# TL;DR When I export Org-mode documents with org-publish, it cannot resolve links in format "[[attachment:image.png]]". But when I export manually the same document with the export dispatcher, the export work correctly and the attachment link is correctly resolved. I don't know if it's a bug, or if it's planned to work like this and a feature suggestion is needed. So, I post a message here. # Context I plan to write a little web documentation with Org-mode. The documentation is split into multiple Org-mode files that I put into a "./Pages/" folder. Each org-mode document are converted to HTML with org-publish and the function `org-html-publish-to-html`. The result is written into the "./Public" folder. And there is 2 kind of statics files: * The ones needed on each pages, like the website logo or the CSS * The files related to a specific page, like a screenshot For the first kind, I have a "./Static/" folder which content is copied to "./Public/static/" with org-publish and the function `org-publish-attachment`. For the second type, I use the Org-mode feature "attachment" to attach each files into an Org-mode heading and (in my Org document) I write an attachment link like these: [[attachment:image.png]] [[attachment:code_template.tar.gz][Template of code]] To publish these files, I also use org-publish and the function `org-publish-attachment`. This time, from the folder "./Pages" to the folder "./Public". # How to replicate this problem For this, I skip the CSS+JS folder. 1) Create directory called "test_documentation". 2) In "test_documentation/", create 1 directory: * "Pages" 3) In "Page/", create 1 file named "Example.org" 4) In "Example.org", create a heading, attach a image file to it and make an attachment link to this file (like "[[attachment:image.png]]") 5) In "test_documentation/", create a file named "publish.el" and write this content in it: ;; Publish script for the website ;; Package load and configuration ;; Use org (use-package org) ;; Use ox-publish (use-package ox-publish) ;; Set publication configuration (setq org-publish-project-alist '(("pages-org" :base-directory "./Pages/" :base-extension "org" :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html :publishing-directory "./public/") ("pages-attachment" :base-directory "./Pages/" :base-extension "jpg\\|png\\|gif\\|svg\\|zip" :recursive t :publishing-directory "./public/" :publishing-function org-publish-attachment))) ;; Do the publication (org-publish-all t) 6) Run this publish script with this command: emacs -q --script publish.el # What did I get An error message: Error: user-error ("Unable to resolve link: \"attachment:image.png\"") mapbacktrace(#f(compiled-function (evald func args flags) #<bytecode 0x181658ba93aef0da>)) debug-early-backtrace() debug-early(error (user-error "Unable to resolve link: \"attachment:image.png\"")) user-error("Unable to resolve link: %S" "attachment:image.png") org-export-data… I cut from the org-export-data, because it is amazingly long and didn't add any useful info. # What did I expected Attachment link would be resolved like with manual HTML export. # Versions * Emacs: 29.4 * Org-mode: 9.6.15 Best regards
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