Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Multivariate Analysis Of Ecological Communities Using R With The VEGAN package (VGNR07)

2024-10-29 Thread Oliver Hooker with any questions -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Genome Assembly and Annotation (GAAA01) - FINAL CALL

2024-10-29 Thread Oliver Hooker with any questions. -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L FINAL CALL - ONLINE COURSE – Introduction to Single Cell Analysis (ISCA01)

2024-11-13 Thread Oliver Hooker
l Communities Using R With The VEGAN package (VGNR07) This course will be delivered live <> -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please g

Ecolog-L Multivariate Analysis Of Ecological Communities Using R With The VEGAN package (VGNR07)

2024-11-20 Thread Oliver Hooker with any questions -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L Using Google Earth Engine in Ecological Studies (GEEE01)

2024-11-20 Thread Oliver Hooker
ssify satellite imagery in GEE.  Perform different types of spatial analyses in satellite imagery in GEE. Email with any questions. -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L Machine Vision using Python (MVUP01)

2024-11-14 Thread Oliver Hooker
te-analysis-of-ecological-communities-using-r-with-the-vegan-package-vgnr07/> ONLINE COURSE – Bioacoustics Data Analysis using R (BIAC05) This course will be delivered live <> -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Using Google Earth Engine in Ecological Studies (GEEE01)

2025-01-07 Thread Oliver Hooker
ssify satellite imagery in GEE.  Perform different types of spatial analyses in satellite imagery in GEE. Email with any questions. -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Time Series Analysis and Forecasting using R and Rstudio (TSAF01)

2025-01-07 Thread Oliver Hooker
GARCH and stochastic volatility models, as well as Brownian motion and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. Please email with any questions. Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Phylogenetic Species Distribution Modelling using R (PSDM01)

2025-02-03 Thread Oliver Hooker
e for biologists (PSCB03) October ONLINE COURSE – Bioacoustics Data Analysis using R (BIAC05) This course will be delivered live -- -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Species Distribution Modelling With Bayesian Statistics Using R (SDMB06)

2025-02-04 Thread Oliver Hooker
with any questions -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L Two Stats Courses on GLM's and Mixed Models

2025-02-05 Thread Oliver Hooker
email me and I will provide a discount code for 10% off the total cost of both courses. Please email with any questions. Please feel free to share among colleagues and fiends -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to https

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE - Remote sensing data analysis and coding in R for ecology (RSDA01)

2025-02-05 Thread Oliver Hooker
course/bioacoustics-data-analysis-biac05/> ONLINE COURSE – Path analysis, structural equations and causal inference for biologists (PSCB03) This course will be delivered live <> --

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Time Series Analysis and Forecasting using R and Rstudio (TSAF01)

2024-12-11 Thread Oliver Hooker
live <> ONLINE COURSE – Bioacoustics Data Analysis using R (BIAC05) This course will be delivered live <> -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Machine Learning using Python (MLUP01)

2024-12-11 Thread Oliver Hooker
t; ONLINE COURSE – Bioacoustics Data Analysis using R (BIAC05) This course will be delivered live <> -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE - Movement Ecology Using R (MOVE06)

2024-12-11 Thread Oliver Hooker
ONLINE COURSE – Movement Ecology Using R(MOVE07) This course will be delivered live <> ONLINE COURSE – Bioacoustics Data Analysis using R (BIAC05) This course will be delivered live <

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Introduction to generalised linear models using R and Rstudio (IGLM08)

2024-12-16 Thread Oliver Hooker
excessive numbers of zero observations. Please email with any questions. -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE - Remote sensing data analysis and coding in R for ecology (RSDA01)

2024-12-16 Thread Oliver Hooker
changes of ecosystems with remote sensing data • be able to report in LaTeX and R Markdown the achieved results Please email with any questions. -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Species Distribution Modelling With Bayesian Statistics Using R (SDMB06)

2024-12-12 Thread Oliver Hooker
SE – Bioacoustics Data Analysis using R (BIAC05) This course will be delivered live <> -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Stable Isotope Mixing Models using SIBER, SIAR, MixSIAR (SIMM11)

2024-12-19 Thread Oliver Hooker
. -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Introduction To Mixed Models Using R And Rstudio (IMMR09)

2024-12-19 Thread Oliver Hooker
Bayesian approaches to multilevel levels using the brms R package. Please email with any questions. -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Time Series Analysis and Forecasting using R and Rstudio (TSAF01)

2025-01-21 Thread Oliver Hooker
tations of time series models and introduce extended models, such as ARCH, GARCH and stochastic volatility models, as well as Brownian motion and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. Please email with any questions. -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this li

Ecolog-L Machine Learning using Python (MLUP01)

2025-01-27 Thread Oliver Hooker
asic concepts behind Transfer learning; - Have the confidence to implement basic Machine vision methods using Python; - Have the confidence to combine basic computer vision and machine learning methods to perform vision tasks; Please email with any questions

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Tidyverse for Ecologists (TIDY01)

2025-01-28 Thread Oliver Hooker
rve as a base literature for this day  Section 10 (Hands-on project): Participants will work through a complete data science workflow, including data cleaning, transformation, visualisation, modelling, and communication of results. -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please

Ecolog-L Multivariate Analysis Of Ecological Communities Using R With The VEGAN package (VGNR07)

2025-01-16 Thread Oliver Hooker
ed live <> ONLINE COURSE – Bioacoustics Data Analysis using R (BIAC05) This course will be delivered live <> -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stat

Ecolog-L Stable Isotope Mixing Models using SIBER, SIAR, MixSIAR (SIMM11)

2025-01-16 Thread Oliver Hooker
cology Using R(MOVE07) This course will be delivered live <> ONLINE COURSE – Bioacoustics Data Analysis using R (BIAC05) This course will be delivered live <> -- O

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Introduction to generalised linear models using R and Rstudio (IGLM08)

2025-01-10 Thread Oliver Hooker
elivered live <> June ONLINE COURSE – Tidyverse for Ecologists and Evolutionary Biologists (TIDY01) This course will be delivered live <

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Community Analytics in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology for Beginners (CAFB01)

2025-01-10 Thread Oliver Hooker
ed live <> -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L PR stats have a January sale!

2025-01-01 Thread Oliver Hooker
PR stats have a January sale! Any bookings made during January on live courses or recorded courses qualify for a 20% discount, use discount code JAN25. Happy new year!! Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Introduction To Mixed Models Using R And Rstudio (IMMR09)

2025-01-15 Thread Oliver Hooker
verse-for-ecologists-and-evolutionary-biologists-tidy01-this-course-will-be-delivered-live/> -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Stable Isotope Mixing Models using SIBER, SIAR, MixSIAR (SIMM11)

2025-02-13 Thread Oliver Hooker
. -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L Visual Exploration, Analysis, and Presentation of Spatial Data using the ‘tmap’ Package (TMAP01) Martijn Tennekes

2025-02-19 Thread Oliver Hooker with any questions. -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE - Movement Ecology Using R (MOVE06)

2025-02-28 Thread Oliver Hooker
analyses to applied management problems and communicate the findings to non-experts. Please email with any questions Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE - Movement Ecology Using R (MOVE07)

2025-02-28 Thread Oliver Hooker
driven approach’, combining theory with computer-based practicals in R. We will also address the challenges of applying the results of the analyses to applied management problems and communicate the findings to non-experts. Please email with any questions Oliver Hook

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Stable Isotope Mixing Models using SIBER, SIAR, MixSIAR (SIMM11)

2025-03-11 Thread Oliver Hooker
. -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE - Visual Exploration, Analysis, and Presentation of Spatial Data using the ‘tmap’ Package (TMAP01)

2025-03-11 Thread Oliver Hooker
ations. - Extensibility of *tmap* Please email with any questions. -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L Multivariate Analysis Of Ecological Communities Using R With The VEGAN package (VGNR07)

2025-02-28 Thread Oliver Hooker
m with any questions. -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE - Movement Ecology Using R (MOVE07) Prof. Luca Borger and Prof. Garret Street

2025-03-13 Thread Oliver Hooker
ticals in R. We will also address the challenges of applying the results of the analyses to applied management problems and communicate the findings to non-experts. Please email with any questions -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please

Ecolog-L Multivariate Analysis Of Ecological Communities Using R With The VEGAN package (VGNR07)

2025-03-17 Thread Oliver Hooker with any questions. -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Stable Isotope Mixing Models using SIBER, SIAR, MixSIAR (SIMM11)

2025-03-20 Thread Oliver Hooker
table discussion: Bring your own data set. Please email with any questions. -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L Introduction To Mixed Models Using R And Rstudio (IMMR09)

2025-03-25 Thread Oliver Hooker
email with any questions. Please feel free to share among colleagues and friends -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L NEW ON DEMAND COURSE - Remote Sensing Data Analysis and Coding in R for Ecologists (RSDAPR)

2025-03-26 Thread Oliver Hooker with any questions. -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to

Ecolog-L Do you want to learn Bayesian Statistics at your own pace - check out on demand courses!

2025-03-27 Thread Oliver Hooker
<> Please email with any questions. Oliver -- Oliver Hooker PhD. PR stats To unsubscribe from this list please go to