I start to explore Org-mode and org-publish to built online
And I search for example of online documentation made with Org-mode. As
But after some search, I have only found the Org-mode Worg [1]. Other
found are no more online.
Best regards
Gendre S
Orm Finnendahl writes:
> it was easier than I thought, although still nasty:
> https://github.com/ormf/org-mode/tree/org-html-multipage
> Maybe you can check whether this is along the lines of what you had in
> mind.
>> Also, please mention that `org-export-multipage-split-functions' are
Sébastien Gendre writes:
> And I search for example of online documentation made with Org-mode. As
> inspirations.
> But after some search, I have only found the Org-mode Worg [1]. Other
> found are no more online.
I don't know if that helps, but the documentation of clk[fn:1] is in org
Visuwesh writes:
> I am using the async LaTeX preview branch and org-persist-write-all
> takes a lot of time to finish executing due to the use of pp when saving
> the index file. Changing org-persist-write:index to not pass a non-nil
> PP argument to org-persist--write-elisp-file changes the ex
Sławomir Grochowski writes:
> When the user wants to add a new column (or edit an existing one), he
> executes the command `org-columns-new'. Then he can enter or select a few
> 'column attributes' (see in manual
> https://orgmode.org/org.html#Column-attributes-1).
> One of the attributes is "SU
[சனி ஆகஸ்ட் 10, 2024] Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> Visuwesh writes:
>> I am using the async LaTeX preview branch and org-persist-write-all
>> takes a lot of time to finish executing due to the use of pp when saving
>> the index file. Changing org-persist-write:index to not pass a non-nil
>> PP argu
Visuwesh writes:
>> So much for the idea of readable index file.
> It is unfortunate, indeed, since the pp version of the file is really
> handy when looking into org-persist issues. Though, I must mention that
> the slowness reported in OP is compounded by my fairly aggressive CPU
> governor
Joseph Turner writes:
>> We can put such a page alongside /org-syntax.org, maybe even linked from
>> there. Feel free to create such a page.
> Would the following patch be appropriate?
But we also need to link this new page from other places.
Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode con
Kepa writes:
> I get not output with w32-shell-execute,
Did you customize `org-file-apps'?
> ... but... if I make a link to the file, and I try to open it, I get a
> backtrace (so it would be not a problem from org-attach, but from org-mode):
> Debugger entered--entering a function:
> * or
"Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide" writes:
> To reproduce:
> Create a paragraph in which the first two words in the first two lines
> are fat. For example:
> *Ver’jigor* geht zur Handelsvertretung, um den Botschafter zu treffen.
> *Sambucus* und *Targ* suchen eine Herberge, finden einen 6-Personen
Dotan Cohen writes:
> Emacs : GNU Emacs 29.3 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version
> 3.24.41, cairo version 1.18.0)
> of 2024-04-01, modified by Debian
> Package: Org mode version 9.6.15 (release_9.6.15 @
> /usr/share/emacs/29.3/lisp/org/)
Thanks for reporting!
Does the problem go away i
Rudolf Adamkovič writes:
> I would like to output
> raw Org/LaTeX from Common Lisp and Scheme
> but it does not seem to work:
> ...
> ...
You can "print" it to format to make things work.
Alexander Adolf writes:
>> The manual says:
>> The summary type. If specified, the column values for parent nodes
>> are computed from the children(1).
> The manual leaves it to the reader to figure out how the computation
> happens. Nor does it mention
Morgan Willcock writes:
> With org-log-into-drawer set to t any notes that are taken with
> org-add-note go into a LOGBOOK drawer, but this also removes the
> spell-checking provided by Flyspell.
> It seems intentional to prevent checking the LOGBOOK (or equivalent)
> when the value of org-log-
di...@subvertising.org writes:
> I've been using Org Mode for literate programming purposes, and would
> like to have line-numbers within `src` blocks. I am able to export the
> Org buffer and get the line-numbers, but I am unable to do the same
> with regards to just in Org buffers. I am aware of
Samuel Wales writes:
> when i select subtrees and m-s-right, they demote, and then i have no
> further use for the active region, and have to press c-g. is it possible
> to turn off the persistence of the region so that it follows earlier
> behavior and disappears once done?
No, it is currently
Thank you very much.
Samuel Loury writes:
> [[PGP Signed Part:No public key for 75D23CED7439106A created at
> 2024-08-10T14:41:26+0200 using RSA]]
> Sébastien Gendre writes:
> […]
> And I search for example of online documentation made with Org-mode. As
> inspirations.
> But after
Wiktor Kwapisiewicz writes:
> One thing bothers me: the links generated by the ":link t" option on the
> clocktable [0] are absolute [1] and it causes problems when using the
> same file on two different machines:
> ...
> I've tried adjusting that with `(setq org-link-file-path-type
> 'relativ
Sébastien Gendre writes:
> I start to explore Org-mode and org-publish to built online
> documentation.
> And I search for example of online documentation made with Org-mode. As
> inspirations.
> But after some search, I have only found the Org-mode Worg [1]. Other
> found are no more online.
Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> Is there any way to re-enable spell-checking of the notes without adding
>> advice to org-mode-flyspell-verify to hijack the result?
> It looks like LOGBOOK drawers should not be ignored by flyspell.
> May you comment out that check locally and see how it goes?
I swit
> -Original Message-
> From: yantar92 at posteo.net
> Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2024 3:53 PM
> To: Kepa
> Cc: emacs-orgmode at gnu.org orgmode_at_gnu_org_kqcgk...@simplelogin.co>
> Subject: RE: Issue opening files with accented words, using org-attach-open
> Kepa writes:
> > I
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Joseph Turner writes:
>>> We can put such a page alongside /org-syntax.org, maybe even linked from
>>> there. Feel free to create such a page.
>> Would the following patch be appropriate?
> But we also need to link this new page from other places.
How abo
Dear All,
> Sébastien Gendre writes:
> > And I search for example of online documentation made with Org-mode. As
> > inspirations.
AFAIU, the online documentation of the Magit and Borg Emacs packages
by Jonas Bernoulli were also made using Org (probably with the texinfo
exporter), see https://ma
When I export Org-mode documents with org-publish, it cannot resolve
links in format "[[attachment:image.png]]".
But when I export manually the same document with the export dispatcher,
the export work correctly and the attachment link is correctly resolved.
I don't know if it's
[[PGP Signed Part:Good signature from B586F7C77239E29E Sébastien Gendre
(trust ultimate) created at 2024-08-11T04:44:32+0200 using RSA]]
[1. text/plain]
It's a very good example.
Is it more common to make a single file documentation ?
András Simonyi writes:
> Dear All,
>> Sébastien Gendre
[[PGP Signed Part:Good signature from B586F7C77239E29E Sébastien Gendre
(trust ultimate) created at 2024-08-11T04:41:57+0200 using RSA]]
[1. text/plain]
Thank you very much.
I will take a look.
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Sébastien Gendre writes:
>> I start to explore Org-mode and org-publis
On 2024-08-10, at 17:13, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> Many blogs are also made with Org mode. Not sure if it qualifies for
> documentation.
If I may put a shameless plug here, one of my blogs
(https://crimsonelevendelightpetrichor.net, not terribly active ATM) is
written entirely in Org. The whole c
mb...@mbork.pl writes:
> On 2024-08-10, at 17:13, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
>> Many blogs are also made with Org mode. Not sure if it qualifies for
>> documentation.
> ... my custom blog engine
> (https://gitlab.com/mbork_mbork_pl/org-clive). It is a testament to the
> power of Org that Org Cliv
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