Hi all,
I just found out that link-format export in the ox-bibtex exporter goes
via ebib.
My workflow goes pretty much by managing my bibliography and exporting
via autozotbib to a .bib file, and citing in my org drafts so far via
the \citep{} etc. commands. the link form ([cite:]) also works.
king the exporters html-cjk, html-hangul, html-netscape ;)
> Thus, I would love to hear what others might think is the most clean way to
> add your feature request and be prepared for the many many others in the
> future.
> Greetings
> Torsten
Hi Torsten,
Thanks for the input,
To have definable export rules would indeed be great, to increase
flexibility while keeping the base exporter simple and lightweight.
I agree that this is somewhat specific, however, I believe that
globally, this is not unfrequent, and will become quite frequent