Evening all
I've just moved a really old django project of ours over to a new
machine, newer python, and newer mysql.
I'm using a mentally old version of django, revision 5783.
The move has gone tickety boo, we're using nginx instead of lighttpd
as well.
The only oddity I've got is that in the
Quick question, I think I know the answer I just want someone to
We've got alot of apps in our project that use generic views. One of
which is a noticeboarad app.
I don't want to have a summary field in this app, but want to use
generic views, but want to use generic views in the other
Ignore me
generic views have nothing to do with fields
my bad
On Jul 4, 12:34 pm, vanderkerkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Quick question, I think I know the answer I just want someone to
> confirm.
> We've got alot of apps in our project that use generic view
Hello everyone, using newest django trunk as of today
I've written a save overide in my models file to textile the entries,
here's the bit of that code I'm having trouble with.
def __unicode__(self):
return self.title
def save(self):
if self.summary:
Thanks Kpoh
There's a misleading piecve of documentation in there about
I've reported a ticket to trac to fix it.
On Aug 1, 10:43 am, KpoH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> check this outhttp://www.djangoproject.com/documentat
I found it
One of our developers had created a file called
latestnews_description.html in the feeds folder.
This was outputting the body.
I've now added description_template into all the feeds and either used
a generic {{ obj.body_html }} or some other type of output depending
on the nature of
hello everyone.
I'm using a manipulator in an applications view file.
class RegistrationManipulator(AuthenticationForm):
def __init__(self, request):
AuthenticationForm.__init__(self, request)
self.fields = (
Hello everyone
I was wondering if anyone in this group had built a django powered
site in the welsh language, that is, with Welsh Language content and
using Django's built in Welsh Admin backend?
I'd be really interested in starting up a conversation.
if you set lang_code to cy in settings.py the labels in the admin ar
ein welsh, home is adref etc etc
On Aug 29, 8:36 am, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 29-Aug-07, at 12:58 PM, vanderkerkoff wrote:
> > I was wondering if anyone in this group had buil
Is it possible to set the content type using runserver in development
in the same way you'd set lighttpd to use utf-8 as described below?
mimetype.assign = (
".css"=> "text/css; charset=utf-8",
".gif"=> "image/gif",
".htm"=> "text/html; charset=utf-8",
Has anyone experienced any problems with getting IE browsers to
recognize that they should be using the default_charset when entering
data into forms in the admin site?
I'm having a hell of a time of it, all unicode, new trunk, front end
running of lighttpd, all set to utf8, database utf8, no pro
Hello everyone, pretty new to this stuff so please bear with me.
I've written a simple bit of python in my mytags directory to output
our aggregated feeds form our feedjack application that we built last
def rssfeeds(request, slag):
import feedparser
if slag == 'researchnew
Hello everyone
We're having a similar issue, still trying to debug it now.
We don't have a form on the page where the issue is, but there is a
slight difference in error message. We get the same as Jon but hsi
line is also in there.
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/core/serv
Hello there
I"m sure this question has been answered before but I just can't find
it, apologies.
We've got a django 1.1.2 site and I need to secure some sections of
the frontend, and use the users and groups model in the backend as the
database to provide authentication.
I really don't know wher
> You could add some extra permissions to your models too if you need
> them:https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/ref/models/options/#permissions
> Kind regards
> Phil
> On 30/03/2012 10:28, vanderkerkoff wrote:
Sorry everyone, but this is driving me crazy
(r'^accounts/login/$', 'django.contrib.auth.views.login'),
if pg.registration_required and not request.user.is_authenticated():
return HttpResponseRedirect('/accounts/login/?next=%s'
I wonder if someone can help me here
We've been using cron to run an update script that looks in our django
commmunity pages(aggy), pulls out Feeds and creates feeditems.
Here's what an example of the cron file looks like
17 13 * * * /var/www/django/django_projects/scripts/computing_feeds.sh
That dist-packages folder has the fact.pth file in it, as well as all
the other python modules that are working correctly.
Thanks for trying though, I will find the problem, eventually :-)
On Sep 1, 2:00 pm, Reinout van Rees wrote:
> On 01-09-11 14:42, v
t variable
On a working machine that uses site-packages and exactly the same
fact.pth file, I don't get that error
On Sep 1, 2:22 pm, Reinout van Rees wrote:
> On 01-09-11 15:11, vanderkerkoff wrote:
> > Thanks for trying though, I w
right, the plot thickens, but I don't think it's django or python
ps aux | grep cron shows it running, but this does not work
03 15 * * * /bin/echo "foobar" >> /home/user/wanker
so cron isn't running the jobs, it is running though
Nearly there :-)
got it, f7*&*%678^&*&&*& bast987^&^&**
Thanks Reinout
On Sep 1, 3:05 pm, vanderkerkoff wrote:
> right, the plot thickens, but I don't think it's django or python
> related
> ps aux | grep cron
Hello everyone
I've done some initial digging and found some solutions that I can't
seem to get working for a variety of reasons, thought I'd ask here.
We've got an external assets server that spews out html. I need to
load up that html in the base.html template.
Something like
{% render_html
Thanks Tom
I went for option 2. Here's what I've done so far, works ok at the
moment, will need some tidying up and caching.
geturl.py in my mytags/templatetags folder
from django import template
from django.template import Library, Node
register = Library()
class GetUrlNode(Node):
Hello there.
We're running a 1.1 django application and have run into a bit of a problem.
Recently our organisation decided to change its email addresses.
Moving from myn...@domain.com, to firstname.secondn...@domain.com
I've just tried adding a user to the site and I'm bumping up against an
Hello there.
I need to use parts of the URL to calculate some thing inside my form.
Here's a stripped down version, I can't seem to get it to give me
anything other than none for self.request :-(
class EventBookForm(ModelForm):
title = CharField()
firstname = CharField()
Thanks Daniel
I told you I was doing something stupid :-)
On Aug 2, 5:22 pm, Daniel Roseman wrote:
> The problem isn't in the code you've posted, but in how you instantiate the
> form in your view. You need to actually pass in 'request' as a keyword
> argument.
> --
> DR.
You received
Hello there
I've got an event model, which has an association with multiple
class Event(models.Model):
workshops = models.ManyToManyField(Workshop,
related_name='evt_workshop', limit_choices_to = {'lang_code__in':
('B', 'E')}, blank=True, null=True)
I've got a form that I the
Hello there
I'm trying to make this as easy as possible, but it's pretty
Here's my form
class EventBookForm(ModelForm):
"""A form for governors to email to govwales with details of which
events they wish to attend"""
title = CharField()
firstname = CharField(
Hi Guys
I've gone a long way to upgrade an application we wrote in ages ago in
really old django to new django, I've got stuck some way into it
though. Front end all sorted, I can fire up the app so the admin.py
stuff is all working, but when I click on anything inside the admin,
for this example
I had the old admin line still in the urls file beneath the new one,
it was twistin the melons :-)
I've deleted the old line and all is well.
On Feb 6, 1:38 pm, vanderkerkoff wrote:
> Hi Guys
> I've gone a long way to upgrade an application we wrote in ages ago in
Hello everyone
I'm trying to upload a file in a project, the app is called Documents,
here's the admin.py
from django.contrib import admin
from governors.documents.models import Document
import datetime
class DocumentAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
fields = ('title','slug','the_file','lang_code
Hi Karen
Thanks for getting back
Here's the model def
On Feb 6, 3:33 pm, Karen Tracey wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 9:50 AM, vanderkerkoff wrote:
> > I'm trying to upload a file in a project, the app is called Documents,
> > here'
Hiya both
I'm outputting all the data types I'm saving now in a save in the
admin.py, they're all strings :-(
I'm going to kick myself when I find it
On Feb 6, 4:11 pm, vanderkerkoff wrote:
> Hi Karen
> Thanks for getting back
> Here's the model
brand new mac install if that's anything to go by
thanks for helping, it is really appreciated
On Feb 6, 4:39 pm, Karen Tracey wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 11:11 AM, vanderkerkoff wrote:
> > Hi Karen
> > Thanks for getting back
> > Here's the model def
he same method above to grab templates, and that works ok
at least we got it sorted
thanks again
On Feb 6, 5:16 pm, vanderkerkoff wrote:
> Hi Karen
> I promise you I'm changing the code that I'm displaying, I've been
> updating the app all day, just tying off
Thanks again Karen
On Feb 6, 6:06 pm, Karen Tracey wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 12:45 PM, vanderkerkoff wrote:
> > I got it :-)
> > import os
> > PROJECT_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
> > # MEDIA_ROOT = (
> > # o
I've got a document model
class Document(models.Model):
('B', 'Both'),
('E', 'English'),
('C', 'Cymraeg'),
title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
slug = models.SlugField(max_length=100,
had been moved into
admin.py, obviously not :-)
On Feb 11, 8:04 am, vanderkerkoff wrote:
> django1.2.4
> I've got a document model
> class Document(models.Model):
> ('B', 'Both'),
Hi everyone
This is completely driving me crazy :-)
I've installed(reinstalled many times) mysql5.5.9 from source,
followed this guys instructions
Then downloaded and installed django1.2.4 from source
Then down
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