Re: quotation marks in table cell vs. org-babel-ref-resolve

2021-12-06 Thread Greg Minshall
sigh. the following is pretty much a lie. apologies. > =org-babel-ref-resolve= is convenient to use (as you provide a REF, > rather than create a [temp] buffer, visit the file, whatever). the creating a temp buffer, visiting the file, are *not* provided by =org-babel-ref-resolve=. cheers (or,

Re: Concrete suggestions to improve Org mode third-party integration :: an afterthought following Karl Voit's Orgdown proposal

2021-12-06 Thread Greg Minshall
Juan Manuel (and, Tim, i think), > On the other hand, we must not forget that Org, as part of Emacs, is > part of GNU, and this is a mailing list from the GNU project. I think > everything related to the (possible) extension of GNU Org Mode outside > of GNU Emacs (even in software incompatible wit

Re: Concrete suggestions to improve Org mode third-party integration :: an afterthought following Karl Voit's Orgdown proposal

2021-12-06 Thread Greg Minshall
Ihor, > Search result is just an entrance for users to be curious about the > new beast of "Org mode". The website front page is the means to make > users try. And the Org mode itself is the way to make users fall in > love with Org in one way or another (even unrelated to Emacs [at least > initia

Re: Org-syntax: Intra-word markup

2021-12-06 Thread Max Nikulin
On 05/12/2021 04:48, Tom Gillespie wrote: Since org is a valid export backend though, perhaps this behaviour should be reserved for @@:…@@, i.e. no export backend, which I think semantically fits fairly nicely. This ends up being even more convenient than I initially realized. It is a bright

Re: Org-syntax: Intra-word markup

2021-12-06 Thread Denis Maier
Hi Tom Am 04.12.2021 um 18:53 schrieb Tom Gillespie: Hi all, After a bunch of rambling (see below if interested), I think I have a solution that should work for everyone. The key realization is that what we really want is the ability to have a "parse me separately" type of syntax. This meet

Raw Org AST snippets for "impossible" markup

2021-12-06 Thread Max Nikulin
On 05/12/2021 01:37, John Kitchin wrote: Along these lines (and combining the s-exp suggestion from Max) , you can achieve something like this with links. #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results silent (defun italic (s)   (pcase backend ;; lexical     ('latex (format "{\\textit{%s}}" s))     ('html

Re: Concrete suggestions to improve Org mode third-party integration :: an afterthought following Karl Voit's Orgdown proposal

2021-12-06 Thread Max Nikulin
On 05/12/2021 14:35, Ihor Radchenko wrote: The recent spike of discussions following Karl's presentation in Emacsconf 2021 revealed a lot of controversy among Org and Emacs enthusiasts. Yet, Karl named a number of very real problems surrounding Org mode usage outside Emacs. WDYT? Ihor, I like

Re: On zero width spaces and Org syntax

2021-12-06 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Saturday, 4 Dec 2021 at 08:48, Tim Cross wrote: > My vote is to simply maintain the status quo. A very strong +1 on this. Org has enough /escape mechanisms/, as you call them, to cater for special cases, and these include @@...@@, babel, and filters, amongst others. The simplicity of org is

Org-cite stuck in Helm minibuffer [9.5.1 (9.5.1-g36086a @ /home/dan/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.5.1/)]

2021-12-06 Thread Daniel Nemenyi
Hello, I'm finding myself stuck in the `HELM Org Cite Insert` buffer that lists possible citations after calling org-cite-insert using Helm. After selecting a reference I am prompted to select more, and there isn't an obvious way to say, 'Thanks org-ref I'm done, kill this minibuffer and inse

Re: Org-cite stuck in Helm minibuffer [9.5.1 (9.5.1-g36086a @ /home/dan/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.5.1/)]

2021-12-06 Thread Bruce D'Arcus
Presumably you're using the default "basic" org-cite-insert-processor? If yes, that's just how it's designed, using completing-read. Perhaps you could customize the keybinding for exiting to get the behavior you want? On Mon, Dec 6, 2021 at 7:56 AM Daniel Nemenyi wrote: > > > Hello, > > I'm fin

Re: BUG?: Link to inline-task not working

2021-12-06 Thread Michael Dauer
> > > Where are the links/href are built? There should be the error that > excludes > > inline-tasks. > > A quick search through the code yields: org-export-resolve-id-link > It explicitly check headlines, but not inlinetasks. > Shouldn't be org-export-resolve-fuzzy-link the relevant function, at

From macros to elisp programming?

2021-12-06 Thread Ypo
Hi I am able to make macros, but I think I am far away from Lisp programming. Is there a path to go from macros to elisp programming? For example, the last macro I've made is for transforming the name of some headlines, adding in front of them a part from the previous headline. This is the el

Re: [PATCH] Fix org-comment-line-break-function

2021-12-06 Thread Richard Lawrence
Kaushal Modi writes: > On Sat, Dec 4, 2021, 5:25 PM Tim Cross wrote: > >> Given that Nicholas cannot remember the reason for the original function >> and suspects it was meant to be an internal only function, I think this >> patch is probably the best way forward and should be applied. > > Thank

Re: Org-cite stuck in Helm minibuffer [9.5.1 (9.5.1-g36086a @ /home/dan/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.5.1/)]

2021-12-06 Thread John Kitchin
org-ref should not get any credit for this. That is a feature of the built in org-cite library, which uses completing-read for that behavior. completing-read is only for reading one thing at a time, and org-cite works around that in a way that leads to the behavior you see. It looks like helm (if

Re: [PATCH] Fix org-comment-line-break-function

2021-12-06 Thread Kaushal Modi
Hi Nicolas, I have added few tests in the updated patch pasted in this email. I have made the tests for (call-interactive #'default-indent-new-line) because that the interactive function M-j is bound to by default. Can you please review and commit it? The machine I am on right now does not allow

Re: Org-cite stuck in Helm minibuffer [9.5.1 (9.5.1-g36086a @ /home/dan/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.5.1/)]

2021-12-06 Thread Bruce D'Arcus
On Mon, Dec 6, 2021 at 8:09 AM Bruce D'Arcus wrote: > Perhaps you could customize the keybinding for exiting to get the > behavior you want? Or perhaps a better solution is for someone to write an insert-processor for helm-bibtex. It's not hard to write them. Bruce

Re: [BUG] make test is extremely slow since b3cc2f793 [9.5.1 (9.5.1-g984367 @ /home/yantar92/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]

2021-12-06 Thread Kaushal Modi
On Sun, Dec 5, 2021 at 4:12 AM Nicolas Goaziou wrote: > Hello, > > Ihor Radchenko writes: > > > Sorry, but tests are still slow for me after the update. > > If I run the test from inside Emacs with ert, things got better, but > > make BTEST_RE="^test-org-cite/adjust-note" test > > still takes 12

[BUG] Manual says +2h works for date entry, but it doesn't

2021-12-06 Thread Robert Nikander
Hi, The manual here: says that you can use syntax like `+2h` when entering timestamps. It doesn’t seem to work, but `+2d` does. Is the manual simply out of sync with the implementation? Emacs : GNU Emacs 27.2 (build 1, x86_64-apple-darw

Re: BUG?: Link to inline-task not working

2021-12-06 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Michael Dauer writes: > Shouldn't be org-export-resolve-fuzzy-link the relevant function, at least > for my use case? > > But there it looks like it is searching through all elements including > inlinetasks, which is in org-element-all-elements: > (append pseudo-types '(target) org-element-all-el

Handling conversion of fields with spaces to tables

2021-12-06 Thread Loris Bennett
Hi, I have a script which I call on a remote server which produces pipe-separated data like: marie|Curie|123 louis|De Broglie|456 However, when I output this to an org table, the field with a space gets split into two cells in the result. The same effect can be seen with the following:

Re: Org-cite stuck in Helm minibuffer [9.5.1 (9.5.1-g36086a @ /home/dan/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.5.1/)]

2021-12-06 Thread Bruce D'Arcus
On Mon, Dec 6, 2021 at 8:51 AM John Kitchin wrote: > org-ref should not get any credit for this. Certainly not, but I don't believe anyone mentioned org-ref in this thread? Bruce

Re: Org-cite stuck in Helm minibuffer [9.5.1 (9.5.1-g36086a @ /home/dan/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.5.1/)]

2021-12-06 Thread Daniel Nemenyi
Bruce D'Arcus wrote (on Mon 06 Dec 2021 14:21): > Certainly not, but I don't believe anyone mentioned org-ref in this thread? Apologies, I did ('Thanks org-ref I'm done...'), slip of the tongue. I meant org-cite.

Re: Org-cite stuck in Helm minibuffer [9.5.1 (9.5.1-g36086a @ /home/dan/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.5.1/)]

2021-12-06 Thread Daniel Nemenyi
Bruce D'Arcus wrote (on Mon 06 Dec 2021 13:09): > Presumably you're using the default "basic" org-cite-insert-processor? Yes, am indeed. My only customization is org-cite-global-bibliography. > Perhaps you could customize the keybinding for exiting to get the behavior > you want? Could have

Re: Handling conversion of fields with spaces to tables

2021-12-06 Thread Eric S Fraga
This might work for you: #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output raw -- : Eric S Fraga, with org release_9.5.1-243-gad53c5 in Emacs 29.0.50 : Latest paper written in org:

Re: [BUG] make test is extremely slow since b3cc2f793 [9.5.1 (9.5.1-g984367 @ /home/yantar92/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]

2021-12-06 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Kaushal Modi writes: > FWIW, the tests runs in about the same time for me. > > Running 1 tests (2021-12-06 08:59:31-0500, selector > ‘"^test-org-cite/adjust-note"’) >passed 1/1 test-org-cite/adjust-note (1.333928 sec) > > I just rebuild Org from main branch and I am on emacs-28 branch built

Re: Org-cite stuck in Helm minibuffer [9.5.1 (9.5.1-g36086a @ /home/dan/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.5.1/)]

2021-12-06 Thread Bruce D'Arcus
On Mon, Dec 6, 2021 at 9:33 AM Daniel Nemenyi wrote: > Apologies, I did ('Thanks org-ref I'm done...'), slip of the tongue. Oh, I missed that; sorry John. > Could have a go though if someone could give me a pointer? But if this is > left to the user, perhaps we should include a line in the docu

Re: Handling conversion of fields with spaces to tables

2021-12-06 Thread Loris Bennett
Hi Eric, Eric S Fraga writes: > This might work for you: > > #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output raw That's solves the problem of the field being split, but gives me the new problem that the output is no longer a table :-) To elaborate: My goal is to combine this output with data from another tab

Re: Concrete suggestions to improve Org mode third-party integration :: an afterthought following Karl Voit's Orgdown proposal

2021-12-06 Thread Juan Manuel Macías
Hi Greg, Greg Minshall writes: > i hope we don't adopt such an "official policy" regarding discussions on > this list. i don't think we've had any problems where non-FSF/GNU > topics have somehow swamped our discussions. Not that I want to put on a censor hat, far from it :-). But this is still

Re: [BUG] Orgmode error prompted to submit [9.6 (9.6-??-27edae8 @ /home/chris/.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-27.2/org/)]

2021-12-06 Thread Ihor Radchenko
"christopher.pingitore" writes: > Apologies for delay, I have not been able to reproduce the error message on > my desktop or my laptop. > If you would like me to do anything additional please let me know. Just let us know and share the warning text if you see the same or similar warning again

Re: Handling conversion of fields with spaces to tables

2021-12-06 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Monday, 6 Dec 2021 at 15:43, Loris Bennett wrote: > That's solves the problem of the field being split, but gives me the new > problem that the output is no longer a table :-) Ah, yes, sorry: you need to have each line of the output start with a "|" as well. If your external script can do tha

Re: Raw Org AST snippets for "impossible" markup

2021-12-06 Thread Juan Manuel Macías
Max Nikulin writes: > John, thank you for the reminding me of Juan Manuel's idea that > everything missed in Org may be polyfilled (ab)using links. > It is enough for proof of concept, special markers may be introduced > later. After some time spent exercising in monkey-typing, > I have got some c

Re: On zero width spaces and Org syntax

2021-12-06 Thread Robert Pluim
> On Sat, 04 Dec 2021 07:43:35 +0100, Marcin Borkowski > said: Marcin> 2. We modify Emacs itself to somehow highlight the ZWS. There is (kind Marcin> of) a precedent – a no-breaking space is already fontified with Marcin> =nobreak-space= face. At the very least, make whites

Re: On zero width spaces and Org syntax

2021-12-06 Thread Greg Minshall
Robert, > Thereʼs no need to modify Emacs: see > `glyphless-char-display-control'. ZWS falls under 'format-control'. very nice. thanks! cheers, Greg

Re: Raw Org AST snippets for "impossible" markup

2021-12-06 Thread Juan Manuel Macías
Juan Manuel Macías writes: > I would suggest, however, not to use the term 'italics [...blah blah...]' Sorry for the noise! I think I messed myself up... Naturally, 'italic' (or 'bold') is required: (italic () \"inter\") Best regards, Juan Manuel

incorrect indentation of new item inserted with capture template

2021-12-06 Thread Ian Garmaise
I have had this problem for several months. I keep a daily journal. Each morning I add a new entry in a journal file using a capture template. The journal file is always loaded. On some occasions the indentation of the new entry is incorrect. Here's an example of incorrect indentation: *** 202

Re: Org-cite stuck in Helm minibuffer [9.5.1 (9.5.1-g36086a @ /home/dan/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.5.1/)]

2021-12-06 Thread Nicolas Goaziou
Hello, Daniel Nemenyi writes: > I'm finding myself stuck in the `HELM Org Cite Insert` buffer that > lists possible citations after calling org-cite-insert using Helm. > After selecting a reference I am prompted to select more, and there > isn't an obvious way to say, 'Thanks org-ref I'm done, k

Re: Concrete suggestions to improve Org mode third-party integration :: an afterthought following Karl Voit's Orgdown proposal

2021-12-06 Thread Tom Gillespie
Hi all, I have a much longer mail in the works, a quick one for now. I think it is a major strategic mistake to exclude discussions about interoperability from this list. As Bastien pointed out in his talk at Emacsconf there is only a single list for both users and developers. Discussion about int

Re: From macros to elisp programming?

2021-12-06 Thread András Simonyi
Dear All, On Mon, 6 Dec 2021 at 14:43, Ypo wrote: > I am able to make macros, but I think I am far away from Lisp programming. > [...] > Is there a path to go from macros to elisp programming? there is a package called 'elmacro' ( which you can look into. Appar

Re: Org-cite stuck in Helm minibuffer [9.5.1 (9.5.1-g36086a @ /home/dan/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.5.1/)]

2021-12-06 Thread John Kitchin
You could consider something like this: The insert processors provided by org-cite use depend only on Emacs and use completing-read to select one or more citation keys for insertion. Completing-read is intended for selecting a single item, and org-cite compensates for this by letting you select mu

Re: Concrete suggestions to improve Org mode third-party integration :: an afterthought following Karl Voit's Orgdown proposal

2021-12-06 Thread M . ‘quintus’ Gülker
Am Montag, dem 06. Dezember 2021 schrieb Tom Gillespie: > [On not excluding discussions about org markup from the mailing list] Thank you for writing this up. I agree with it. This discussion has taken routes which I would never have expected. We started with an interoperability topic and now we

Re: Concrete suggestions to improve Org mode third-party integration :: an afterthought following Karl Voit's Orgdown proposal

2021-12-06 Thread Russell Adams
On Mon, Dec 06, 2021 at 09:59:42AM -0800, Tom Gillespie wrote: > I think it is a major strategic mistake to exclude discussions > about interoperability from this list. I don't think discussion on the list (or irc) is a problem. It's all on topic if it's related to Org-mode. As you said, users and

Re: Org-cite stuck in Helm minibuffer [9.5.1 (9.5.1-g36086a @ /home/dan/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.5.1/)]

2021-12-06 Thread Daniel Nemenyi
Nicolas Goaziou wrote (on Mon 06 Dec 2021 17:58): > The prompt displays : "" to exit, which means you have to select the > empty value to exit. How you do select that value depends on the > completion UI. > > I admit it is not particularly clear. Maybe we should spell out the > "empty value" pa

Re: Concrete suggestions to improve Org mode third-party integration :: an afterthought following Karl Voit's Orgdown proposal

2021-12-06 Thread Russell Adams
On Mon, Dec 06, 2021 at 07:25:02PM +0100, M. ‘quintus’ Gülker wrote: > > We started with an interoperability topic and now we are discussing > whether the intent is to take away software freedom from Emacs org > users. I cannot help but to find this connection far-fetched. Nobody > is suggesting to

Re: Concrete suggestions to improve Org mode third-party integration :: an afterthought following Karl Voit's Orgdown proposal

2021-12-06 Thread Russell Adams
On Sun, Dec 05, 2021 at 03:35:39PM +0800, Ihor Radchenko wrote: > Dear Fellow Orgers, > > The recent spike of discussions following Karl's presentation in > Emacsconf 2021 revealed a lot of controversy among Org and Emacs > enthusiasts. Yet, Karl named a number of very real problems surrounding > O

Re: Org-cite stuck in Helm minibuffer [9.5.1 (9.5.1-g36086a @ /home/dan/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.5.1/)]

2021-12-06 Thread John Kitchin
It is a "feature" of other completion tools that differentiate between the selected candidate (usually the highlighted one) and the current input (which may be incomplete, and usually not what you want to select, but sometimes is (e.g. when you want an empty string, or to choose something that is n

Re: From macros to elisp programming?

2021-12-06 Thread Ypo
Lovable!! Thanks! Ypo El 06/12/2021 a las 19:08, András Simonyi escribió: Dear All, On Mon, 6 Dec 2021 at 14:43, Ypo wrote: I am able to make macros, but I think I am far away from Lisp programming. [...] Is there a path to go from macros to elisp programming? there is a package called 'el

Re: Concrete suggestions to improve Org mode third-party integration :: an afterthought following Karl Voit's Orgdown proposal

2021-12-06 Thread Timothy
Hi Russell, I have a few comments on your comments :) > These kind of issues snowball because we are also indirectly asking > for our coders and maintainers to consider those external tools while > continuing to support Org. As I read it, considering other tools was just in the respect of indica

Re: Concrete suggestions to improve Org mode third-party integration :: an afterthought following Karl Voit's Orgdown proposal

2021-12-06 Thread Gerry Agbobada
Hello everybody, On Mon, Dec 6, 2021, at 18:59, Tom Gillespie wrote: > I follow this list, I keep the community up to date with my work, > I have no idea where to look for other Org related dicussions, > nor frankly do I have time to look for them. I suspect I am not > alone in this. Just not to

Re: Org Mode "Contribute", "Maintenance" pages don't give repository.

2021-12-06 Thread Karl Fogel
On 05 Dec 2021, Daniel Fleischer wrote: You're right; I'll think of a way to present the git repo link, i.e. the code earlier and more prominently for those who just want to jump and examine the code. +1, and thanks!

Re: Concrete suggestions to improve Org mode third-party integration :: an afterthought following Karl Voit's Orgdown proposal

2021-12-06 Thread Russell Adams
On Tue, Dec 07, 2021 at 02:47:28AM +0800, Timothy wrote: > I have a few comments on your comments :) To my esteemed colleague, I have a few comments for your comments on my comments. ;] > > How many syntax documents are we supposed to maintain outside of the working > > implementation in Emacs an

Re: Concrete suggestions to improve Org mode third-party integration :: an afterthought following Karl Voit's Orgdown proposal

2021-12-06 Thread Karl Voit
Hi, * Ihor Radchenko wrote: > > The fact is that e.g. Github already provides support for Org markup. > They do it for their own profit and we cannot stop them. If we have a > controlled criteria about quality of third-party Org mode support, there > will be means to interfere with non-free softw

Re: Concrete suggestions to improve Org mode third-party integration :: an afterthought following Karl Voit's Orgdown proposal

2021-12-06 Thread Timothy
Hi Russell, > To my esteemed colleague, I have a few comments for your comments on > my comments. ;] Lovely. I happen to have one or two remarks on your comments^{2} :P > I’m all for the idea of tightening up documentation to make Org a more > polished product. The issue is when the justificatio

Re: Concrete suggestions to improve Org mode third-party integration :: an afterthought following Karl Voit's Orgdown proposal

2021-12-06 Thread Karl Voit
Hi, * Ihor Radchenko wrote: > > Now, we need to understand what kind of people may be looking to > website. > > 1. Existing emacs users > 2. Non-emacs users interested in plain text markup > 3. Non-emacs users interested in GTD/project management, etc >"Org mode: your life in plai

Re: From macros to elisp programming?

2021-12-06 Thread Tim Cross
Ypo writes: > Hi > > I am able to make macros, but I think I am far away from Lisp programming. > > Is there a path to go from macros to elisp programming? For example, the last > macro I've made is for transforming the name of some > headlines, adding in front of them a part from the previous

Looking for extensions of [[file:~/ Target]]

2021-12-06 Thread Eduardo Ochs
Hi people, this node of the Org manual (info "(org)Search Options") explains that we can use links like this one [[file:~/ Target]] to point to a string like "<>" in the file ~/ Where can I find

bug#52341: Fwd: 29.0.50; org-priority 'SPC to remove' doesn't work

2021-12-06 Thread Kyle Meyer
bruce robertson writes: > 1. in init.el: > (custom-set-variables > '(org-priority-default 32) > '(org-priority-highest 0) > '(org-priority-lowest 31) > ) > 2. position to line in .org file: > ** TODO [#0] test line > > 3. from M-x view-lossage: > C-c , ;; org-priority > > 4. mini-buffe

Re: From macros to elisp programming?

2021-12-06 Thread Eduardo Ochs
On Mon, 6 Dec 2021 at 10:43, Ypo wrote: > > Hi > > I am able to make macros, but I think I am far away from Lisp programming. > > Is there a path to go from macros to elisp programming? For example, the last > macro I've made is for transforming the name of some headlines, adding in > front of t

Re: Looking for extensions of [[file:~/ Target]]

2021-12-06 Thread John Kitchin
You might find the scimax-notebook project ( interesting for this. It builds on projectile and defines a link ( similar to what you describe.

Re: Looking for extensions of [[file:~/ Target]]

2021-12-06 Thread Eduardo Ochs
...also here: Very good, thanks! =) E. On Mon, 6 Dec 2021 at 23:45, John Kitchin wrote: > > You might find the scimax-notebook project > ( > int

bug#44687: 26.3; Link broken in inline comment

2021-12-06 Thread Kyle Meyer
tags 44687 wontfix close 44687 quit YH Tan writes: > In org-mode, > > ``` > [[link]]@@comment:[[link]]@@ > # [[link]] > > * link > ``` > > I get the message "No Link Found" when clicking on the [[link]] within > the inline @@comment:[[link]]@@. > > The link works fine with emacs -Q, but breaks af

Re: Handling conversion of fields with spaces to tables

2021-12-06 Thread Loris Bennett
Eric S Fraga writes: > On Monday, 6 Dec 2021 at 15:43, Loris Bennett wrote: >> That's solves the problem of the field being split, but gives me the new >> problem that the output is no longer a table :-) > > Ah, yes, sorry: you need to have each line of the output start with a > "|" as well. If