Ihor Radchenko writes:
> I have updated the patch after rewording and changing the commit message
> to comply with
> https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contribute.html#commit-messages
> See the attached.
Applied onto master via 9b93143f.
alain.coch...@unistra.fr writes:
> Is someone using natbib/bibtex (say) expected to never ever use
> 'basic'? (I don't know.) If so, perhaps there is indeed no need to
> implement the feature. Otherwise, it seems to me that not
> implementing it amounts to having to give up on @string altogether.
On 09/07/2022, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> Two more comments.
Attached is the updated patch.
PS: I noticed that the `org-timer.el` example in
has a single space between sentences. Other examples on the page seem fine
Best regards,
-- Al
>From fc
András Simonyi writes:
>> The problem with parsebib is that it does not even have license
>> (I do not see any in https://github.com/joostkremers/parsebib). If
>> parsebib were a part of Emacs core or at least a part of ELPA, we would
>> also be able to use it in Org core.
> looking into the so
Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> I'm attaching a patch with a proposal to unify in a single constant
> (named `org-latex-language-alist')
> `org-latex-polyglossia-language-alist' and
> `org-latex-babel-language-alist', along with some necessary (minor)
> modifications in `org-latex-guess-polyglossia-
Russell Adams writes:
>> Can you then formulate what exactly you want to achieve?
>> Do you want to consider only agenda items? All the timestamps in the
>> matching items or maybe just some?
> I typically use agenda for the month with logbook view and inactive
> timestamps enabled.
> I'd lov
Uwe Brauer writes:
> I start with this part
> * The pseudo code
> ** The actual Matlab code
> ** Initialisation
> *** Details
> Which is converted via org-ctrl-c-minus
> to
> * The pseudo code
> - The actual Matlab code
> - Initialisation
> - Details
> However here the structure
Al Haji-Ali writes:
> On 09/07/2022, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
>> Two more comments.
> Attached is the updated patch.
Applied onto main via bc33c0133.
> PS: I noticed that the `org-timer.el` example in
> https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contribute.html
> has a single space between sentences. Ot
On 08/07/2022 02:57, Hugo Heagren wrote:
Since the last version of this patch, I have:
Thank you, this version should be more reliable.
tl;dr The question is: what is the Good Behaviour when
:default-description is set to something, which is meant to return a
string and returns 'nil instead?
I was trying to customize org-src-window-setup and noticed that "plain" was
not an option, despite being documented. I checked the commit and it seems
the implementation was added but the choice list in the defcustom was not
Matt Rudary
On 03/10/2021 22:28, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
Hi all,
I'm attaching a patch with a proposal to unify in a single constant
(named `org-latex-language-alist')
`org-latex-polyglossia-language-alist' and
`org-latex-babel-language-alist', along with some necessary (minor)
modifications in `org-latex
Tim Cross writes:
> Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> Thanks Juan. It will be fairly trivial to compile the information you
> have provided into a basic org document which I can then add to org. If
> on the other hand you would prefer to write it up, all I need is an org
> document which is based o
I also use org-mode clocking to record time spent.
But instead of modifying/configuring org-mode, I use a post-processing
Python script to collect and summarize clocked times.
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
# ...
def extract_times(line):
# CLOCK: [-mm-dd WKD HH:MM]--[
On Mon, 4 Jul 2022 at 17:32, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> > While looking at the *Messages* buffer, I came across the command
> > y-or-n-p-insert-y. There are commands for n, and other keys. When we
> > press y, M-p etc, these commands get executed. So, even if we manage to
> > fix the initial example
Currently org-agenda-bulk-action is completely broken if anything tries to
take a log note during the action, this patch fixes it by storing log note
setup variables in a list, and then taking one log note, and duplicating it
over all affected items.
Please CC me when responding as I'm not subscri
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Tim Cross writes:
>> Juan Manuel Macías writes:
>> Thanks Juan. It will be fairly trivial to compile the information you
>> have provided into a basic org document which I can then add to org. If
>> on the other hand you would prefer to write it up, all I need is
Tim Cross writes:
> Thanks Juan. It will be fairly trivial to compile the information you
> have provided into a basic org document which I can then add to org. If
> on the other hand you would prefer to write it up, all I need is an org
> document which is based on the (current) org 'worg' templa
On Sun, Jul 10 2022, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> András Simonyi writes:
>>> The problem with parsebib is that it does not even have license
>>> (I do not see any in https://github.com/joostkremers/parsebib). If
>>> parsebib were a part of Emacs core or at least a part of ELPA, we would
>>> also be
Considering some discussions in the parent thread, I think maybe it
wouldn't hurt to ensure a minimal preamble when the output is compiled
with LuaLaTeX or XelaTeX, so that some very basic fontspec configuration
is loaded to be able to read PDFs in non-Latin scripts.
But before proposing the patch
Sorry, I forgot to add quotes :-) "\\usepackage{iftex}...\\fi"
Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> (format
> \\usepackage{iftex}
> \\ifpdftex
> \\relax
> \\else
> \\usepackage{fontspec}
> \\usepackage{unicode-math}
> \\defaultfontfeatures{Scale=MatchLowercase}
> \\defaultfontfeatures[\\rmfamily
Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> Considering some discussions in the parent thread, I think maybe it
> wouldn't hurt to ensure a minimal preamble when the output is compiled
> with LuaLaTeX or XelaTeX, so that some very basic fontspec configuration
> is loaded to be able to read PDFs in non-Latin s
On 7/10/22, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> Every agenda line, which corresponds to a headline contains a non-nil
> 'org-hd-marker text property. In log mode, there will also be non-nil
> 'date and 'time-of-day text properties. You can examine the full list
idk if this is helpful but at one point long ag
Bhavin Gandhi writes:
>> A better fix may relate to the fact that org-add-log-setup is usually
>> used to run org-add-log-note at the end of current command. y-or-n-p or
>> any other kind of command (e.g. added via advice) will break this
>> assumption we use. So, org-add-log-setup could also sto
Christian Heinrich writes:
> Today, I went through your init.org on github (it's ... huge) and couldn't
> find anything there
> either.
That's because I rarely need to set standard tags when capturing staff.
So, I am content with entering tags manually.
> ... Do you have an idea
> on how to us
Joost Kremers writes:
>>> looking into the source code (parsebib.el), the library seems to be
>>> under a BSD-type license.
> Yes, it is. It's a single file and the license is at the top. I can add a
> separate license file if that's necessary.
It is not required. Just a bit confusing - Github
Tim Cross writes:
> Only drawback I can see is that should we want to change the template,
> we would have to wait until a new version is released and then you will
> still have a mix of templates as lots of people will wait until next
> Emacs version etc.
The template can be automatically updat
Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> Considering some discussions in the parent thread, I think maybe it
> wouldn't hurt to ensure a minimal preamble when the output is compiled
> with LuaLaTeX or XelaTeX, so that some very basic fontspec configuration
> is loaded to be able to read PDFs in non-Latin scr
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Tim Cross writes:
>> Only drawback I can see is that should we want to change the template,
>> we would have to wait until a new version is released and then you will
>> still have a mix of templates as lots of people will wait until next
>> Emacs version etc.
> Th
[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
> PCI compliance is not required by law but is considered
> mandatory thr
Tim Cross writes:
>> The template can be automatically updated by the command, possibly after
>> asking user.
> Not sure I understand. Maybe we are imagining different things?
> If org has a template to assist in creating an org file suitable for
> worg and then we need to update that temp
Juan Manuel,
> 1. There could be a defcustom, something like 'org-latex-use-fontspec'
> (I would vote for nil by default).
i just wanted to check: the "nil" case is for those of us who just want
it to work "out of the box"?
and, in the non-nil case, it would be up to the user to use "fontspec",
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Tim Cross writes:
>>> The template can be automatically updated by the command, possibly after
>>> asking user.
>> Not sure I understand. Maybe we are imagining different things?
>> If org has a template to assist in creating an org file suitable for
>> wor
Tim Cross writes:
>> By "updated" I meant downloaded from orgmode.org
> OK, that would probably work. We would need to have some sort of
> version tracking so that the template function can know when there is a
> new template available - probably doable with either a comment in the
> templat
Richard Stallman writes:
> > PCI compliance is not required by law but is considered
> > mandatory through court precedent.
> The crucial questions would be: required _of whom_, in what circumstances?
If I understood it correctly, it’s required of the platform. They do not
have th
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Alan Wehmann writes:
>> Thanks for your reply. In my personal case I've modified "org-open-file" to
>> throw an error for a non-existing file. In my case, clearly Emacs is not
>> happy with a non-existing file--at least if it is a PDF file meant to be
>> viewed by
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> "Christopher M. Miles" writes:
>> I tested this commit, it should auto append a newline character after
>> ~org-agenda-clock-report-header~. Otherwise the header line will in same
>> line with table first line.
> Reasonable concern.
> The attached patch should fix i
When setting this option:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-list-demote-modify-bullet '(("+" . "-") ("-" . "+") ("*" . "+")))
I right shift list checkbox with [Alt-Right] caused error:
#+begin_src org
,* test
- [ ] list item 1
- [ ] list item 2
- [ ] list item 1
[ ] ] list
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