Jean Louis <> writes:

> Yes, it is common sense that in GNU project we do not steer users
> towards proprietary systems.
> This means that in GNU software, mailing lists and chat, and websites,
> we do not point to proprietary systems as non-free programs are
> injustice, and we shall not bring users to position to give up their
> freedom.
> Applying the Free Software Criteria - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation:
> People are free to discuss anything, but as it is GNU project, those
> who are aware may ask and wonder why is proprietary software endorsed
> or referenced on GNU mailing lists.

I am mostly using as a
reference here:

>> You should not refer to AT&T’s web site if that recommends AT&T’s
>> non-free software packages; you should not refer to a page p that
>> links to AT&T’s site presenting it as a place to get some non-free
>> program, because that part of the page p itself recommends and
>> legitimizes the non-free program.
>> However, if p contains a link to AT&T’s web site for some other
>> purpose (such as long-distance telephone service), that is no reason
>> you should not link to p.

So, we may link to non-free software, but only for the purposes other
than encouraging to use it. This is a tricky distinction to master
though. In your interpretation that we are going to promote using that
non-free software, you are right. But I viewed the discussion
differently. [The reality is probably that it was too early to conclude
about where the discussion will go; and it deviated towards FSF
philosophy :) ]

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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