Dominik Schrempf writes:
> This is interesting. For me, syntax highlighting works partially. For
> example, keywords are highlighted, but function names are not. See below.
I confirm the issue with your example.
It is a known problem with indentation-sensitive languages.
The problem is that org
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Dominik Schrempf writes:
>> Syntax highlighting is not working, for example, with the following
>> snippet and code block:
>> begin_snippet
>> - An example of a function:
>> #+begin_src haskell :exports code :results none
>> f :: a -> b
>> #+end_src
Dominik Schrempf writes:
> Syntax highlighting is not working, for example, with the following
> snippet and code block:
> begin_snippet
> - An example of a function:
> #+begin_src haskell :exports code :results none
> f :: a -> b
> #+end_src
> end_snippet
Works on my side (I think
Dear Ihor,
thank you, these are great news!
Syntax highlighting is not working, for example, with the following
snippet and code block:
- An example of a function:
#+begin_src haskell :exports code :results none
f :: a -> b
Note the indentation. The
Dominik Schrempf writes:
> Ad scrambling: The scrambling happens with multi-line input. For example
> #+begin_src haskell :exports both :results output
> let x = 10
> let y = 12
> x*y
> [x,y]
> #+end_src
> #+results:
> :
> : ghci> 120
> : [10,12]
I am
Hi Bruno,
glad to hear that it works for you.
Ad 'org-babel-script-escape': I use Org version 9.6. I do not temper
with 'org-babel-script-escape', it is used by the respective babel
modules --- 'ob-haskell' in this case. The error also occurs with
'cabal-repl' as process type.
Ad 'haskell-proc
Dominik Schrempf writes:
> ...
> However, the result output is still scrambled (e.g., empty
> lines, unnecessary "ghci>" prompts in results)
For me, ghci is selected by default.
Here is the config I've used to test it:
| emacs-version |28.1 |
| org-version
I apologize, the settings described in Point 1 actually have no effect.
Multi line input works out of the box (at least with "ghci" as
described). However, the result output is still scrambled (e.g., empty
lines, unnecessary "ghci>" prompts in results)
Dominik Schrempf writes:
> Hello,
I have trouble using Haskell code blocks in Org Mode.
1. I need to use the following Org Mode file header:
#+property: :header-args:haskell: :prologue ":{\n" :epilogue ":}\n"
#+begin_src haskell :exports none :results none
:set prompt-cont ""
Otherwise, the results of Haskell