On Sun, Jul 10 2022, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> András Simonyi <andras.simo...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> The problem with parsebib is that it does not even have license
>>> (I do not see any in https://github.com/joostkremers/parsebib). If
>>> parsebib were a part of Emacs core or at least a part of ELPA, we would
>>> also be able to use it in Org core.
>> looking into the source code (parsebib.el), the library seems to be
>> under a BSD-type license.

Yes, it is. It's a single file and the license is at the top. I can add a
separate license file if that's necessary.

> Then, I am wondering if parsebib can be added to ELPA or at least
> non-GNU ELPA. The same can be said for all other dependencies of
> citeproc.el and for citeproc itself.

I'd have no problem if it were added to non-GNU ELPA. GNU ELPA is a little
difficult because I don't have a copyright assignment on file. (It's proven a
little difficult to get someone in the company to sign the corporate waiver...)

Joost Kremers
Life has its moments

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