On 24/05/2020 11:03, Jens Lechtenboerger wrote:
On 2020-05-23, Olivier Berger wrote:
This looks quite similar to my approach to producing course material,
which is documented here : https://olberger.gitlab.io/org-teaching
including the use of Docker (see
https://gitlab.com/olberger/docker-org-teaching-export/ )
Indeed, the philosophy of using the right source format is the same.
Thanks for the pointer.
What I see as differences: Emacs-reveal embeds plugins for audio and
quizzes to create what I hope to be material for asynchronous
learning (particularly useful in Corona times but preferable to
lecturing in “normal” years as well). It supports a bibliography
slide and focuses on Free and Open Educational Resources with
simplified (in my view) treatment of license information.
I'll have to investigate when time permits. Thanks for these details.
Do you share your teaching material for “Web architecture and
applications (CSC4101)”?
I don't advertize it outside of my classes. But you may find it online
if you're looking for "accueil du cours CSC4101" in a search engine...
and know how to read french ;)
Unfortunately some contents included/reused have a dubious copyright
status, which prevents me from publishing it in a more public way, so
I'm sticking to a class perimeter (slightly extended) now, to keep in
the safe side, and given current time/effort available.
Hope this gives you an interesting example though ;)
Best regards,