Quoting Rainer Weikusat (rweiku...@talktalk.net):

> I didn't expect you to stop the attempt to get a 'religious angle' into
> this just because I pointed out that your interpretation was completely
> wrong.
I honestly don't understand the hostility, Rainier:   It seems like
anything I say you interpret as bad faith, where I was merely expressing
a preference for specifics and distrusting abstract discussion of
'purposes' in a discussion of software mechanics.  If I've erred, you
are certainly welcome to explain where.  And, if I failed to comprehend and
do justice to your thoughts, which is quite possible, I apologise:  I'm
entirely too fallible, and often caffeine-deficient.

Other that to stress those things, and express my regret for my own
failings and for this having not been a better sub-thread, I see no
point in continuing discussion.  Perhaps some other, future discussion
will go better.

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