Hi Bruno,

glad to hear that it works for you.

Ad 'org-babel-script-escape': I use Org version 9.6. I do not temper
with 'org-babel-script-escape', it is used by the respective babel
modules --- 'ob-haskell' in this case. The error also occurs with
'cabal-repl' as process type.

Ad 'haskell-process-type': When I use 'haskell-process-type' 'auto', it
chooses 'cabal-repl' which will also fire up 'ghci' but the setup is
faulty, because it does not find any modules, as I described. I just
checked and this is not a fault of org-mode. The command 'cabal repl'
also fails to access any modules when executed in the terminal. I think
it requires a `.cabal` file, which I usually do not have when using an
Org file. I quote the help text from 'cabal repl':

    Open an interactive session for a component within the project.

I think this is not the correct default for Org mode, because usually
there is no "project", but just an Org file.

If I use 'haskell-process-type' 'ghci', all modules I have installed
along with GHC are found, as I expect them to be.

Ad scrambling: The scrambling happens with multi-line input. For example

    #+begin_src haskell :exports both :results output
    let x = 10
    let y = 12

    : ghci> 120
    : [10,12]

Do you get syntax highlighting when the source code is indented (for
example in list items).

Thanks for your reply!


Bruno Barbier <brubar...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi,
> Dominik Schrempf <dominik.schre...@gmail.com> writes:
>> ...
>> However, the result output is still scrambled (e.g., empty
>> lines, unnecessary "ghci>" prompts in results)
> For me, ghci is selected by default.
> Here is the config I've used to test it:
>   | emacs-version           |            28.1 |
>   | org-version             |           9.5.2 |
>   | haskell-process-type    |            auto |
>   | org-babel-script-escape | <not available> |
> Here is my simple test:
>   #+begin_src haskell
>     1+2
>   #+end_src
>   #+RESULTS:
>   : 3
> The variable 'org-babel-script-escape' doesn't exist in the version that
> I'm using. And, the prompt is not "ghci>" but the current module name.
> Which version of org are you using ? Could you try with a recent version
> and provide a minimal complete example using a minimal configuration ?
> (see the org mode manual (info "(org)Feedback")).
> Thanks,
> Bruno

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