On 2021-04-21 19:30, Samuel Wales wrote:
as it has been a long time my original post is
ID <cajcao8txvw39h18fuxltwodynkqsfhqcp+ydiywflee29b1...@mail.gmail.com>
and the content is
when you link to a section using toc, you get a link like
will these links break if somebody copies them and pastes them
elsewhere? what if you add a section?
there doesn't seem to be a perfect solution, short of adding custom id
or id to everything, but perhaps a fuzzy hash of the header and
contents of the section could be used? or a strict hash of the
header? is anything like this being done? just curious.
My "quick and dirty" solution was to make a function to map over each
heading and assign a custom ID based on the text of the heading. It
only assigned one if one did not exist already (so in case you had
done any manual adjustments they would not be overwritten).
I had posted it very early in the thread, but it did not seem to gain
much interest. It was not posted as a "long term and proper solution
to be included into Orgmode" but rather a quick and easy workaround in
the meantime.