bug#41325: 27.0.91; org-mode key binding conflicts with tab-bar-mode

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi, Thanks for the report, this should indeed be fixed. I suggest that Org binds C-M-TAB instead of C-TAB. I will bring this suggestion to the orgmode list. -- Bastien

bug#41325: 27.0.91; org-mode key binding conflicts with tab-bar-mode

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi Juri, Juri Linkov writes: >>> Indeed, it seems C-TAB is a less frequently used keybinding in org-mode, >>> so it could be disabled by org-mode when tab-bar-mode is active. >> >> Personally, I never use it. But it's likely that other users will have >> a very different experience. >> >> Maybe

bug#33521: 26.1; org html export fails to recorgnize image urls with query parameters

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi Ernesto, I tried exporting a simple .org file with this contents: * Some pictures https://travis-ci.org/erjoalgo/emacs-buttons.svg?branch=master https://travis-ci.org/erjoalgo/emacs-buttons.png?branch=master * More pictures [[https://travis-ci.org/erjoalgo/emacs-buttons.s

bug#32722: [O] bug#32722: bug#32722: bug#32722: bug#32722: 26.1; Org-publish depend on non-free platform ?

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
AFAICT the issues raised in this thread have been solved, so I am closing this bug report now. Org-mode does not encourage users to use GitHub for hosting their source code, nor does it encourage them to use non-free javascript by browsing GitHub's page. Some files in Org still contain references

bug#15598: 24.3.50; documentation: org-mode calendar interaction

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi Joe, Joe Corneli writes: > The org-mode manual (8.2.1 The date/time prompt) documents this keyboard > command for selecting dates for scheduling using the calendar: > > S-/ One day forward/backward. > > However, the documentation string for `org-schedule' (which is the > command that

Re: org-clip-link should be included in core

2020-05-24 Thread Adam Porter
On Sat, May 23, 2020 at 10:14 AM Bastien wrote: > So IIUC the need is to easily remove the link part of a link. > > I pushed a change to make this easier. Now you can hit `C-c C-l' on > a link, empty the link part, keep the description and RET to get only > the description inserted as non-link t

bug#34977: org-edit-src-code undesirable behaviour

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi, Nicolas Goaziou writes: > I cannot reproduce any of these observations. Could you check that no > other function is interfering? Well, I tried and could not reproduce this either. I am closing the bug report. -- Bastien

bug#34891: 25.2; ORG-PUBLISH-FIND-DATE should not use Creation/Publish date (#+DATE:) in file as a modification timestamp.

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi David, after Nicolas' answer, I don't see the bug in here, so I am closing this bug report. If you think there is still something wrong, please test with latest Org and report it again on emacs-orgmode@gnu.org. Thanks, -- Bastien

bug#36228: org agenda tags-todo time-zone bug/inconsistency

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi Gary, Gary Fredericks writes: > I use a (tags-todo "SCHEDULED<\"\"" ()) portion of my org agenda > to suppress scheduled agenda items until their scheduled timestamp > has passed. In more recent commits of emacs I've found this to be an > hour off (possibly due to daylight savings time), in a

Replace Org's C-TAB with C-M-TAB - objection?

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi all, C-TAB in Org is bound to `org-force-cycle-archived' to allow to cycle through archived subtrees. In the Emacs tab-bar mode, it is now bound to `tab-next', which needs to work globally. So Org's binding and tab-bar's one are in conflict, as reported here: https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugre

Re: emacs + org-mode in virtual machine/docker/...

2020-05-24 Thread Jens Lechtenboerger
On 2020-05-23, Olivier Berger wrote: > Hi. > > This looks quite similar to my approach to producing course material, > which is documented here : https://olberger.gitlab.io/org-teaching > including the use of Docker (see > https://gitlab.com/olberger/docker-org-teaching-export/ ) Indeed, the phil

Re: emacs + org-mode in virtual machine/docker/...

2020-05-24 Thread Olivier Berger
Hi. On 24/05/2020 11:03, Jens Lechtenboerger wrote: On 2020-05-23, Olivier Berger wrote: Hi. This looks quite similar to my approach to producing course material, which is documented here : https://olberger.gitlab.io/org-teaching including the use of Docker (see https://gitlab.com/olberger/do

Re: Customizable fixed indentation column

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi Panagiotis, thanks for this proposal. I don't have a strong opinion (yet) on whether we should allow to indent to a custom column by setting org-adapt-indentation to an integer. My gut feeling for now is that this is too much, but I don't want to dismiss this possibility completely. That sa

Re: Org-agenda ignores archive tag set by "#+FILETAGS: ARCHIVE"

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi George, George Sokolsky writes: > I have .org files with "#+FILETAGS: ARCHIVE" headers. Shouldn't it be "#+FILETAGS: :ARCHIVE:" instead? (Note the columns.) > I want items from these .org files to be hidden by default from results > of "org-agenda" -> "s Search for keywords" by default.

Re: [QUESTION] What's the ":desk" link parameter?

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi Ihor, thanks for the patch. I assume you are submitting it against master, am I right? Ihor Radchenko writes: > +`:description' > + > + Function to use for generating link descriptions from links. This > + function must take two parameters: the first one is the link, the > + second one

Re: (org-cycle) in new plain list items

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi, lamagl...@posteo.net writes: > It is a minor thing, but it sort of bugs me: > > When I press in a new plain list item it demotes it, as it > should. So I guess you have (setq org-cycle-include-plain-lists nil), right? > But when I press again, it does not move to the parent > level, like

Re: Replace Org's C-TAB with C-M-TAB - objection?

2020-05-24 Thread stardiviner
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 Bastien writes: > Hi all, > > C-TAB in Org is bound to `org-force-cycle-archived' to allow to cycle > through archived subtrees. > > In the Emacs tab-bar mode, it is now bound to `tab-next', which needs > to work globally. > > So Org's binding and

Re: [QUESTION] What's the ":desk" link parameter?

2020-05-24 Thread stardiviner
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 Ihor Radchenko writes: >> I remember I found this code on emacs.stackexchange.com website. >> >> I did a Google search now, I found someone indeed proposed this feature. >> Here is >> the email archive: >> >> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/em

Re: Improving Org Mode for VSCode - Thinking Aloud

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi, stardiviner writes: > And I really don't think suggesting improvement of Org Mode on VS Code is an > good idea here. This list is both about Org as a set of tools for GNU Emacs and Org as a text format used for .org files. So any topic that is relevant to either Org as an Emacs mode or Org

Re: Improving Org Mode for VSCode - Thinking Aloud

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi Tim, Tim Cross writes: > Probably the best assistance org-mode can provide would be definitive > and current documentation on the markup syntax and APIs for babel and > export. Agreed -- help is always welcome on this. Thanks! -- Bastien

Re: [QUESTION] What's the ":desk" link parameter?

2020-05-24 Thread Ihor Radchenko
> thanks for the patch. I assume you are submitting it against master, > am I right? The patch is against commit 2e96dc639. > From reading this, I don't see what bug it fixes, what problem it > solves or what real user need it responds to, but maybe I lost part > of the context. Can you explai

Re: org-agenda-sorting-strategy's sorting of deadline and schedule is opposed

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi, stardiviner writes: > org-agenda-sorting-strategy bug? Cannot list deadline items before scheduled > items. > > With the following: > > #+begin_src emacs-lisp > (setq org-agenda-sorting-strategy > '((agenda time-up deadline-up scheduled-down ts-up habit-down > priority-down category-

Re: Clock connection between the files

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi Vladimir, Vladimir Nikishkin writes: > How come org knows the connection between the first and the second > file? There are not any references to the second file in the first one > whatsoever. I cannot reproduce the problem. Can you reproduce it (without adding that much contents to the sec

Re: Bug: When "Org Hierarchical Todo Statistics" set to nil, DONE items diasppear from agenda filtered by top headline [9.3.6 (9.3.6-25-g685b2c-elpa @ /home/william/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20200316/)]

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi William, William Horne writes: > Unfortunately, it appears that doing both at once triggers the > following behavior: with Org Hierarchical Todo Statistics set to > nil, marking an item DONE in the agenda while it is filtered by top > headline makes it disappear from the agenda, leave a blank

Re: yhetil.org/orgmode now supports searching by Gmane ID

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi Kyle, Kyle Meyer writes: >> Let me how I can help with this. > > Making it available at orgmode.org sounds fine to me. My preference > would be for the orgmode.org server to host an actual mirror of the > archive. This wouldn't involve setting up incoming mail on the server; > getting new m

Re: wip-cite status question and feedback

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi Bruce, "Bruce D'Arcus" writes: > I'm not sure of the value of this sort of question thrown in the > middle of a long-running, many year, conversation. You seem to assume > nobody considered this. Well, this sounded a bit harsh, problably more than what was intended. > But to answer anyway .

Re: Bug: org-agenda-finalize throws args-out-of-range [9.3.6 (9.3.6-19-gf360f9-elpaplus @ /home/nivekuil/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20200302/)]

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi Kevin, Kevin Liu writes: > This bit in org-agenda-finalize: > > (save-excursion > (while (org-activate-links (point-max)) > (add-text-properties (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) >'(face org-link > > Will throw an error at add-text-propert

Re: [PATCH] Fix `org-babel-detangle' handling of false positives

2020-05-24 Thread Kevin Foley
Hi Bastien, Bastien writes: > I tried to apply your patch but I was not able to apply it, perhaps > just a problem with extracting it from your email. > > Can you send an (perhaps updated) version as an attachment? What issue did you have? I was able to download and apply the original patch to

Re: Replace Org's C-TAB with C-M-TAB - objection?

2020-05-24 Thread Joost Kremers
On Sun, May 24 2020, stardiviner wrote: Bastien writes: C-TAB in Org is bound to `org-force-cycle-archived' to allow to cycle through archived subtrees. In the Emacs tab-bar mode, it is now bound to `tab-next', which needs to work globally. So Org's binding and tab-bar's one are in confl

Re: Customizable fixed indentation column

2020-05-24 Thread Panagiotis Vlantis
Hi Bastien, Completely understandable. Thanks for taking the time to consider this in the first place. I hope we get to pick this topic up again in the near future. Best regards to all, Panagiotis On 5/24/20 1:55 PM, Bastien wrote: Hi Panagiotis, thanks for this proposal. I don't have a

Re: Improving Org Mode for VSCode - Thinking Aloud

2020-05-24 Thread stardiviner
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 Bastien writes: > Hi, > > stardiviner writes: > >> And I really don't think suggesting improvement of Org Mode on VS Code is an >> good idea here. > > This list is both about Org as a set of tools for GNU Emacs and Org as > a text format used for

Re: Improving Org Mode for VSCode - Thinking Aloud

2020-05-24 Thread Jack Kamm
It would be very good indeed for org-babel if it could be ported to other editors. One of the biggest drawbacks of org-babel notebooks is that I can't collaborate with my colleagues on them, since I can't expect them to use Emacs. Aside from VSCode, I think RStudio would be an excellent target for

Re: Improving Org Mode for VSCode - Thinking Aloud

2020-05-24 Thread Fabrice Popineau
Le dim. 24 mai 2020 à 15:07, Jack Kamm a écrit : > It would be very good indeed for org-babel if it could be ported to > other editors. One of the biggest drawbacks of org-babel notebooks is > that I can't collaborate with my colleagues on them, since I can't > expect them to use Emacs. +1000 o

Re: wip-cite status question and feedback

2020-05-24 Thread Bruce D'Arcus
Hi Bastian, On Sun, May 24, 2020 at 8:12 AM Bastien wrote: > > Hi Bruce, > > "Bruce D'Arcus" writes: > > > I'm not sure of the value of this sort of question thrown in the > > middle of a long-running, many year, conversation. You seem to assume > > nobody considered this. > > Well, this sounde

Re: [Patch] Document org-capture-templates entry type default strings

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi, No Wayman writes: > I've included the default entry type strings for each entry type in > org-capture-tempalte's docstring. Thanks for the patch. The lines are wrapped and it is not easy to read it in my client. Can you resend it as an attachement and update it as a proper patch, with a c

Re: Bug: org-agenda-refile does not update CATEGORY [9.1.9 (release_9.1.9-65-g5e4542 @ /Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/lisp/org/)]

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi Kent, Kent Primrose writes: > org-agenda-prefix-format uses %T to show the CATEGORY or filename. > When > > refiling via org-agenda-refile, the CATEGORY (or filename) is not > > changed. The original category (such as "CAP" for items from > > capture.org) remains. This also remains if I regen

Re: (almost a patch) Receiving more output from a Common Lisp evaluation in Org buffer

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi, akater writes: > I have a patch that allows to put trace output and error output into > corresponding Org buffer. Can you share the patch (as an attachment)? Does it add a functionality just for one ob-* library or for babel evaluation in general? > Current behaviour with outputs being s

Re: Clock connection between the files

2020-05-24 Thread Vladimir Nikishkin
I don't remember any more how this worked out, sorry. I only remember that #+latex_header, if set in a wrong way, breaks almost everything. One of the things it's breaking is C-c C-j, but it actually breaks more. Moreover, I had both files in the agenda list, so this may be a potential "mis-coupl

Re: [PATCH] Fix `org-babel-detangle' handling of false positives

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi Kevin, I was able to apply the patch, I just did so against master. I also added you to the list of contributors here: https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contribute.html Thanks a lot! -- Bastien

Re: (org-cycle) in new plain list items

2020-05-24 Thread lamaglama
Sorry for being unclear, I'll try to rephrase what I am talking about. Bastien wrote: > So I guess you have (setq org-cycle-include-plain-lists nil), right? It is set to integrate, but I tested it and it does not seem to matter. > I'm not sure what "move to the parent level" really means here

Re: [PATCH] make org-attach-url download function as an option

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi, stardiviner writes: > I found when network is bad and slow, or the download file is big, the > org-attach-url will suspend Emacs for a long time. User might have to cancel > downloading, and start again later. Indeed, this might be annoying. At the same time, it is not unreasonable to expe

Re: Bug: lisp error on user error [9.3.6 (9.3.6-43-gc77edd-elpa @ /home/minshall/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20200413/)]

2020-05-24 Thread Bastien
Hi Greg, Greg Minshall writes: > hi. the following example should possibly result in an error message, > but actually causes a lisp error/backtrace. i have a code block with > ":results vertatim :colnames yes", and am returning a simple character > string (so, no headers -- tsk, tsk, a user er

bug#36228: closed (Re: bug#36228: org agenda tags-todo time-zone bug/inconsistency)

2020-05-24 Thread Gary Fredericks
I agree, I can no longer reproduce it, even though we're in the same phase of daylight savings time as when I originally reported it. Thanks! Gary Fredericks

Re: Bug: ob-python mangles multiline :var values [9.3.6 (release_9.3.6-397-ga089600)]

2020-05-24 Thread Jack Kamm
Hello, Thanks for reporting. I've just fixed this issue in master (commit 6149b6cb6). The problem was that ob-python adds tab indentation to the code body before putting it inside a main() function, which adds spurious indentation to multiline strings passed through :var. I fixed the issue by mo

Re: (Feature Request) have org-edit-special work inside non-environment LaTeX blocks, i.e. \( \) and \[ \]

2020-05-24 Thread TEC
Bastien writes: I hope you will have time to move forward with sending patches so that we can discuss the feature proposals against something we can actually test. Well, I'm currently having a look at patching this, so this looks hopeful :) I think I've got a mostly-functional `org-edi

Re: (Feature Request) have org-edit-special work inside non-environment LaTeX blocks, i.e. \( \) and \[ \]

2020-05-24 Thread TEC
>From 379e23545d7e55766e48b50514bd797bdf691a40 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: TEC Date: Sun, 24 May 2020 23:35:33 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Extend org-edit-special to editing LaTeX-fragments --- lisp/org-src.el | 19 +++ lisp/org.el | 1 + 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+) dif

Re: (Feature Request) have org-edit-special work inside non-environment LaTeX blocks, i.e. \( \) and \[ \]

2020-05-24 Thread Timothy
> <#part type=“text/x-patch” > filename=“home/tec.emacs.d/.local/straight/repos/org-mode/0001-Extend-org-edit-special-to-editing-LaTeX-fragments.patch” > disposition=attachment> > <#/part> Well that didn't quite work as intended. Here's a take two. 0001-Extend-org-edit-special-to-editing-LaTeX-f

Re: [PATCH] ob-core: Display warning on failure to read results

2020-05-24 Thread Kyle Meyer
Kyle Meyer writes: > Subject: [PATCH] ob-core: Display warning on failure to read results Applied to master (14878f3f9).

Clocktable billing rules

2020-05-24 Thread Russell Adams
This came up in IRC. Is there a way to make clock tables follow billing rules? For example, only billing whole hours, and maybe weekend items are a 4 hour minimum? I think it's too much to ask. ;] -- Russell Adams

Re: [PATCH] Fix `org-babel-detangle' handling of false positives

2020-05-24 Thread Kyle Meyer
Hi Kevin and Bastien, This change (010d1e3b6) needs a follow-up patch. Running the tests now leaves the working tree dirty: diff --git a/testing/examples/babel.org b/testing/examples/babel.org index b0942800a..e95a65b85 100644 --- a/testing/examples/babel.org +++ b/testing/examples/babel.org @@

Re: [Patch] Document org-capture-templates entry type default strings

2020-05-24 Thread Kyle Meyer
Bastien writes: > No Wayman writes: > >> I've included the default entry type strings for each entry type in >> org-capture-tempalte's docstring. > > Thanks for the patch. The lines are wrapped and it is not easy to > read it in my client. Can you resend it as an attachement and update > it as

Re: Org-agenda ignores archive tag set by "#+FILETAGS: ARCHIVE"

2020-05-24 Thread Kyle Meyer
Bastien writes: > George Sokolsky writes: > >> I have .org files with "#+FILETAGS: ARCHIVE" headers. > > Shouldn't it be "#+FILETAGS: :ARCHIVE:" instead? > > (Note the columns.) Despite being the documented form, org-set-regexps-and-options will handle entries "tag1 [tag2 ...]" as well: (

Re: Bug: When "Org Hierarchical Todo Statistics" set to nil, DONE items diasppear from agenda filtered by top headline [9.3.6 (9.3.6-25-g685b2c-elpa @ /home/william/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20200316/)]

2020-05-24 Thread William Horne
Hi Bastien, Thank you for your response. This still happens for me on the version built from the org-mode.git repository. Here is a test .org file (also attached): * TODO [0/4] Project 1 ** Category 1 *** TODO Task 1 *** TODO Task 2 ** Category 2 *** TODO Task 3 *** TODO Task 4 * TODO [0/4]

Re: [PATCH] Fix `org-babel-detangle' handling of false positives

2020-05-24 Thread Kevin Foley
Kyle Meyer writes: > Kevin, could you look into updating the test to avoid changing the repo > state? Sorry about that. Do you have any suggestions on how to avoid changing the state or any examples of similar tests? I tried the following to replace the file with it's original contents but it

Re: (org-cycle) in new plain list items

2020-05-24 Thread Nicolas Goaziou
Hello, lamagl...@posteo.net writes: > Sorry, again. I am talking about "nested" plain lists: > >> - "Parent" level >> - Initial level for new item >> - > At this point I created the empty item with M-RET. If I then press TAB, > it demotes this item, which is also mentioned here: > https://orgmod

Re: (Feature Request) have org-edit-special work inside non-environment LaTeX blocks, i.e. \( \) and \[ \]

2020-05-24 Thread Nicolas Goaziou
Hello, Timothy writes: > Well that didn't quite work as intended. Here's a take two. This doesn't look bad. Thank you. > From 379e23545d7e55766e48b50514bd797bdf691a40 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 > From: TEC > Date: Sun, 24 May 2020 23:35:33 +0800 > Subject: [PATCH] Extend org-edit-special to edi

RE: emacs + org-mode in virtual machine/docker/...

2020-05-24 Thread Nick Daly
John Kitchin writes: > Has anyone had any success in creating or using any kind of virtual > machine that can work across platforms to run emacs+org-mode? Yes, just this spring. I was trying to design an experiment that could be replicated and expanded by any citizen scientist, with minimal effor

Re: [PATCH] Fix `org-babel-detangle' handling of false positives

2020-05-24 Thread Kyle Meyer
Kevin Foley writes: > Kyle Meyer writes: > >> Kevin, could you look into updating the test to avoid changing the repo >> state? > > Sorry about that. Do you have any suggestions on how to avoid changing > the state or any examples of similar tests? > > I tried the following to replace the file w

Re: Improving Org Mode for VSCode - Thinking Aloud

2020-05-24 Thread rey-coyrehourcq
Hi, Really cool discussion here. My two cents, Jupyter & Kernel on various langage, which have a very large community, could be an interesting backend for org-babel on VSCode or anyeditoryouwantusehere. Lot of things start to appear to collaborate online around online/scientific cnotebook/liter

Re: (org-cycle) in new plain list items

2020-05-24 Thread Nicolas Goaziou
Nicolas Goaziou writes: > I'm looking into it. Fixed. Thank you.

Re: [PATCH] make org-attach-url download function as an option

2020-05-24 Thread stardiviner
Bastien writes: > Hi, > > stardiviner writes: > >> I found when network is bad and slow, or the download file is big, the >> org-attach-url will suspend Emacs for a long time. User might have to cancel >> downloading, and start again later. > > Indeed, this might be annoying. At the same time,

Re: (almost a patch) Receiving more output from a Common Lisp evaluation in Org buffer

2020-05-24 Thread stardiviner
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 akater writes: > * Summary > I have a patch that allows to put trace output and error output into > corresponding Org buffer. Current behaviour with outputs being splitted > so that they go to different buffers (Org buffer, REPL), is arbitrary > a

Re: (Feature Request) have org-edit-special work inside non-environment LaTeX blocks, i.e. \( \) and \[ \]

2020-05-24 Thread TEC
Nicolas Goaziou writes: Hello, Timothy writes: Well that didn't quite work as intended. Here's a take two. This doesn't look bad. Thank you. In the commit message, you need to list functions being modified. See other commits messages for some examples. I'll patch my patch :P +

Is there a way to export only a subtree of a document to LaTeX (or anywhere)?

2020-05-24 Thread Vladimir Nikishkin
I have a huge document written in org, which takes a lot of time to export. I want to preview chapters/sections as I'm writing, before finishing the whole book. Is it possible without copying a subtree to a temporary buffer? -- Yours sincerely, Vladimir Nikishkin

Re: Is there a way to export only a subtree of a document to LaTeX (or anywhere)?

2020-05-24 Thread Kyle Meyer
Vladimir Nikishkin writes: > I have a huge document written in org, which takes a lot of time to export. > > I want to preview chapters/sections as I'm writing, before finishing > the whole book. > > Is it possible without copying a subtree to a temporary buffer? When you enter the export dispatc

How do I make TikZ pictures (babel) that are both viewable as block results, _and_ properly exportable? (invert colours?)

2020-05-24 Thread Vladimir Nikishkin
Hello, everyone So... I have the following block: #+name: figure-1-2 #+header: :imagemagick yes :iminoptions -density 600 :imoutoptions -geometry 300 #+header: :fit yes :headers '("\\usepackage{tikz}") #+header: :buffer on #+begin_src latex :results value graphics file :exports both :file figure

Re: How do I make TikZ pictures (babel) that are both viewable as block results, _and_ properly exportable? (invert colours?)

2020-05-24 Thread Vladimir Nikishkin
Additionally, what does the :buffer on header argument do? I seem to see it in the examples, but can't find in the info document. 2020-05-25 11:10 GMT+08:00, Vladimir Nikishkin : > Hello, everyone > > So... > > I have the following block: > > #+name: figure-1-2 > #+header: :imagemagick yes :imino

Re: bug#34891: 25.2; ORG-PUBLISH-FIND-DATE should not use Creation/Publish date (#+DATE:) in file as a modification timestamp.

2020-05-24 Thread David Trudgett
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA256 Thank you, Nicolas and Bastien, Apologies for the late reply. The publishing functionality now appears to be working as it should. I haven't changed anything myself, except to update Org. It's possible I misdiagnosed the cause of the problem. In a

How do I set attr_latex for the babel-block outputs?

2020-05-24 Thread Vladimir Nikishkin
And the same question: I am drawing pictures for my book suing TikZ and babel. This is my code (almost and mwe): #+name: figure-1-2 #+header: :imagemagick yes :iminoptions -density 600 :imoutoptions -geometry 300 #+header: :fit yes :headers '("\\usepackage{tikz}") #+header: :buffer on #+begin_src