ONLINE COURSE – Multivariate Analysis Of Ecological Communities Using R
With The VEGAN package (VGNR07)

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*31st - March - 4th April 2025*

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We encourage attendees to bring their own data, you will
receive opportunities to discuss your data with the instructor throughout
the course, if you would like guideline on how to organize your data
prior to the course please ask

This course is suitable for researchers (PhD and MSc students, post-docs,
primary investigators) and environmental professionals who are interested
in implementing best practices and state-of-the-art methods for modelling
species’ distributions or ecological niches, with applications to
biogeography, spatial ecology, biodiversity conservation and related

This 5-day course will cover R concepts, methods, and tools that can be
used to analyze community ecology data. The course will review data
processing techniques relevant to multivariate data sets. We will cover
diversity indices, distance measures and distance-based multivariate
methods, clustering, classification and ordination techniques using the R
package VEGAN. We will use real-world empirical data sets to motivate
analyses, such as describing patterns along gradients of environ-mental or
anthropogenic disturbances, and quantifying the effects of continuous and
discrete predictors. We will emphasise visualisation and reproducible
workflows as well as good programming practices. The modules will consist
of introductory lectures, guided computer coding, and participant
exercises. The course is intended for intermediate users of R who are
interested in community ecology, particularly in the areas of terrestrial
and wetland ecology, microbial ecology, and natural resource management.
You are strongly encouraged to use your own data sets (they should be clean
and already structured, see the document: “recommendation if you
participate with your data”.

*Classes will run from 08:00 – 13:00 for the morning lecture and 14:00 –
16:00 for the practical (UK time) with an evening time session tbc for US,
Canada etc. attendees. The course will be recorded and made available each
day and will remain available for 28 days after the course for you to
revisit any lectures.*

• Module 1: Introduction to community data analysis, basics of programming
in R
• Module 2: Diversity analysis, species-abundance distributions

• Module 3: Distance and transformation measures
• Module 4: Clustering and classification analysis

• Module 5: Unconstrained ordinations: Principal Component Analysis
• Module 6: Other unconstrained ordinations

• Module 7: Constrained ordinations: RDA and other canonical analysis
• Module 8: Statistical tests for multivariate data and variation

• Module 9: Overview of Spatial analysis, and recent Hierarchical Modeling
of Species Communities (HMSC) methods
• Modules 10: Special topics and discussion, analyzing participants’ data.

We also offer an introductory version of this course if you fell this is
too advanced

ONLINE COURSE – Community Analytics in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology for
Beginners (CAFB01)

Upcoming courses
ONLINE COURSE – Time Series Analysis and Forecasting using R and Rstudio
(TSAF01) This course will be delivered live
ONLINE COURSE – Machine Vision using Python (MVUP01) This course will be
delivered live
ONLINE COURSE – Machine Learning using Python (MLUP01) This course will be
delivered live
ONLINE COURSE – Species Distribution Modelling With Bayesian Statistics
Using R (SDMB06) This course will be delivered live
ONLINE COURSE – Remote sensing data analysis and coding in R for ecology
(RSDA01) This course will be delivered live
ONLINE COURSE – Introduction to generalised linear models using R and
Rstudio (IGLM08) This course will be delivered live
ONLINE COURSE – Introduction To Mixed Models Using R And Rstudio (IMMR09)
This course will be delivered live
ONLINE COURSE – Stable Isotope Mixing Models using SIBER, SIAR, MixSIAR
(SIMM11) This course will be delivered live
ONLINE COURSE – Multivariate Analysis Of Ecological Communities Using R
With The VEGAN package (VGNR07) This course will be delivered live
ONLINE COURSE – Movement Ecology Using R(MOVE07) This course will be
delivered live
ONLINE COURSE – Bioacoustics Data Analysis using R (BIAC05) This course
will be delivered live

Oliver Hooker PhD.
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