texinfo manual links not working?

2020-06-20 Thread Leo Alekseyev
M-x org-store-link tells me "No method for storing a link from this buffer", and info: type is not in the list when I try to insert a link via C-c C-l. Has the support been deprecated or is there a problem with my system?

Bug: Org with auto-fill does not insert linebreaks properly [9.3 (release_9.3 @ /snap/emacs/current/usr/share/emacs/27.0.90/lisp/org/)]

2020-04-12 Thread Leo Alekseyev
Consider the following text: begin example --- --- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do --- --- end example- With auto-fill mode on, continuing to type on the "Lorem ipsum" line results in the following: begin example --- --- Lorem ipsum dolor sit

[O] Sum clocks into a custom property

2018-11-12 Thread Leo Alekseyev
I am using org-invoice.el, which expects either CLOCKSUM or WORK properties to exist in an item; these properties contain some time duration record in HH:MM format. I can't figure out how to generate those properties from a series of clock entries with any built-in user-facing functions, so I want

[O] How to generate CLOCKSUM property from time ranges?

2018-11-01 Thread Leo Alekseyev
Greetings all, I am looking into using `org-invoice` to generate some invoices. It uses the CLOCKSUM property, which according to the docs gets auto-generated when the clock entries are summed in a subtree. Concretely, docs say: "CLOCKSUM: The sum of CLOCK intervals in the subtree. ‘org-clock-sum

[O] Bug: org-git-link.el broken [9.0.5 (release_9.0.5 @ /home/leo/.emacs.d/elisp/org-mode.git/lisp/)]

2017-03-22 Thread Leo Alekseyev
org-store-link fails inside org-git-link if org-git-link is enabled with (require 'org-git-link) >From what I can tell in the debugger, the code walks up the directory tree looking for .git files in a parent directory. However, when I am inside e.g. "~/foo.el", at some point the code will execute

[O] Strange behavior with auto-fill

2014-02-02 Thread Leo Alekseyev
I've been observing a very annoying behavior with auto fill; it persist in the latest org from git, as well as the version shipped with Emacs 24.3 for OS X. Consider starting a clean Emacs session with emacs -Q. Start a new file, foo.org. Do M-x org-mode and M-x auto-fill-mode. Now enter the fo

Re: [O] Babel blocks not indented

2013-05-13 Thread Leo Alekseyev
On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 3:32 PM, Nick Dokos wrote: > Leo Alekseyev writes: > > > I've brought this up before, but I think there's value in SRC blocks > > /not/ being indented, and in fact, I would love it if there were a way > > to make the contents of the

Re: [O] Babel blocks not indented

2013-05-10 Thread Leo Alekseyev
On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 8:32 PM, J. David Boyd wrote: > Julien Cubizolles writes: > > > Eric Schulte writes: > > > >> Julien Cubizolles writes: > >> > >>> I'm new to babel and I'm experiencing a strange problem. A > >>> src_block created with " >>> in. Here is an example: > >>> > >> > >> Try "T

Re: [O] Is it possible to create links to M-x occur results?

2013-05-02 Thread Leo Alekseyev
Nice! Short and sweet, and works great. It should go on orgmode.orgsomewhere in the cool hacks section. On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 7:07 AM, Rick Frankel wrote: > On 01.05.2013 18:41, Leo Alekseyev wrote: > >> Howdy Org-folks, >> >> Something that I've found myself wi

[O] Is it possible to create links to M-x occur results?

2013-05-01 Thread Leo Alekseyev
Howdy Org-folks, Something that I've found myself wishing for time and time again is to be able to follow the link to a file and immediately pop into a set of M-x occur results given some search term for that file. That way I could link to an overview of a file's class/function definitions, or co

Re: [O] Is it possible to run shell script src blocks as root or to export individual blocks?

2012-03-19 Thread Leo Alekseyev
On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 10:24 AM, Eric Schulte wrote: > Andreas Leha writes: > >> Eric Schulte writes: >> >>> Leo Alekseyev writes: >>> >>>> I was wondering if there was an easy way to execute some shell >>>> commands contained in a

[O] Blank first line in a tangled file prevents src block execution

2012-03-09 Thread Leo Alekseyev
I have the following source block that I tangle to produce a short script: #+begin_src sh :tangle code/get_wavs.sh #!/bin/bash for fn_in in "$@"; do fn_out=$(sed -e 's|\.3gp$||g' -e 's|$|.wav|g' <<< $fn_in) ffmpeg -i $fn_in -vn -f wav -acodec pcm_u8 $fn_out done #+end_src Howeve

[O] Is it possible to run shell script src blocks as root or to export individual blocks?

2012-03-02 Thread Leo Alekseyev
I was wondering if there was an easy way to execute some shell commands contained in a src block as root. Alternatively, is there a quick way to export _just_ that one source block to a temp file so that I could run it as root manually?

Re: [O] org-mode code / verbatim delimiters don't work with quotation marks

2012-02-20 Thread Leo Alekseyev
Null character /sort of/ works: it makes org-mode insert the code delimiters on export, but the presence of null characters breaks export down the road, at least in my case. This time, I could intercept the exported text and remove the null characters by hand, but it might not always be the case.

[O] org-mode code / verbatim delimiters don't work with quotation marks

2012-02-20 Thread Leo Alekseyev
I noticed that strings like ='foo'= or =di"= don't get recognized by org as code, which is somewhat unfortunate because it forces me to edit exported HTML by hand. Are there any workarounds for this behavior? --Leo

Re: [O] org-babel autosave

2012-02-13 Thread Leo Alekseyev
Yes, but the question is -- what is the desired behavior? If you just want to autosave the temporary org-src buffer, see my question on stack overflow: http://stackoverflow.com/q/8849661/133234 In short, you'd just need to (add-hook 'org-src-mode-hook '(lambda () (auto-save-mode t))) and speci

Re: [O] bug / regression: C-x C-s is broken in org-edit-special

2012-02-13 Thread Leo Alekseyev
In case anyone is curious, C-x C-s functionality in org-edit-special can be easily restored via (define-key org-src-mode-map "\C-x\C-s" 'org-edit-src-save) On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 4:49 PM, Leo Alekseyev wrote: > Previously, C-x C-s in an org-edit-special buffer (invoked via

[O] bug / regression: C-x C-s is broken in org-edit-special

2012-02-09 Thread Leo Alekseyev
Previously, C-x C-s in an org-edit-special buffer (invoked via C-') would save the underlying org buffer (provided (setq org-src-window-setup (quote current-window)) was set; it was buggy with other settings, see http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/50979 for discussion). Currently, C-x C-s

[O] Using org-babel with Scheme

2012-02-08 Thread Leo Alekseyev
Is anyone on the list using a recent org-babel with Scheme? I recently started working through SICP, and I'm running into issues evaluating scheme src blocks. Org-babel error buffer pops up with "ERROR: Wrong number of arguments to #", and the minibuffer prompts me for a lisp expression. Is the

[O] Semantics of the colon (can it be considered a general markup element?)

2012-02-08 Thread Leo Alekseyev
I started prefixing certain lines with the colon (:) in my org-files, because it is a convenient way to get "verbatim" behavior. It has advantages over markup such as =code= or ~verbatim~ in that it looks better, can be used with text that spans multiple lines, and actually ignores org-markup (for

Re: [O] Org-edit-special and C-x C-s strange behavior

2012-02-08 Thread Leo Alekseyev
2012 at 9:25 AM, Bastien wrote: > Hi Leo, > > Leo Alekseyev writes: > >> Folks, I still think that the fact that buffer-file-name is not nil is >> a bug and should be fixed. > > So do I.  I think this is fixed now -- thanks! > > -- >  Bastien

[O] How to turn off flyspell for source code blocks?

2012-02-05 Thread Leo Alekseyev
How does one prevent flyspell from operating on code blocks in org? I've tried adding ("+begin_src" . "+end_src") to ispell-skip-region-alist, but it didn't seem to work.

Re: [O] [code] Small elisp snippet to search among toplevel headlines in a file

2012-02-05 Thread Leo Alekseyev
Another possible way to do it might be to create a wrapper around org-goto with alternative interface where you set org-goto-max-level to 1. I've been using org-goto (alt. interface) with ido mode for a while, and it's great (although I haven't tried restricting headlines to just the top level).

Re: [O] [bugs] Export to HTML requires issuing org-babel-execute-buffer; results replace fails

2012-01-28 Thread Leo Alekseyev
>> >> -snip-- >> #+property: session *R-babel* >> >> #+NAME: foo >> #+HEADER: :var a="a1.png" >> #+BEGIN_SRC R :results output silent >>   cat("in foo block\n") >>   cat.a <- function() { cat(a,"\n",sep="") } >>   cat.a() >> #+END_SRC >> #+call: foo(a="a1.png") >> >> #+begin_src R :results

Re: [O] [bugs] Export to HTML requires issuing org-babel-execute-buffer; results replace fails

2012-01-24 Thread Leo Alekseyev
> > If /inline blocks/ above don't replace their results above then that is > expected.  If you can find instances where call lines or blocks don't > replace their results then that is a bug. Yes, I was finding that neither inline nor regular blocks replace: run the following with C-c C-v b a few

Re: [O] [bugs] Export to HTML requires issuing org-babel-execute-buffer; results replace fails

2012-01-23 Thread Leo Alekseyev
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 10:05 PM, Eric Schulte wrote: > Leo Alekseyev writes: > >> On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 11:58 AM, Eric Schulte wrote: >>> Leo Alekseyev writes: >>> >>>> Since all source blocks are evaluated on export, I don't think it >

Re: [O] [BUG] Inconsistency in src block hiding

2012-01-23 Thread Leo Alekseyev
> statement above.  The tag-line to the "Drawers" section in the manual is > "Tucking stuff away" which I think is often how drawers are used. > Changing the default drawer export behavior from "don't export" to "do > export" would be surprising, would break many existing work flows, and > would li

Re: [O] [bugs] Export to HTML requires issuing org-babel-execute-buffer; results replace fails

2012-01-23 Thread Leo Alekseyev
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 11:58 AM, Eric Schulte wrote: > Leo Alekseyev writes: > >> Since all source blocks are evaluated on export, I don't think it >> should be necessary to issue org-babel-execute-buffer before invoking >> export.  However, running HTML export wit

Re: [O] Capitalisation and good taste ?

2012-01-20 Thread Leo Alekseyev
> A long time ago all capitals was the only way these keywords were > supported.  Since then they have become case insensitive and I use all > lowercase for most of my keywords now (#+begin_src:, #+begin_example: > etc) > > With fontification these stand out enough now and the capitalization can >

[O] [bugs] Export to HTML requires issuing org-babel-execute-buffer; results replace fails

2012-01-20 Thread Leo Alekseyev
Since all source blocks are evaluated on export, I don't think it should be necessary to issue org-babel-execute-buffer before invoking export. However, running HTML export without org-babel-execute-buffer currently produces garbage output. On the other hand, I have several examples where running

[O] Is it possible to include #+call lines in HTML export?

2012-01-20 Thread Leo Alekseyev
Currently, my org files look something like this: * And now, let's do the analysis ! #+call: foo(bar) #+results: : earth-shattering results : gonna land me a Nobel /and/ a Fields! But because #+call is not exported, it's not clear what function was called and with what parameters. It makes a

Re: [O] org-babel order of evaluation

2012-01-20 Thread Leo Alekseyev
On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 7:52 PM, Rick Frankel wrote: > On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 06:07:41PM -0700, Eric Schulte wrote: >> Rick Frankel writes: >> >> Turns out it was not that difficult to change this behavior.  You and >> Leo are both correct that in-buffer-order evaluation is more natural and >> e

[O] [bug] src_ blocks seem broken in org-babel-execute-buffer

2012-01-20 Thread Leo Alekseyev
With the latest Org, issuing org-babel-execute-buffer on any buffer that has inline src_ blocks fails with "wrong type argument: consp, nil" For instance, Eric Schulte's own code sample on http://eschulte.me/org-scraps/scraps/2011-08-21-inline-code-block-and-downstream-src-blocks.html doesn't run.

[O] [bug] :eval header argument ignored in the #+call: block

2012-01-20 Thread Leo Alekseyev
Suppose I have a code block foo, and I want to call it several times in my org file. However, foo may be a slow function, and so any time I evaluate buffer non-interactively (e.g. HTML export) I want to enable only one out of many calls to :foo The following doesn't work, but I think it should, s

[O] Verbatim URL in HTML export

2012-01-18 Thread Leo Alekseyev
I would like to have a plain-text URL with no formatting in my HTML output. I can't figure out how to avoid having it turn into a link on HTML export. Surrounding it with ~tildes~ puts it in a block, which is not what I need; I simply need that particular URL to be treated as plain text. Is the

Re: [O] [BUG] Inconsistency in src block hiding

2012-01-18 Thread Leo Alekseyev
>> Why can't you? Wouldn't it be related to drawers configuration >> (org-export-with-drawers for example)? > > Yes... but I don't think I can configure which drawers I get, and I > don't want my LOGBOOK drawer with all my clock lines in my export. > > -Bernt >> >>> Is there still a way to hide res

Re: [O] Org-edit-special and C-x C-s strange behavior

2012-01-13 Thread Leo Alekseyev
>>> >>> You still have to C-c ' to get back to the full buffer, mind you, but >>> that's better, IMO, than changing the behaviour of such a fundamental >>> key binding as C-x C-s. > > > It appears that this bug is Emacs-version dependent: it functions as > you descri

Re: [O] org-babel order of evaluation

2012-01-12 Thread Leo Alekseyev
>> Therefore, when executing an entire buffer, there is no way to have >> the execution of a call block dependent on the prior execution of a >> source block. >> > > It would be better to make the dependency explicit by passing the > results of the call line as a (potentially unused) variable to th

Re: [O] Org-edit-special and C-x C-s strange behavior

2012-01-12 Thread Leo Alekseyev
On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 4:14 AM, Andreas Leha wrote: > Eric S Fraga writes: > >> Leo Alekseyev writes: >> >>>> Eric S Fraga writes: >>>>> >>>>> What version of org are you using?  I ask because I used to experience >>> &

Re: [O] Org-edit-special and C-x C-s strange behavior

2012-01-11 Thread Leo Alekseyev
On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 7:40 PM, Leo Alekseyev wrote: >> Eric S Fraga writes: >>> >>> What version of org are you using?  I ask because I used to experience >>> the annoyance you describe a while back; more recently (since at least a >>> few mont

Re: [O] Minor org mode for achieve code folding effects

2012-01-11 Thread Leo Alekseyev
> For instance, when I was doing a lot of Java programming, I used > hideshow.el all the time to hide block and function bodies.  Works very > well (although the default key bindings are annoying to me).  Have a > look!  It's a standard package in emacs, at least in Emacs 24 but much > earlier than

Re: [O] Org-edit-special and C-x C-s strange behavior

2012-01-11 Thread Leo Alekseyev
> Eric S Fraga writes: >> >> What version of org are you using?  I ask because I used to experience >> the annoyance you describe a while back; more recently (since at least a >> few months ago), hitting C-x C-s no longer has any negative impact: it >> saves the file, or at least appears to. >> >>

[O] Org-edit-special and C-x C-s strange behavior

2012-01-10 Thread Leo Alekseyev
I often edit my org-babel code blocks via org-edit-special (C-'), in part because I find the tabbing behavior within the code blocks to be somewhat flaky. Inevitably, when editing the code block I will press C-x C-s (muscle memory). This causes all sorts of annoying consequences: the buffer with th

Re: [O] Minor org mode for achieve code folding effects

2012-01-10 Thread Leo Alekseyev
On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 7:21 PM, David Rogoff wrote: > > > David Rogoff > January 10, 2012 4:34 PM > Carlos Russo gmail.com> writes: > I have used both Carsten's and Eric's solution, as well as > hideshow-org (https://github.com/secelis/hideshow-org), which works > rather well and deserves

Re: [O] Minor org mode for achieve code folding effects

2012-01-10 Thread Leo Alekseyev
On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 3:08 PM, Eric S Fraga wrote: > Giovanni Giorgi writes: > >> >> >> Hi all, >>  I'd like to edit some ruby/python/shell script using >> functions folding. >> >> I'd like to get a way to fold functions or method. > > Carsten has already given you one possible solution; anothe

Re: [O] fast navigation

2011-12-22 Thread Leo Alekseyev
default-buffer. I would expect this to suppress the showing of the default prompt. On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 8:31 AM, Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala wrote: > Hi, > > Leo Alekseyev writes: > >> I recorded the bug in a short screencast.  emacs was started with -Q; >> in the second par

Re: [O] fast navigation

2011-12-20 Thread Leo Alekseyev
I recorded the bug in a short screencast. emacs was started with -Q; in the second part of the screencast it was restarted with a config file that only included ido mode http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6nDUh0RH_c&feature=youtu.be On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 5:27 PM, Bastien wrote: > Hi Sergio, > >

Re: [O] fast navigation

2011-12-20 Thread Leo Alekseyev
This very much looks like a bug to me. I just upgraded from 7.4 to 7.8 of org and am starting to see this behavior. It's even more broken when combined with ido completion (which is what I use). I just wrote a separate post to the mailing list (I wrote it before I saw this thread); it might be u

[O] org-goto outline-path-completion bugs

2011-12-20 Thread Leo Alekseyev
I recently upgraded to the latest version of org (from 7.4) and found that org-goto started exhibiting the following bugs when used in outline-path-completion mode: 1. If the point is before the first heading, org-goto will fail with "Before first headline at position 1 in buffer " 2. If the poi

[O] [babel] org-babel HTML export and image links within #+example blocks

2011-09-29 Thread Leo Alekseyev
Right now, I auto-generate image links as a part of results my org-embedded R code generates, e.g.: #+call foo() #+results: foo() #+begin_example ...stuff... RMSE, sdev, abs(mean - true), mean - true: agent 1 0.1899602 0.1097201 0.1550738 -0.1550738 [[file:images/conv1.png]] #+end_example Howeve

Re: [O] [babel] Error when exporting a trivial org file to HTML: Wrong type argument: stringp, (results . "")

2011-09-29 Thread Leo Alekseyev
going to fail on export: #+source: test_code #+BEGIN_SRC R :results output silent :exports none :var foo bar <- foo #+END_SRC Why does this fail? #+call: test_code(foo=200) #+results: test_code(foo=200) 8< On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:33 PM, Eric Schulte wrote: &g

Re: [O] Org buffers scroll to the very bottom on their own

2011-09-29 Thread Leo Alekseyev
Please ignore my last post; turns out I've merged some custom changes with the trunk, and my merge appears to be buggy On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 5:23 PM, Leo Alekseyev wrote: > I just pulled the latest org from trunk and byte-compiled under > Windows; I am seeing bizarre behavior, wher

[O] Org buffers scroll to the very bottom on their own

2011-09-29 Thread Leo Alekseyev
I just pulled the latest org from trunk and byte-compiled under Windows; I am seeing bizarre behavior, where the point in an org-mode buffer scrolls to the very bottom of the buffer. It's as if someone keeps pressing the down arrow key, or even S-M-[period]. Org is now unusable. Has anyone seen

Re: [O] [babel] Error when exporting a trivial org file to HTML: Wrong type argument: stringp, (results . "")

2011-09-29 Thread Leo Alekseyev
stem with the latest Org-mode I get the following slightly more > helpful error message. > > variable "foo" must be assigned a default value > > Please add a default value to the foo variable for export and evaluation > of the code block to work. > > Best -- E

[O] [babel] Error when exporting a trivial org file to HTML: Wrong type argument: stringp, (results . "")

2011-09-29 Thread Leo Alekseyev
Here is what's in my org file: 8< #+title: My org file #+babel: :session *R-babel* :tangle yes * The problem ** The code This is going to fail on export: #+source: test_code #+BEGIN_SRC R :results output silent :exports none :var foo bar <- foo #+END_SRC Why

[O] Org-indent mode - is it possible to change auto-fill column based on indentation level?

2011-05-19 Thread Leo Alekseyev
I like using org-indent, however, when I'm on e.g. the third level of an outline, this means that the effective line starts 7 characters away from the left buffer edge. Most often, I have two buffers side by side on a laptop, and they are 77 columns wide. I set fill-column to 77 in order to not w

Re: [Orgmode] org-git-link does not support locational information within file

2011-02-13 Thread Leo Alekseyev
> ** Shortcomings of git-link in current org HEAD > Yet, org-git-link currently is too greedy for my daily use: >  1. they kill org-links for org headings, if the org files are >    versioned in a git repository (and all of mine are!) and >  2. they kill in-file-search information for versioned non

[Orgmode] Re: Make text below heading not part of the heading

2011-01-27 Thread Leo Alekseyev
Christian Moe christianmoe.com> writes: > > For my money, it's neither bug nor feature, but a (minor) restriction > that follows from the (hugely enabling) feature of simple-to-use > outline folding. An exception would be an added feature. For my part, > I've not yet had a use case where inse

[Orgmode] Make file:... directory links open dired by default

2011-01-23 Thread Leo Alekseyev
I am working under Windows, and by default links like file:~/path... open in Explorer. I can manually change the link to file+emacs:~/path... and then it opens in dired -- but is there a way to change the default behavior so that when I press C-c C-l to store the directory links as file+emacs to b

[Orgmode] Re: evaluating all R code blocks (newbie question)

2011-01-20 Thread Leo Alekseyev
Julian Burgos uw.edu> writes: > > Dear list, > > Hopefully this is not too basic, nor has been answered before. > > I would like to know if there is away to have alll R code blocks in a > document evaluated automatically (i.e. without query) when exporting > to Latex. Now I have to answer "ye

Re: [Orgmode] Handling file links under Windows

2011-01-16 Thread Leo Alekseyev
e spaces in your commands. Try: > >> (("\\.jnt\\'" . (format "%s %%s" (w32-short-file-name "C:\\Program >> Files\\Windows >> Journal\\Journal.exe")) >> ("\\.pdf\\'" . (format "%s %%s" (w32-short-file-name "C:\\Pr

[Orgmode] Handling file links under Windows

2011-01-15 Thread Leo Alekseyev
Dear All, I would like to have links to PDF files open those files in Acrobat and links to Windows Journal (JNT) files open them in Windows Journal -- very simple; same as it would be as if I double-clicked them anywhere in Windows. Here is what happens now: PDF files open in emacs doc-view mode,

[Orgmode] Tab/S-Tab cycling behavior: how to include #+begin_src and #+results blocks

2011-01-13 Thread Leo Alekseyev
I rely heavily on org-cycling/org-global-cycling to see an outline view of the document. It would help if I could use #+begin_src and #+results blocks, and possibly some others, in this outline view. Specifically, I would like to be able to do the following: (a) When cycling with S-Tab, between

[Orgmode] Re: org-babel, R, and org-babel-open-src-block-result

2011-01-11 Thread Leo Alekseyev
Erik Iverson ccbr.umn.edu> writes: > > On 01/11/2011 04:22 AM, Leo Alekseyev wrote: > > I recently started using org-babel with R, and so far I think it's > > pretty great! I'm still getting accustomed to org-babel workflow and > > am playing with a

[Orgmode] org-babel, R, and org-babel-open-src-block-result

2011-01-11 Thread Leo Alekseyev
I recently started using org-babel with R, and so far I think it's pretty great! I'm still getting accustomed to org-babel workflow and am playing with available options. I have a couple of questions: I noticed that C-c C-o (org-babel-open-src-block-result) always gives me an empty *Org-Babel Re

[Orgmode] Help with org-link-translation-function

2011-01-04 Thread Leo Alekseyev
Hi All, I am trying to achieve the following: any link of the form [[/ssh:host:/path/to/file]] should, when followed, be translated to [[/plink:host:/path/to/file]] (without being textually altered, of course). The reason for this is that Emacs Tramp under Windows refuses to cooperate with OpenSSH

[Orgmode] Improving org-goto isearch

2010-12-25 Thread Leo Alekseyev
I use org-goto to quickly jump to a heading that I know contains a certain word. More often than not, it's a 2nd, 3rd, ... level heading. I've been relying on org-goto for many months, but both of the current interfaces leave something to be desired. Let's say I want to be on heading FOO. Right

Re: [Orgmode] Windmove keybindings pass-through

2010-12-20 Thread Leo Alekseyev
([(control shift left)] . [(meta shift -)]))) (setq org-replace-disputed-keys t) On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 12:37 PM, Leo Alekseyev wrote: > Thanks for the suggestion, but this is a non-solution.  My preference > would be to (a) in org-mode, move outline manipulation to e.g.

Re: [Orgmode] Windmove keybindings pass-through

2010-12-20 Thread Leo Alekseyev
my org outlines. Surely there must be a way to customize org keybindings without having to source-dive?.. --Leo On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 3:20 PM, suvayu ali wrote: > On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 2:24 PM, Leo Alekseyev wrote: >> Optionally, it would be nice >> if I can map the shift-arro

[Orgmode] Windmove keybindings pass-through

2010-12-16 Thread Leo Alekseyev
As per the docs, I have (add-hook 'org-shiftup-final-hook 'windmove-up) and similar hooks set. That way, shift-arrow keys work as they do in windmove (that is, they switch between windows) _unless_ I am on an org heading. I would like to make that behavior universal -- I want to disable any sort

Re: [Orgmode] Problems with hyperlinked files

2010-03-23 Thread Leo Alekseyev
> > I could reproduce this, but I don't know if this is really a bug. > (I never heard of protecting spaces with angle brackets.) Actually, it's right there in section 4.3 of the manual, last sentence: "if you need to remove ambiguities about the end of the link, enclose them in angular brackets.

[Orgmode] How to open pdf file links with evince under linux?..

2010-03-23 Thread Leo Alekseyev
When using org mode under windows, links to local PDF files bring up Acrobat. However, under linux, these links just spawn a new empty buffer in emacs in fundamental mode. How can I make PDF links bring up evince?... ___ Emacs-orgmode mailing list Ple

[Orgmode] Problems with hyperlinked files

2010-03-23 Thread Leo Alekseyev
Hi all, I am unable to open locally linked files if I use angle brackets to protect spaces, like so: [[][Hastie et al]] -- the echo area displays "no such file: E:\ebooks\math\Probability and statistics\The Elements of Statistical Learning (2nd ed).pdf>" < note the right angle bracket here

[Orgmode] Search in headings before searching in leaves

2009-11-15 Thread Leo Alekseyev
I thought it would be a rather useful behavior for isearch to search only in the displayed text. That is to say, if I have a structure such as * Folded Heading 1... * Folded Heading 2... [ whose body has 1 bazillion occurrences of SearchTerm ] * Folded Heading With SearchTerm... * Folded Headin

[Orgmode] Clocking TODO list subitems?..

2009-11-02 Thread Leo Alekseyev
I often structure my TODO lists like so: * TODO a bunch of stuff - [ ] thing 1 - [ ] thing 2 ... I would like to clock the time spent on thing1 and thing2, however it seems that all clock operations only pertain to the main * TODO heading. Is there a way to clock the subitems? Thanks, --Leo