Morgan Willcock <> writes:

> With org-log-into-drawer set to t any notes that are taken with
> org-add-note go into a LOGBOOK drawer, but this also removes the
> spell-checking provided by Flyspell.
> It seems intentional to prevent checking the LOGBOOK (or equivalent)
> when the value of org-log-into-drawer is non-nil:
>   ;; Ignore checks in LOGBOOK (or equivalent) drawer.
>   ((let ((log (org-log-into-drawer)))
>      (and log
>           (let ((drawer (org-element-lineage element 'drawer)))
>             (and drawer
>                  (org-string-equal-ignore-case
>                   log (org-element-property :drawer-name drawer))))))
>    nil)
> ...but why should the location of the note matter to the spell-checker?

I am not sure about the reasoning behind disabling flyspell inside
logbook drawers. I cannot find anything meaningful in git history either.

> Is there any way to re-enable spell-checking of the notes without adding
> advice to org-mode-flyspell-verify to hijack the result?

It looks like LOGBOOK drawers should not be ignored by flyspell.
May you comment out that check locally and see how it goes?
Ideally, please check things like CLOCK and automatic todo state change

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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