I'm implementing an odt-based exporter for a French magazine named
GNU/Linux Magazine. This magazine defines several kinds of boxes, which
are small paragraphs of a certain type among "Default", "Attention",
"Warning" and "PAO". When published, the magazine will change the
background of these
Damien Cassou writes:
I'm implementing an odt-based exporter for a French magazine named
GNU/Linux Magazine. This magazine defines several kinds of boxes, which
are small paragraphs of a certain type among "Default", "Attention",
"Warning" and "PAO". When published, the magazine will change
Consider the following Org file:
That’s it!
@key is not in the default bibliography and the bibliography processor is set
to basic
Open the file and execute C-c C-e t U (export to ascii)
An error is thrown and export fails when at
Uwe Brauer writes:
> #+BEGIN: columnview :maxlevel 2 :skip-empty-rows t :hlines 1 :indent nil
> :format "%5TODO(Status) %5Nr(Nr) %5Comp1(Comp1){X/} %5Comp2(Comp2){X/}"
> | Status | Nr | Comp1 | Comp2 |
> |++---+---|
> ||| [3/4] | [3/4] |
> | DONE | 1 | [X] |
Hi Damien,
On Monday, 17 Oct 2022 at 08:52, Damien Cassou wrote:
> I'm not sure what kind of markup to use nor how to transcode that
> markup. I tried with:
Have you tried /special blocks/, as in
This text will appear with a red backround.
? In LaTeX and HTML,
Rudolf Adamkovič writes:
> :
> : > > hello
> on the subsequent runs.
> Better than the new version but still wrong. :)
And this is what drove me crazy during debugging. I do not understand
the logic of all that ob-comint code.
I have identified that the hang happens because Org does not cha
in Worg's description of Org's syntax, there is a section about "greater
blocks" [1]. The syntax is
There is then a "PARAMETERS" optional string attached to special
blocks. Unfortunately, in the special-block transcoder I'm writing, I
Uwe Brauer writes:
> BTW, you send me some time ago (the <2022-07-30>) a patch that allowed
> edit-comment-blk: support COMMENT blocks
> Is this now in master/main? It is very convenient for my workflow
> For you convenience I attach the patch below
I have applied the patch and replied in th
Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> Yes, you're right: that \vspace is the normal behavior of the block when
> exporting to LaTeX, and it is certainly not quite correct. In LaTeX,
> both the out-of-the-box verse environment and the one provided by the
> 'verse' package (which, typographically speaking,
Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> The solution of adding \relax or \empty is a good one. The problem is
> when it is applied massively and indiscriminately, bearing in mind that
> it is to prevent a problem that is, frankly, very rare. \empty is
> unlikely to have any side effects, but still, I don't
Ferdinand Pieper writes:
> Similar to ~org-babel-get-src-block-info~ it is sometimes useful to disable
> evaluation of lisp parameters when getting the info of a lob call. This patch
> adds an argument for that.
> Better name for the argument could be ~no-eval~, but I decided to stick with
Org mode version 9.5.5 (9.5.5-geeae6e
#+CALL: test1()
: 1
#+CALL: test2()
Fails with: Format specifier doesn’t match argument type
* Test
#+name: test1
#+begin_src elisp
#+NAME: test2
#+begin_src elisp
(org-sbe "test1")
Damien Cassou writes:
> I'm not sure what kind of markup to use nor how to transcode that
> markup. I tried with:
> #+BOX: attention
> This text will appear with a red background
> Does that make sense? Do you have a better suggestion?
Note that #+BOX is not a valid affiliated keywor
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> I see no issue with defcustom in general, but can you explain what
> practical problems it is going to solve? I am not talking about
> aesthetics of the exported LaTeX.
In my opinion it is not so much a question of aesthetics as of (let's
say) a certain conformity with wh
* Ihor Radchenko [2022-10-16 16:04]:
> > Documented or undocumented, it's common sense. This is a mailing list of
> > the GNU project, and it is hoped that this list will not recommend the
> > use of unethical software that does not comply with the GNU philosophy.
> Discussing and recommending
* Ihor Radchenko [2022-10-16 12:25]:
> Jean Louis writes:
> > If I am not mistaken, you propose or initiate discussing how to list
> > proprietary software on some websites.
> >
> > GNU mailing lists are not for such discussions. GNU is project is
> > there to foster full free software.
On 17/10/2022 13:52, Damien Cassou wrote:
#+BOX: attention
This text will appear with a red background
If you have derived your export backend from ox-odt then you may use
something like
#+attr_odt: :type attention
or perhaps even
#+attr_linuxmag: :type attention
Does tha
Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> I see no issue with defcustom in general, but can you explain what
>> practical problems it is going to solve? I am not talking about
>> aesthetics of the exported LaTeX.
> In my opinion it is not so much a question of aesthetics as of (l
Jean Louis writes:
>> WRT the Org apps, we are discussing things, and you are
>> trying to put stop on this discussion. I find it a bit too
>> aggressive.
> Don't feel bad for that. That was nothing personal. Nobody minds who
> uses privately non-free software. Though why discuss or list
> prop
Jean Louis writes:
> Yes, it is common sense that in GNU project we do not steer users
> towards proprietary systems.
> This means that in GNU software, mailing lists and chat, and websites,
> we do not point to proprietary systems as non-free programs are
> injustice, and we shall not bring us
Tassilo Neubauer writes:
> Here are the steps that led to code blocks being tangled I did not
> expect to:
> emacs -Q
> C-x C-h: ~/org-roam/example.org
> content of example.org (excluding "):
> "
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> (setq some-emacs-lisp-variable t)
> #+end_src
> #+begin_src :tangle n
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> I haven't seen any publication rule that prevents using valid LaTeX
> commands like this. Do you have concrete examples? If not, one could
> argue that any auto-generated output could break some imaginary rule.
No, I don't have any concrete example. But it is one thing to
Rudolf Adamkovič writes:
> In some of my notes, I have the following line:
> # -*- org-html-htmlize-output-type: nil -*-
> Every time I open such a file, Emacs wants me to confirm that doing so
> poses no security risk. Could we perhaps make this variable safe?
Can be done. Like in the atta
* Max Nikulin [2022-10-16 19:10]:
> On 16/10/2022 14:32, Jean Louis wrote:
> > * Max Nikulin [2022-10-16 08:28]:
> > > I do not have strong opinion concerning proprietary application.
> > > Requirements for worg section as driven by user content are not so strict
> > > as
> > > for the main part
* Ihor Radchenko [2022-10-16 18:02]:
> Clarification: I was actually referring to Jean's email. (I did not look
> at the sender and just now realized that you are not Jean)
> Having said that, my judgment may be still poor. I'd be happy to hear
> that I am wrong from Jean.
Sorry I am lost, I h
Jean Louis writes:
>> Having said that, my judgment may be still poor. I'd be happy to hear
>> that I am wrong from Jean.
> Sorry I am lost, I have no idea to what the above refers. 👀
I was referring to my previous statement that
"WRT the Org apps, we are discussing things, and you are trying
k_fore...@outlook.com writes:
> Hello everyone, I found if you org-fold-hide-entry on a heading without
> content but with subtrees, the first subtree will be folded, for
> example (>|< meas cursor):
> * H>| ** subheading1
> ** subheading2
> if you press TAB on the above text, it will be:
Michael Dauer writes:
> Org mode version 9.5.5 (9.5.5-geeae6e
> #+CALL: test1()
> : 1
> #+CALL: test2()
> Fails with: Format specifier doesn’t match argument type
> * Test
> #+name: test1
> #+begin_src elisp
> 1
> #+end_src
> #+NAME: test2
> #+begin_src elisp
> (org-sbe "t
Jean Louis writes:
> However, IMHO and according to principles of free software, such as
> not to steer users towards non-free software, then no links to
> proprietary software shall be added from Org website pages, as Org is
> part of Emacs which is part of GNU fully free operating system
> dist
* Ihor Radchenko [2022-10-17 14:56]:
> Mostly in order to identify what we can improve in Org to remove the
> temptation to use that proprietary software. Fear to _not_ hear about why
> the proprietary software was even listed was the main motivator of my
> reply to your message.
Your above Engli
* Ihor Radchenko [2022-10-17 15:52]:
> Jean Louis writes:
> >> Having said that, my judgment may be still poor. I'd be happy to hear
> >> that I am wrong from Jean.
> >
> > Sorry I am lost, I have no idea to what the above refers. 👀
> I was referring to my previous statement that
> "WRT the
Would the HTML tag be appropriate in this case?
For example, here's a tiny example of using the tag with an external
CSS stylesheet: https://plnkr.co/edit/i8RFDW?preview
On Fri, Oct 14, 2022 at 4:32 AM Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> Alexandre Duret-Lutz writes:
> > In Org 9.5, SVG images started
* Ihor Radchenko [2022-10-17 16:18]:
> Jean Louis writes:
> > However, IMHO and according to principles of free software, such as
> > not to steer users towards non-free software, then no links to
> > proprietary software shall be added from Org website pages, as Org is
> > part of Emacs which
* Ihor Radchenko [2022-10-17 15:06]:
> So, we may link to non-free software, but only for the purposes other
> than encouraging to use it. This is a tricky distinction to master
> though. In your interpretation that we are going to promote using that
> non-free software, you are right. But I viewe
Hi Chris,
> Would the HTML tag be appropriate in this case?
Adding an option to switch between object/img would be best, and I’ll do so in
the near future, I’m just currently sorting out the test deployment of the 2022
Emacs Survey.
All the best,
Timothy (‘tecosaur’/‘TEC’), Org mod
On 16/10/2022 23:33, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:
I am surprised that \vspace is added instead of empty line between
First of all, I'm afraid that in my previous post I mixed up two
different issues: the verse block bug and my personal opinions about the
new added co
On Sun, Oct 16, 2022 at 2:04 AM Bastien wrote:
> Hi all,
> thanks to joint efforts by Christian Köstlin and Ihor, we are running
> the Org test suite from the Org main branch against Emacs 26, 27, 28.
It's great to hear this. Thank you, Christian and Ihor!
Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> So, in the current situation, we can ask ourselves: is
> \empty everywhere safe? Everything points to yes. Can we be 100% sure?
> ...?
I think I've found a case where \empty 'everywhere' can produce unexpected
results. I don't know if I'm missing something, because I'
On 17/10/2022 22:01, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
LaTeX I have installed is too old for this package. It is marked as
"Experimental LaTeX3", so I am unsure, maybe you have found a bug in
this package.
You believe
I use ~org-agenda-tag-filter-preset~ in custom commands to generate
views like this:
| ("W" "Work Daily Action List"
| ((agenda ""
| ((org-agenda-span 1)
| (quote
| ((
Am Sonntag, dem 16. Oktober 2022 schrieb Ihor Radchenko:
> Only bold, code, entity, italic, latex-fragment, strike-through,
> subscript, superscript, underline, and verbatim objects are allowed
> inside citations.
> This is hard-coded inside `org-element-object-restrictions'.
This is a bit unfortu
Hi everyone:
Is there a function to move the cursor to the next or previous radio target?
I'd like to bind that to a key.
I'm talking about moving to the link to the target, not the target itself.
On 16/10/2022 06:01, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
ypuntot writes:
Proprietary license. This should not be recommended here
I did not expected that this topic would become so hot.
Let's ignore that easyorg does not run on Android and co
Max Nikulin writes:
> On 17/10/2022 22:01, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
>> \documentclass{article}
>> \usepackage{tabularray}
> LaTeX I have installed is too old for this package. It is marked as
> "Experimental LaTeX3", so I am unsure, maybe you have found a bug in
> this package.
> https://ctan.o
Max Nikulin writes:
> On 16/10/2022 06:01, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
>> ypuntot writes:
>>> https://easyorgmode.com/
>> Proprietary license. This should not be recommended here
>> (https://easyorgmode.com/terms).
> I did not expected that this topic would become so hot.
I didn't expect that
Hi all,
thank you very much for your answers:
Sébastien Miquel writes:
> I think special blocks are a good fit for this purpose.
"Fraga, Eric" writes:
> Have you tried /special blocks/, as in […]
following this idea (also suggested by yantar92 on IRC) I tried this
approach but failed because o
Damien Cassou writes:
> Hi,
> in Worg's description of Org's syntax, there is a section about "greater
> blocks" [1]. The syntax is
> #+end_NAME
> There is then a "PARAMETERS" optional string attached to special
> blocks. Unfortunately, in t
Dear org-mode wizards,
I am trying to run the ob-julia tests but `make test` is prompting me
for a project folder. Has anybody the tests (or the ob-julia setup) in
a working state? (Simple ob-julia evaluations (without session) do
work for me).
Kind regards,
* TEC wrote:
> I'm still hoping for that discussion :P
> To the Org community, if you have thoughts on this - please share them
> :)
For reasons explained in my Orgdown-related articles[1] I would
propose to use this chance to introduce a different term for the
Org-mode lightweight marku
I just confirmed that it is still doing this (Emacs 28.2, org 9.5.5). The
result looks the same as before:
#+BEGIN: clocktable :scope file :maxlevel 2 :properties ("HOURLY_RATE")
:inherit-props t
#+CAPTION: Clock summary at [2022-10-17 Mon 16:50]
| HOURLY_RATE | Headline | Time | |
Hi Garjola,
The preset of filter is not supposed to be used with individual
command. The docstring of 'org-agenda-tag-filter-preset' says:
> The preset filter is a global property of the entire agenda view. In
> a block agenda, it will not work reliably to define a filter for one
> of the indiv
Hu Lucius writes:
> In some cases, `org-agenda-buffer` is killed while the symbol itself
> is still non-nil. `org-agena-new-marker` and anything that calls it would
> end in a message of "Selecting deleted buffer".
> This commit simply added an additional test that
> (buffer-live-p org-ag
When URL has a character "_" at the end, Org mode can't fontify the URL
link correctly.
For example:
[ stardiviner ]
I try to make every word tell the meaning that I want to express without
Blog: https://stardiviner.github.io/
Kaushal Modi writes:
> Today I was debugging something where a subtree export wasn't recognizing
> the EXPORT_OPTIONS property set in that subtree.
> MWE:
> =
> * Top level
> ** Allow broken links, but mark them
> :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: allow-broken-links-but-mark-them
Denis Bitouzé writes:
> here is a feature request about the LaTeX export.
> With ~(setq org-latex-listings t)~, code blocks such as:
> ┌
> │ #+BEGIN_SRC ⟨language⟩ :exports code
> │ ...
> │ #+END_SRC
> └
> are exported to LaTeX into:
> ┌
> │ \lstset{language=⟨lan
M. ‘quintus’ Gülker writes:
>> It sounds reasonable to allow macros inside citation references.
>> Maybe we also want to allow other things. Maybe simply allow all objects
>> but other citations, line-breaks, and table-cells?
> I have no strong opinion on this. I certainly do not need tables in
Max Nikulin writes:
> Selectively adding some workaround require complete reimplementation of
> exporters. I have some curiosity concerning pandoc approach, but I am
> unsure if I will reserve some time to read its code.
Maybe or maybe not. We have org-export-get-next-element and a number of
Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> Assuming that there is currently no alternative to the non-selective
> solution, and that, as you say, the presence of brackets may be more
> common than I initially expected, if I had to choose between \empty and
> [0pt], I would say that [0pt] is the safest, as it i
Christian Köstlin writes:
> I am trying to run the ob-julia tests but `make test` is prompting me
> for a project folder. Has anybody the tests (or the ob-julia setup) in
> a working state? (Simple ob-julia evaluations (without session) do
> work for me).
Some more data.
I just tried to run tes
[CCing the maintainer]
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Christian Köstlin writes:
>> I am trying to run the ob-julia tests but `make test` is prompting me
>> for a project folder. Has anybody the tests (or the ob-julia setup) in
>> a working state? (Simple ob-julia evaluations (without session) do
Jeff Trull writes:
> I just confirmed that it is still doing this (Emacs 28.2, org 9.5.5). The
> result looks the same as before:
> #+BEGIN: clocktable :scope file :maxlevel 2 :properties ("HOURLY_RATE")
> :inherit-props t
> #+CAPTION: Clock summary at [2022-10-17 Mon 16:50]
> ...
> Note that t
Bruno Barbier writes:
> My understanding is that the parameters line is just ignored for special
> blocks.
> I wrote and used a patch a while ago to fix this; it was on my todo list
> to clean it up and submit it to org. Now looks like a good time.
> My patch adds a `:parameters-line' propert
"Christopher M. Miles" writes:
> When URL has a character "_" at the end, Org mode can't fontify the URL
> link correctly.
> For example:
> https://www.twitter.com/example_
Plain links are tricky. There is no definitive regexp to catch all
possible links. We use heuristics.
If you see anyth
kevinbanjo writes:
> Is there a function to move the cursor to the next or previous radio target?
> I'd like to bind that to a key.
> I'm talking about moving to the link to the target, not the target itself.
I do not think that there is such function. But you can use
Yes, I can make it work now - but only after reloading it at least one time
from disk.
When I type it in for the first time, it doesn't work. I have to save, then
In other words, in a fresh buffer, paste all the above, then hit C-c C-c on
the BEGIN line.
The global properties don'
Jeff Trull writes:
> Yes, I can make it work now - but only after reloading it at least one time
> from disk.
> When I type it in for the first time, it doesn't work. I have to save, then
> (revert-buffer).
> ...
> Also, if you change the value (say, from 150 to 210) the old value persists
> un
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