Kierin Bell writes:
> Hello,
> When I run 'org-cite-insert' with point before the initial colon of a
> citation element, Emacs signals a 'wrong-number-of-arguments' error.
> For example, 'C-c C-x @' with point below X in:
> X
> [cite:@author2022]
> ...Produces:
> Debugger entered--Lisp erro
Uwe Brauer writes:
>> This is because Org expects the first and the last characters in
>> org-time-stamp-custom-formats to be opening/closing brackets.
>> (undocumented)
> So this should have been the correct setting?
> ("<%d.%m.%Y " . " %d.%m.%Y>")
No. ("< %d.%m.%Y>" . "< %d.%m.%Y>")
Dear All,
On Thu, 20 Oct 2022 at 07:23, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> M. ‘quintus’ Gülker writes:
> > Thanks for the hint, but it does not work still even if I change the
> > line to contain the said zero-width space:
> > The buffer is now fontified as expected, but it does not work when
> > exported
Mikhail Skorzhisnkii writes:
> Hi, Ihor,
> Sorry for the delay with fixes, took some time before I got time to finish
> this. Thanks for your review and looking forward for the next iteration. See
> new version in the attachment. Comments are inline.
Applied onto main with minor amen
"Samuel W. Flint" writes:
> IR> Could you please explain in simple words when your new feature can be
> IR> useful?
> The variable `org-clock-in-switch-to-state` can be really handy,
> however, it wasn't documented in the manual which made discovery
> somewhat difficult. The manual pat
"Christopher M. Miles" writes:
>> Sure. Can you please send the final version of the patch and the working
>> tests?
> I separated code patch and test into two patches. You can apply selectively.
Sorry, I was not very clear.
I meant to remove that patch that fails due to noninteractive and lea
Renato Pontefice writes:
> Hi,
> I’m wondering how can I delete, on my .org file, the line that have:
> - an old Timestamp (i.e. if I set a thing to be done today (<2022-10-24 Mon
> 17:26>)
> - a TODO item (always with a past date) <2022-10-24 Mon 17:26>
> That to have a more clean .org file.
Feraidoon Mehri writes:
> I have already signed the copyright assignment. (Though I used my
> other email when signing it.)
Bastien, could you kindly check the FSF records?
> I have manually tested the changes with a custom value for
> `org-html--id-attr-prefix',
Jean Louis writes:
> Additionally "Org Mode" qualifies as trademark in Sweden, where this
> company is registered.
> I advise to Org Mode authors to defend against plagiarism, as they
> call it Emacs Org Mode -- which is not. I do not mind if anybody will
> complain or not -- I am only pointin
On Monday, 24 Oct 2022 at 18:34, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
> The main problem I find is that they both also run
> closed and, presumably, proprietary software.
They both run Linux but with proprietary user interfaces.
> I wonder if these devices are capable of exporting normal annotations in
> p
Damien Cassou writes:
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> Why not using org-export-define-derived-backend?
> I didn't know this function exist. I changed the code to use it.
See A.4 Adding Export Back-ends section in Org manual ;)
>> Also, linuxmag might be confused with…
> What do you think about
Nick Dokos writes:
> Specifying both `maxlevel' and `match' in a columnview dynamic block
> was broken: the `match' argument is ignored in that case. See the link
> below for a (not so minimal) ECM.
> Reported-by: Pablo A Perez-Fernandez
> Link:
[Adding Org mailing list back to CC]
Renato Pontefice writes:
> Maybe this is not what I’m looking for:
> I have a simple line:
> ** TODO da xxx con y <2022-10-19 Wed 11:00>
> When the 19th I’ve done this, I change the state from RODO in DONE. I’m
> wondering if it exist a way to definitely
dalanicolai writes:
> [9.5.4 (release_9.5.4 @ /usr/local/share/emacs/29.0.50/lisp/org/)]
> When trying to create a new src-block via `M-x
> org-babel-demarcate-block` immediately after a previous code block (only
> empty lines in between), then the command behaves like when splitting a
> src-b
On 25/10/2022 07:54, Justin Silverman wrote:
Try going to this link:
It just takes you to the Latex Export page. Most of the links on the
latex export page don't seem to go anywhere.
I expect that the problem was fixed some time ago. Pe
András Simonyi writes:
> Dear All,
> I'm experiencing the following mysterious problem with the csl
> citation export processor: exporting using the export dispatcher
> without a prefix argument works fine, but when I repeat the export
> action using C-u before C-e the exported bibliography ite
On 22/10/2022 12:03, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Probably, is treated as a link to resource packed inside
.odt file.
You are right. file.odt is a virtual folder representing ZIP container,
so relative links to external files should be prefixed with "../".
"Daniel J. Sinder" writes:
> I'm trying to use a dynamic block with :match to filter columnview for a
> checkbox column. However, the match is failing. Based on some variations
> that do work (described below the example), it seems the closing square
> bracket may be the problem.
> Here's a
* Ihor Radchenko [2022-10-25 10:30]:
> > These words cheat the reader by telling that it is "compatible"
> > something, while it is not editor mode, it is probably whole editor
> > and software without Emacs.
> Are you saying that there is GPL violation of Org mode licence by this
> "EasyOrg" a
FTR, I'm a happy Onyx Boox user.
I considered remarkable, but I read somewhere (can't find it) that handwritten
PDF annotations were not coded as vector graphics, so I went for Onyx.
Great! Thank you...
On Tue, 25 Oct 2022 at 11:41, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> dalanicolai writes:
> > [9.5.4 (release_9.5.4 @ /usr/local/share/emacs/29.0.50/lisp/org/)]
> >
> > When trying to create a new src-block via `M-x
> > org-babel-demarcate-block` immediately after a previous code block (
András Simonyi writes:
>> No. It is some bug in org-cite-csl--create-structure.
>> I am CCing the oc-csl maintainer.
>> András, can you please take a look?
> first of all, apologies for reacting that late. I had a look now, and
> the reason of the behaviour is not an oc-csl bug, but rather a
Jean Louis writes:
>> If it is true, could you please provide links to legal basis on from
>> GPL's and Swedish law's points of view?
> In my opinion the term "Org Mode" is collective trademark:
> Trademark FAQs | USPTO:
This wish request is related to Emacs EWW and Org mode.
Please make EWW recognize Org file when served by WWW server. Currently
it does not recognize the MIME type text/x-org and opens the file as
text, it does not invoke the org mode. In my opinion, it should.
Inspect following file by using l
Fraga, Eric writes:
>> I wonder if these devices are capable of exporting normal annotations in
>> plain text or xml?
> The annotations are not text: they are vector data corresponding to the
> movement of the stylus. You can extract that information (I have
> software for the reMarkable that d
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Jean Louis writes:
>>> If it is true, could you please provide links to legal basis on from
>>> GPL's and Swedish law's points of view?
>> In my opinion the term "Org Mode" is collective trademark:
>> Trademark FAQs | USPTO:
On Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 12:12:46AM +1100, Tim Cross wrote:
> Even if it was violated, this is not something the maintainers are
> empowered to act on anyway [...]
This depends perhaps on what one understands by "act on". If that
means "go to court" you are, of course, right. If that means
Renato Pontefice writes:
> Hi,
> I’m wondering how can I delete, on my .org file, the line that have:
> - an old Timestamp (i.e. if I set a thing to be done today (<2022-10-24 Mon
> 17:26>)
> - a TODO item (always with a past date) <2022-10-24 Mon 17:26>
> That to have a more clean .org file.
On Tuesday, 25 Oct 2022 at 12:55, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
> I see... I was referring to annotations entered as text. Can't you do
> annotations on those devices like you do in a typical PDF reader,
Not as far as I know (for the reMarkable; I have no experience with the
Elipsa). The virtual keyb
On Tuesday, 25 Oct 2022 at 12:06, Eduardo Suarez-Santana wrote:
> I considered remarkable, but I read somewhere (can't find it) that
> handwritten PDF annotations were not coded as vector graphics, so I
> went for Onyx.
Conversion scripts (including my own adapted ones) take the rM notation
and cr
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> "Christopher M. Miles" writes:
>>> Sure. Can you please send the final version of the patch and the working
>>> tests?
>> I separated code patch and test into two patches. You can apply selectively.
> Sorry, I was not very clear.
> I meant to remove that patch th
On 23/10/2022 22:16, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
As I am beginning to have serious eye fatigue problems, I am thinking of
buying an e-ink device, not to read books but to read documents. My idea
is that it be an Android device and that it supports the installation of
apk, to be able to install Ter
Max Nikulin writes:
> E-ink displays are slow (my device was manufactured 15 years ago but I do not
> expect dramatic improvement), so applications should be heavily optimized to
> provide acceptable experience. I do not think that Emacs is suitable.
There are people already using Emacs on e-ink
I have trouble using Haskell code blocks in Org Mode.
1. I need to use the following Org Mode file header:
#+property: :header-args:haskell: :prologue ":{\n" :epilogue ":}\n"
#+begin_src haskell :exports none :results none
:set prompt-cont ""
Otherwise, the results of Haskell
Jean Louis writes:
> This wish request is related to Emacs EWW and Org mode.
> Please make EWW recognize Org file when served by WWW server. Currently
> it does not recognize the MIME type text/x-org and opens the file as
> text, it does not invoke the org mode. In my opinion, it should.
I apologize, the settings described in Point 1 actually have no effect.
Multi line input works out of the box (at least with "ghci" as
described). However, the result output is still scrambled (e.g., empty
lines, unnecessary "ghci>" prompts in results)
Dominik Schrempf writes:
> Hello,
On Tuesday, 25 Oct 2022 at 21:37, Max Nikulin wrote:
> E-ink displays are slow (my device was manufactured 15 years ago but I
We are venturing well into OT for this list... ;-)
E-ink displays are getting significantly faster, with some claiming 60
Hz refresh rates (cf. the PineNote). Often, howe
On 23/10/2022 22:27, Ypo wrote:
I have cloned the "repository" hoping it works like in github, but I see
no option to edit.
SourceHut does not have an online editor, it is necessary to clone the
repository to local disk.
On 20/10/2022 06:46, Jean Louis wrote:
* Max Nikulin [2022-10-19 15:53]:
The person may be already familiar with that non-free apps. We had
a chance to ask about features missed in free applications and actual
experience. Perhaps the same tasks may be performed in a bit different
and less obvi
See also Dasung NotEReader. Full Android tablet, no lockdown like the
ReMarkable. Looks fast - can watch YouTube videos for example. If it's
really full Android, then it should be able to install and run emacs
natively. 10.3 or 7.8 inch versions.
Please excuse brevity. Sent from tiny pocket
Dominik Schrempf writes:
> ...
> However, the result output is still scrambled (e.g., empty
> lines, unnecessary "ghci>" prompts in results)
For me, ghci is selected by default.
Here is the config I've used to test it:
| emacs-version |28.1 |
| org-version
Dear All,
using the most recent version of the main branch I've noticed some
problems with the spacing of documents exported with the odt exporter:
spaces around links and formatted (for instance, italicized) words are
missing, for example, the Org line
text1 text2 /italics/
Hi Bruno,
glad to hear that it works for you.
Ad 'org-babel-script-escape': I use Org version 9.6. I do not temper
with 'org-babel-script-escape', it is used by the respective babel
modules --- 'ob-haskell' in this case. The error also occurs with
'cabal-repl' as process type.
Ad 'haskell-proc
* Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide [2022-10-25 18:06]:
> > This wish request is related to Emacs EWW and Org mode.
> >
> > Please make EWW recognize Org file when served by WWW server. Currently
> > it does not recognize the MIME type text/x-org and opens the file as
> > text, it does not invoke the org
After updating a bunch of packages I'm getting this error message when I
try to open an associated file via a reference:
Before it was working fine via emark either by clicking on the reference or
by running embark-act on it. Now I get this instead:
citar--library-file-action: S
For citar support/bugs, you should report on the github issue tracker.
But my guess: you need to install citar-embark, as a while ago, we
moved the embark-related functionality into a separate package. If
it's been a few months since you've updated, that would likely explain
On Tue, Oct 25, 2
I’d look at the current function definition to be sure (C-h f
citar—library-file-action), but open is the standard macOS command for
opening files. The Linux equivalent is xdg-open. My guess is that somehow
you’ve told citar or org or emacs to use open for these links. Or it’s
possible that the ci
Bruce will know better than me!!!
On Tue, Oct 25, 2022 at 4:46 PM Matt Price wrote:
> I’d look at the current function definition to be sure (C-h f
> citar—library-file-action), but open is the standard macOS command for
> opening files. The Linux equivalent is xdg-open. My guess is that somehow
Jean Louis writes:
> * Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide [2022-10-25 18:06]:
>> > This wish request is related to Emacs EWW and Org mode.
>> >
>> > Please make EWW recognize Org file when served by WWW server. Currently
>> > it does not recognize the MIME type text/x-org and opens the file as
>> > text
"Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide" writes:
> This sounds dangerous. Org mode can execute untrusted code, so this
> could trick people into running untrusted code with the permissions of
> their Emacs.
> Links in org-mode can run shell scripts. Yes, they usually ask, but this
> may be changed it a loca
Can't you just use one of hooks (e.g., eww-after-render-hook) where you
inspect the URL and if it's .org, just change the mode?
This should be trivial to do, I think.
Jean Louis writes:
> This wish request is related to Emacs EWW and Org mode.
> Please make EWW recognize Org file when served
Nick Dokos writes:
> Renato Pontefice writes:
>> Hi,
>> I’m wondering how can I delete, on my .org file, the line that have:
>> - an old Timestamp (i.e. if I set a thing to be done today (<2022-10-24 Mon
>> 17:26>)
>> - a TODO item (always with a past date) <2022-10-24 Mon 17:26>
>> That
> I am unable to reproduce on my side using the latest main branch.
> Can you please provide detailed steps you performed to get the erroneous
> behaviour? See
I'm very sorry for wasting your time, it looks like I had
org-capture-after-finalize-hook point
Tim Cross writes:
>> I propose to do the following:
>> 1. org-time-stamp-formats and org-time-stamp-custom-formats will be
>>treated as is, unless they contain "<" and ">" and the first and the
>>last char.
>> 2. If the formats do contain <...>, strip the "<" and ">".
>> 3. Document (2) i
Dominik Schrempf writes:
> Ad scrambling: The scrambling happens with multi-line input. For example
> #+begin_src haskell :exports both :results output
> let x = 10
> let y = 12
> x*y
> [x,y]
> #+end_src
> #+results:
> :
> : ghci> 120
> : [10,12]
I am
please feel free to ignore this post if it is off topic. i cannot
tell if it is of topic or not.
long ago i wanted to mke it so that if i hovered over a timesamp it
woud produce a time span notation relative to . and also i
wanted to make a custom time stamp format for the same purpose. but i
thank you for trying to repro. i will tolerat the bug until in the
future my setup is more compatible for reporting this bug or it
On 10/16/22, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> Samuel Wales writes:
>> imagine this
>> * to yank
>> a
>> b
>> c
>> * x
>> ^sadfsadf
>> ^^*** y
András Simonyi writes:
> using the most recent version of the main branch I've noticed some
> problems with the spacing of documents exported with the odt exporter:
> spaces around links and formatted (for instance, italicized) words are
> missing, for example, the Org line
> text1 https://org
hi max, thanks.
more below.
On 10/14/22, Max Nikulin wrote:
> Samuel, I assume that you are quite happy with org-capture Firefox
> extension.
yes i rely on it and adore it.
although i always fear it breaking or silently failing, as i have
emacs in the bg behind ff when i run it and do not want
are those bare timestamps without planning tags like deadline:
scheduled: closed:?
then you will need something bespoke. but if they are planning lines
which go after the headline, then you are in luck. you can use org
archiving tools. [boken in my version but i think has been fixed in
recent v
"Christopher M. Miles" writes:
>> Sorry, I was not very clear.
>> I meant to remove that patch that fails due to noninteractive and leave
>> the rest.
> Updated, I deleted testing and marked as TODO.
Applied onto main.
Samuel Wales writes:
> although i always fear it breaking or silently failing, as i have
> emacs in the bg behind ff when i run it and do not want to do more
> mousing and inspecting to find out if worked each time.
You may hook notifications-notify to org-capture-after-finalize-hook to
see noti
more below.
On 10/25/22, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> Samuel Wales writes:
>> although i always fear it breaking or silently failing, as i have
>> emacs in the bg behind ff when i run it and do not want to do more
>> mousing and inspecting to find out if worked each time.
> You may hook notificat
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Tim Cross writes:
>>> I propose to do the following:
>>> 1. org-time-stamp-formats and org-time-stamp-custom-formats will be
>>>treated as is, unless they contain "<" and ">" and the first and the
>>>last char.
>>> 2. If the formats do contain <...>, strip th
Dear Ihor,
thanks a lot for the super-quick fix!
best wishes,
On Wed, 26 Oct 2022 at 06:35, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> András Simonyi writes:
> > using the most recent version of the main branch I've noticed some
> > problems with the spacing of documents exported with the odt exporter:
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> The "problem" with shell links you are describing is a question of
> setting variables and is also disabled by default.
> eww-mode, when loading Org page, could simply set
> org-link-shell-confirm-function to its default value.
Note that with the suggested feature, any
On 26/10/2022 12:05, Samuel Wales wrote:
You may hook notifications-notify to org-capture-after-finalize-hook to
see notification when the capture is successful.
sounds like it
could be reassuring if it is not obtrusive.
Try the following command to get impression
notify-send "summary"
Timothy writes:
> Hi All,
> I’m thrilled to announce that the Emacs User Survey 2022 is now open to
> responses. It is my hope that this may help emacs-devel, Emacs package
> maintainers, and the wider Emacs community develop a better understanding of
> how people experience Emacs o
i have the daemon and the binary but notify-send "summary" "text"
seems to do nothing obvious. called from shell mode. my emacs is
maximized. so is firefox.
On 10/25/22, Max Nikulin wrote:
> On 26/10/2022 12:05, Samuel Wales wrote:
>>> You may hook notifications-notify to org-capture-after-
last time i only got the preliminary results but wow it looked like
emacs was thriving. not that we did't already know that from all the
blogs and sacha's list but still it was amazing.
On 10/25/22, Christopher M. Miles wrote:
> Completed
> Timothy writes:
>> Hi All,
>> I’m thri
Dear Ihor,
thank you, these are great news!
Syntax highlighting is not working, for example, with the following
snippet and code block:
- An example of a function:
#+begin_src haskell :exports code :results none
f :: a -> b
Note the indentation. The
Stefan Kangas writes:
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> The "problem" with shell links you are describing is a question of
>> setting variables and is also disabled by default.
>> eww-mode, when loading Org page, could simply set
>> org-link-shell-confirm-function to its default value.
> Note t
Dominik Schrempf writes:
> Syntax highlighting is not working, for example, with the following
> snippet and code block:
> begin_snippet
> - An example of a function:
> #+begin_src haskell :exports code :results none
> f :: a -> b
> #+end_src
> end_snippet
Works on my side (I think
Lucas Viana writes:
> Steps to reproduce:
> 1. Start emacs -Q (no configuration)
> 2. Set some variables:
> (setq org-pretty-entities t
> org-hide-emphasis-markers t
> fill-column 80)
> 3. Create an empty org-mode buffer with the following paragraph:
> ""
> This is a /italic sente
74 matches
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