Hello there

I'm trying to make this as easy as possible, but it's pretty

Here's my form

class EventBookForm(ModelForm):
        """A form for governors to email to govwales with details of which
events they wish to attend"""
        title = CharField()
        firstname = CharField()
        surname = CharField()
        address = CharField(widget=Textarea(attrs={'rows': 5, 'cols': 80}))
        postcode = CharField()
        telephone = CharField()
        email = EmailField()
        govtype = Field(widget=Select(choices=GOVTYPELIST))
        schoolname = CharField(widget=Textarea(attrs={'rows': 2, 'cols':
        authority = CharField()
        workshops = MultipleChoiceField()
        requirements = CharField(widget=Textarea(attrs={'rows': 5, 'cols':

        class Meta:
                model = Event

        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                super(EventBookForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
                workshop_choices = []
                data = Workshop.objects.filter(evt_workshop='80')
                print data
                for d in data:
choices=workshop_choices, required=False)

As you can see I've hard coded the id of the event into this section

data = Workshop.objects.filter(evt_workshop='80')

If I could pass the request object into the form, or the event ID
itself,I could get at the right data for the workshop_choices list.

Here's the view

Note that I still haven't worked out how I send only the selected/
ticked multiple items yet

def event_book(request,edate, eslug):
        if request.method == 'POST':
                form = EventBookForm(request.POST)
                if form.is_valid():
                        the_rufurl = request.META['HTTP_REFERER']
                        the_url = request.META['HTTP_REFERER'].split('/')
                        eventdate = "%s-%s-%s" % (the_url[5], the_url[6], 
                        eventslug = the_url[8]
                        eventdetails = 
                        for d in eventdetails:
                                eventid = d.id
                                eventtitle = d.title
                                print "event title" + eventtitle
                                eventdate = d.start_date
                                eventstarttime = d.start_time
                                eventendtime = d.end_time
                                eventvenue = d.venue
                        workshops = Workshop.objects.filter(evt_workshop=d.id)
                        workshoptitlearray = ''
                        for w in workshops:
                                workshoptitle = w.title
                                workshoptitlearray = workshoptitlearray + ', ' 
+ w.title
                        to = 
                        subject = 'Event Booking Form'
                        from_email = 'cont...@governorswales.org.uk'
                        cleaned_data = form.cleaned_data
                        print cleaned_data['workshop']
                        htmllinksuggestion = 'Title: ' + cleaned_data['title'] 
+ '<br />'
                        htmllinksuggestion += 'First Name: ' + 
cleaned_data['firstname'] +
'<br />'
                        htmllinksuggestion += 'Surname: ' + 
cleaned_data['surname'] + '<br /
                        htmllinksuggestion += 'Address: ' + 
cleaned_data['address'] + '<br /
                        htmllinksuggestion += 'Post Code: ' + 
cleaned_data['postcode'] +
'<br />'
                        htmllinksuggestion += 'Telephone Number: ' +
cleaned_data['telephone'] + '<br />'
                        htmllinksuggestion += 'Email Address: ' + 
cleaned_data['email'] +
'<br />'
                        htmllinksuggestion += 'Type of Governor: ' +
cleaned_data['govtype'] + '<br />'
                        htmllinksuggestion += 'Name of School: ' +
cleaned_data['schoolname'] + '<br />'
                        htmllinksuggestion += 'Authority: ' + 
cleaned_data['authority'] +
'<br />'
                        htmllinksuggestion += 'Event Title: ' + str(eventtitle) 
+ '<br />'
                        htmllinksuggestion += 'Event Date: ' + str(eventdate) + 
'<br />'
                        htmllinksuggestion += 'Workshops Selected: ' +
str(workshoptitlearray) + '<br />'
                        htmllinksuggestion += 'Requirements: ' +
cleaned_data['requirements'] + '<br />'
                        html_content = htmllinksuggestion
                        text_content = ''
                        msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, 
from_email, to,
headers = {'Reply-To': 'mjdav...@creativebeans.co.uk'})
                        msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")
                form = EventBookForm()
        the_refurl = request.META['HTTP_REFERER']
        the_url = request.META['HTTP_REFERER'].split('/')
        if the_url[3] == 'events':
                ventdate = the_url[4] + '-' + the_url[5] + '-' + the_url[6]
                ventslug = the_url[7]
                ventdate = "%s-%s-%s" % (the_url[5], the_url[6], the_url[7])
                ventslug = the_url[8]
        eventdate = "%s-%s-%s" % (the_url[5], the_url[6], the_url[7])
        eventdetail = Event.objects.filter(slug=ventslug,start_date=ventdate)
        for d in eventdetail:
                workshopid = d.id
        workshop = Workshop.objects.filter(evt_workshop=workshopid)
        cats = formextra.objects.all()
        context = Context({'form': form, 'cats': cats, 'eventdetail':
eventdetail, 'workshop': workshop })
        return render_to_response('forms/eventbookform.html', context,

Any help would be gratefully received.

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