Karthik Chikmagalur writes:
> Due to the change in 50be048ad0cbe0e9150ca2351b894b041ae7cf49, image
> display specifications like
> #+attr_org: 300px
> don't work. From the commit message, it looks like the intent was to
> ignore specifications like :width 4in. I'm not sure if ignoring "px"
Karthik Chikmagalur writes:
>> So, I thought that you are probably the best person to design such
>> things :)
> Unfortunately I don't think I'm good at designing flexible async APIs,
> at least in Emacs. (The LaTeX preview system is being tuned for
> speed/lag-free performance, not flexibilit
Karthik Chikmagalur writes:
>> Image cache is cleared _only_ with REFRESH argument.
>> I think that makes sense, right?
> Yes. But `org-link-preview-region' is always called with the REFRESH
> argument set to `t' though.
Sure. What's a problem with that?
In theory, we might not need to clear
Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez writes:
>> I guess that you are referring to
>>When using listings, you also need to make use of LaTeX package
>>"listings". The "color" LaTeX package is also needed if you
>>would like color too. These can simply be added to
Lin Jian writes:
> Currently, the .dir-locals.el file is included in the GNU ELPA
> tarball[1], which causes this compilation error[2] when doing AOT native
> compilation for Emacs lisp packages in NixOS.
I do not see why anything is wrong on Org side.
.dir-locals.el is a perfectly valid file th
Christine Lemmer-Webber writes:
> I hope this isn't poorly received; I don't know what the particular
> policy of posting a relevant job here is. But this is a particularly
> unusual position which involves helping organize a FOSS nonprofit using
> largely Emacs and Org-Mode, and I'd think some
pinmacs writes:
>> May you please provide more detailed instructions on what one needs to
>> do to see the bug, including which commands to run, and then explain
>> what you actually see and what you expected?
> Fine
> tested again with =emacs -q= with GNU Emacs 30.0.90 (build 1,
> x86
pinmacs writes:
> On 2024-09-09 18:19, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
>> pinmacs writes:
>>> I changed it to Fira Code Retina with this command =(set-frame-font
>>> "Fira Code Retina" nil t)= ( see file 2024-09-09_18-11_fira-code.png )
>>> As you see in the attached screen captures, I have the sam
"Mark A. Hershberger" writes:
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> You need to put tag into quotes.
>> I guess we may document this, but I am not sure where.
> I did figure this out and meant to follow up.
> As far as documentation, in the infodoc under "7.5.3 Capturing column
> view", we have this
Gilles Marait writes:
> Hi Igor,
> Thanks for your answer.
> Yes, with org 9.6, I end up with two code.cpp as your said, one in "." and
> one in "src".
> I think the line you're pointing to is indeed the problem
This is a bit tricky.
The new behavior is not exactly a bug - you just relied
Kepa writes:
> Emacs -Q
> Create org file with:
> * 1
> aaa
> * 2
> bbb
> * 3
> ccc
> Eval this:
> (setq org-use-speed-commands t)
> (setq org-speed-commands '(("c" . rot13-region)))
> Try "c" speed command on * 2 headline: * 1 headline is encrypted.
> Try "c" speed command on * 3
Guido Stevens writes:
> As per https://orgmode.org/manual/Column-attributes.html I'm using range
> durations to express effort estimations. Those get summarized nicely in
> column views, using the {est+} summarizer. But when I access an agenda
> view that encounters a task that has such a rang
On 2024-08-25, Jens Lechtenboerger wrote:
> On 2024-08-15, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
>> The patch looks reasonable.
>> Applied, onto main.
>> https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs/org-mode.git/commit/?id=38d1bc67b2
> Great, thanks!
>> Ideally, it would be nice to have tests as well.
> I adde
Manuel writes:
> I expected a clean startup, but instead this warning showed up:
> ⛔ Warning (org-element): org-element--cache: Org parser error in
> rplusd.org::#. Resetting.
> The error was: (args-out-of-range # 133022 133034)
> Backtrace:
> nil
> Org mode seems to work, though?
Rudolf Adamkovič writes:
> * lisp/ox-texinfo.el (org-texinfo--@ref): Fix an incorrect assumption
> that Texinfo uses node names for automatic link text. It does not.
> Instead, it uses the corresponding section title. For example, if a
> node is named `a' its section is named `A', the Org link
Rudolf Adamkovič writes:
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> Should be relative level, I think.
> I am a bit lost here, on both why and how. :)
See `org-export-collect-headlines' and how it uses
`org-export-get-relative-level' to determine whether a given heading is
too deeply nested to be included
Robbie Morrison writes:
> I received the following warning and was duly encouraged to file a bug
> report:
> ---
> ⛔ Warning (org-element-cache): org-element--cache: Org parser error in
> post-nz.org::7833. Resetting.
> The error was: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)
> Backtrac
Hello Ihor
Many thanks for your follow up.
I have set `org-element-use-cache' to nil as you suggest. Seems fine.
My org-mode is just via the package management system on Ubuntu, so
somewhat behind I guess.
Am a big fan of org-mode. Tx!
On 15/09/2024 14.20, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Rudolf Adamkovič writes:
> From: Rudolf Adamkovic
> * etc/ORG-NEWS (Texinfo exporter now supports links in headings):
> Announce the new feature.
> * lisp/ox-texinfo.el: (org-texinfo--format-entries,
> org-texinfo--get-node, org-texinfo--sanitize-title-reference,
> org-texinfo--sanitize-title)
Dan Drake writes:
> "AFAIU, what you are struggling with is that you sometimes press "k" by
> accident, without aiming to cut the subtree. Is my understanding correct?"
> Yes, that's correct. Sometimes I'd use the speed key accidentally and
> cut the subtree.
Then, what about introducing somet
Karthik Chikmagalur writes:
> Do you think it makes sense to add repeat-maps for other next/previous
> commands in Org, such as org-next-link and org-previous-link? I've been
> using this for a while (they don't use defvar-keymap as I wrote them a
> while ago):
> (defvar org-link-navigation-re
Ryan Leman writes:
> So I wanted a timer that can take several times and in sequence complete
> each timer. This is especially useful for things such as studying where you
> might want a timer for studying then another right after for the break
> without having to run the same command again.
Visuwesh writes:
> BTW, should we add C-n and friends to org-navigation-repeat-map or just
> have n, p, etc.? I personally find C-n in the repeat-map disruptive
> since I usually want to move the cursor after jumping to a specific
> heading, in which case C-n not being next-line is annoying.
stardiviner writes:
> I updated the patch.
> +
> +(add-hook 'org-babel-after-execute-hook 'org-toggle-inline-image-in-results)
Please note that `org-babel-after-execute-hook' is not necessarily
evaluated with point at the src block being executed.
> +(defun org-toggle-inline-image-in-
Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez writes:
> attached is a really small patch to suggest the use of the xcolor package
> everywhere in ox-latex.el
> Rationale:
> 1. read through [1]
> 2. Some "more modern" (i.e. > 2016) packages clash with color and require
> xcolor.
Applied, onto main, wit
Tor-björn Claesson writes:
> Since I use org-roam-ref, I initially went with citar and installed
> vertico, marginalia and embark, but this felt a bit invasive,
> so I went back to the built in basic processors,
> which fill all my needs except for the follow-processor.
> To improve following,
On 2024-09-15 07:12, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
pinmacs writes:
Thanks! That helped.
I was able to reproduce using stable version of Org mode.
However, the bug is not present on the development version (main
So, the bug should no longer be present in the next Org mode release.
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Lin Jian writes:
>> Currently, the .dir-locals.el file is included in the GNU ELPA
>> tarball[1], which causes this compilation error[2] when doing AOT native
>> compilation for Emacs lisp packages in NixOS.
> I do not see why anything is wrong on Org side.
> .dir-lo
On Sun, 2024-09-15 at 10:25 +, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> "Mark A. Hershberger" writes:
> >
> > As far as documentation, in the infodoc under "7.5.3 Capturing
> > column view", we have this:
> >
> > ‘:match’
> > When set to a string, use this as a tags/property match
> > filter t
>>> Image cache is cleared _only_ with REFRESH argument.
>>> I think that makes sense, right?
>> Yes. But `org-link-preview-region' is always called with the REFRESH
>> argument set to `t' though.
> Sure. What's a problem with that?
Why flush Emacs' entire image cache to preview images in on
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> I tried to run make test and your new test fails: [...]
Yup, `4829bacff', which you merged in the meantime, broke the test, as
it changed how `@ref's are generated.
> May you please fix this and also rebase the patch onto the latest main?
>From 56ff9d12
Latest iteration of patch attached.
> In theory, we might not need to clear image cache as long as we call
> `image-flush' in `org-link-preview-clear'.
Removed (clear-image-cache) when refreshing since we run (image-flush)
unconditionally in org-link-preview-file.
> My hesitance about top-level
> Probably, we can extend the regexp to treat things like px/pt as pixel
> width as well.
> I suggest doing it in a separate patch rather than making many changes
> together with introducing a new feature as you suggested. Having too
> many things in a single commit can lead to confusion.
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Having dir locals file in the tarball can be useful for the users who
> wish to edit Org mode's source code. We set a number of editing defaults
> there that are employed across Org codebase. These defaults make our
> life easier when users create patches by directly modi
So I was using org-download, and I would like to replace it entirely
with yank-media
and what I am missisng is:
1. do a variable for selecting absolute path: to be able to have a file
link that works with absolute path; and the reason is that being
relative, this, does not combine good
On Sun, 15 Sept 2024 at 16:12, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez writes:
> > attached is a really small patch to suggest the use of the xcolor package
> > everywhere in ox-latex.el
> >
> > Rationale:
> > 1. read through [1]
> > 2. Some "more modern" (i.e. > 2016) pa
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> > On Sep 14, 2024, at 10:38 AM, Stefan Kangas
> >
> > JD Smith writes:
> >
> >>> On Jul 24, 2024, at 2:33 PM, JD Smith wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I propose the addition of indent-bars to ELPA.
> >>>
> >>> https://github.
37 matches
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