Dear Ihor,

thank you, these are great news!

Syntax highlighting is not working, for example, with the following
snippet and code block:


- An example of a function:

  #+begin_src haskell :exports code :results none
  f :: a -> b


Note the indentation. The code block is indented by 2 spaces, because it
belongs to the list item above. The indentation makes the syntax
highlighting fail. It may well be that this is non-standard usage of
code blocks, but it is very convenient to preserve indentation in this

I also fixed the detection of 'haskell-process-type'. It turns out, I
had some local configuration preferring 'cabal-repl', even without the
required project files. 'haskell-process-type' 'auto' works correctly, I

Thank you for your help!


Ihor Radchenko <> writes:

> Dominik Schrempf <> writes:
>> Ad scrambling: The scrambling happens with multi-line input. For example
>>     #+begin_src haskell :exports both :results output
>>     let x = 10
>>     let y = 12
>>     x*y
>>     [x,y]
>>     #+end_src
>>     #+results:
>>     :
>>     : ghci> 120
>>     : [10,12]
> I am unable to reproduce on the latest main.
> Likely because of recent fixes in ob-comint.
>> Do you get syntax highlighting when the source code is indented (for
>> example in list items).
> I have the above code fontified.
> Could you please provide an example of the code that is not being fontified?

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