Suppose I have a code block foo, and I want to call it several times in my org file. However, foo may be a slow function, and so any time I evaluate buffer non-interactively (e.g. HTML export) I want to enable only one out of many calls to :foo
The following doesn't work, but I think it should, since the #+call: line should run foo with the header argument :eval no-export #+NAME: foo #+BEGIN_SRC R :var turn_on_output="FALSE" if(turn_on_output) { X11() } #+END_SRC #+CALL: foo[:eval no-export](turn_on_output="TRUE") ## this STILL evaluates on export Furthermore, a better solution to the situation I described above might be to set the :eval no-export header argument in the source block definition, and then over-ride it in the one #+call line that I want to run during export. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem that this is currently possible. --Leo