[BUG] Evaluating org-class throws a void-variable error [9.6 (9.6-??-0c9b30e96 @ ~/.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-27.2/org/)]

2022-01-17 Thread Giorgi Gvalia
Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and what in fact did happen.  You don't know how to make a good report?  See https://orgmode.org/manual/Feedback.html#Feedback Your bug report will be posted to the Org mailing list. --

Re: [BUG] Evaluating org-class throws a void-variable error [9.6 (9.6-??-0c9b30e96 @ ~/.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-27.2/org/)]

2022-01-17 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Giorgi Gvalia writes: > Excuse the potential bad formatting, I am new to sending bug reports like > this. > > When using the string `<%%(org-class 2022 1 17 2022 5 7 1 17 19)>` to > schedule an item, I was expecting for it to build occurences accordingly. > Instead I received the error "Not an

latex block tikz to svg

2022-01-17 Thread Edouard Debry
Hello, I experience some difficulties to export latex src block consisting of tikz code to svg. Here is for example the simple code I try to run with `C-c C-c` : <==> #+HEADER: :file test1.png #+HEADER: :imagemagick yes #+HEADER: :exports results

Re: latex block tikz to svg

2022-01-17 Thread Juan Manuel Macías
Hi Edouard, Edouard Debry writes: > I would like to find a way to generate svg images from latex src blocks > (using tikz) which works and is compatible with default orgmode settings > for latex export (at least does not break it) > > Did you experience such issues ? do you have some workings set

Re: [PATCH] ob-plantuml: Allow setting PlantUML args for jar file

2022-01-17 Thread Dejan Josifović
On 16-Jan-22 08:53, Max Nikulin wrote: Dejan, have you tried :java or :cmdline header arguments? Hi Max! Yes, I have tried with those header arguments and they naturally work. Maybe I should've mentioned that. But, since ob-plantuml already had variable for arguments for executable it fells

Re: Org Syntax Specification

2022-01-17 Thread Tom Gillespie
Hi Timothy, I have attached a patch with some modifications and a bunch of comments (as footnotes). More replies in line. Thank you for all your work on this! Tom > Marking this as depreciated would have no effect on Org’s current behaviour, > but we could: > > Mark as depreciated now-ish > A

Re: Yet another browser extension for capturing notes - LinkRemark

2022-01-17 Thread Samuel Wales
my amazon example was silly and confusing. the point isn't shopping for something; it's anything. science papers, news outlets, nerd blogs. On 1/16/22, Samuel Wales wrote: > more below. > > On 12/26/20, Maxim Nikulin wrote: >> On 26/12/2020, Samuel Wales wrote: >> >>> [... i can imagine great

Re: Yet another browser extension for capturing notes - LinkRemark

2022-01-17 Thread Samuel Banya
Not sure if it helps, but you could also use the w3m browser's mentality of just keeping an HTML file that contains all of your bookmarks. I'm sure there's probably even a way to use 'eww' in the same fashion too. Maybe even making your own personal wiki of a webring of sorts would help too. I