rest (including Apache httpd)
2. Test mdev for server deployments. (Dump udev.)
3. Test grsecurity / PaX-patched kernels and see how much other cruft can be eliminated without functional problems.
E.g., what if anything actually needs
ders a beer.
Rick MoenOrders 0 beers. Orders 9 beers. Orders a lizard. Orders -1 beers. Orders a sfdeljknesv.
McQ! (4x80) -- @sempf,
Dng maili
Quoting Jaromil (
> yes I recall your help facing that meshuggah guy aggressing me and the
> whole drama and the wikipedia cancelation and all that at the
> beginning of Devuan. and I really appreciated your words of
> encouragement, advice and experience :^)
You are entirely we
Quoting KatolaZ (
> I personally don't see the reason for such a reaction on your side
> Rick (BTW, welcome here :)), but I am sure I am missing something. I
> personally believe that all the work to avoid and contain systemd and
> other nonsense is valuable, independently of
Quoting KatolaZ (
> Wait :) First of all, I might have been unclear in the previous email,
> but I really appreciate your work, and that of others who are making
> an effort to contain systemd. So there is no reason to start a fight:
> that's not my intention at all, and woul
Quoting Steve Litt (
> Deeeude, that's not what you're saying over on SVLUG. I quote:
> * Far as I can tell, Devuan was a operatic overreaction, and by no means
> the most efficient way to deal with the problem.
> * "Nor did it merit a fork, IMO."
> * "Th
Quoting Steve Litt (
> In lieu of the apology I'll post links to the emails from which I took
> those quotes, so all interested can see their context in the email and
> in the thread:
Absolutely. I would really appreciate everyone seeing the full context
and noting the
Quoting Steve Litt (
> The only problem comes in when you express the opinion (and fair
> enough, you state it's your opinion) that forking Debian was whichever expression you want>, without adding the vital words "for my
> use case." Had you added those four words, the
Following up on 'DE doesn't let user shutdown/reboot'.
I wrote:
> I've heard of some DE glue not working if you lack PolKit and/or upower
> _by default_, but can't remember details. It was something like XFCE4's
> shutdown graphical controls didn't work until you retofit optional
> package blah
g into the prolonged emails that compose it :D
Well, I'm glad of that, anyway, too.
Cheers, He's making a database;
Rick Moen He's sorting it twice. SELECT * from contacts WHERE behavior = 'ni
Quoting KatolaZ (
> Look Rick, Devuan is exactly trying to do this, in a consistent and
> comprehensive way, well before it will be too late.
Exactly! I'm not only well aware of this, but mention it with approval
on my OpenRC conversion Web page.
> I think I know very well
Quoting Jaromil (
> dear Rick I did not expect you to use 'shutdown -h now'!
> the real old school thing is 'init 0' (or 'init 6' for reboot) :^)
Techically, I believe that's supposed to be 'telinit'. ;->
[init system coupling General Resolution:]
> I believe this is the bes
Quoting Harald Arnesen (
> Rick Moen [2016-07-14 11:24]:
> > [1] 'litte-datamashin' is my laptop (hostname means 'little computer' in
> > Norwegian).
> Sorry, no. In Norwegian, that would be 'liten datamaskin'.
Quoting Rick Moen (
> I know. The 'h' was a typo -- and I spotted it with considerable chagrin
> just after posting. (I was far too tired.)
But the 'litte' was a genuine blunder from someone who is learning norsk
as a third languag
ly like another fantasy apocalpse, like the fellow
upthread who was burbling about a future systemd dependency in GNU libc.
Caution about CADTware is laudable, but -- seriously: GNU screen and
tmux? I really don't think so.
> I really hope Devuan will be proven wrong by a stro
Quoting Simon Hobson (
> libsystemd0] is "part" of systemd, and I assume systemd won't work without it.
Question: What does it do _without_ systemd?
I think you know the answer. Nothing at all. Rein du tout. But, as I
said on my Web page, if worried about that, just m
Quoting Simon Hobson (
> You didn't read what I wrote did you ?
I most certainly did. And I make no apologies for mildly mocking you
for speaking about a 'trojan', as that was patently ridiculous, and you
know it.
> It may be "inert" now - well actually it isn't complete
Quoting dev (
> Sure, why not?
1. I notice you curiously dropped off the mailing list into private
mail. Sorry, I wasn't really interested in a private discussion.
2. I notice you weren't interested in that wager.
So, just rhetorical overload, as expected.
> Glibc is ju
I'm sorry, it's the middle of the night here, and I shouldn't be
responding to mail. I didn't notice that the private copy was a _Cc_,
and otherwise would not have spoken in that tone.
As is the way of such things, I realised my error a split-second after
the Send command.
Quoting Simon Hobson (
> Rick Moen wrote:
> > 'Doing' something that is functionally indistinguishable from doing
> > nothing. And a '000' rights mask would be fully effective paranoia
> > insurance.
> Presen
Quoting Simon Walter (
> I want to give a little bit of constructive criticism.
> "A fool is known by a multitude of words." That is not to say you
> are fool. I don't know you. However, everyone is pretty busy. So if
> you want to express something accurately, minimize verbia
Quoting Steve Litt (
> I'd suggest the display manager we use not be part of a window manager
> or desktop environment. With all the things that have been going on in
> the Linux world the past couple years, I prefer my parts independent
> unless I'm using the whole pack
Quoting Steve Litt (
> Due to my needs, my situation, my beliefs, and my skillset, an OS from
> the Debian project doesn't work for me. I've said why about 15 times on
> two mailing lists. For *me*, what works is the Devuan fork. So for me,
> the situation merited a for
Quoting Hendrik Boom (
> Whether he uses Devuan in a virtual machine is not directly relevant
> to me. I appreciate that when he's tinkering with the innards of a
> distro it may be vastly convenient to do it in a virtual machine
> rather than bare metal, expecially if thi
Quoting aitor_czr (
> On 07/16/2016 10:15 PM, Rick Moen wrote:
> >Iron-clad proof that Bill Gates owns Fort Knox. ;->
> Linuxmafia ??
I did get a very bemused mail from the main organiser of Linux Silicia,
because of the domain name. (It does hav
Sorry about typo.
> I did get a very bemused mail from the main organiser of Linux Silicia,
> because of the domain name.^^^
Sicilia, even.
Dng mailing list
Quoting Simon Hobson (
> That's the point - I never suggested it didn't. But it doesn't work
> for me - as in that's not a route I'm happy taking in order to deal
> with it.
I wouldn't dream of arguing against people's likes.
> Thank you for that link, I was aware of the
Quoting Rainer Weikusat (
> The purpose of libsystemd0 is to enable packages whose code has been
> 'enhanced' with spurious systemd depedencies to work on systemd-less
> systems. That's absolutely not harmless.
Your implied concept of 'purpose' is IMO a bit problematically
Quoting Dragan FOSS (
> >The purpose of libsystemd0 is to enable packages whose code has been
> >'enhanced' with spurious systemd depedencies to work on systemd-less
> >systems. That's absolutely not harmless.
> So, why not remove it? ;>
> TRIOS == excellence in simplicity
Quoting aitor_czr (
> The substitute for MySQL is MariaDB :)
What you said. ;-> MariaDB is a 100% compatible workalike
(binary drop-in replacement).
I'm personally also very fond of Drizzle, a cleaned-up,
nd answering
source code. (I won't bother, because I really have no interest at all
in GNOME, and prefer to avoid it.)
GNOME is a brittle dependency hairball. Surely that fact is clear, if
nothing else is.
Cheers, « On donne des conse
rally speaking anyone
with physical console access can force reboot one way or another anyway.
Cheers, « On donne des conseils, mais on ne
Rick Moendonne point la sagesse d'en profiter. »
and pronounced our security design 'sneaky' (meaning this as a
Cheers, « On donne des conseils, mais on ne
Rick Moendonne point la sagesse d'en profiter. »
Quoting Arnt Gulbrandsen (
> Simon Walter writes:
>> Oh the insolence. Amazing. "You're holding it wrong" comes to
>> mind. There is this guy named Lennart who might agree with you.
> Quite likely he might, he's not stupid after all. And I agree too:
> Multiseat is
Quoting Simon Hobson (
> Rick Moen wrote:
> > That doesn't logically follow. My guesstimate is that some GNOME
> > plumbing is checking for some library function before it offers
> > the user 'removable drives [...] on the desk
Quoting Simon Walter (
> >I have to confess that I personally didn't understand how multiseat
> >differs from multiuser on Linux until quite recently. Pro bono publico:
> >It concerns simultaneous _local_ users.
> Does that include serial devices?
Excellent question. I am
Quoting Tomasz Torcz (
> So it would be sensible to ask for root password IF there are other
> (remote) users logged in. If there is no one logged in, shutdown/reboot
> should be possible without entering root password.
You speak as if the consequences of host shutdown (or
Quoting Steve Litt (
> Where does Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP,
> fit into this discussion?
It fits logically into the 'effective use of autonomous host w/console
stations having the independent local processing ability that mere
consoles la
Quoting Simon Hobson (
> Rick Moen wrote:
> > Remember that bit I posted about how /usr/bin/ssh makes dynamic library
> > calls to sonames of two Kerberos libraries, even on the overwhelming
> > majority of systems that do not implement Kerber
Quoting fsmithred (
> Rick, I don't understand your reasoning here. What I see is that gvfs
> can do something when the real libsystemd0 is installed that it can't
> do without libsystemd0 - that is, it shows removable drives on the
> desktop. The presence of systemd itself i
Quoting Steve Litt (
> On Tue, 19 Jul 2016 10:08:01 -0700
> Rick Moen wrote:
> > It fits logically into the 'effective use of autonomous host w/console
> > stations having the independent local processing ability that mere
> > co
Quoting Steve Litt (
> OK, I think I see. I was assuming that there's no graphical terminal
> cheaper than a cheap commodity computer with mobo. To the extent that
> there are graphical terminals cheaper than commodity computers, it
> makes sense.
Yeah, well, you put yo
Quoting fsmithred (
> Yeah, I know there's a lot of gnome in xfce, and gnome virtual file
> system does sound familiar. Happily, I've been getting along fine
> without gvfs since upgrading to devuan jessie about six months ago.
> I'm ok with xfce like this, and I'm ok with a p
Quoting Steve Litt (
> I have two reasons someone (not me, but somebody) would prefer to start
> up in a GUI:
> 1) Some members of my family consider it an immense challenge to have
>to remember to input their username and password at the console,
>recognize t
Quoting Arnt Gulbrandsen (
> Reminds me of the story about the airline captain who took the mike
> to apologise to the passengers for a delay: "I was held up in the
> security control, they were worried that I might seize control of
> the airplane."
Funny that you should
Quoting Simon Hobson (
> Rick Moen wrote:
> > This is a bit silly
> TBH, I'm finding most of your argument a bit silly too. So we might as well
> drop it
Works for me!
Dng mailing lis
Quoting fsmithred (
> Oh, you must have missed my last report. Surely, you would agree that
> executing an executable file is doing something.
No, I didn't miss that. libsystemd0 didn't do anything, by your own
account. By said account, some piece of GNOME infrastructure to
Quoting Didier Kryn (
> In any case, any person who has the possibility to push the
> power button or cut the power cord should be given the opportunity
> to click the halt button instead. ctrl-alt-f1+ctrl-alt-del can be
> used to reboot, but there's nothing to halt.
Halt is accom
Quoting Arnt Gulbrandsen (
> Rick Moen writes:
> >Funny that you should mention that: You might actually have seen that
> >tale as related by _me_ on Risks Digest.
> The substance is similar but the wording unfamiliar. Could it
> possibly
Quoting Adam Borowski (
> An orderly shutdown is better than an unclean one, thus any display
> manager that forbids local users to shutdown is buggy.
Let me tell you a metaphor, to sneak up on why it's not that simple.
I have a sign at the entrance to my garden. For contex
s a very appropriately
cautious one.
Cheers, Luftputebåten min er full av ål.
Rick Moen
McQ! (4x80)
Dng mailing list
Cheers, Luftputebåten min er full av ål.
Rick Moen
McQ! (4x80)
Dng mailing list
Quoting Steve Litt (
> Rick Moen wrote:
> > That's what it's like to be among the lucky 10,000!
> >
> For the past 25 years, I shake my head in amazement at the profound
> stupidity of myself at an ag
Cheers, "On American pronunciation: You say erbs and we
Rick Moensay herbs. Because, you know, there's an H in it." -- Eddie Izzard
McQ! (4x80)
utiliser la belle langue.)
Cheers, « On donne des conseils, mais on ne
Rick Moendonne point la sagesse d'en profiter. » -- La Rochefoucauld
McQ! (4x80)
t terminal support in _two_ places.
Merci à Dieu pour UTF-8. ;-> (Mon passeport américain peut être annulé
pour le dire.)
Cheers, « On donne des conseils, mais on ne
Rick Moendonne point la sagesse
net, peu importe où je suis,
Cheers,"Why struggle to open a door between us,
Rick Moen when the whole wall is an illusion?"
Quoting Arnt Karlsen (
> ..bytt ut "inn" med "på", rett oversatt skal dette være:
> "Jeg kan også skrive på mitt tredje språk." ;o)
I'm learning, though, and I thank you. ;->
Dng mailing list
being substantially worse in
the meantime than the Kerberos5 libraries also hauled in by overbroad
package dependencies but likewise doing nothing at all. Frankly, I
consider udev more significant by a country mile -- or, make that a
country kilometre, since we're now living in the 21st Century.
Cheers, Luftputebåten min er full av ål.
Rick Moen
McQ! (4x80)
Dng mailing list
Quoting Didier Kryn (
> Don't remember which package depends on some libkerberos5.
> Assuming it's openssh or some component of pam.
Package openssh-client.
$ ldd $(which ssh) => (0xb76ec000) => /lib/i686/cmov/ (0xb767
Quoting Didier Kryn (
> Would it make any sense to have systemd with no application
> talking to it?
Someone (not me, but someone) might want it as an init system. ;->
(Infamously, the thing aspires to be many more things, but somewhere
inside that mess there _is_ an init system:
Quoting Didier Kryn (
> Here, AFAIU, systemd is different, it requires daemons to
> communicate with it using its own library, so that it forces itself
> into all the daemons.
I am reasonably confident that systemd in its role as an init can start
and stop services that have no dep
Quoting Rainer Weikusat (
> I didn't expect you to stop the attempt to get a 'religious angle' into
> this just because I pointed out that your interpretation was completely
> wrong.
I honestly don't understand the hostility, Rainier: It seems like
anything I say you int
Quoting Rainer Weikusat (
> To re-iterate this:
[more very strangely worded, difficult-to-parse prose, seemingly alleging
that library libsystemd0 can be used to insert 'calls' into unrelated
applications -- which assertion in my view does not seem correct, if I
am parsin
Quoting Simon Hobson (
> I think what he means, is that it allows devs/packagers to insert
> these calls and still have something that runs when systemd itself
> isn't installed. Not that the lib itself installs such calls.
First, thanks. (I seriously wasn't trying to ign
Quoting Simon Hobson (
> Thanks, a bit heavy going for me at this time in the morning !
Well, if you want to learn the subject, there's an irreducible minimum
of complexity, you know, but it was mostly a citation I gave as an
accuracy cross-check on my ultra-quick extempor
ensemble. But as
Prince Orlovsky said in 'Die Fledermaus', Chacun à son goût: )
Cheers, "My opinions may have changed,
Rick Moen but no
ly ignore the
former because of vastly excessive traffic -- but have no connection to
the project. I just use some of its software.)
Cheers, "My life has a superb cast,
Rick Moen
Quoting Simon Hobson (
> And you've gone on to keep extrapolating that "that's all a library does".
No, that's all that _this_ library does. And, no, I did not
'extrapolate' anything. If you think so, you didn't read what I wrote
correctly, and ought to fix that.
Quoting Go Linux (
> This is a must read on the politics and votes that ensured a systemd future
> for debian:
To my astonishment and pleasure, I found this well argued, reasonable,
and a good effort to cast light on a com
Quoting dev (
> On 07/26/2016 04:26 AM, Rick Moen wrote:
> >libsystemd0's status as a bundle of interface code that does nothing in
> >the absence of systemd is not because it's a library -- obviously -- but
> >rather because all it _con
Quoting Rainer Weikusat (
> Rick Moen writes:
> > Quoting Rainer Weikusat (
> >
> >> To re-iterate this:
> >
> > [more very strangely worded, difficult-to-parse prose, seemingly alleging
> > that librar
[I made an overdue Subject header change.]
Quoting fsmithred (
> I did try both of those, and we clearly have different tastes. My first
> impressions of LXQt are that it's as pretty as IceWM (pretty ugly) at
> twice the ram, but at least it has graphical configuration tools
Quoting Simon Walter (
> On 07/27/2016 01:56 AM, Rick Moen wrote:
> >Quoting Go Linux (
> >
> >>This is a must read on the politics and votes that ensured a systemd future
> >>for debian:
> >>
Quoting Steve Litt (
> I maintain that, for practical purposes, the preceding quote from dasein
> is completely true and not at all loose or rhetorical excess. Let's
> replace "init system" with "wheel" and "systemd" with "a car":
Your vocabulary word for the day: 'Syn
Quoting Simon Walter (
> What I don't like is tight coupling.
I'm with you on that. This is why I see the problem as being pretty
much the entire 'stack', e.g., upower, udisks2, D-Bus,
udev, and all the rest -- not just systemd. I see all of them as being
Quoting Brian Nash (
> Is this the way I am supposed to do it?
Your MUA (mail user agent = e-mail client), even if it's only GMail's
webmail interface, has _two_ distinct reply modes: reply-sender and
o Use reply-all for normal public replies on mailing lists.
Quoting Hendrik Boom (
> Once again, it is a matter of trust, not technical content. Do you
> trust the maintainers of libsystemd0 not to entangle it with unwanted
> systemd-isms? You evidently do. Rainer does not.
I'm certainly willing to consider the possibility tha
Quoting dev (
> On systems where security and stability are important, needless
> dependencies and pointless software expose a broader attack surface.
Generically, yes.
I definitely always appreciate having less unwanted code on my system,
particularly code that ever runs wit
Quoting Simon Hobson (
> And won't you then find that all those packages with gratuitous
> libsystemd0 dependencies will stop working ?
I have a better question: Is there something about empiricism that many
people on this mailing list cannot cope with?
Back when I had n
do, Ohio
Rick Moen Is like being nowhere at all. All through the day as the hours rush by You sit in the park and you watch the grass die.
Dng mailing list
Quoting Arnt Karlsen (
> your tests now, do you still get the same results
> now, as back then when you first checked?
root@mini:/tmp# cd /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
root@mini:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu# chmod 000
root@mini:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu# rc-se
Quoting Simon Hobson (
> I too did some checking. From practical experience, one of the ClamAV
> packages (IIRC it's clamd) has a hard dependency on libsystemd0. Using
> dpkg --force-depends to install only that package without having
> libsystemd0 installed results in ...
Quoting Simon Hobson (
> OK, to start with, "sysadmin" is only a small part of ${dayjob} - so
> many things which full time admins may consider "simple" are not thing
> that I've ever had the time (and generally need) to deal with. I've
> never claimed to be a particularly
Quoting Rob Owens (
> I would have to say no. I was on debian-user, and saw no poll. There was
> a lot of discussion, and the anti-systemd folks were largely ignored or
> told "go away, you're bothering us". I subscribed to debian-devel to
> monitor and discuss the situati
Quoting Rowland Penny (
> It is a very stupid organisation that doesn't listen to its users,
> you can make the best thing in the world (and systemd certainly
> isn't that), but if a lot of your users don't want it, you are in
> trouble.
And this is because all 'organisati
Quoting Edward Bartolo (
> The above quote clearly contradicts the scope of Debian Social Contract.
> Item no: 4 is in contradiction of what you are claiming.
> Quote from Debian Social Contract:
> <<
> Our priorities are our
Quoting Adam Borowski (
> I'd propose giving them some gasoline to burn systemd-shim with. It's a
> tool to run *drumroll* systemd on a system not yet running it as pid 1.
Um, no.
systemd-shim is/was a third-party Canonical, Ltd. (now apparently orphaned)
Quoting Hendrik Boom (
> Though I suspect no one is going to give you the car you'd like, the
> devuan developers are solving _his_ problems for him. The fork is
> going to help some people. I suspect there are enough of these people
> to make the fork worthwhile. Of
Quoting info at (
> I am a sysadmin myself and why in hell would i like to rebuild local
> packages?
One of my worst and most annoying habits is to give reasoned and useful
answers to rhetorical questions. So:
You might decide to rebuild a local pac
Quoting Steve Litt (
> > Who's the Tory of the Blind Man and the Elephant? Theresa May? ;->
Quoted to remind people that I never learned who this mysterious
Conservative Party MP is. Curious Minds Want to Know.[tm]
> Which brings us full circle. Simon doesn't want t
Quoting Simon Hobson (
> So when someone states that "it's just a library, it doesn't do
> anything" then that needs taking with a pinch of salt because once
> anything calls one of it's functions, then that library can do lots of
> stuff.
On the other hand, when the perso
Quoting Marlon Nunes (
> 12 points about why its bad.
I like this a lot because it's concise, very clear, and non-ranty.
Actually, I've been looking for a while for a single-stop place to refer
people to, and can't recal
Quoting Steve Litt (
> True story. As one of ten founders of a LUG in 1999, and
> concerned about some future "evil group" "kidnapping" the LUG, I
> convinced everyone to put a very difficult quorum requirement into the
> constitution. Everyone was excited about the new
Quoting Edward Bartolo (
> Rich Meon wrote:
Seriously, now? Isn't this just a bit childish?
> For a "process-person" to claim publishing a manifesto (Debian Social
> Contract) and then, unexpectedly, stressing "They do what they think
> is best, and claim it best meets the ne
Quoting Go Linux (
> Here's another one:
Yes, I know that one and think it's OK, but it's a great deal longer and
is metadiscussion. Not the same category of piece at all.
I appreciate the UbuntuBSD p
Quoting info at (
> On 29-07-16 01:43, Rick Moen wrote:
> >Quoting info at (
> >
> >>I am a sysadmin myself and why in hell would i like to rebuild local
> >>packag
Quoting Simon Walter (
> Rick, that's exactly what I was talking about. You might be well
> intentioned, but in so many words you are saying that you disagree
> with a fork of Debian.
Um, excuse me, but I didn't say that.
> If you really think Devuan is wrong, then flight it ha
Quoting Steve Litt (
> In all fairness to Rick, he was making his statements on SVLUG, and
> then, on DNG, *I* referenced the SVLUG archive of the SVLUG discussion,
> and only then did he repeat his assertions here.
And my assertions stated that I like Devuan and apprec
Quoting Edward Bartolo (
> Nuances?! If it is a subtle difference, it can usually be ignored. Are
> you trying to impress me? If that is the case, I am well past the age
> of surprise.
You're right, my mistake. That wasn't a nuance. You actually missed
the _entirety_ of what I
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