Arthur Miller <> writes:

> I have a simple question, but I wasn't able to find answer on the web,
> so finally I'll try my luck here.

> I know I can setq org-todo-keywords with a list '((sequence "TODO"
> DONE")), as an example. But what variable is used for per-file keywords?
> Once that are set with #+TODO: ... line?
> I guess when org mode parses a file when starting up the mode, it has to
> parse that line into some var, where do I find it?

It is parsed into a buffer-local variable by the name of
`org-todo-keywords-1'. Do `C-h v org-todo-keywords' and `C-h v
org-todo-keywords-1' for all the details.

BTW, when the interwebs fail you (or even before that), use the source :-)


"There are only two hard problems in computer science: cache
invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors." -Martin Fowler

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