Hi Edouard,

Edouard Debry writes:

> I would like to find a way to generate svg images from latex src blocks
> (using tikz) which works and is compatible with default orgmode settings
> for latex export (at least does not break it)
> Did you experience such issues ? do you have some workings settings and
> examples ? I googled several times "org latex block tikz svg", but it is
> difficult to guess how relevant are the elements found, some of them
> seems quiet outdated. Hence my question on this mailing list

I've done some quick tests with your example block. I don't know if I'm
wrong, but I think the problem is on line 27 of `org-babel-execute:latex':

((string= "svg" extension)

I don't know if this should be considered an Org bug, but it's clear
that if the svg extension is detected in :file, the ':imagemagick yes'
option is ignored, and a type of preamble is generated that fails in
pgfsysdriver when compiling the temp tex document:


If I replace the above line with this conditional:

((and (string= "svg" extension) (not imagemagick))

then the imagemagick option is taken into account: it creates correctly
the pdf and then converts it to svg with 'convert' imagemagick program.
I did have to remove this line though:

#+HEADER: :imoutoptions -geometry 400 :iminoptions -density 600

otherwise, the conversion produced a dark image.

Best regards,

Juan Manuel 

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