So I was using org-download, and I would like to replace it entirely
with yank-media
and what I am missisng is:
1. do a variable for selecting absolute path: to be able to have a file
link that works with absolute path; and the reason is that being
relative, this, does not combine good when you move your latex export
somewhere else (in my case, I usually move it to /tmp/, and from there I
decide when I want to save something persistently), hence it fails, and
I got tired on fixing the links, in fact, the absolute path sometimes is
smaller than the relative one
=file:/tmp/clipboard-20240916T013308.png]]= vs
2. do a variable that allow a list that would filter and reduce the type
candidates of yank-media. In org-download, everything was png so I was
not having the "Several types available, choose one" with 7 options. But
then is like, oh, maybe I would like to be able to switch between png
(synthetic image), jpg (natural image)... anyway, I hope you see
customizing this is interesting for the users.
What I did to solve the absolute path meanwhile the discussion and
development happens is defining on my own the entire function
=org--image-yank-media-handler= just changing this:
#+begin_src diff
-(setq link (org-link-make-string (concat "file:" (file-relative-name
+(setq link (org-link-make-string (concat "file:" absname)))
source (sorry, this link is slow to open):
and here is the equivalent to the org-download
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun my/yank-media ()
"org-download replacement"
(let ((org-yank-image-save-method "/tmp/")
(org-yank-dnd-method 'file-link))
;; facilitate image size on preview
(insert "\n#+attr_org: :width 350px")))
;; thanks for all the fish, org-download
;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-M-y") 'org-download-clipboard)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-y") 'my/yank-media)
Thanks for your attention,