratz
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 21:19:36 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Keep byte compiler happy
ch fixes the issue I believe.
>From db7440881bed53fca2643b1bd491c336ab387d5c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Achim Gratz
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2010 11:43:45 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] org-clock.el: fix regex to recognize indented clock tables
* lisp/org-clock.el (org-get-clocktable)
previous patch incor
Hi David,
this patch had already been partially applied by Carsten and Eric (in
slightly a different way than I suggested). The changes to ob.el and
ob-ref.el (the require statements) are therefore superfluous and should
probably be backed out. There was also a superfluous whitespace change
in o
"Eric Schulte" writes:
> I've just pushed up an implementation of this feature.
I'm afraid byte-compile doesn't like it:
In org-babel-expand-body:clojure:
ob-clojure.el:63:26:Warning: reference to free variable `result-params'
+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Androm
Hi Matt,
all I can say is just "yow!".
Matt Lundin writes:
> Since Worg is in perpetual beta, any suggestions or comments would, of
> course, be greatly appreciated!
You might want to consider scheduling the big event for next year, not
past January.
+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305
Antti Kaihola writes:
> I did a git bisect with this result:
> 95bb16661b22ce83326f13304ed4ad690cc03eba is the first bad commit
> commit 95bb16661b22ce83326f13304ed4ad690cc03eba
> Author: Achim Gratz
> Date: Fri Nov 19 01:37:01 2010 +
> Fix byte compiler
Antti Kaihola writes:
> This is:
> GNU Emacs (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.18.0) of
> 2009-09-27 on palmer, modified by Debian
I see. So the check needs to include the sub-sub-version also, just
like org-indent-mode does. The documentation said that
with-silent-modifications was
Carsten Dominik writes:
> I have now changed the definition like this:
> (if (and (not (fboundp 'with-silent-modifications))
>(or (< emacs-major-version 23)
>(and (= emacs-major-version 23)
> (< emacs-minor-version 2
> (defmacro with-silent-modificatio
Hi Eric,
Erik Iverson writes:
> It only appears defined for Emacs < 23.2,
> So in particular, 23.1.50 is 'stuck' in
> between these two version checks, and maybe
> that's causing Antti's issue?
Sorry for the confusion and my apologies for any trouble I have caused.
When introducing this patch I
"Thomas S. Dye" writes:
> Emacs configuration is one of the highest barriers to entry for
> potential adopters of Org-mode, IMO. The idea of context-sensitive
> configuration is potentially terrific. It gets the user to work more
> quickly than would otherwise be the case. The problem I've run
Nathan Neff writes:
> Much easier to read, and I love the nesting/indenting of
> sub-headings.
This happened through a rewrite of the clocktable functionality that
introduced new parameters _after_ the 7.3 release (so it is only in
bleeding edge for now). If you need to get the old clocktables
Today I have updated org-mode at work and promptly ran into a regression
introduced between 7.01h and 7.02... Lists with checkboxes don't work
anymore like they are supposed to, the sub-checkboxes are not taken into
account anymore and you can check list items that still have some of
their childre
Sébastien Vauban
> I've real performance problems for opening some Org files. Just some,
> hopefully. I don't remember having those problems when I was on Ubuntu, and I
> must already have opened it, back then, but... Anyway, I'm now (forced) on
> Windows, and I have the problem.
I don't
Nicolas Goaziou writes:
> You are right. I'm working on it. For now, you can put a counter
> wherever you want to have the old, and right, behaviour. In your
> example, adding [/] to items "Second" and "Third" would do it.
Thanks for looking into this - and take your time. I won't need this
Bart Bunting writes:
> Running into a few issues at the moment: I did download and build the
> jansson library which is installed in /usr/local
> However when I run gnugol I'm seeing the following error:
> Errors: google(1): ../engines/ cannot open shared object file: No
> such fi
Dave Taht writes:
> A fix for one of the problems reported on this list (by bart, thx!) was
> to make sure that the path
> /usr/local/lib
> was in /etc/ or in /etc/ and to run
> sudo ldconfig
> after installing libjannson.
> I've updated the documentation to reflect
Robert Pluim writes:
> Triage is for *computers* to do, they're much better at it than humans.
Then let your MUA strip the tag off for you and live a happier life.
> Also, those markers in the subject are obnoxious and *really* annoying,
> and take up valuable screen space. Please don't clutter
Hi Bastien,
Bastien writes:
> It will be important to clone again after the migration as this repo
> comes with a major change: there is no ORGWEBPAGES/ directory anymore.
> We have moved ORGWEBPAGES/ in a separate repo, which might get public
> later.
As Bernt Hansen has already remarked, this
Bernt Hansen writes:
> There's no reason to keep the ORGWEBPAGE directory around in a branch in
> org-mode.git repository if it isn't ever going to be used again.
I agree, but I also see that Bastien hinted at it possibly being made
public again at a later stage.
Just to clarify my position: for
Bastien writes:
> Please report any problem while pulling or cloning!
All branches except master have disappeared. Most notably, the maint
branch is missing (I've only had master and maint cloned locally).
+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+
Jason Dunsmore writes:
> My bad. I used git-clone with the --bare option instead of --mirror
> when cloning from It's fixed now. Thanks for catching
> this!
I've just did a fetch on both the full clone (for testing) and my local
repo (just master and maint) and everything seems to
Jason Dunsmore writes:
> I'd be interested to hear about other workflows or how mine might be
> improved.
I'd say whatever works for you works. :-)
I've set up all but one of my various git clones up to rebase by default
instead of merging when doing a pull. That way I can float my local
Leo Alekseyev writes:
> If I try to explicitly set the variable org-file-apps, so that its
> value is
> (("\\.jnt\\'" . "C:\\Program Files\\Windows Journal\\Journal.exe %s")
Let me venture the guess that those spaces in the path are not quoted
on their way to the windows shell. Something like
A few things I noted today while I was browsing around Worg:
1. The sitemap and siteindex links point to the root of the webserver,
instead they should point to subdirectory worg.
2. The "sources" directory seems to exist, albeit apparently it is
empty. All links into it that I've tried are dea
Achim Gratz writes:
> So I'd like to have first-class cross headings, maybe like this:
> |--+---+-|
> | Header | some more | and more|
> |--+---+-|
> | item | stuff | things
Bastien writes:
> Wow! I love this. My preference goes to Jason's version: both plain
> simple and colorful.
Please do not use fixed measures in pixels, points, inches or
centimeters and prescribed font families. Let this choice reside with
the user, they know what fonts in which sizes are rea
Bastien writes:
>> 2. The "sources" directory seems to exist, albeit apparently it is
>> empty. All links into it that I've tried are dead.
> Looks like it's not empty:
Jason or Matt already fixed it, thank you.
>> 5.Several unencoded "&" in URL.
> Can you provide links/patches for this?
Matt Lundin writes:
Bastien mentioned requesting push access to Worg from you... I've
actually created an SSH key on for this a while back (but
never requested push access to Worg), how does this work on the new
Worg? I keep this question on the orgmode list since the answer wi
Sébastien Vauban
> However, I can't do any work on the input file, the very basic echo command
> already giving an error:
This is because quoting the arguments to echo does not work when your
input contains unescaped quote characters. I've no idea how exactly
babel tries to get it's argu
Achim Gratz writes:
> #+begin_src sh :var data=excel-from-bank :results output
> echo < $data
> #+end_src
Sent too soon: use cat, not echo. Actually that is redundant, too:
#+begin_src sh :var data=excel-from-bank :results output
cmd1 <+
Wavetables for the Terrat
Jason Dunsmore writes:
> I made several unit changes from px to em, removed the line-height
> property, and removed Georgia as the default font:
Well actually, relative font sizing works would be 'larger' and
'smaller', which would take into account what fonts are actually
available. Specifying
Sébastien Vauban
> The above, from which I even removed the accentuated characters (from French),
> still does not work...
That's strange.
> Now, I can imagine it is due to Cygwin, not to Emacs/Org/Babel. Though, that's
> a problem in general for the use of sh blocks from Org... under Wi
Jason Dunsmore writes:
> I've taken all of your advice to heart and created this improved CSS
> file:
> :) Joking aside, please send me a patch or CSS file with your
> suggestions implemented.
I will take a look tomorrow, can't promise to do a patch
Sébastien Vauban
> I asked the question on the Cygwin mailing list, and got an answer from Tobias
> Schlottke, telling me to use the 'plain old' syntax (=`...`= instead of
> =$(...)=):
I can confirm. This is really bad, since now you'd have to escape
backticks in the data coming from ema
Bastien writes:
> I don't have a strong opinion about this: splitting the FAQ into
> org-faq-*.org comes to my mind, but it's a big task. org-info-js,
> while not optimal for *every* page on Worg, was doing a good job
> on the FAQ.
Maybe this delivers motivation to incorporate a little impro
Matt Lundin writes:
> On this one page, I think we need a simple (non-js) table-of-contents.
> Is there a way to override the hidden toc for this page only?
Yes, by either adding a stylesheet that undoes the hiding or by not
including the part of the stylesheet that hides the toc in the first
Bastien writes:
> I changed the background of code chunks to black - please revert this
> if you find it too agressive/unreadable. I really dislike the fake
> white we had as the background for black-on-white code chunks...
If you change the background you'll also need to change all the
"Eric Schulte" writes:
> I just pushed up an edit to the Worg repository which should reset all
> of the defaults on the TOC of the page. If this works
> I vote we set this as the sole org-faq page.
It works, but I think you would want
font-size: inherit;
in the first block.
Jason Dunsmore writes:
> And there's something in the CSS 2.1 spec about allowing users to attach
> style sheets that I don't fully understand.
That's quite likely the user stylesheets. Support for this is generally
bad, even on Firefox you'll have to re-start for e
Jason Dunsmore writes:
> Looks like the TOC links are larger than the text on the rest of the
> page. Can the text size be made the same?
That's what the "inherit" is fixing. You may still have the old copy in
cache, I've just now been able to get the new version that Eric pushed
some time ago.
Sébastien Vauban
> I asked the question on the Cygwin mailing list, and got an answer from Tobias
> Schlottke, telling me to use the 'plain old' syntax (=`...`= instead of
> =$(...)=):
On further investigation, this is a bug in bash3, fixed in bash4
(hence why I didn't see it on Linux).
* lisp/org.el (org-delete-backward-char): check for nil overwrite-mode before
There's probably a different/better way to do this, but this seemed the least
This patch is in the public domain.
lisp/org.el |8 +---
1 files changed, 5 insertio
Erwin Panen writes:
> macbook:~ erwin$ pdflatex
> This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (TeX Live 2009)
> I assume it must be a matter of config?
I think you need to let Emacs know that you want to run pdflatex. this
can be done in various ways. In current AucTeX you switch between PDF
Rainer M Krug writes:
> I could use a code block with a bash script to extract that information
> from svn info, but that seems to be awkward for me - there must be an
> easier way.
Provided your vc setup works correctly, then (vc-working-revision FILE) will
deliver just this information.
HTML export removes the "mailto:"; from a link, which will then be
interpreted as a local link by the browser.
For an example, see the link to this mailing list in
ORGWEBPAGE/ and the corresponding HTML export on orgmode-org
(or just the local file).
Rainer M Krug writes:
> Hm - I can't find that command (I assume it is a function)? And if how
> can I get the file name of the buffer?
Yes, an elisp function. You either already know the name of the file
and insert it as a string or just use another elisp function to ask
EMACS for it. Then in
Bastien writes:
> I've tested your patch.
Thanks for looking into it.
> If I understand it correctly, it does not change the current visual
> behavior of `org-delete-backward-char', it just skips the unnecessary
> step of inserting a whitespace when overwrite-mode is on.
> Is that so?
It seems like news: links are always sent to the browser and this
definition is hiding a later invocation of GNUS:
((member type '("http" "https" "ftp" "news"))
(browse-url (concat type ":" (org-link-escape
path org-link-e
David Maus writes:
> What syntax did you try? IIRC `org-gnus-follow-link' expects a /Gnus/
> link in path, but RFC5538 ("The 'news' and 'nntp' URI Schemes ")[1] has a
> different definition that must be normalized to a
I tried news:gmane.emacs.orgmode (incomplete, I know), but an
Richard Riley writes:
> Guy Wiener writes:
>> Do you mind sending a patch just for that? I prefer to check it
>> without switching to the development release.
> Just an "FYI" : you can generate your own but clearly depends
> on what version you are actually using.
Besides, you can just cher
Marcelo de Moraes Serpa writes:
> From the moment I press on the minibuffer to the moment the
> whole file is rendered, it takes about 3 seconds. So, it does take
> longer than I would expect.
Wild-ass guess: EMACS asks for all the fonts to be rendered that you are
using in this file... if so,
Michael Hoffman <> writes:
> ** TODO x
> *** [ ] x1
> *** [ ] x2
> [ ] x2.1
That works correctly in 7.01h and later if the last item is at level
three agaiun, but fails if the last one is at level four. Fascinating.
Making a directory link like this: [[file://bla/fasel/]] will open that
folder in explorer on Windows at work, which is nice since I can just
keep a bunch of those in my file and fire them up whenever I
need to (the history in Explorer is never that helpful). I have since
learned that th
These warnings have been appearing for a while now:
In org-order-calendar-date-args:
org.el:14592:31:Warning: `european-calendar-style' is an obsolete variable (as
of Emacs 23.1); use `calendar-date-style' instead.
Wrote /root/emacs/org-mode/lisp/org.elc
In org-agenda-add-entry-to-org-agenda
Noorul Islam writes:
> For me all these three gets exported as file:///tmp
> Another link [[file://tmp][another link]]
> Another link [[file+sys:///tmp][another link]]
> Another link [[file+emacs:///tmp][another link]]
Sorry, I should have checked more thoroughly: there is a bug, but it's
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