> Robert Horn writes:
> Timothy writes:
>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> Maybe this is a good time to start a discussion about moving
>> Org's minimum supported Emacs to 25...?
> I checked Red Hat, Centos, Debian, SuSE, and Ubuntu. They are all
> 25.1 or later
Hi Timothy,
On Thursday, 29 Apr 2021 at 02:04, Timothy wrote:
> Have you had a chance to test this out?
Yes, sorry for the delay; work pressures... C-c C-c seems to work fine
on #+plot lines and the point does not move.
thank you,
: Eric S Fraga via Emacs 28.0.50, Org release_9.4.5-38
Hello all,
TL;DR: I have the need to reference a table that is in another file to
pass as data to a src block in the current file. Is this possible?
Hints welcome!
Longer version: I am running a series of numerical experiments, each of
which generates output files (using org syntax!). I want to
On 29/04/2021 08:29, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
I do not observe the breakage as described in the first message,
mostly because I use refile cache exclusively for org-refile.
Maybe I could avoid org-goto as well. Actual reason to use it was that
it does not ask for file name as the first step in th
This syntax works for me.
#+BEGIN_SRC python :var data=data.org:remote-table
Professor John Kitchin (he/him/his)
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Samuel Wales writes:
> would it be more useful if it automaticaly generated the cache instead
> of telling you to runt he command to do so?
I think so. To be frank, I do not understand the reason why it is not
done by default.
> if a solid, perhaps unified, cache existed, would org-id use it to
On Thursday, 29 Apr 2021 at 09:17, John Kitchin wrote:
> This syntax works for me.
> #+BEGIN_SRC python :var data=data.org:remote-table
Brilliant! As usual, if I want to do something in org, it can be done.
Did you find this in the manual? I did look but must have missed it.
thank you,
And, just to add: it works like a charm! Thank you again.
: Eric S Fraga via Emacs 28.0.50, Org release_9.4.5-381-g17ef1b.dirty
This post is an update about "wip-cite-new" branch, which I rebased
a few minutes ago. It introduces changes that make previous reports
obsolete. In particular, the "demo" I wrote in the previous thread is no
longer applicable directly, even though the ideas developed there still
hold. Plea
Hi Timothy,
I was quite weary to bring up this point, but given the sheer volume of
patch-related exchanges in recent memory I feel that it may be worth
bringing up as I have not yet seen it discussed (if I overlooked it, my
apologies): I don't think the core problem can (or maybe should) be
Maxim Nikulin writes:
> Maybe I could avoid org-goto as well. Actual reason to use it was that
> it does not ask for file name as the first step in the case of
> (org-refile-use-outline-path 'file). It took enough time to me to
> realize how to jump/refile to non-leaf heading without such sett
Hi Asa,
Bastien writes:
> thanks for the patch. I'm copying Thierry as the (new) maintainer for
> ob-C.el.
Thierry applied a variant of the patch in maint with commit 38f87a26.
Hi Everyone,
*TL;DR:* I've recently started using org-capture and I'd like to run
org-attach-attach during the expansion of a few of my templates. Doing so
from a template function seems not to work (meaning a function in a
template string called with %(…)). What's the best way to go about this?
Bastien writes:
> Applied as 0260d2fcf, thanks!
Looking at the patch again, I notice that it will break code like
"%((this (has (many parenthesis". Though I have no clue how to match
balanced parenthesis using Elisp regexps.
D writes:
> TL;DR: Maybe we could improve the visibility of patches by having a
> dedicated mailing list for them? This would also allow for a greater
> deal of automation in the way we deal with patches.
We do have a dedicated information channel for patches:
D writes:
> TL;DR: Maybe we could improve the visibility of patches by having a
> dedicated mailing list for them? This would also allow for a greater
> deal of automation in the way we deal with patches.
What about https://updates.orgmode.org/? Or do you refer to something
On Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 10:06 AM Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> ... at this point, I would suggest to spend energy porting "citeproc-org" or
> "org-ref" to
> this API instead.
Thanks for the update, and the work, Nicolas!
I agree any remaining details are best worked out in the process of
Hi Bastien, Hi Ihort
> https://updates.orgmode.org
whoops, I completely overlooked that.
> Org, whether they want to help, fix confirmed bugs or review patches.
> Of course, https://updates.orgmode.org is in alpha and we can still
> improve it a lot. In particular, I plan to let it track unc
Colin Baxter writes:
>> Robert Horn writes:
> > Timothy writes:
> >> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> >>
> >> Maybe this is a good time to start a discussion about moving
> >> Org's minimum supported Emacs to 25...?
> > I checked Red Hat, Centos, Debian, SuSE, and Ub
I don't know if it is in the manual. It would be great to have it in
Professor John Kitchin (he/him/his)
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
On 29/04/2021 21:12, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
There is org-outline-path-cache used by org-get-outline-cache. It avoids
computing parent's outline path multiple times, which is already a great
Curiously my experience is that avoiding this lazy cache with
backtracking and maintaining c
> Robert Horn writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>>> Robert Horn writes:
>> > Timothy writes:
>> >> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> >>
>> >> Maybe this is a good time to start a discussion about moving
>> >> Org's minimum supported Emacs to 25...?
On Thursday, 29 Apr 2021 at 10:51, John Kitchin wrote:
> I don't know if it is in the manual. It would be great to have it in
> https://orgmode.org/manual/Environment-of-a-Code-Block.html.
Indeed. I'll add this to my todo list. (although happy if anybody else
steps up and does it, of course)
Colin Baxter writes:
> Debian 9.13 may be old but updates are still made available. While
> Debian supports the os-version and therefore by implication emacs-24, I
> feel org-mode shouldn't deliberately break that support.
I have to admit, I'm not sure why Org support should stretch so far
> Timothy writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> Debian 9.13 may be old but updates are still made
>> available. While Debian supports the os-version and therefore by
>> implication emacs-24, I feel org-mode shouldn't deliberately
>> break that support.
> I have to admi
Maxim Nikulin writes:
> Curiously my experience is that avoiding this lazy cache with
> backtracking and maintaining custom structure during sequential scan of
> the buffer works several times faster.
My experience is exactly opposite. Or maybe I miss something. Can you
> ... Howev
Hi Diego and Alexander,
Thanks for the tips here. I finally got around to trying them out. Here's
what I ended up with and it's working perfectly.
(defun timvisher-org-link-mac-mail-open-link
(mid _)
(start-process "open-link" nil "open" (format "message://%%3C%s%%3E"
I have realized that only a half of new apostrophes in doc strings were
properly escaped, so I am attaching updated patch. I still consider the
change as a minor improvement.
On 06/04/2021 21:47, Maxim Nikulin wrote:
When I tried org-protocol for the first time, I was quite surprised that
On 29/04/2021 23:08, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Maxim Nikulin writes:
Curiously my experience is that avoiding this lazy cache with
backtracking and maintaining custom structure during sequential scan of
the buffer works several times faster.
My experience is exactly opposite. Or maybe I miss some
Hi Tim,
Cool - thanks for the code! I may use it to improve my email capture
workflow :)
On Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 6:23 PM Tim Visher wrote:
> Hi Diego and Alexander,
> Thanks for the tips here. I finally got around to trying them out. Here's
> what I ended up with and it's working pe
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Samuel Wales writes:
>> would it be more useful if it automaticaly generated the cache instead
>> of telling you to runt he command to do so?
> I think so. To be frank, I do not understand the reason why it is not
> done by default.
>> if a solid, perhaps unified
Tim Visher writes:
> Hi Diego and Alexander,
> Thanks for the tips here. I finally got around to trying them out. Here's
> what I ended up with and it's working perfectly.
> (defun timvisher-org-link-mac-mail-open-link
> (mid _)
> (start-process "open-link" nil "open" (format "messag
Timothy writes:
> Colin Baxter writes:
>> Debian 9.13 may be old but updates are still made available. While
>> Debian supports the os-version and therefore by implication emacs-24, I
>> feel org-mode shouldn't deliberately break that support.
> I have to admit, I'm not sure why Org suppor
Hello everyone,
I have attached a patch to refactor `org-babel-eval' and
`org-babel--shell-command-on-region' to improve readability and to make
local variables more consistent between functions.
This also removes two parameters from
`org-babel--shell-command-on-region', START and END. The f
Hi all,
I have a simple question, but I wasn't able to find answer on the web,
so finally I'll try my luck here.
I know I can setq org-todo-keywords with a list '((sequence "TODO"
DONE")), as an example. But what variable is used for per-file keywords?
Once that are set with #+TODO: ... line?
On Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 3:40 PM Tim Cross wrote:
> Tim Visher writes:
> > Thanks for the tips here. I finally got around to trying them out.
> Here's what I ended up with and it's working perfectly.
> >
> > …
> >
> > Pairing that with my org-capture TODO Current Mail Template is a dream
> co
On Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 10:49:54PM +0200, Arthur Miller wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a simple question, but I wasn't able to find answer on the web,
> so finally I'll try my luck here.
> I know I can setq org-todo-keywords with a list '((sequence "TODO"
> DONE")), as an example. But what vari
On Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 10:49:54PM +0200, Arthur Miller wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a simple question, but I wasn't able to find answer on the web,
> so finally I'll try my luck here.
> I know I can setq org-todo-keywords with a list '((sequence "TODO"
> DONE")), as an example. But what variabl
On 2021-04-21 19:30, Samuel Wales wrote:
as it has been a long time my original post is
and the content is
when you link to a section using toc, you get a link like
will these links bre
> On Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 10:49:54PM +0200, Arthur Miller wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a simple question, but I wasn't able to find answer on the web,
>> so finally I'll try my luck here.
>> I know I can setq org-todo-keywords with a list '((sequence "TODO"
>> DONE")), as an ex
Hi everyone,
I am wondering if I can perform and export asynchronously and then, without
tying up emacs, wait around for the export to finish and then perform some
other task, like upload the file to a server. Has anyone tried this
before? I think perhaps the easiest thing to do would be to use a
Russell Adams writes:
> On Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 10:49:54PM +0200, Arthur Miller wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a simple question, but I wasn't able to find answer on the web,
>> so finally I'll try my luck here.
>> I know I can setq org-todo-keywords with a list '((sequence "TODO"
>> DONE")
hi trs,
thank you. i can imagine that could be useful for a lot of users, but
for me, as i said in my op, "short of adding custom id
or id to everything" --- i didn't want to add custom id. i will try
to clarify why in case it is useful.
in addition to performance, and clutter, there is a seman
* ol.el (org-link--open-help): Fix a confusing variable name. No
behavior changes.
lisp/ol.el | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lisp/ol.el b/lisp/ol.el
index 62ea6d2bc..617223cb5 100644
--- a/lisp/ol.el
+++ b/lisp/ol.el
@@ -1325,8 +1325,8 @@ P
On 2021-04-28 00:09, Bastien wrote:
TRS-80 writes:
So, my reading of this new(?) headline-data setting, was that it
to be exactly what I had been looking for! But perhaps I
So core idea behind (setq org-adapt-indentation 'headline-data) is to
let people end up with:
as you discovered, spaces can work for todo kw for at least some
purposes. [i have one, because i prefer space to snake_case and
kebab-case might not search well.] but you should check to see if it
is guaranteed to work. i vaguely recall spc is not allowable.
if it were guaranteed to work, then
some users of org might not know that org-refile can go to the
location without refiling anything if you pass a c-u arg.
thus, org-goto is not the only header-selecting goto mechanism; there
is also refile goto. [and imenu, helm, etc.]
i use refile-goto and find it satisfying for my purposes. t
Samuel Wales writes:
> as you discovered, spaces can work for todo kw for at least some
> purposes. [i have one, because i prefer space to snake_case and
> kebab-case might not search well.] but you should check to see if it
> is guaranteed to work. i vaguely recall spc is not allowable.
> i
On 2021-04-28 00:03, Bastien wrote:
TRS-80 writes:
In the same timeframe, I have also noticed my Logbook entries not
indented (when changing TODO states) which I think was also brought
about by this change (or rather, my changes to org-adapt-indentation).
I am not sure if I should make
On 2021-03-31 11:00, Timothy wrote:
I've been using inline src blocks a fair bit more recently, and I've
thought it's a pity how bad they look as they are currently without
fontification. A little digging into Org internals and font-lock later
and we have this patch.
I recall trying inline src
On 2021-04-28 02:08, Tim Cross wrote:
I've rarely found describe mode to be terribly useful
I'm the opposite. I find it a great way to quickly look up (or search
for) some keybinding or function I forgot.
But then again, I know the difference between C-h m and C-h i (as well
as other help opt
links to the info manual from help pages and vice-versa would be keen.
On 4/29/21, TRS-80 wrote:
> On 2021-04-28 02:08, Tim Cross wrote:
>> I've rarely found describe mode to be terribly useful
> I'm the opposite. I find it a great way to quickly look up (or search
> for) some keybinding or fu
On 2021-04-28 00:59, Timothy wrote:
Bastien writes:
thanks for the proposal. I'm not convinved that users who don't know
about `C-h m' will think of hitting `h' or another key. I might be
wrong, so if beginners suggest they expect such a key and were amazed
at how useful C-h m was for them w
Hello Tim,
Tim Visher writes:
> [...]
> Thanks for the tips here. I finally got around to trying them out. Here's
> what I ended up with and it's working perfectly.
> [...]
Glad I could be of assistance!
> Pairing that with my org-capture TODO Current Mail Template is a dream come
> true. :)
Samuel Wales writes:
> links to the info manual from help pages and vice-versa would be keen.
See helpful [1] package. It provides links from help buffers to manual.
For links from manual, there is always v/f/.
[1] https://github.com/Wilfred/helpful
Arthur Miller writes:
> I have a simple question, but I wasn't able to find answer on the web,
> so finally I'll try my luck here.
> I know I can setq org-todo-keywords with a list '((sequence "TODO"
> DONE")), as an example. But what variable is used for per-file keywords?
> Once that are set
On 2021-04-29 18:18, Samuel Wales wrote:
On 4/29/21, TRS-80 wrote:
My "quick and dirty" solution was to make a function to map over each
heading and assign a custom ID based on the text of the heading. It
only assigned one if one did not exist already (so in case you had
done any manual adju
When exporting to HTML, the exporter is supposed to check if there
are additional constraints over a paragraph using
`org-html-standalone-image-predicate'. A misplaced quote causes
`org-html-standalone-image-p' to not apply them.
To number captions on images the `org-html-paragraph' binds
I have the following requirement. For this I have written the code that
Bank requires from me a CSV file in this format:
--8<---cut here---start->8---
Pablo Barraza Cornejo writes:
> When exporting to HTML, the exporter is supposed to check if there
> are additional constraints over a paragraph using
> `org-html-standalone-image-predicate'. A misplaced quote causes
> `org-html-standalone-image-p' to not apply them.
Thanks for catching the i
This is not an exporter bug, but a fontifier bug.
There is no space after the leading '#' in the "problematic" lines.
Yet, the fontifier seems to think that lines which shouldn't be
commented-out lines are actually commented-out lines.
I think I should have trusted my own screenshots rather tha
Bug (HTML/TexInfo etc):
Commented code block gets through to exporter when it shouldn't
[9.4.4 (release_9.4.4 @ /usr/local/share/emacs/28.0.50/lisp/org/)]
See the attached files. The `.txt' file is actually a `.org' file.
The surprising behaviour--surprising at least to me--is because of t
Samuel Wales writes:
> hi trs,
> thank you. i can imagine that could be useful for a lot of users, but
> for me, as i said in my op, "short of adding custom id
> or id to everything" --- i didn't want to add custom id. i will try
> to clarify why in case it is useful.
> in addition to per
"Aaron L. Zeng" writes:
> * ol.el (org-link--open-help): Fix a confusing variable name. No
> behavior changes.
> ---
> lisp/ol.el | 4 ++--
> 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/lisp/ol.el b/lisp/ol.el
> index 62ea6d2bc..617223cb5 100644
> --- a/lis
Kyle Meyer writes:
What about returning to the boundp/fboundp combination that was
in place
before ab1ce2a75?
(and (boundp 'my/foo)
(fboundp my/foo)); => nil
(let ((my/foo #'ignore))
(and (boundp 'my/foo)
(fboundp my/foo))) ; => t
Sounds good to me! I've mod
Matt Price writes:
> Hi everyone,
> I am wondering if I can perform and export asynchronously and then, without
> tying up emacs, wait around for the export to finish and then perform
> some other task, like upload the file to a server. Has anyone tried this
> before? I think perhaps the e
Dominique Dumont writes:
> For what it's worth, DNS servers faces a similar problem where host names can
> contain any unicode character, but DNS servers support only ascii char. In DNS
> cases, this is worked around using punycode. (1)
> Using the example above, a host named "こんにちは.example"
67 matches
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