Max Nikulin <> writes:

> Selectively adding some workaround require complete reimplementation of 
> exporters. I have some curiosity concerning pandoc approach, but I am 
> unsure if I will reserve some time to read its code.

Maybe or maybe not. We have org-export-get-next-element and a number of
exporters doing something special for the first/last object inside a
container. So, an alternative workaround might be possible. But
certainly more complex and fragile.

> An idea how to avoid complete redesign: at first add something like
> after each \\, later at an optimizing pass remove the comment if next 
> line does not start from a star or a square bracket, otherwise use some 
> workaround, e.g. "{[}". \relax may be suitable as well (in the beginning 
> of rows, not after \\).

I am not sure if it is a good idea. It may interfere with export filters.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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