On 08/07/2022 02:57, Hugo Heagren wrote:
Since the last version of this patch, I have:

Thank you, this version should be more reliable.

tl;dr The question is: what is the Good Behaviour when
:default-description is set to something, which is meant to return a
string and returns 'nil instead? Should it be treated like an empty
string, or as an error?
Just an idea: if the :default-description function returns "" then use empty description, if it returns nil then try `org-link-make-description-function'.

Unsure if it is better but I would consider `or' instead of `cond':

(or description
    (let ((make (org-link-get-parameter type :default-description)))
     (and make (condition-case ; ...
    (and org-link-make-description-function
         (condition-case ; ...

So it becomes a kind of responsibility chain and nil becomes a valid and useful value.

I am in doubts concerning "default-description" as the parameter name. I would consider either more specific "insert-description" or shorter "description". Concerning the former, sometimes I do not mind to have default description for export shared by most of backends without necessity to explicitly write :export function handling all backends. E.g. for <info:org#Protocols> generate https://orgmode.org/manual/Protocols.html target and 'info "(org) Protocols"' description that is suitable for LaTeX/PDF, HTML, Markdown. If something like this were implemented, default-description would become ambiguous if it is related to insert or to export.

+(defmacro test-ol-with-link-parameters-as (type parameters &rest body)
+  ;; Copy all keys in `parameters' and their original values to
+  ;; `orig-parameters'. For `parity': nil = odd, non-nill = even
+  `(let (parity orig-parameters)
+     (dolist (p ',parameters)

Have I missed something or the whole macro may be simplified to just copy `org-link-parameters'?

  `(let ((org-link-parameters (copy-tree org-link-parameters)))
     (org-link-set-parameters ,type ,@parameters)

Otherwise `gensym'-generated name should be used instead of hardcoded rtn to avoid accidental modification of the variable by the body code:

+         (let ((_ (org-link-set-parameters ,type ,@parameters))
+               ;; Do body
+               (rtn (progn ,@body)))

In addition, `declare' form should be added to `defmacro' to specify which argument is considered as its body.

+    (setq type
+          (cond

My opinion is that it should be inside
   (let ((initial-input ...
and maybe even be a sibling of
   (def (org-link-get-parameter type
to keep related code more local.

-             ((not org-link-make-description-function) desc)
+              (desc)
+              ((org-link-get-parameter type :default-description)
+               (let ((def (org-link-get-parameter type :default-description)))

I have not tested, so I may be wrong in respect to the following. It seems, you rises priority of desc value that earlier was a fallback. The reason why I am in doubts, is that it seems, desc is initialized from current link description when point is withing an existing link and in such cases desc likely should be preserved. I can not say that I like that it is responsibility of all description functions to return the desc argument if it is supplied.

              (t (condition-case nil
                     (funcall org-link-make-description-function link desc)

Notice that before you modification `funcall' was guarded by "(not org-link-make-description-function)" test.

I like the idea of description specific to link type and it is sour that previous attempts to implement the feature was not completed.

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