Tor-björn Claesson <> writes:

> Since I use org-roam-ref, I initially went with citar and installed
> vertico, marginalia and embark, but this felt a bit invasive,
> so I went back to the built in basic processors,
> which fill all my needs except for the follow-processor.
> To improve following, I made a transient which offers options other than
> opening the bibliography entry. This works really well, and can easily
> be extended by adding new suffixes.
> In order to make the basic follow processor more useful, would you be
> interested in replacing it with a transient menu?

I do think that having extended menus for org-open-at-point could be
useful. Not by default, but, for example, with a prefix argument.

> As an example, I attach my transient, including examples on extensions.
> It would obviously need some work on wording and thought as to what
> commands should be made available by default. Also I am not used to
> elisp, and the code can probably be improved!

Your example demonstrates the following options:
1. Plain old opening bibtex entry
2. Copying citation key
3. Opening DOI-derived link in browser
4. Opening PDF (but I am not sure how you want to find the PDF name from
   bibtex record)

I am not sure how useful is copying the citation key, but various extra
menus like opening DOI/ISBN/URL links might be of use.
PDFs might be useful, but it is not clear how to know where such PDF is
located for arbitrary user.

Any other suggestions?
Maybe from

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
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