Hi all, I just found out that link-format export in the ox-bibtex exporter goes via ebib.
My workflow goes pretty much by managing my bibliography and exporting via autozotbib to a .bib file, and citing in my org drafts so far via the \citep{} etc. commands. the link form ([cite:]) also works. However, the link, if clicked itself in the orgfile, opens ebib. I found these link definitions, but I want something slightly different: http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-latex-export.html#sec-17_2 Now I would be a happy camper if I could just click on the link and open the pdf in the org file, while in the exported document, the link would point to the bibliograpy, as now correctly happens... Is it possible to define citep, citet, etc.. links to get this behaviour done? I noticed that ebib doesn't even open the files from zotero due to the format zotero outputs the files. The zotero format can include various files in one entry, starts with the full filename (which includes spaces), is separated by a colon, then gives the full filename, and, after a semicolon, starts over for the next attached file (e.g. for various pdfs, supp information, etc) so the bibtex entry reads: file = {author and author - titleisshortenediftolong.pdf:/home/user/Zotero/storage/somethingsdfawer/author and author - titleisshortenediftolong.pdf:application/pdf;another file:/home/user/Zotero/storage/somethingelsezxdfce/html file or some other.pdf:} I guess in the case of several files there is no surefire way to identify the correct file, but its reasonable to assume it should be the first full path name including the authors name and ending in .pdf so, would it be easier to just define custom links that hack-parse the .bib file to get the right filename, without ebib? what would such a custom link look like? thanks a lot, tristan